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Message for the week!!

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Dear Sai devotee:


Am so thankful to you for your message. In fact, today, I believe the 4th or the 5th time again started reading Sathcharita after returning from home on short vacation. I am sure, it is because of the blessing of Shri Sai Baba.


May Baba bless you and your family.


Jai Sai Ram



On Thu, Aug 6, 2009 at 2:32 PM, Anitha Kandukuri <a_kandukuri wrote:





SAiram, Happy Guruvaar.  BABA bless us always and guide us.  We start our parayana for the month today.  Let us pray to Lord Ganesha to help us through the parayana and remove all the obstacles.  Todays parayana is very significant the reason, month of August is festival month.  We celebrated, Raksha Bandan yesterday.  We have Sri Krishna Janmastami on 14th and Ganesh Chathurdhi on 21st.  Shri Hemadpant in Satcharita mentions that doing parayana is good especially during festivities.  Let us invoke the blessings of the lord and beg Him to accept our humble prayers and remove our troubles.

 Coming to devotion, how many of us think we are " devotees " of Baba?  Are we qualified to be called as Devotees?  Forgive my questioning, these are my personal thoughts and not intended to mock anybody.   I personally do not think I am a devotee of Baba.  I do not qualify as a bhakth.  To be a devotee one has surrender to BABA like Mahalsapathi, one should leave family and consider Baba as everything like Tatya and live with Baba, one should know that Baba alone is supreme and lead a humble and egoless life like Kakasaheb Dixit.  I am not even a spec of dust under feet of those great devotees of Baba.  I consider myself as a follower - one who tries to follow the teachings of Baba as given in Satcharita and fails miserably at every step in life and beg to be saved every day.  I know that if I keep my faith in BABA inspite of my failures, He would be pleased in one of my numerous future births I take, I " might " have the privelege of being called " BABA's Devotee.  Mere reading of satcharita, or giving a discourse about Baba, preaching or wearing a dress similar to Baba, not praciticing what Baba taught, having unclean thoughts and actions, one cannot be called a devotee or disciple, but it is infact considered making a mockery of supreme Master.  Repeating Baba's name will help us get rid of the unclean thoughts and invoke divinity in us.  But can never bring us to be Baba/God.  Can a child fit into the shoes of a father?  We can only worship God and live the life He taught us but not imitate Him in life, we end up falling flat on our face.  I would have to take zillions of Births to get rid of my sins to be even called devotee let alone be called  God.

 Let us face the fact that  


We are humans in need to invoke the latent divinity in ourselves.

We are imperfect and our duty as followers is to practice what Baba taught us to attain perfection to rise to the expectations of the Master.

We are easily disturbed by the troubles and problems that we face in day to day life.  The reason we do Satcharita parayana is to assure ourselves that Baba will take care of us.

We are ALWAYS in need of HIS blessings.  WE have along way to go before we can give blessings to others.  We can only pray.

Let us ensure that we NEVER use name of BABA to cheat, for material benefit, or deceive others.  BAba knows, and remember He gives back everything in 100 folds be it good or bad.

Be content with what we have, if it were not for the small troubles we might have ended in a big mess.  BABA the merciful is spreading our BIG pain in the shape of small problems.  We will come out of it eventually we will come out of the situationn as better persons.

Just because we read Satcharita, we do not become Masters to preach others, or bigin to consider ourselves superior to others.

Reading Satcharita and repeating Baba's name without ego, being humble, we earn His grace and our actions become pure.

when we find people flock to us when we talk about Baba it is because the name " Baba "  draws people to the person, it is not the person drawing the crowding. 

The ego raises its viscious hood many a times, and has to be crushed only under the feet of Baba. These are few of my personal observations which I find in myself, no offence intended at anybody.   Here is the message for the week....

   " Haji Siddiki: ................Shama agreed and on a convenient occasion spoke to Baba about him thus:- " Baba, why don't You allow the old Haji to step into the Masjid, while so many persons freely come and go, after taking Your darshan; why not bless him once? " Baba replied " Shama, you are too young to understand things. If the Fakir (Allah) does not allow, what can I do? Without His grace, who will climb into the masjid? Well, go to him and ask him whether he will come to the narrow footpath near the Barvi well. " Shama went and returned with an affirmative answer. Again Baba said to Shama, " Ask him whether he is willing to pay me the sum of Rs. 40,000/- in four instalments. " Shama went and returned with the answer that he was willing to pay even 40 lacs. Again Baba said to Shama- " We are going to butcher a goat in the Masjid, so ask him, whether he would like to have mutton, haunch or testicles of the goat. " Shama returned with the answer that the Haji would be happy to receive a small crumb from Baba's kolamba (mudpot). Hearing this Baba got excited and with His hands threw away the earthen jars and kolamba and straightway advanced to the Haji and lifting His Kafni up with His hands said - " Why do you brag and fancy yourself great and

pose yourself as an old Haji? Do you read Koran like this? You are proud of your

pilgrimage to Macca, but you do not know Me. " Being thus scolded, the Haji was confounded. Baba then went back to the Masjid, purchased a few baskets of mangoes and sent them to the Haji. Then again Baba went to the Haji and taking out Rs.55/- from His pocket, gave them to the Haji. From that time, Baba loved the Haji, invited him for meals and the Haji, thereafter, came into the Masjid whenever he liked. Baba gave him at times some rupees, and thus the Haji was enlisted in Baba's Darbar. " Satcharita Chapter 11. Baba bless us and guide us always.  Pleae listen to our prayers and help us to be better person. Humble pranams Sairam  

Anitha Kandukuri http://www.angelfire.com/sd/SaidarbarCanberra


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Happy Baba's day to you all. Most importantly, Happy Krishna ashtami. Tomorrow is Lord Krishná's Birthday. May Lord Krishna visit everybody's house and fill it with happiness, prosperity and joy. It is amazing how our Baba, Lord Krishna, responds to us according to our need. It was a pleasant surprise to see Baba communicating to us through Satcharita based on the occasion. This message speaks for itself what Baba intends to convey. I am sure you all had experience similar to mine, Baba knows when, where and how to convey the message.




Nana was sitting near Baba and

massaging His Legs and muttering something. Baba - Nana, what are you mumbling yourself? Nana - Iam reciting a shloka (verse) from Sanskrit. Baba - What shloka? Nana - From Bhagawad-Gita Baba - Utter it loudly. Nana then recited B.G.IV-34 which is as follows :- 'Tadviddhi Pranipatena Pariprashnena Sevaya, Upadekshyanti Te Jnanam Jnaninastattwadarshinah'


Then Baba began to

explain - (1) It is not enough merely to prostrate before the Jnanis. We must make Sarvaswa Sharangati (complete surrender) to the Sad-guru. (2) Mere questioning is not enough. The question must not be made with any improper motive or attitude or to trap the Guru and catch at mistakes in the answer, or out of idle curiosity. It must be serious and with a view to achieve moksha or spiritual progress. (3) Seva is not rendering service, retaining still the feeling that one is free to offer or refuse service. One must feel that he is not the master of the body, that the body is Guru's and exists merely to render service to him. If this is done, the Sad-guru will show you what the Janna referred to in the previous stanza is.

..................." Chapter 39 Satcharita.


Glory be to the Lord and master of the universe our Baba, Lord Shri Krishna. What better message from Baba for the occassion of Krishna ashtami than this..


Humble pranams


SAiramAnitha Kandukuri

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