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Think before you ask God/ess !

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Namaste Narasimhaye & Members, Sharing with you my personal views on the above subject. Comments and brickbats are welcome. ------------------- Most of us are brought up with an acknowledgement of a higher power that guides and controls our life. We call this power God/ess. Some of us are so blessed that we don't have to ask for anything from this higher power. This sometimes leads us to feel that there is actually no power that oversee's everything in life and it is only because of us and our efforts that things in our life are happening in the way we want. After a certain period of time, i.e when people reach a tough Dasha or bad period in their astrochart and

start encountering difficulties, they realize that there is actually a higher power that knows & controls everthing and they look for rescue. Some of us blindly believe whatever has been taught to us by our parents, grandparents and other elders since childhood and agree to the fact that their is a higher power and resort to it at times of need and in most cases forget when the going is good. I mean the times when we feel that this has been done by "ME". Coming to the point, whenever difficulties arise and we are helpless we resort to asking this Higher power for what we want and in the way we want, irrespective of wether it is actually needed or wanted. Once this demand is fullfilled new demands crop up to adjust according to the previous demands met.Demands never cease and everyday a new demand gradually comes out from the depths of our thought process which we promptly put in front of

God/ess and ask for it to be fulfilled. Some people try pleading,some try bribing by making promise of offerings or to make a visit after the wish is fulfilled etc. I remember the time when I was a kid and at times to get a wish fullfilled would threaten God/ess that if my request is not looked in to then I would stop praying from next day. This mostly used to be the day/s before exam results were to be announced. Iam pleased to say that now after wearing Rudraksha for a few years and with the guidance received from Good people and friends / relatives and ofcourse this group ( which itself is a blessing) I have realized that it is wrong for us to demand things from God/ess. The reason being the understanding that things happen in our life when the timing is right. Immaterial of what we think, it is always for the Good of ourselves and for the people with whom our lives are interconnected.We may feel according to our current

scenario that this was not good or it could have been better or that we deserved it more than the guy who got it ,but we only get what is due for us, in other words We get what we deserve as per our past and present Karma.Hence it is important to do good Karma in our Thought's and Actions. Thoughts more importanly as that eventually controls our Actions.Ideally we should ask for the three P's if not less from God/ess. They are:Peace , Protection & ProsperityBeing the Benign God/ess they have the responsibility of taking care of our long term goal (Moksha),irrespective of wether we remember them in our daily lives or not, and at the same time taking care of our short term day to day requests of money,job,success in undertakings,ideal life partner,progeny, good health etc.etc.Thinking of the above automatically leads us to realize the incomprehensible

and intricate way things are planned out for all of us humans (more than a Billion in India itself, leave the rest of the world) and the countless species and subspecies of living organisms.Navgrahas and the Sun being the executives of God/ess in this plan, carrying out this Tireless & Thankless job of meting out Good and Bad Karma's to the rightful owner with precision over numerous lifetimes. Instead of thanking them, WE as humans, guided by Charlatans and Crooks in the names of Astrologers and Preists blame them for all our difficulties, pain & sufferings. Shani & Mangal being the most blamed among the Navagrahas closely followed by Rahu & Ketu.Whatever age we are, if we are sensible enough to look back and reflect upon the many tough and difficult times we have encountered in our current life, we find that we have always learnt a lesson. This lesson has more or less made us never think of repeating the same

mistake/s again. Humility being the invisible bonus accompanying this lesson.This acheivement of realizing our mistakes and the decision to not repeat it again is in itself a Giant Leap forward on our spiritual path, which unfortunately only a selected few realize. So the next time you start asking God/ess your endless list of Luxurious Wants, spare a thought to think if it is actually Needed and wether you actually Deserve it. If you are confused and undecided then only ask for the three P's and let God/ess choose the right time to give what is rightfully yours.Aum Sree GauriShankaray Namah

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