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The ways of Sadguru : My experiences

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Dear all Devotees




Jai Guru Datta.




This is to inform you that our Sadgurudeva visited our son Prashanth and

daughter-in-law Sudha in Chattanooga -Tennessee on Wednesday July the 15th,



It was the biggest treat of our lives & of all those present. Imagine, Lord

Datta Himself walking and coming in human form to our house.




I know that He has been to many houses and stayed for days but this visit of

our Sadgurudeva had so much significance. We did not realize it until we

got our visas on hand to come to U S A, only less than a month ago. Some of

you may recall seeing us at the Pooja Counter of Sri Datta Venkateshwara

Temple in Mysore ashrama.




Once we got our passports on hand, it struck to us that Gurudeva’s words

were coming true. We were told that that it was quite impossible to get

visas as we had lived in USA. Appaji told us in Mysore, even before we

started making plans to come to U S A, to go for US visa. Gurudeva’s words

manifested and we were blessed to witness Gurupurnima celebrations in

Dallas,TX. He specifically mentioned to me that He wanted to come to our

house in the US and eat puliyogare (tamarind rice).




My dear fellow devotees: It was 12 yrs ago, on July 11th 1997 in

Toronto, Canada after saving us from a ghastly accident; He declared that He

would be coming to our house. Twelve years is a Cycle and at the end of

it, He was here at our house. He was with us on 15th July, 2009 in

Chattanooga, TN.




This was indeed a real miracle. We all hear & talk of miracles of

Sadgurudev but we may not be able to comprehend the significance. Miracles are

not limited to the manifestation of vibhuthi, statues, chains etc. Such

miracles reinforce faith of devotees in the beginning of their association

with Sadgurudeva. They are like a visiting card for us to know Him. Miracles,

to us are those in which we feel the omnipresence of Sadgurdeva in our

lives, those in which we ourselves see a change dawning in us, those in

which our lives take a turn which we would have never thought of.




In our family, Appaji's role has been the most crucial one. Every step in

our lives, Appaji has been guiding us.




I want to narrate all our experiences we have had with Appaji since 1996 in

Chattanooga - USA where we were living at that time. These experiences will

shed light on the mysterious, incomprehensible ways of Sadguru.




My husband Prakash had written to this distribution list back in 1997. It

is my joy to share my experiences, especially with some of our new fellow







In1996, we went through some challenging times. Such testing times

introduce us to our guiding light in our lives, our Sadguru. One of my

friends gave me Sri Guru Charitra (story of Datta , Sripada Vallabha &

Narasimha saraswathi) in our regional language - Kannada. She asked me do

parayana sapthaha (reading within 7 days) and give out dakshina

(donation) to someone upon completion of the Sapthaha.




With full faith, I started the parayana of Datta Guru Charitra. While

reading the book, I had a deep desire to have a guru in my life. Living in

the United States, in the world of maya and keeping pace with life, I did

not think it was even remotely possible to meet a sadguru.




The first reading brought me so much peace and solace in my mind that I was

tempted to start a second reading -- my quest for a living sadguru





I started questioning myself if Datta really exists and if I would ever be

fortunate enough to see Him in human form during my lifetime. I strongly

felt that our lives were going to be changed, with the presence of a guru.

But my mind was gripped with fear -- what if I did not welcome the change

that I was praying for?




Back in 80’s, I met a lady, Shymala Chandran (Bangalore, India) who was a

Devi Upasaka. She told me that I would meet “God in human form” between my

41st and 50th year of existence, which at that time did not seem possible to

me. Also, an acquaintance of mine, Dilip Nayak (Chattanooga, TN), who

practices meditation in Chattanooga, TN, told me back in 1991 that a bearded

yogi would visit Chattanooga, TN many years from then. This was a vision he

had during one of his meditation sessions. Dilip saw a ray of light from

the sky that converted into a bearded yogi. Reflecting back on these

incidents in my life, I am convinced that these references were made to none

other than our pujya Sadgurudeva.






Not much later, my husband told me that we had to move to Canada since he

got a tranfer there and that I should prepare to seek employment there as

well. I was working at the Montessori school in Chattanooga, TN, had a

great deal of responsibilities there, and had built a bond of love with the

children and the staff. Moving away meant a big change in life -- perhaps

this was the way in which my Guru wanted to introduce me to change and

welcome it.




We packed up to leave for Canada -- drove from Chattanooga to Toronto. We

decided to stop in Pittsburgh, PA and have darshan of Sri Shirdi Sai Baba at

the temple. The temple priest told us about Sri Swamiji, emphasized that He

was Datta Avatari Himself and mentioned that we should not miss the

opportunity to meet Sri Swamiji, who was in USA at that time. Sri Swamiji

was to visit Pittsburgh a few weeks later, but we would not get a chance to

come back.


It was a smooth transition to Canada and we were comfortably settled by mid

June, 1997. I started the saptaha of Guru Charitra in Canada; during that

time, a friend called me and asked me to come and see Sri Swamiji. At the

very first glimpse of Sri Swamiji , both my husband and I started crying out

of joy -- we experienced bliss and felt a connection with Him that was





As we approached Him, He spoke to us in Kannada (that happens to be our

mother tongue) and specifically told us that He had come to see us for a

purpose. He materialized 2 lingams for me – one from a yellow flower and

another from a papad (thin crispy wafer). He also ordered me to make food

for the celestial troupe (Parivara) from Mysore, for 12 days. It was an

honor for me to accept such a seva (service).




The following week, on July 11th 1997, we were in Ramesh Maharaj’s house for

homa. All rituals were finished; Appaji retired for His bhiksha and so did

all the devotees for lunch. Swami Manasa ( Radhanna then) came out asking

for one Ms. Sandra. She was ordained to go and rescue someone. There was

not any one by name Sandra in the gathering. Sri Swamiji then cancelled all

the padapujas, did not partake his bhiksha and headed straight to the place

where he stayed.




We left to go home that afternoon to prepare dinner for the parivar. While

driving back, Prakash lost control of the car, went over the curb and

sheared three trees and rolled down the ramp. Prakash and I were constantly

thinking of Appaji and calling out to Him, during this time. Our car hit a

lamp post, and was totally damaged. We heard a voice calling out, “Is anyone

alive”. I raised my hands out through the window and tried to wave. Two

girls came and helped us get out of the car. To our own surprise and that of

others around at that time, we were totally unhurt except for the mental

trauma from the accident.




The emergency ambulance and police arrived and started looking for the

bodies. The car was totally damaged. We told paramedics that it was our car.

They were surprised and did not doubt that it was a divine miracle that

saved us. The police asked us to pay a fine of Canadian $7000 as public

property was destroyed. The two girls who helped us out of the car told the

police that we were their uncle and aunty. They also added that we were only

few weeks old in Canada and that it was not an appropriate way to treat new

comers to the country in such a manner. Also, one of the girls told the

cops that she would go on a date with him and gave him her contact

information. She asked him to let Prakash go as he had a problem in his hip

and leg. The police, after speaking to someone on the phone, took a

statement from us and let us go.




When all the formalities were completed, we turned to the girls

and requested them to give us their telephone numbers and addresses. I

wanted to send a thank you note.


One of them gave her name and details -- we were shocked when we found out

that her name was SANDRA!!!!!! A chill ran down my spine.




(This was the very name Swami Manasa was calling out, looking for someone to

come to rescue. )




Later, I tried to contact Sandra with the contact details she provided but

could not trace her whereabouts. Sandra remains a mystery even to this day.




We called Prasad and told him to convey our message and our heartfelt

gratitude to Appaji. Appaji came out of Dhyana & said to Prasad: " I know

what you want to say.. I swapped uncle's & aunty's karma with their car’s.

Do not worry, they are safe. " Prasad told us that Appaji wanted to see us

that evening. If we were not able to make it, Appaji would send us a car. He

had cancelled his bhajan singing and was running high temperature that day.

It was because He had taken our Karma on Him


When we arrived at the hall where the Bhajans were being conducted, He came

to us, embraced us in and said “Did* you think I am going to send you up so

fast? No way I am holding the tickets in my hand you see.. I have given

you Punarjanma ( a new lease of life ). You have to see your son settle down

and I have to come in 12 yrs to your house, do a puja. I will then think of

the ticket to send you up " *




This was exactly 12 years ago, on July 11th, 1997 we met with accident and

He had promised He will come home. He kept up His promise by visiting us on

July 15th, 2009 in Chattanooga -Tennessee at our son & Daughter in law's

house!!! We had the blessing to prepare puliyogare and serve it for His

bhiksha in our house.




*This is a Miracle*.




Both of us who were sucked up into the maya world , chasing success and

being highly ambitious, were called to come and take up Seva in Ashram.

Transforming our state of minds into vairagaya (detachment) way to accept

Ashram life is a* miracle*.




Appaji was so compassionate to take my son, Prashanth for a long walk with

Him,(2003) while he was staying in Dr.Mahipal’s house in Huntsville,

AL. Appaji

not only opened up Prashanth’s outlook towards life in general and spiritual

matters, but also convinced him, through his mysterious ways to get married.

Prashanth, who was not ready for getting married, was married (to good

devotee) in Mysore Ashrama, in His Divine presence, within 6 months from the

date of the walk. Blessing Prashanth with life changing experiences is a *



* *


In February, 1998 our son Prashanth fell very sick. It was a very serious

situation. It is our beloved Gurudeva who granted him a second birth; Appaji

blessed Him with a new lease of life.






All of us in our family have surrendered ourselves to Saduguru’s feet. He

is constantly watching out for us and guiding us along each step of our way.




It is our love, fervor and surrender that have kept us close to our beloved

Sadguru, even though time and distance separate us physically.




Our Saduguru is *Karunamayi*. He will excuse all our shot comings, accept

us for who we are but guide us to tread along the correct path.




My dear brothers and sisters: Please surrender yourselves and have faith in

Him. Let us realize our Sadguru beyond small miracles such as manifestation

of vibhuti and physical objects of when we are living a life full of miracle

with sadguru deva.




I promised Appaji that I will write all my experiences again to all of you

just to let know what a treasure we have with us it is invaluable one




With all our love and heartfelt gratitude for Sadgurudeva.


In His service,

Gayathri Prakash (on behalf of the rest of the family)




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