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Rajiv Krishna Dasa / Kundalini Awakening

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Dear Rajiv ji,


The Great Masters you mentioned in your message were connected to the

divine source directly....they did not need their body. People with

Kundalini risen do not worry about the corporeal sufferings(as Nikhil

ji so wonderfully mentioned in his message). The body undergoes the

process of aging and decaying, but their divinity did not suffer

because of the body. The decay of the body did not interrupt their

blissful living.


Reading about these Masters is so inspirational...below is an excerpt:


.....Ramakrishna was dying. He had cancer of the throat, and in his

last days it became impossible for him even to drink water.

Vivekananda said to him, " Bhagwan, can't you ask God to do you just a

little favor? If you simply ask God that at least you should be

allowed to eat and drink it is bound to happen. It is becoming too

great a suffering for your body – and not only for your body but for

us all. We cannot eat because we know you cannot eat. It has become

impossible for us to drink because we know you cannot drink. How can

we drink? So if you don't care about yourself, okay, but think of us –

we are also suffering. Just for our sake close your eyes and say to

God, 'Do me just a small favor.' "


Ramakrishna closed his eyes, opened them and started laughing. He

said, " You fool! If I listen to your advice God will laugh at me. I

asked him.... " He said, " God said, 'Ramakrishna, you have eaten with

this throat for so many years – can't you now eat and drink with the

throats of your disciples?'


And Ramakrishna said, " Vivekananda, So stop torturing yourself,

suffering, because now that I have lost my throat, I have to depend on

your throats. Eat as much as you can – a little more than usual,

because a part of it has to go to me. Drink a little more than usual

because there will be my share, too. So eat, drink and rejoice,

because God has said, 'Ramakrishna, you can eat through your

disciples' bodies. Why depend on this body? And this body is gone and

rotten!' "


2: Ramakrishna's Paramhansa: Leaving the Body and Sharda Ma


At the time of Ramakrishna's death, it had become clear three days

before that Ramakrishna is taking leave now. So his wife Sharda became

very worried and upset. Ramakrishna asked her, " Why do you cry?

Because the one who is, is not going to die. And did you love this

body known as me or did you love the one who is? " Sharda said, " I

loved the one who is. " Ramakrishna said, " Then drop the worry. Then,

when he who is not dies, do not break your bangles. " There was only

one widow in India who did not break her bangles after her husband's

death Then Ramakrishna died.


Everybody else cried and wept but Sharda did not agree to break her

bangles. She remained the same as she always was. Everybody said,

" What are you doing? Ramakrishna is dead. " She said, " One who has died

was not there in the first place, and the one who was there, still is.

These bangles are in this memory. Sharda remained a bride even after

Ramakrishna's death. She never said that Ramakrishna is dead and

whenever somebody asked she would say, " That body had become worn and

torn, he has only changed clothes. " In reality, only clothes are

changed, only garbs are changed.





, Nikhil V

<nikhil_v23 wrote:


> Dear Friend,


> Why on earth would a person with his kundali awakened feel the need

to visit someone to photograph his aura ?? You may like to note that

people with their kundali awakened would be very self aware. they may

not feel compelled to meet someone who claims to photograph their

aura.... afterall why should they get their aura

photographed when their kundalini is awake and they could know

just about anything they want to.... all they have to do is

just plug themselves into the universal power


> A business man concerned about protecting his wealth or wanting to

accumulate more wealth or a new age spiritualist dabling in everything

with a spiritual tag are not exactly the type of candidates who may

have their kundalini awakened. its not to mean that such people cant

have their kundali awakened, but that awakening of kundalini among

such people would be a result of a rare accident than due to spiritual

practices. So there is a good chance that none of your 20,000 clients

had their kundalini awakened and may not have it awakened for births

to come


> " But ideally if their Kundalini had raised then they would been

in the supreme of their health and not died because of Diabetes or

cancer ???? "


> Kundalini awakened or asleep if you are born with a corporeal body,

you have to die. disease is just a reason / pretex .....  Krishna had

to vacate his body when the time came, (offcource people would say his

business on earth was finished when he desided to leave.... but that

appart, i'd say even Lord Vishnu knows that it would be against the

laws of nature (his own laws) to unnecessarily prolong the corporeal body)


> I am an Aura Therapist and have taken Aura of several hundred very

known personalities like the few who teaches yoga or different

meditations and despite taking 20,000 Auras in India and abroad

(various countries) still I have not come across even one individual

with raised Kundalini. Trust me, I have seen Auras of the big business

man, actors, various swamijis and several other very known personalities.


> Frankly I doubt the reliability of so called aura therapy....

reminds me of the attempts of people to photograph ghosts..... in the

aftermath of the hippie generation, lost of new age spiritualists try

to blend old spirituality with modern science.... let me tell you one

thing... you cant explain everything with modern day science when the

basic rules of physics and chemistry are changing everyday or being

challenged..... (check our M theory which challenges our present

definition of space and time ) in future I am sure there would ne new

theories which challenges the then set sules too     in such

context how can one rely on some quirky instrument based on the same

inaccurate science



> If you really want to meet people with awakened kundalini.. i

suggest you take a trip to the neighboring state Gujarat... there is a

pace called Girnar.... wander in the girnar hills.. I am sure you

would come across many such enlightened ones. we are talking about the

real deal... not some amateur






> --- On Sat, 14/2/09, Shaligram Shala <shaligram8 wrote:

> Shaligram Shala <shaligram8

> RBSC : Kundalini Awakening


> Saturday, 14 February, 2009, 6:46 PM


> Hare Krishna ,


> Could you name any person in the whole world whose Kundalini is

raised and he is alive so that we can know his experiences.

> I understand that people say that Ramkrishna Parmahansa or Swami

Vivekanada had  Kundalini raised and they were in eternal bliss. But

ideally if their Kundalini had raised then they would been in the

supreme of their health and not died because of Diabetes or cancer ????


> I am an Aura Therapist and have taken Aura of several hundred very

known personalities like the few who teaches yoga or different

meditations and despite taking 20,000 Auras in India and abroad

(various countries) still I have not come across even one individual

with raised Kundalini. Trust me, I have seen Auras of the big business

man, actors, various swamijis and several other very known personalities.



> Thanks and Regards,

> Haribol,

> Rajiv Krishna Dasa


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