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Think of Sai Baba Always

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Think of Sai Baba Always

By Sri Radhakrishna Swamiji



It is my joy in life to find

At every turning of the road

The strong arm of a comrade kind to help me onward with my load.

And since I have no gold to give,

And love alone must make amends,

My only prayer is, while I live -God make me worthy of my friends.

- Frank Dempster Sherman


Sai Baba is nearer to those who practice in their everyday life, what

he wants to be done, than to those who merely say 'Baba' 'Baba'

without practicing. What does Baba expect his devotees to do?

Shraddha, Bhakti, constant remembrance, an attitude of humble and

total surrender and propagating his message to all as His instrument.

Lord Krishna says in the Gita that none is dear to Him than he, who

propagates his immortal teachings to others.


Man is a mixture of animal, human and divine qualities. Namasmaran is

a tapasya which is a process of eliminating the grosser qualities

from the mind till it becomes pure and divine. Human life itself is a

tapasya or life of tapasya from beginning to end. A person who has

not entered this region of tapasya is no better than a corpse.

Sankaracharya says, the undisciplined mind is like a naturally

restless monkey made worse by taking intoxicating liquor.


Life is short and uncertain. None can say when the call will come. So

it will be unwise to put off sadhana. God gives us various

opportunities for fulfilling His will. If we conduct ourselves in

such a way that when the time comes for us to shuffle off this mortal

coil and stand before Baba he can take us in his lap and pat us on

the back and say: `well done children.'


Sai Baba is beckoning to each and every one of us, to enter on the

most absorbing and fascinating journey and finding Him -the Supreme

Lord of all, within our own Self. He is the most compassionate and

loving Lord, who is eagerly waiting, to take several steps towards

those who take a single step towards Him. He is like the most loving

father and mother who are eagerly waiting with delicious dishes for

the return of their children from their play.


Those who have turned their back on the illusory world of 'Maya' and

all their values it has to offer set their face resolutely on the

goal of finding Him; to see Him but with their eyes, to hear Him just

not with their ears; and to understand Him - but not with their mind.

Those who have found him have dissolved in His glory and none of them

survives to tell the tale, like the salt dolls trying to find the

depth of the ocean, getting dissolved in the process.


The easiest and direct way to reach Him quickly is to surrender

totally and unreservedly to His will and allow Him to take us by the

hand and lead us towards himself. If a child catches his father's

hand in a crowd there is likelihood of its being lost. But not, if

the father holds the hand of the child.


Real wisdom does not consist in making Baba do what we desire or want

but in praying to Him for strength, faith and light to put ourselves

in harmony with His will and according to what he wants. We do not

know what will secure us the real peace and lasting bliss. I can only

pray 'Baba - curb all my desires - do what is best for me'. The water

rises up from the seas as clouds, then falls as rain and runs back to

the sea in streams. Nothing can stop them from returning to their

source. Likewise all jeevas rising from Sai Baba cannot be kept from

rejoining Sai Baba although they may be caught up in many eddies on

the way. So let us always remember Sai Baba and that is the nearest

way to Moksha

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