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'Prayers to be included for Samuhik Satcharita Parayana 2010 January

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Sairam Anitha


Could you include the following thank you note in the prayers for Jan 2010 if

possible pls.



Beloved BABA, thank you for granting my prayers for Sharika Bhooshan's marriage.

With Your Blessings Sarika's wedding is fixed now, engagement is in Jan 2010 and

Wedding in May 2010. It has been possible due to Your Grace only.








, Anitha Kandukuri <a_kandukuri wrote:




> Prayers List



> • Baba thank you for listening to our pleas and prayers.

> • Give peace to those who have joined you and strength to those who are


> • Bless those who have celebrated their birthdays and shower them with your

grace and blessings help them to succeed in their life.

> • Bless Anu and listen to her prayers - Baba, please bless me with wisdom,

strenght, peace and love to prosper in my family as well as in my professional

life. Please help me to be a good and loving person in all aspects of my life.

> • Anindita prayers:- I pray to Sai Baba that my baby's two very major health

problems get cured on their own without the need of any surgery, just by Baba's

grace, love, blessings and miracles galore.

> • Deepa Prays. Baba please bless on my dad and mom for good health . Please

show correct way to my younegr brother , he should stop drinking & smoking and

bless him good health & wealth . My dad takes lots of tension of my brother , so

please take care of my family. Please baba bless on my husband for health,wealth

and give him good project , so we can stay together . Baba my husband works very

truely and hardly but never gets application's , so please give him promotion .

Om Sai Ram .

> • Baba bless Suguna and protect her always. Help her to get the visa so she

can live permanently with her daughter

> • Blessings, peace and happiness for Neelam and her family esp. her son.

> • Please listen to Anjana Arora's prayer 'WE want peace for our family and

right direction and blessings in all sphere of life'

> • Baba give health and happiness to Ishu, kirti, Manisha and Sidheshwar Sony.

> • BABA Please listen to Kiran MEhta's prayers: 'i am undergoing some

treatments and pray to Baba for a full and speedy recovery'.

> • BABA please listen to Ritu's prayer and give her a peaceful and happy life.

Look after her son. " I am going through marital problems and day

> by day it's becoming difficult for me to tolerate. Please help me.

> Bless my son. I don't want him to suffer becoz of his parents.

> Please show me some light BABA. help me come out of these problems.

> I want peace of mind. I have full faith in you. "

> • BABA bless RAjani with a child. She is yearning for your blessing and grant

her a peaceful and happy married life. Please listen to her prayers.

> • BABA bless Saurabh to be successful in his efforts and give him long life

and happiness. Listen to his mother Madhulika's prayers.

> • BABA give strength to Sharma Family to tide over the hard days. Be with

them and help them to solve their problems and remove their obstacles in life.

> • BABA bless 4 year old Aditya Kumar find a donor and help him recover from

lukemia. You are the master and doctor. Please take care of the little boy and

give strength to his parents to cope this ordeal.

> • Baba listen to Ritus prayers 'Sai baba, Please help my mother in law recover

from her illness and sufferings and also do something to remove negative

energies from our home. I wish my home to be full of healthy peaceful and

positive environment. Sai Baba you only can help me. you only know my state of

mind. Please bless. Please help.'

> • Baba bless Hemaliji's friend who is suffering from leukemia. He needs you

and your blessings. Take care of his family who live so far away from him.

Please take care of them.

> • Baba give health and happiness to Ramesh, shantan and shanmuk. Protect them


> • BABA bless Vidya Shet with a good job.

> • BABA Please send a right husband for Neelu, Sue, Kate, Ponnambalam girls and

a right wife for Michael Kumar. They are unable to attract the right partners in

their lives without your Mercy, BABA.

> • Baba listen to Deepa G prayers 'Baba please give me peace and save me from

the people who are troubling me . Baba help me to get job in US so i can be with

my husband .'



> • BABA please help GN Siva to repay his debts and lead a peaceful life and

increase love towards your holy feet.

> • Baba bless Ram S Annamalai's sister and brother in law to get over their

financial problems. bless them with a child and a happy married life.

> • Baba listen to Sangeetha's prayers and resolve her marital problems. Help

her to get her daughters passport quickly.

> • Bless Deepa with a baby. Listen to her prayers.

> • Baba bless Ushaji's sisters with health, happiness and peace.

> • Aradhana's prayers

> 1.Give my family members and me your guidance and blessings.

> 2.Show me some leela that I may understand.

> 3.May I always show full shraddha and bhakti to my BABA.

> • Gajanan's prayers.BABA bless gajanan and be with him always and guide him.

> •Venu's prayers. BABA guide and protect venu in all aspects of life..

> • Rao annayas prayers. 1. Please protect him and his family always.

> • Anuradha's prayers. BABA bless Anuradha and Praveen with a child and protect

them always. Listen to their prayers.

> • Padman's prayers. BABA listen to his prayers and guide them in all their

decisions in life. Take care of Anusha and guide her in her career and life.

Give them health and happiness and protect them always.

> • Ravi's prayers. Bless Ravi and his family and protect them always.

> • Kaminiji's prayers.

> Look after Kaminiji's health and listen to her prayers for her son and

family. Protect and bless them always.

> • Uma Ram's prayers:

> 1. Ram (Shivaji) : to get a good job with good pay

> 2. Uma Ram : to get a good job

> 3. Janani Ram : to study well

> • Personal Prayer:

> BABA please help me resolve the existing issues and bless us to live

peacefully. Please bless and take care of my both children and give them health,

happiness, success and prosperity in their life. Help them to grow to be kind

and compassionate humans.

> • BABA bless pillamgolla gopiwith health and happiness remove his physical and

mental problems and let him get good and loving wife. You are the master, help

him and be with him always.

> • Baba bless Aradhana Jha and be with her and protect her always.

> • Please listen to Paresh Patadia's Prayers " My house was robbed on 1-Apr,

please Baba I pray please to get all my valuable things back. "

> • BABA please listen to Aashish Kaushik's prayers.

> 1) Baba bless me so that i can leave the habit of smoking.

> 2) Baba please take care of my parents who are all alone and by

> themselves.

> 3) Baba please let me reside here impermanently where i am living now,

> as you already know, that this is is the place, where i can be

> peacefull throughout my life.

> • BABA bless Sondhi Agarwalji's neighbour to overcome his weakness and take

responsibility of his young family. Give him strength and will power. BE with

his wife and son during hard times.

> • BAba please listen to Anuradha Wrushika's prayers for her children: Saideva,

please bless lavanya with an admission into a good medical school. Please bless

Sai Yashaswy with good education, good values, & admission to a good college. Be

with them all the time.

> • BABA please listen to Aasawari Dilip's prayers for mother. BABA you are the

master, doctor and protector. Please look after the mother and give her health

and happiness

> • BABA bless Nita Desai and her family to tide over the hard period. Give

them relief and bless them with happiness.

> • BABA please help Hemali Desai to find a loving and caring life partner.

> • Baba please listen to Bhuvana's prayers baba kindly cure me from the

stomach and back problems and bless me with mental peace

> • BABA please listen to Hetal's prayers

> 1 Baba give me and my family good health and peace

> 2 Help me in overcoming from Acidity and respiratory problems

> • BABA listen to the prayers of Anesh Buldeo and his wife Rajeshree and

daughters Aneshree and Avathara and mother-in-law Hawa Bibi Omar. Give them

health, happiness and prosperity and get them out of the financial problems.

> • Baba please listen to Kandasamy Rajah's prayers for himself and his

daughters mother in law. Please cure him off his eye problem and help his

daughter's mother inlaw to recover. You are the master and the doctor. Please

listen to the prayers and do the needful.

> • BABA please listen to Boda Mithuns prayers

> 1) Thanks baba, for helping swapna clear her interview and getting her visa

> 2) Please help swapna and me to find a project in minneapolis

> 3) Please help vishal to get a job.

> • Baba please give health and peace to Vijayalakshmiji.

> • Stuti is suffering from leukaemia. May baba give this little girl strength

to fight & bless her with renewed health.

> • Baba please listen to Abijit Govindraju's prayers " help me get rid of my

skin problem & do well in my studies and help me in getting interships "

> • Baba please listen to Usha Turumella's prayers " Sairam please help me to

continue in my current job. "

> • Baba please listen to Silvia's prayers. Unite Silvia and her husband and

give happiness and peace to her married life. Please take care of her inlaws

and help them to understand their love and accept the marriage. You are her

only hope of saviour. Please listen to her pleas.

> • BABA please bless G S. S to recover from colic cancer. He is undergoing

chemotherapy after the operation. Help him recover. Give strength to his wife

and his young 5 year old daughter who does not even know what is wrong with her

father. Baba you are the master, please listen to the anguished prayers of his


> • Baba please bless ACS to recover completely. Please listen to the prayers

for his quick recovery. Please listen to the mothers prayers. You alone can

cure and bless.

> • Baba please with with Sashi, she is suffering from breast Cancer. You are

the doctor and protector. Help her and cure her. Please give her and her loved

ones strength to go through this ordeal.

> • Baba please listen to Guna K's prayers. Give him emotional and financial

stability. Be with him and guide him always.

> • Baba please listen to Sudhir Kunder's prayers " Oh Sai, I am your child.

Please guide me in all my projects I am undertaken in the organisation I work. I

always remember you and in every breathe is your name Om Sai Ram.

> Please help me to relax in ease and work hard to acheive good result for the

work that I am doing. Let me be sincere as ever to my employer and be happy

whatever I get to feed my family. "

> • Baba please be with Vivekji and help him to get out through all the

problems. Give him peace and happiness Baba.

> • Baba help Subramanian mani to start his own business and be successful in

it. Please listen to his prayers.

> • Baba please listen to Mohan Subramanian's prayers for a grandchild. Bless

his son and daughter-in-law with a child.

> • Baba please listen to Satarupa Das's prayers " 1)call my family & myself to

ur darbar soon,give us a lovely darshan & return us safely

> 2)keep my brother & myself healthy & bless us for oue early recovery. "

> • Baba please listen to Neeraja's prayers for her parents especially her

father and help him to recover to be independent and do his work. Give him

health and happiness.

> • Baba please listen to Vijaya lakshmiji's prayer " Dear Baba, give us all the

strength to bear the problems and issues in life. give us the forethought that

it is part of life to bear happiness and sorrow and to endure failures to see

success. Thank you for all that you have given us for so long, we trust you and

your mahima. we surrender ourselves at your feet. sri sainath maharaj ki jai. "

> • Baba please listen to Pooja's prayers for her family and son " Please include

my prayers to Baba for the health, happiness, love, wealth and most important

Babas Grace on my family. Baba make my son who i say is Babas son only to become

normal and to start talking soon. Please always keep me close to You Sai Baba

and never let me out of Your heart. "

> •Baba please listen to Sampath's prayers " Baba thanks a lot for everything you

have blessed us, Please take care of Sri Job she is facing too many problems

please protect her from the lady and coninue this job, please fulfill all our

wishes and sankalpas, SAMASTHA LOKA SUKHINOBAVANTHU. "

> • Baba please listen to Nilesh Shikre's prayers for self and his family.

Guide him and protect him always.

> • Baba please listen to Sai Manjunaths prayers 'Sainath, pls bless me with a

good job here. Forgive all my mistakes and be with me each moment. "

> • Baba please listen to Sowmya Ganesh's prayers " my prayer to baba is to bless

all who is in need of the almighty.

> and my special prayer is to solve all my personal family problem and to bless

me to have a smooth and peaceful life and to look after my son in my absence

with good health and good character and to order me to touch his lotus feet in

his samadhi mandir at shirdi at the earliest , my wish to visit shirdi before

end of may with my husband and son. "

> • Baba please listen to Keshava's please for removing the mental agony and to

come out of the court battle successfully.

> • Baba please listen to Bhagirathy Ramani's prayers for health and happiness

for her family and removing all problems. Please be with her.

> • Baba please listen to Bhakti Joshiji's prayers Sai Baba, I pray you to get

me married properly to the person I am in love with, protecting my dignity and

respect. Make me free from long suffering and bring peace to me and my family.

> • Baba please listen to Aradhana and Rohits prayers for their health and also

bless Aradhana with a healthy baby.

> • Baba please listen to the following prayer RG FAMILY - Baba our sincere

prayers at thy divine lotus feet is please bless all these people who are

seeking your guidance, protection and blessings. Let all their prayers be

answered through you divine touch and grace Baba. Same goes to this child's

family too. Be with us always, guide and guard us please. Ever in your PADHA


> • Baba please listen to Ritu's prayers my husband get blessed with good

projects in his job and we live happy altogether , baba always stay in our

heart. "

> • Baba please listen to sridhars prayers " Help Sridhar to get a contract

soon. Kindly be with his brother to have one or more projects with proper

payment, helping business. Let him have a peace of mind and love in his family

with good health. "

> • Baba please listen to Bhuvana Suren's prayers " pray to Baba to bless us to

get our immigration problems solved and we get our Green card soon. Baba bless

my mother and cure her from blood clot in her heart.

> • Baba please listen to Aradhana's prayers and be with her for her blood test

on Saturday.

> • Baba please listen to Marcel B's prayer for self and help.

> • Baba please listen to prayers of Sashi for herself and her husband " myself

suffering from a lump in the breast which is malignant. my husband has

undergone an ankle surgery and is hospitalised " BABa please help her and be with

her during these tough times.

> • Baba please listen to the prayers of Anuradha Wrushika " Baba please save the

people who are suffering from Swine Flu, and also who are panicked from the

Swine Flu pandemic. You are the creator and you are the wire puller of this

world. Show mercy on all of us. "

> • Baba please listen to Sailavanya's prayers

> 1) Baba please bless us with mental peace in our life.

> 2) Baba please bless my mom and dad with good health.

> 3) Baba please bless my mom to do more embroidery work on Baba.

> 4) Baba bless myself and my brother with good health.

> 5) Baba bless myself and my brother to settle well in our life.

> 6)Baba please help us to come out of present problems in our house pls be with

us always Baba.

> 7) Baba please give my brother what ever he wants and please be with him

always.• Baba please listen to Anjuji's prayers for her children " kunal and

supriya ,as they are facing very many difficulties in their business,for the

last 3-4 years " .

> • Baba please listen to Sampatji's prayers " Sai Natha Bhagwan please shower

your mercy on us always, Thank you very much for all the Blessings,, Please

fulfill our wishes and sankalpas which you know, Please protect us always.

Samastha Loka sukhino bavanthu "

> • Baba please listen to Ashaji's prayers " Sainath, pls bless my parents with

healthy and happy long life. Bless me and my husband with good jobs here. Bless

my kids to be happy and successful in their studies. Take care of my siblings

and guide them " .

> • Baba please listen to Sirishaji's prayers and fulfill her wishes.

> • Baba please listen to AshaKhemaniji's prayer " thy will be done always in all

the very ways "

> • Baba please listen to Usha Sastryji's prayers for her son Varun Sastry who

needs job relocation. Help him to study further and find a suitable girl and

settle down in life.

> • Baba please be with Arun's sister and her husband and cure him. ÿou are the

doctor please give strength to the family to go through the tough period in

their life.

> • Baba please listen to Saiasha's prayers.

> 1) Baba, pls bless us with good jobs soon. take care of us. With YOUR mercy

let my kids be smart, bright & happy students.

> 2) Bless my sister with good health, safe preganancy & healthy baby. Please

ensure that things go normal and she'll have normal delivery.

> 3) Please take care of my mother's health and be with her each moment. Bless

my father and brother with happiness and success.

> • Baba please listen to RajiGopi's prayers:

> 1.My prayers are all the people in this world should lead a very happy and

peaceful life and let all their prayers be answered by our beloved BABA.

> 2.Pray for RG Family to be peaceful and happy. Both are out of jobs only with

Baba's grace we can succeed in life. TO remove us from the financial

difficulties and to guard and protect Baba's children(not mine) G, R,,S,R and N.

P,A & L.

> 3. Your child Ritesh (Jimmy) is finally getting married to Navpreet on

Saturday December 12th, 2009 at 1:00P.M.at: Dreams Palm Beach Resort, Punta

Cana, Dominican Republic. It will be a destination wedding starting from 10th

till 12th. 10th will be (Punjabi engagement), 11th - Mehendi and 12th Wedding +

Reception. Wedding cards are not printed yet. Need your humble blessings please

for these children to live happily in their married life. Guard and guide them

always please.

> 4. We are still out of job and leaving everything at your lotus feet. U know

what we need?• Please eleminate all of Sucharitha's health problems baba.

Please listen to her loved ones prayers BABA.

> • Baba please listen to Ram's prayers: with your blessings my wife is pregnant

, i am really thankful

> to you baba, she is in 6 th week of pregnancy and she is vommiting a lot.

Please take care of her and the baby. i have entire faith on you , take care of

her health

> • Baba please listen to Pooja Chodankars prayers " my fatherinlaw has lost his

job,please Sainath to help keep the job and give him strength to carry out his

duties as much as possible.Please Sainath help my father as well for his job and

remove his anxieties,help my Mom and Mominlaw to be happy and healthy

always,help my husband with good health and happiness,my children who are Your

children Sainath to be always happy healthy and loving.plz help nishu start

talking and become normal,help my sister have a baby soon and please help Your

daughter(me) to always keep Faith and Patience on You and love You always,please

always keep Your Grace on me thats all i require for my selfish self. Please

help those Sainath who are grieving and need Your love and strength,please be

with all who love You and have faith in You and also those who dont,for one day

they surely will!! "

> • Baba please listen to Sai Lavanyas and our group prayers for those

suffering from swine flu. Baba help us control this epidemic. Let there be

peace among all humans. Let the racism war by handful of people on Indians end

in Australia and America. Bless those who have been injured and help them to

recover completely.

> • Baba give peace to the souls perished in the Air Brazil flight disaster.

Give strength to the loved ones to bear the loss and move on ahead. Be with


> • Baba please listen to Anuradhaji's prayers for


bless those who are looking for jobs. Please listen to the prayers.

> • Baba please bless 11 year old Sabina who is suffering from severe spinal

cord injury. Give her health and be with the family during hard times.

> • Baba bless June M and help her to recover from Depression.

> • Baba please listen to Sanket Voraji's prayers for job and settlement in

life. He is going through bad phase in life. Please be with him and listen to

his prayers.

> • Baba please bless Surya Narayana with a job.

> • Baba bless Sampathji's mother and help her to recover. BAba is the master

and doctor please listen to the prayers.

> • Baba please listen to AC's prayers for his marriage with the girl of his

choice. Baba you know what is best and do the needful to keep them both happy

and convince the presents to agree for the marriage.

> • Baba please listen listen to the heartfelt prayers of Likitha's mothers for

this 22 month old baby. Baba you are the master and mother for your devotees who

take shelter at your feet. Please listen to this mothers prayers and cure

Likitha Sai off this rare disease.

> • Baba please cure Mr suresh Mehendale (Swamy) from asthamatic attack.

> • Baba please help Pushpawatiji to recover please listen to the prayers of her

daughter and help them during these tough times.

> • Baba Janet is suffering from blood cancer. Please bless her and cure her. Be

with her and her loved ones too to give them strength to support her during this

hard time.

> • Baba please listen to Somini's prayers:

> Beloved BABA, please accept my sincere thanks for Your Kindness and Mercy in

Granting my prayers which were placed at Your Holy Feet.

> 1. The Ponnambalam girls are happily married now, with Your Blessings

> 2. Priya and husband Rejesh are Blessed with a healthy baby girl on 17th

August. With your Blessings Priya had normal delivery and both mother and

baby daughter are doing well.

> 3. Neelu has been Blessed with a good marriage alliance and the wedding is to

take place on 20 January 2010.

> I wish to place a few more prayer requests at your Holy Feet BABA, please

extend your Kindness and Mercy to the following people who are struggling on

their own.

> 1. Michael Kumar, Katie, Sue , Sonia, Sharika and Krishna Kumar (Kikku) to

find the right partner in life. They have been waiting/searching for a very

long time to find the right alliance and get married.

> 2.Please cure Leela Pillai of her heart and kidney problems, Leela has been

suffering for the past ten years. Only now Leela has come to know of Your

Kindness and Mercy. Please Help her to speedy recovery and normal life, BABA.

> 3. Please Bless Priya and Kishore and, Millu and Archana and Lakshmi and

Ramesh with children. On their own accord they are not successful in having

children. Please Bestow Your Blessings on them to have healthy children.

> • Baba help Ramesh settle in his job and remove all his anxieties.

> • Baba please listen to the prayers of your child.

> 1) Sairam, please bless Sai Vedanth with health and happiness. Also please

resolve his myopia or suppress it. Please be with him always. Please give him

enough strength.

> 2) Sairam, please forgive me.

> 3) Sairam, Please help Sai Vendanth see the world through your eyes. Please

shower your blessings on this small baby. Please take care of him.

> • Baba please listen to Himanshu's prayers for Peace and stable mind.

> • Baba please guide Ravi and help him to get out of the present situation and

help him to find a job and settle in life. Help Vamsi to get a job. Remove all

the financial problems for Srivalli. Please listen to their anguished prayers

and help them out.

> • Baba please listen to Anil Chandrakots prayers for a job. Bless him be with

him and guide him always.

> • Baba Please be with Aruna and her family. Please listen to the prayers and

given strength to the traumatised family. BABA you are the doctor bless her and

help her to recover.




> • Baba please listen to ammachi's prayers " Swami, please help Mohan in his job

and visa renewal, Swami, please help Geetha to cure her illness, Swami, please

help Radhika to get a good soulmate, Swami, please help Arun to get a good job

with visa. Swami please be always with us. Bless us all with good health and

peace of mind " .

> • Baba please be with Ashok Pillaiji on his trip to Sabarimala. Give him

strength and energy to be able to complete his pilgrimage successfully.

> • Baba please listen to Kanda Swamy Rajah's prayers " Please resolve all my

debits and Bless us all with Long life,Good Helath and to lead a Spiritually

oriented Lifa.and also pl Bless and Grace my Brother Navaratnam for Speedy

recovery from his ailment of Depression. "

> • Baba please be with Hetal's grand dad. You are the master and guide and know

what is best. Please listen to the family's prayers.



> Anitha Kandukuri

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