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To Mouli / Kundalini Awakening

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Dear Mouli


Even i would be keen toknow and meet your Guru ji.


If you feel right you may drop a mail sunilgeraatgmaildotcom




, Chandramouli

kadaraiah <mouli.1974 wrote:


> Dear Haribol,


> I have my guruji, with respect.....Sri Sri Ramachandra Guruji, with

whom we have meditated a lot and learned a lot,


> he is one among those who have thought Kundalini Meditation and has

raised his energy to the highest level.


> You can get in touch with him to know his experiences....


> I shall speak to him and ask him so that i can give you his contact



> Love

> Mouli




> : no_reply: Sun, 15 Feb 2009

12:19:57 +0000RBSC : Kundalini Awakening




> Dear Prabhu,Rudra Centre mentions that they have seen several

people whose Kundalini is raised but let us also see what our members

here have to say about this. Anyway, thanks for your message.Om Hari




> -- In , Shaligram Shala

<shaligram8@> wrote:>> Hare Krishna ,> > > Could you name any person

in the whole world whose Kundalini is raised and he is alive so that

we can know his experiences.> I understand that people say that

Ramkrishna Parmahansa or Swami Vivekanada had Kundalini raised and

they were in eternal bliss. But ideally if their Kundalini had raised

then they would been in the supreme of their health and not died

because of Diabetes or cancer ????> > I am an Aura Therapist and

have taken Aura of several hundred very known personalities like the

few who teaches yoga or different meditations and despite taking

20,000 Auras in India and abroad (various countries) still I have not

come across even one individual with raised Kundalini. Trust me, I

have seen Auras of the big business man, actors, various swamijis and

several other very known personalities.> > > Aum Namoh Bhagvate

Vasudevay Saligram Dev Namaha> I beg to remain yours in the humble

service of the Lord and His devotees. Shubh Dinam Astu / Have a Nice

Day,> Shri Krishna-Balaram Arpanam Astu - in the service of Their

Lordships, Shri Shri Krishna & Balaram,> Shri Shri Radhika Raman

Arpanam Astu,> Shri Swayamvyakta-Shaligram-Silas Arpanam Astu,> >

Thanks and Regards,> Haribol,> Rajiv Krishna Dasa


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