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Divine Experiences - By Prof.Kasturi

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Prof Kasturi on "Why fear when I am here" Prof Kasturi says that we not fear when Baba is here. He says you think that there is His assurance "Why fear when I am here"?...and you feel absolutely confident and try to break your neck, because He will save you ! You neglect even the fundamental precautions ! If some one says, "Don't go there," but you go there saying "Ah! Swami is there ! why fear/ That kind of confidence neglecting the very principle of caution. Swami is in this room, in

that room ,in my pocket, in my ring, in my watch...He is everywhere and therefore no precaution! Swami's picture is in the car, why bother ? You look at it and go faster and fast until you meet with with some calamity...That is why Swami has said "Because I have said "Why fear when I am here. He said don't be over confident and foolish.. If you don't follow my instructions you will be in trouble, and when you come back I won't talk to you then, I bypass you. I take diversion until the bridge is repaired... When you realize your mistakes and correct yourself, I will call you, I will talk to you again. Again Swami remind us, to be careful. He said, don't be glad for having been close to me and near me, you may

be pushed out!... Prof Kasturi say of course, I have been target a number of times! It is difficult thing to decide how near or how far one should be from Swami...It is something like fire. If you go too near, you get burnt! and if you keep too far you get cold!.. Taking advantage of closeness to Him, feeling it is my due, because I am a big scholar, because I am indispensable to his glory. Such swelling of head will result in being sent out. Number of times this has happened and we have seen this. Swami Says:- Carry on your highest duty to yourself. Following the four F's: Follow the Master, Face the Devil, Fight to the end, and finish the game. Then you win My love, My Love in full measure. Love is my

highest Miracle. Love can make you gather the affection of all mankind. Love will not tolerate any selfish aim . Love is God. Live in Love. Then all is right ,all can be well. Expand your heart so that it can encompass all. BABA Prof Kasturi account And Brindavan Boys experiences The examinations were approaching, Swami said that if He was with us at Brindavan, we do not study. Finally He decided to leave for Puttaparthi, just to make us study for exams. The boys fell at His feet, pleaded with Him, but Swami insisted on going. He said that He felt that He was the cause of the boys neglecting their studies and that feeling gave Him much pain. It was Monday. Swami was preparing to leave by 8.30 A.M. The boys crowded round Him with sadness pain on their faces. Pleadings and prayers had proved fruitless. Swami was down on the ground floor. He got into the car, and the white vehicle glided away. With heave hearts, boys walked slowly back into the

Hostel. We tried in vain to concentrate on what the books had to tell us, so full was our hearts with the thought of our Lord. Barely 15 minutes had passed, when some one shouted "Swami has come!" and started running behind the car. I thought that the poor fellow was still dreaming and that his fantasy probably had given shape to that car. But many more boys followed and I came out to ascertain for myself. What I saw, I could not believe. I saw the white car driving right up to portico. I rubbed my eyes once or twice to make sure for myself, and then I also ran . Swami walked up the stairs. Many of us could not believe what was happening. Swami said, "You boys were creating so much noise that I forgot to take the keys," ... Swami forgetting to take the keys! Our hearts were full,... no one spoke. The tears that rolled down were probably more eloquent in expressing what was in our hearts. Somebody had probably still some doubts that Swami may leave again with the keys. So he asked very wisely. "Swami! shall we start unloading the things back from the car? "... No I am leaving again in the evening." Swami said, in pretended anger.. Then He broke into a beautiful smile, At this, a chorus of pleading voices followed, "Swami! Swami! And Swami decided to stay on. He told us latter, "You pulled me back here, just by your pure yearning. Now you must study well, if you want me to stay here. Trivial, insignificant instances these, do you say? And What have they got to do with spirituality, do you ask? But what else is spirituality than yearning for Him, pining for Him, suffering anguish for Him? What is spirituality but deserving to live in Him. This is made possible only by the form full God, the God without whom one cannot live. His benign smile, the loveliness of His Graceful Form His tender affection that flow when He enquires about your welfare, and above all, the nectarine sweetness of His childlike sport--these help us to fuse our heart with the Lord's and thus raise ourselves to the heights of Blessedness. Boys have made an unsuccessful attempt to put these in words, for, it is impossible to contain them in human language. They belong totally to the realm of experience which the heart alone can experience "Raso vai Saha" He is Sweetness itself. His sweetness is infinitely enhanced when He comes, Humanness enveloping His Divinity. Prof Kasturi and his story (Control of Automatic Lights) 1. Prof. Kasturi throws light on the fact that

Swami has revealed His Reality of being the Neumann that sustains and control of all Cosmic Phenomena. Here is the anecdote in brief. 2. Baba as usual began one of His discourses (While in Madras) with the recital of an extempore Telugu poem. The opening line that poem was “ Automatic Lights Adhipudevadu”. This line happens to be a strange mixture of Telugu and English. 3. Our Lord Swami whom the scriptures describe as the Supreme Poet has the privilege of Divine license, beside the usual poetic license of an ordinary poet. So He sometimes mixes up Telugu and English or some other language, thereby confusing His translator and enjoying the fun. 4. This trait of confusing and confounding people is inherent in Divinity, especially when it manifest as an Avatar. We shall have a glimpse of this trait that seems to be more pronounced in this playful Avatar . 5. Prof.Kasturi was bewildered and looked helplessly at Swami’s face, as he could not translate the

line. Swami cast a mischievous look at Kasturi and repeated the same line again. Poor Kasturi was dumbfound. Neither Telugu was his mother tongue nor he had studied Telugu during his educational career. 6. He learned Telugu only after coming to swami. Because he was mum SWAMI ASKED HIM TO SIT DOWN AND called upon Dr. Bhagawantham to translate. Late Dr. Bhagawantham was an eminent scientist and educationists. He had good knowledge of the Telugu language, he had studied during his formal

education. He served as a translator to Baba during the decade of seventies. 7. But this particular occasion, he too shared the same fate as Kasturi. As he also was non-pulsed and could not translate that line, Swami proceeded with the rest of His discourse. 8. After the discourse was over Prof. Kasturi and Dr. Bhagawantham met Swami in His room. They prayerfully requested Him to enlighten them on the meaning of the said line that neither of them could translate. 9.

With mischievous smile Swami asked them. “Have you not seen the automatic traffic Lights in Madras and other metropolitan cities. “ Yes Swami, we have seen.” They replied. “ Is there not someone who controls the operation of these traffic lights and regulate the traffic on the roads, in order to prevent collisions and accidents? Queried Swami. “ Yes Swami, there is … answered both the discomfited translators. 10. Then

Swami explained to them, “just as there is traffic of various kinds of vehicles in the city, there is a macro-level traffic of planets in this universe, each of them whirling at a tremendous speed. There are innumerable planets, so that each of them confines itself to the path ordained for it, thereby preventing clashes or collisions and the consequent cataclysmic disasters. 11. And there is ( ONE ) who controls those unseen automatic traffic lights, and that One in this ( ONE )! Saying this Swami pointed at (HIMSELF

) 12. Then both Prof Kasturi and Dr. Bhagawantham could understand that the line in Swami’s poem, which they could not translate, meant that Swami is the Almighty God who controls the unseen traffic lights that regulate the movement of the planets in the entire Universe, as to avoid accidents in the macrocosm. 13. Swami further told them that the codes of moral behaviors and social conduct, i.e. Dharma, in short were also traffic signals fixed by the Master to save humans from conflict and clash, from violence and war. Swami teaches us profound truths, through His inimitable fun and frolic dramatics and antics!! Swami’s words - 14. In My present Avatar , I have come armed with fullness of the powers of formless God to correct mankind, raise human consciousness and put people on the path of truth, righteousness, peace and love, leading to divinity. - BABA. Jai Sai Ram Ram.Chugani Kobe.

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