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Happy BABA's day to you all. May BABA guide us always and protect each one of us. May He guide our thoughts, words and actions.


As an individual we are bound to have opinion! Good for us. And we acknowledge that not all our opinions match and each one has different expectations in life, practices, likes and dislikes. When no two individuals are similar in all aspects of life and even when twins are not similar in all aspects, how, as devotees of BABA expect others to do same rituals and practices as others do? Confused as to what I am driving at? Well, often we as devotees of BABA engage in greatness of ones devotion towards BABA and try to prove ones supremacy in doing rituals and practices where worshiping of BABA is concerned. Is it not ironical that being followers of BABA we get passionate about what we do and take pride in our practices rituals knowledge and know how We forget that BABA did not give two pence about the rituals or formalities of worship. What he expected was love and devotion and allowed people to serve His as they pleased. What He cared was the devotion underlying the rituals and practices.. Here is an incident to prove His likes from Satcharita...



Baba's Characteristics -- His Dependency on Bhaktas

Baba allowed His devotees to serve Him in their own way, and did not like any

other persons interfering in this. To quote an instance, the same Mavsibai was

on another occasion, kneading Baba's abdomen. Seeing the fury and force used by

her, all the other devotees felt nervous and anxious. They said, "Oh mother, be

more considerate and moderate, otherwise you will break Baba's arteries and

nerves". At this Baba got up at once from His seat, dashed His satka on the

ground. He got enraged and His eyes became red like a live charcoal. None dared

to stand before or face Baba. Then He took hold of one end of the Satka with

both hands and pressed it in the hollow of his abdomen. The other end He fixed

to the post and began to press His abdomen against it. The satka which was about

two or three feet in length seemed all to go into the abdomen and the people

feared that the abdomen would be ruptured in a short time. The post was fixed

and immovable and Baba began to go closer and closer to it and clasped the post

firmly. Every moment the rupture was expected, and they were all dismayed, did

not know what to do, and stood dumb with wonder and fear. Baba suffered this

ordeal for the sake of His Bhakta. The other devotees wanted only to give a hint

to the Mavsibai to be moderate in her service and not cause any trouble or pain

to Baba. This they did with good intention, but Baba did not brook even this.

They were surprised to see that their well-intentioned effort had resulted in

this catastrophe; and they could do nothing but to wait and see. Fortunately,

Baba's rage soon cooled down. He left the satka and resumed His seat. From this

time onward, the devotees took the lesson that they should not meddle with

anybody but allow him to serve Baba as the chooses, as He was capable to gauge

the merits and worth of the service rendered unto Him. " Chapter 24 Satcharita.


BABA bless us all and guide us always.


SairamAnitha Kandukuri

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