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Shaligrams - Part Three

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Eight Incarnation - Krishna
















Krishna is the other name of eternity, austerity and completeness and is considered as the eighth incarnation of Lord Vishnu. The worshipper of this shaligrama will earn a great respect and dignity in the society. He will be successful in all his endeavors by his wit and intelligence. The beholder will earn a great name and fame in his circle and will be loved by one and all. The worshipper develops an aura which will attract all the persons around him. The persons suffering from lack of confidence can be immensely benefited by worshipping this shaligram. He becomes charismatic and gets success in all his endeavors.















Ninth Incarnation - Buddha
















Buddha is the ninth incarnation of Lord Vishnu. Buddha though born in the rich and kings family left his family for the search of truth and wisdom. The worshipper of this Shaligrams gets detached and leads a sacred life. The worshipper can meditate well and go towards philanthropy and austerity. He develops a great sense of satisfaction and can take on patiently all trying situations. He will spend his all life in doing good to the mankind and hence earns a great respect and love from the socity. Good for concentration and meditation. The worshipper goes deep into the spirituality remains detached but still lead a wonderful and a satisfying life. Scarcity of anything remains away from him.















Tenth Incarnation - Kalki
















Kalki is considered to be the tenth incarnation of Lord Vishnu which has yet to come in the Kalyuga. It is assumed that Kalki will come in the white horse and remove the earth from all the sins and make the earth a more lovable and worth living place. The worshipper of the Kalki Shaligram can foresee the future things happening. Its very good for the Lawyers, Police personnel and Government officials. It hones their administrative skills and tremendously increase their analytical qualities. The worshipper make the things happen in his favour and generates very high position and status in the society. He gets immense fame, name and is respected in the society.















Mahavishnu Shaligram
















One who sees the Mahavishnu shaligram gets eternal peace . The worshipper gets rid of obstacles arising due to negative planetary effects. The worshipper gets rid of fear of ghosts, snakes and evil spirits.The Mahavishnu shaligram contains the influence of ten incarnations . It is considered most powerful shaligram and works like a shield and drives evils away. Wherever the Lord Vishnu is present Lakshmi automatically comes to stay there. Extremely good for fortune and worldly comforts. The beholder remains always free from any legal cases. Mahavishnu Shaligram is one of the very powerful Shaligrama and it should be worshipped with utmost devotion.















Damodar Shaligram















Who was "bound by the waist" by His mother Yashoda as a punishment for stealing butter. The students can gain immensely by worship of this Shila as it tremendously increases the memory retention power and concentration. The worshipper desires are fulfilled and besides getting worldly comforts he helps the society to improve by carrying austerities and philanthropic activities. The worshipper always remain attached to his near and dear ones. A son becomes very obedient is the Shilas is kept in the house and progress in his life by coming into the right kind of track. It helps in removing bad habits and the worshipper transforms into a spiritual being.















Laxmi Janardan Shaligram















Janardanah is another name of Vishnu and appears as the 126th name in the Vishnu sahasranama. According to Adi Sankara on the Vishnu Sahasranama, Janardanah means "One who inflicts suffering on evil men." Alternatively, it means, "He to whom all devotees pray for wordly success and liberation." The term Ardayati is a verb meaning both 'giving sorrow' or 'giving joy'. Thus, One who gives sorrow and disaster to the vicious, and who blesses with joy and peace to the good people is called Janaardanah. Janardhanh Shaligrama is extremely powerful and the worshipper of this Shaligrama gets tremendous success in business and services. All the obstacles coming on the way of the worshipper are removed from the core and he reaps wealth and gold in all his endeavors. The worshipper gets immense protection by worshipping this Shaligrama and no black magic or occult works on him. Any person trying to harm the worshipper is sent to hell and suffers throughout his life. It is a extremely protective Shaligrama which fulfills all wishes of the devotee and blesses him with peaceful environment, prosperity and protection.
















Mahalaxmi Shaligram















The worship of Mahalaxmi shaligram bestows the devotee with good health and wealth . By worshipping Lakshmi shaligram a man can tremendously progress in the business and expands it to a very high level very successfully. Where Lakshmi stays, Narayan automatically comes to that place. It provides extreme protection from the enemies. It is extremely good for the people doing business, service and transacting huge amount of money as it protect like a shield from any loss. The beholder gets all the worldly comforts and leads a successful life. The worshipper becomes very confidant and can take on any challenge and emerges out to be a ultimate winner.















Ganesh Shaligram















The pooja of Ganesha shaligram removes all obstacles and brings success in all undertakings. It gives the worshipper all kinds of attainments - Riddhies and Siddhies . His opponents are finished i. e. the minds or intentions of his opponents are changed. The devotion of Ganesha shaligram ensures the earliest accomplishment of all works pertaining to property, business etc which are stuck for quite some time due to some or the other hurdles. Ganesh Shaligram is a must in any devotees alter as any big and good work is done by paying obeisance to the Lord Ganesha. Ganesha removes all fears and worshipper gets has way out when he has no hopes for accomplishment of a certain work.















Hayagriva Shaligram















Hayagriva is a avatar of Vishnu. He is depicted as a human being with a horse's head, and represents knowledge and wisdom. He is known for rescuing the Vedas from beneath the ocean, where they were hidden by demons. This Shaligram is very lucky for the beholder. All the stuck works starts happening at a very fast pace like a horse. The worshipper of this Shaligrama becomes very energetic and is blessed with all the worldly comforts and immense fortune. Worshipping this Shaligram the devotee gets with immense knowledge, wisdom, confidence, luck and he can take on very bravely any challenging situation through out his life. The environment at the house or at the workplace becomes very peaceful. It also tremendously improves the relationship among the family members, relatives and colleagues.















Kalpvriksha Shaligram
















According to Hindu mythology, the Kalpavriksha tree was one of the 14 gems which came out of the depths of the sea after the Samudra Manthan (churning of the ocean). The worshipper of this Shaligram gets all the worldly comforts and dignity in the society. Kalpavriksha is said to fulfill the desires of all those who have faith on the holy tree. This tree has a generous connotation attached - for ages it has been known to fulfill all the wishes of the devotees. By worshipping this Shaligram all the wishes of a person.















Shesha Ananta Shaligram















Shesh Nag, the serpent god, has been venerated and worshipped by many for centuries. He is considered to be the king of infernal regions called Patal. Lord Vishnu sleeps over the bed of its coils during intervals of creation. Vishnu wound Ananta-Sesha round the celestial mount to create the cosmic churn. Ananta represents attraction, charisma, solitude, closeness, and a place where nobody can get disturbed by the outside world. Ananta is also represented as one supporting the world on its hood. This Shaligram gives immense protection against the enemies. Black magic and occult does work on the worshipper. This is very useful for the people having Kaal Sarp Dosha and worshiping this Shila removes all hurdles and make life very peaceful and full of happiness. Worshipping of Ananta Shaligram also controls the flow of wealth and does not let the wealth go out from the house easily. It prevents thefts, losses from speculation and accidents. The worshipper remains healthy and and at his best physical health.















Shivlinga Shaligram















Shivling shaligram is the symbol of auspiciousness. The worshipper of this shaligram gains health and peace. It is extremely good for normalizing the troubled family life. The worshipping of this shaligram increases the family harmony and the environment of the house and the workplace of the beholder becomes like a temple. Shivalinga shaligram is sakshat "Shiva" and it takes the devotee to spiritualism besides giving him prosperity and mental peace. The wishes of the beholder are fulfilled. Sincere Lady worshipper can get husband of their choice and can lead a very happy life.















Ladoo Gopal Shaligram















This is a very auspicious Shaligram and is very readily available. It is a round shaped Shila without any other marking on it. The worshipper of this Shila improves his wisdom and decision making capabilities. It is very good for the students as it increases the concentration and retention capabilities of the brain. By worshipping this Shaligram the students can clear all the obstacles and emerge out to be victorious in their endeavors. The very presence of this Shila removes the negativity and makes the environment very pure and amicable. The Shila should be round and atleast few in number in the altar.















Hrishikesha Chandrama Shaligram















Chandrama shaligrama is very powerful Shaligrama as it controls the temper of the individual. Those persons who can not control their angar and inturn loose many thing in their lives because of being short tempered are advised to worship a Chandrama Shila. The Chandra Shila helps the worshipper to remove obstacles on his way and let the works be accomplished in the most satisfying way. Chandra Shila also denotes itself of beauty. The men and the women who are looking for their prospective bride grooms can immensely be benefited by the worship of the Chandra Shilas. It increases the capacity to derive pleasures and take the life to tranquility. The worshipper attains moksha who does regular puja with devotion.















Govinda Shaligram















This is a very auspicious Shaligram and is readily available. It is a round shaped Shila with a small round white marking on it. The worshipper of this Shila gets immense wisdom, good virtues, courage and success in all his endeavors. The worshipper is able to take very good decisions in business and family life and can bring immense peace and prosperity in his life. The worshipper can improve tremendously the relationship with in the family members and unite them. This Shaligram provides tremendous confidence to take on any challenge and he emerges out to be an ultimate winner. One must have few Goving shilas in the altar.















Laxmi Dhanvantri Shaligram















The worship of Mahalaxmi Dhanvantry shaligram bestows the devotee with good health and wealth . By worshipping Lakshmi shaligram a man can tremendously progress in the business and expands it to a very high level very successfully. Dhanvantry propels the stuck works faster and especially the projects involving starting of new business, purchasing of a house or a vehicle , all these works are consummated very fast by worshipping this Shaligrama. Where Lakshmi stays, Narayan automatically comes to that place. It provides extreme protection from the enemies. It is extremely good for the people doing business, service and transacting huge amount of money as it protect like a shield from any loss. The beholder gets all the worldly comforts and leads a successful life. The worshipper becomes very confidant and can take on any challenge and emerges out to be a ultimate winner.















Sudershan Shaligram















This is a very powerful and commenly found Shaligrama. As the name indicates Sudershan was utilised by Lord Krishna to kill the demons and any other being who came in between 'Dharma'. Sudarsanah -"One who is easy to be perceived if the seeker has sufficient devotion," or "He whose meeting is auspicious inasmuch as it removes the seeker's worldly worries." It has protected the society from the wrong doer's and saved the mankind from being devastated. The worshipper of this Shaligram gets immense protection from occult, black magic and bestow him with peace and Moksha. Sudershan keeps all devils away and so is the persons trying to harm the worshipper have a very sad end. All the obstacles are removed from path of the worshipper and he leads a very comfortable and pious life. It also helps in increasing the wit and creativity. The worshipper not only fights for his own rights but also struggles to attain the rights of others. The worship of this Shaligram is very beneficial for especially leaders, businessmen politicians, doctors and professionals.















Laxmi Narayan Shaligram















Dhanesvarah - The Lord of wealth. Here the term "Wealth" means all the good things in the universe- all objects of happiness. He is described in the Puranas as the Lord of the Goddess Lakshmi (Lakshmipati) and as such He is ever the Master-of-all-wealth. The greatest of wealth is, of course, the liberation, and Lord Narayana is the Isvara of this great wealth, He blesses the true devotees with the experience of complete liberation from the entanglements and sorrows of the vestures of matter around us.















Surya Shaligram















By worshipping Surya Shaligram the worshipper gets the quality of the sun - to rule and to move continuously with brilliant radiance and strength . Gives happiness , popularity and material gains. Enlightens the Super Consciousness. It removes worry, suspicion , guilt , fear and all kinds of physical and mental illness. It improves the decision making and administrative capabilities of the worshipper. Also protects from accidents and misfortune. It is extremely good for the removal of illnesses pertaining to eyes, joint pains and other gastric troubles.















Laxmi Narsimha















This is one of the very rare Shaligram. The worshiper of this Shaligram gets immense protection from his opponents. Besides great protection, the worshipper also enjoys good fortune and all the worldly comforts. He enjoys the peaceful environment in his surroundings throughout his life. He becomes very fearless and confident. His all wishes are fulfilled and reaps gold and wealth in all his endeavors. He gets success in business and service and lead a very satisfying life. His all wishes are fulfilled. As the name indicates it has positive effects of both Narasimha and the Lakshmi. It is also one the complete Shila and a devotee must have it in his altar.















Garuda Shaligram















A bird deity, with the head and wings of an eagle and sometimes with the rest of his body like that of a man, is called the king of birds and he is also the carrier of Lord Vishnu. This god-bird is thought to be remover of obstacles. His image is placed near Vishnu in temples and in pictures he is depicted carrying Vishnu in the skies on its back. The worshipper of this Shaligram is blessed with immense success in his life. His all obstacles are removed and he reaps gold and wealth in all his endeavors. This is a very powerful Shaligram and it makes things happen very fast and hence one Shila should be kept in the alter.















Laxmi Shankh Shaligram















The Lakshmi Shank brings immense prosperity and growth. With this the sick businesses can turn around and become very profitable. The Lakshmi Counch is very auspicious to keep in the altar as this removes the negativity and brings family harmony. The worshipper of this Shaligram gets immense wealth, prosperity and Good Luck. It is believed that who keeps this Shila in their locker , they would never face any scarcity of wealth in their life. The right side shila is extremely rare. The south is the direction of Kuber, the God of wealth. Worshipping this Shila gives immense wealth and worldly comforts.















Radha Krishna Shaligram















Radha Krishna is a sign of ultimate love, respect and affection. The very presence of this shila brings immense harmony, good luck, peace, prosperity and tranquility in the lives of the devotees. It also helps in getting right eternal partner which further moulds the life to take the devotee into total Lord Krishna devotion and doing work for promoting 'Vaishnava' religion. This Shaligrama brings immense improvement in decision making capabilities of the devotees. He develops great intuition, wisdom and do philanthropic works and Austerities for the upliftment of the society. By worshipping this Shaligrama the devotees attains 'Moksha' and 'salvation'.















Maha Kali Shaligram















Kali is a divine mother in a ferocious form. She sent her power and energy in the form of Mother Gauri to free the Gods from two very dangerous demons Shumbh and Nishumbh. These demons have conquered the three worldsof Earth. Lord Shiva and Mother Gauri in their destructive form are known as Mahakala and Mahakali or Kali. By worshipping the Mahakali Shila the devotee gets detached from the materialistic things and does not have any fear of insecurity and death. On devotee no occult or black magic works and this Shaligrama works as a protection shield on devotee. The devotee becomes fearless and outshine in all endeavors as compared to his rivals. The Hindu Goddess Kali is the first of ten Mahavidyas. The Kali is also known as Adya, the first born. The devotee and his family is greatly benefitted by virtue of peaceful environment and extreme protection bestowed by the presence of this Shila.















Bhoor Bhuvas Shaligram















The powerful Bhoor Bhavas Gayatri Shila Mahamritunjaya Vaikuntha Shila glitters like diamonds and gems, has white shinning crytals/sphatik and has golden coloured impressions inside is considered extremely auspicious, immensely powerful and the ultimate Shila for achieving Salvation or Moksha and all worldly pleasures. As per Skanda Purana Bhoor Bhuvas Gayatri Mahamritunjaya Shaligram Shilas are most rare Shilas amongst all Shaligram Shilas and blesses the worshipper with a very very long life and extremely good health. The power of these Shilas as described in Skanda Puran is such that the living beings who are in the vicinity of these Shilas upto 123 Km diameter too get the benefits of these Shilas without even worshipping them. This Shilas protects from sudden accidents and thefts and brings immense wealth and bestows the life to devotee like that of a King, where apart from being philanthropist and austere nature, he becomes invincible and enjoys tremendous respect, power and high dignity coupled with all worldly pleasures. Apart from the common powers of both these Shilas the Gayatri Shilas increases wit, wisdom, confidence and strong will power. The Mahamritunjaya part in the Shila bestows the devotee with very strong intuition and makes all six senses of the devotee to work with perfection. The worshipper can clearly see the future things happening. This Shila has positive energy and tremendous power, extremely protective in nature, blesses the devotee with extremely peaceful environment, provides immense worldly comfort and takes the devotee to spiritual enlightenment and transcendence.

Shaligram is also known as Saligram, Shalagram, Salagram and Shaligrams. Shaligram shilas are found in Gandaki river in Nepal.

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