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Siva and Vishnu Puja

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Dear Narasimhaye,


Adding my two pence worth to your views.


After reading some of our puranas / religious texts and growing up in

a Hindu family I feel that the idea of GOD in Sanatana Dharma as

Shiva, Vishnu, Devi or Mother Goddess is that they are all Divine

manifestations of one absolute reality which can be neither

identified as male or female but an omnipotent entity which

encompasses the male and female aspect as we humans percieve.

Different people are by birth tuned to have affinity to a certain God

or Goddess which makes them their Isht devata or devi. Every Devata

or Devi has their own attributes and a speciality which identifies

them from the others.Although I have no idea of how things advance in

the spiritual path but reading online and by personnaly interacting

with some on the spiritual path, I feel that when the sadhaka

advances on the spiritual path, he feels and experiences silence,

peace and ananda within himself and everywhere around him.He doesn't

feel any seperation between him and the existence around him.


So to think of Shiva as supreme or Vishnu as supreme and then

worshipping them is like losing the essence of worshipping that

particular Diety. Our puranas and other religious scriptures and the

Mahabharat and Ramayana contain many instances where both the

incarnations of Shiva and Vishnu worship each other and glorify each

other in fulfilling the mission of devatas wherein a particular demon

or demoness can only be vanquished by either one of them due to their

specific powers or attributes


I donot know if the sadhaka meets or has darshan of his Isht devata

or devi during the sadhana or at the end of it. Maybe other

enlightened members can throw some light and pass on their



Aum Namah Shivaya

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