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Mantra for Happiness

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Mantra for Happiness


Note: Previously posted here by a beloved member




Since we were children we have been told what to do and what not to



We have been told to be kind, generous and loving. We have been told

that we should look at the positive things of life and not dwell on

the negative.We have been told to speak sweetly and not hurt anyone

with our words.We know that people throw a stone when they see a crow

cawing, but want to hear the koyal bird as long as possible even

though they both look similar.Like these we have been told many

things by our elders and teachers and books about the proper ways to

tread the path of life.


But how many of these values do we actually incorporate in our life?


We follow them to a certain extent, but most of the times we follow

our emotions and instincts.If we become jealous, we want to harm

others. If we become greedy we forget the moral values.If we are

facing a bad time, we only dwell on the negative and forget the

positive.If we are angry, then we throw everything to the wind and

shout bad words.


But the winner is one who knows how to remain strong and positive in

the worst of circumstances. It is one of the above values that we are

taught since we came to this world, which I realised with experience,

is the mantra for Happiness. If followed fully even in the worst of

times, it gives rise to wonderful relationships, peace, success and

eventually happiness.


So what is this mantra for happiness?


Do you know that there is one important thing that governs our

relationships with everyone around us?If that thing is used properly

we have a happy family, confident and loving children, trusted

workers and colleagues. It is that thing that governs how people

around us look at us and thus forms our image in society. It is on

that thing that crores of deals between countries and companies are



Now what is that important thing?


Is it something we have control of or it is dependent on destiny or

something not in our control. Well that thing is a part of our body

and we have the power of full control on it. And that thing is our



Now I will tell you by certain examples, how tongue governs all that

has been said before.


1. Suppose you have an argument with your close family member and in

that you say something that hurt the other person. After some time or

days, you resume a normal relationship, but what did was forgotten,

but what you said is never forgotten. It stays with the other person

and surfaces every time there is a bad patch between you. It modifies

your impression on the other person.


2. If you are angry with your child for keeping the room untidy or

not studying and you say something like " you will never succeed, you

are a failure " , the child loses his confidence. Then how many ever

times later you encourage the child to do well, at the back of his

mind, he has someone saying " you will never succeed, you are a

failure " . Everytime you lose anger with your child and tell him

negative statements, they stick to his mind, and later make him also

behave the same way with others.


3. Suppose there is some lady in your neighbourhood, whom you do not

know much about and except a hello, hi, you do not interact with her.

Your impression about her would be generally good. Probably she is a

good lady doing social work and helping others etc. Now one day you

call her to ask for some help and she in some mood speaks curtly…your

impression of her immediately washes away. And next time if someone

asks you about her, you do not give a good report. One incident was

enough to give her a negative report.


4. Now take the case of your domestic help or worker who has worked

for you for a long time. Suppose she comes late one day, and other

day she takes leave without informing ... your anger surpasses all

limits …how dare she … you had to do so much work … and as soon as

she steps in ... you throw your volley of accusations ... she gives

you some explanation ... later you realise that you need her more

than she needs you … and you decide to keep quite ... well the damage

is done... She carries image now, that you are someone not to be

trusted .., you do not have value for the years of hard work she put

in for you ... All your rewards and gifts and caring for her has gone

to the wind. Her loyalty to you is seriously affected.


There are several examples like this and I am sure you would all have

more examples than me to quote for these.


Essence: It is so so important to control our tongue and not let it

loose in anycircumtance..because if we lose control of it, the harm

it does is manifold .. it destroys relationships, our childs

confidence, our social status, loyalty of our employees .. The

incidents are forgotten, but words are never forgotten.


So now, when it is so important to control our tongue, how do we do



Sometimes we get so carried away by emotions that the words just seem

to slip out. What to do. Well for this I have discovered a mantra and

it is rightly called the mantra for happiness. It needs to be chanted

108 times daily throughout the day, silently in the mind...


and the mantra is


" If I have to speak good, I will open my mouth , If I have to speak

bad, I will keep my mouth closed "




If I have to speak words of love, encouragement, wisdom,

understanding, I will open my mouth ...


If I have to speak out of anger, frustration, jealousy, irritation, I

will keep quiet.


(Note: Previously posted here by a beloved member)

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