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Jyotish versus deliberate creation

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Namaste Taj,


Just my two cents' worth:


Jyotish has some influence tied in with scientic proof that humans

can be deliberate creators of their environment, what they want, what

they aspire for, that is; their own reality, etc.


Some are able to rise above the governance of Jyotish and planetary

influences and indeed create their own reality and karma (what we sow

today, we reap in the future). Then there are others who prefer to

stick to their strong beliefs about Jyotish and planets influencing

their lives and follow everything that Jyotish prescribes.


There are simply two types of people when it comes to matters like

this. Those who believe in creating their own reality and others who

prefer to let Jyotish rule their lives. Both groups would still have

strains of Jyotish influences that give them the capacity to make the

decision they feel is best (or what is in the chart).


Fully understand your thoughts and feelings about not dwelling on

things like Sade Sati and then things will run smoothly. This is

because the 'burden' of negative thought is not running through your

mind like a tv or radion repeating the same thing. When humans are

able to 'offload' negative thinking and think only positive things,

life is a lot better. To do this, we need to 're-train' our minds.


Maybe a bit off track but a couple of comparisons here:


Former President of USA, Jimmy Carter had Ketu/Rahu influence but

still he became president. Sir Paul McCartney had Kala Sarpa Yoga

but still able to make his mark on music and subsequently became

knighted by the Queen of England. Then of course he had to suffer

the loss of his first wife Linda and now a big divorce drama with

second wife Heather Mills who is wanting more money.


Example of the above 2 persons had a lot of burden throughout their

lives but they are still able to cope and rise above negative

things. Maybe this is an example of Jyotish also having some parts

in their chart that would take them to great heights and yet survive

the downfalls not bad at all. And they chose their professions in

the beginning. So despite the burdens of hectic, stressful daily

routines, they still had the energy to keep up. This is part Jyotish

and part of their choosing their 'realities'. In one sense, without

some Jyotish influences, they may not be able to have those 2

qualities combined.


I have gone through Sade Sati and Kala Sarpa Yoga. During those

periods, life was very, very tough and there was much suffering of

many kinds, all at the same time. You name it, I'd got it; terrible

ill health, very bad finances, stunted growth, lack of opportunities,

horrible hardship, etc. Although I also don't read my chart and

didn't want to know at what phase my Jyotish influences were at (due

to instructions by my Guru who has since passed to Shiva Loka), I

kept and keep wearing my rudraksha beads and navaratna.


Whatever it was, I still have a deep feeling its my rudraksha malas

and navratna mala as well as not dwelling on negative things that

helped me survive and change my life.


I guess its better to try our best to 'create our own reality' and

let the Gods or Jyotish take care of things in their own ways. Its

true that by thinking positive things, one can draw positive

circumstances into one's life.


Anyway, would suggest that you keep the Jyotish books only for

reference in case you need them for the future. If you don't want to

look at them now, put them in a box and place the box in the store-

room. At many stages, sometimes we give away books and later we find

that we need them again to find a phrase or something, the books

already belong to someone else. Just a suggestion but up to you to

make the decision. Please meditate about this before giving books



Om Namah Shivaya



, tajinder sian

<tajindersinghsian wrote:


> Dear all and respected Narasimhaye Ji,


> I hope you will all share your views on this. This is about

astrology or jyotish versus the science of deliberate creation.

Jyotish believes that the 9 planets influence us in our lives through

what is said in the birth chart and transits of the planets. However

the science of deliberate creation says that you are the deliberate

creator of your own reality here on earth. For those of you who are

not aware of the science of deliberate creation, you must surely have

heard of its other name - " the law of attraction " - made very popular

by the film and book " the secret " , by rhonda Byrne (i believe this

book is also available from rudra centre website). Now law of

attractions states that your thoughts attract. Whatever we are

thinking, feeling, pondering, remember we attract. We are like

magnets and like attracts like. So where does jyotish fit in!. If we

are the creators of our own reality though what we think, therefore

attract then where does this leave jyotish which says planets affect



> I am raising this issue/question because for about 5 years now I

have been into jyotish, read a lot on it and collected many

books....but now I feel like giving the books away as I feel that I

have no need for them. What I found with jyotish, for me personally,

is that whenever something negative is seen (e.g. bad tranist, sade

sati etc) it becomes your dominant thought. For example I know that I

have saturn sade sati (7 1/2 years of saturn transiting over moon

sign)....now this is a very negative period...what I am finding the

more I think about it the more negative it becomes in my

reality!...but if I kinda just forget about it, and not let it be my

dominant thought, then life seems to run more smoothly....this is my

experience over a couple of years. Now I just dont look at my chart,

or read horoscopes....I am finding that I am MUCH happier for it!

Instead I am thinking of positive things that I would like to happen

in my life....I am finding that though a change in my positive

thinking I am now attracting positive experiences in my



> Please share your thoughts.....


> Warmest,


> Taj





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