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To Nikhil / Kundalini Awakening

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Dear Nikhil,


There is no need for apologies. In fact, thank you for making things

an interesting discussion. You are right about arguments consuming

energy. It is highly appreciated that you have been trying not to

stray beyond this point.


Om Bholenath




, Nikhil V

<nikhil_v23 wrote:


> Dear Shri Prabhu,


> My replies are below in red font mostly. I am arguing the concepts

here no personal offence meant.


> Nikhil.


> PS: My personal apologies to Shri Narasimhaye if my words here are

a little sharp. I am done with arguing. This is a forum to help those

seeking rudrakshas... let it remain so... i dont intend creat

distractions. Rudracenter's beads are some of the finest

available and I have personaly benifited from those beads.


> Too many arguments consume energy and simply gives me more

Karma… I have enough to purge right now….


> Warm regards


> Nikhil

> =================================================================





> Hare Krishna Prabhu,

> Thanks for your mail Prabhu. Please accept my best wishes, all

glories to Sri Guru and Gauranga, all glories to all the devotees of

the Lord.


> Prabhu my point wise reply is below in bold letters against your

mail. Pl go through that and revert back to me again if you have

something to add Mahadev.


> Dear Friend,


> Why on earth would a person with his kundali awakened feel the

need to visit someone to photograph his aura ?? " Prabhu since I have

been doing Aura reading for now almost 12 years, I can see the Aura

of the person with my eyes by concentrating on his 3rd eye chakra. 

Prabhu it is always that I approach persons, Gurus, Sanyasis whom I

think they might be Kundalini awakened person and in the process of

talking to them I see there Aura Prabhu. If there Aura ia Lavanderish

white or white then I request them if they could let me take  take

their Aura with my machine which is capable of capturing the Chakras.

> Pl note Mahadev that Chakras of the person cannot be seen by the

eyes, but Aura , yes we can see that without the help of any machine

definitely by our eyes. "


> Vision and other senses are in the mind not eyes…naked eyes or

not, you can see and feel more things than charkas.. Try retaining

your composure when a nubile yakshini is tugging you to mate with

her … so do not pre-assume what you can see and what you cant

see... there's more to this world than what meets the eye.



> " Believe me I dont want to name the personalities but most of te

famous personalities who gives 'Pravachan' and teach yoga, I have

taken their Aura and chakra pictures by my machine and found the

chakras not balanced at all. Pl also note that white Aura does not

mean that the person's Kundalini is awakened but definitely there is

a chance where he might have their Kundalini awakened.



> Your entire argument is based ona single premise: (1) Your kirlian

camera or whatever instrument used by you can see auras and charkas


> Let me repeat what I said in my previous e-mail. Modern science is

immature and incomplete; so is your machine. In the last decade the

basic laws of physics have been revised so many times. Now based on

mathematics they have concluded that 99% of the matter in the

universe is dark matter (another name for something they cant

understand). tomorrow there would be another theory. And here

you are claiming to photograph auras.. with kirlian camera ?

when the same science cant even understand the basic nature of

things.............. I cant buy that idea !


> You may like to note that people with their kundali awakened would

be very self aware. they may not feel compelled to meet someone who

claims to photograph their aura.... afterall why should they get

their aura photographed  when their kundalini is awake and they

could know just about anything  they want to.... all they

have to do is just plug themselves into  the

universal power Mahadev, I dont really agree with your this logic,

because to whom so ever I have appraches 99% of the people have

extended their support. You will be surprised to note that even few

Gurus who are enlightened have also not their Kundalini awakened.


> 12 years while is not a long time is certainly adequate for a

reasonable person to understand the basics of Yoga (which include,

charkas, and kundalini ). Here your basics premise is that you have

gone to famous spiritual personalities and they entertained you and

permitted you to photograph and you found their auras wanting.


> Assuming your instrument works, which I doubt in the

first place,  

> just because some one is famous and have a large retinue of

followers does not make him enlightened. In these days bulk of those

seers are just people who make a living out of Geeta parayan or

similar spiritual activities. good ones come far and rare between.


> For all you know, you must have photographed some guruji whose

chakras had opened up properly but your instrument being inadequate

must have mislead you into believing that the persons aura is not



> I'd say instead of messing with who's the true guru or whether aura

photo has come correct or not Do some sadhana by yourself ….pick

your favorite deity and get a yantra …chant the mantra and simply

let it go on uninterrupted… for those who are patient the results

will be there. Once you come to a stage where you actually get some

small siddhies… like premonition, mind reading… get to see some

of the higher entities (I am not talking about meeting gods like

Krishna, Shiva or Goddess  dunno how many lifetimes may be needed to

meet them) but lesser entities like Yakshas, yakshinis…

pishachinis…. .or simply spirits which come easier only then do we

actually realize that there is a larger world out there beyond your

reckoning and that this corporeal body is nothing but a hindrance.

Successful sandhna is enough to take care of oneself... aura or

no aura your diety will take care of things for you..


> A business man concerned about protecting his wealth or wanting to

accumulate more wealth or a new age spiritualist dabling in

everything with a spiritual tag are not exactly the type of

candidates who may have their kundalini awakened. its not to mean

that such people cant have their kundali awakened, but that awakening

of kundalini among such people would be a result of a rare accident

than due to spiritual practices. So there is a good chance that none

of your 20,000 clients had their kundalini awakened and may not have

it awakened for births to come

> Sir, I dont think you are aware of depth of knowledge I have gone

into as far as Aura and Chakras are concerned. 


> (see last para of your mail below. I've highlighted in yellow.

Your depth of knowledge is self evident and I find it wanting !



> Mahadev, I think It is prudent to tell you first what is awakening

of Kundalini. Prabhu you must be aware that Kundalini is posotioned

at the Mooladhar chakra in the form of a coil. When a devotee

acheives the eternal bliss while doing meditation or any act this

Kudalini starts moving upwords thro all chakras and comes out from

the Sahashara (crown chakra). This is a state where in all 7 the

chakras of the person are fully balanced ( I mean perfectly round)

and glow with their respective colour for example ANAHATA will be

bright shinning green colour, Swadishtana would be bright shinning

and glowing Prange color and so on. At this stage the individual

connects himself to the transcendence that is the 'Ultimate' or the

Cosmic power. At this stage he is so blissed and gets such an

immense 'Ananda' means joy, that he wants to remain in that stage

forever. For him every thing at this stage becomes 'Nir arthak' means

no meaning.But in reality this process of

> Kundalini awakening happens only PARTIALLY'. A person expirience

the raining of Kundalini from the Mool Dhara and he experiences the

eternal bliss in the process but soon after reaching say Anahata or

Ajna Chakra the Kundalini does not have that last immense power to

cross the Sahashara and goes back to Mooladhara again. But sometimes

it may get stuck say at Swadishtana. That is why it is always

important to do 'Astral travel' or very deep meditation in the

presence of Guru. Astral travel is ehen you are in deep meditation,

you comeout of your body and go anywhere in the brahmand where ever

you wish. Mahadev, it may be noted that few of those who do this

travel in the process of travelling  meet several positive souls and

they take positive energy from them merelt by looking at them. Later

this positive energy is utilised very effectively for the HEALING.


> " But ideally if their Kundalini had raised then they would been

in the supreme of their health and not died because of Diabetes or

cancer ???? "


> Kundalini awakened or asleep if you are born with a corporeal

body, you have to die. disease is just a reason / pretex .....

 Krishna had to vacate his body when the time came, (offcource

people would say his business on earth was finished when he desided

to leave.... but that appart, i'd say even Lord Vishnu knows that it

would be against the laws of nature (his own laws) to unnecessarily

prolong the corporeal body)Yes Mahadev, if the Kundalini is partially

raisded then the chakras will not be completely balanced and then

disease can enter in the body. Pl note that once the chakras are

completely balanced and glowing with their respective colours, they

develop a great and extremely strong  invisible Shield in the body

that no disease can enter the body. But once the chakras are

imbalanced they make the body porous from that part of the body which

the chakras govern and hence disease can enter the body from that

particular part of the body. By Aura

> therapy it can be identified which is that affected part. I have

been visiting certain corporate houses and few famous hospitals where

in even the qualified doctors have taken the help of Aura therapy to

identify the future diseases.


> Diseases are not some external poison which is always attempting to

eat your body. There is more to it than that. If your concept is

perfect anyone who can get his kundalini up the correct charkas will

make himself immune to everything… pitty the world doesn’t work

like that.. if you are here on earth in a corporeal body and

continuing in it… it’s because of your previous karma’s. + your

present karmas adding up to your account. Now just because you get

your kundalini up to shasrachakra the right way doesn’t make you

immune to all those karmas accrued with your physical body or with

your atma in case you were something else before you came into

physical realm.


> All your everyday happening from making love to ones wife or a

casual chat with ones parents… anything….including this argument

with each other is a result of past karma or accruing more karma for

the future.. these are not things which will stop once your kundalini

goes up the right way, neither does your body stop aging / roting


> In the physical realm.. everything is food for another… animals

eat plants and other animals… the dung becomes manure for plants..

and dead carcass of animals or ash if you are burning a human becomes

manure for plants… and the chain goes on..each taking nourishment

from another's demise... its nature ........its natural


> The physical body is food for another… germs may prey on your

body the same way. Sometimes the relationship is symbiotic as in the

case of bacteria in stomach… sometimes its is not… that’s

nature at work… if you think you can stop that with kirlian camera

and fixing charkas.. good luck !


> Death /decay of physical body does not mean that the person did not

have an awakened kundalini. And a perfectly raised kundalini cant

gurantee you perfect health for ever.


> I am an Aura Therapist and have taken Aura of several hundred very

known personalities like the few who teaches yoga or different

meditations and despite taking 20,000 Auras in India and abroad

(various countries) still I have not come across even one individual

with raised Kundalini. Trust me, I have seen Auras of the big

business man, actors, various swamijis and several other very known



> Frankly I doubt the reliability of so called aura therapy....

reminds me of the attempts of people to photograph ghosts..... in the

aftermath of the hippie generation, lost of new age spiritualists try

to blend old spirituality with modern science.... let me tell you one

thing... you cant explain everything with modern day science when the

basic rules of physics and chemistry are changing everyday or being

challenged.. ... (check our M theory which challenges our present

definition of space and time ) in future I am sure there would ne new

theories which challenges the then set sules too     in such

context how can one rely on some quirky instrument based on the same

inaccurate science

> This is nonsense. Pl meet me at Mumbai and I shall clear your

fundamentals by taking you to the hospitals and making you meet the

doctors and few patients that how they have been immensely



> I understand your outrage when someone questions your core

beliefs... but then I've seen more fundamentals than you can ever

imagine.. your inexact art does not interest me.


> If you really want to meet people with awakened kundalini.. i

suggest you take a trip to the neighboring state Gujarat... there is

a pace called Girnar.... wander in the girnar hills.. I am sure you

would come across many such enlightened ones. we are talking about

the real deal... not some amateurNot only Gujarat Mahadev, I have

gone to several countries to find a person with completely balanced

Chakras which is a body state near to Shushmna.

> My search is On Prabhu.

> I hope this will help,


> (shushmna is the central nadi not a body state… looks like you

have to learn a lot before continuing your search).


> But arguments appart, checkout some Aghori babas in Girnar or

Banaras.... you kirlian camera may fool you again....... but the

babas may be able to knock some sense into you.


> ========================================================






> Aum Namoh Bhagvate Vasudevay Saligram Dev Namaha

> I beg to remain yours in the humble service of the Lord and His

devotees. Shubh Dinam Astu / Have a Nice Day,

> Shri Krishna-Balaram Arpanam Astu - in the service of Their

Lordships, Shri Shri Krishna & Balaram,

> Shri Shri Radhika Raman Arpanam Astu,

> Shri Swayamvyakta- Shaligram- Silas Arpanam Astu,

> Thanks and Regards,

> Haribol,

> Rajiv Krishna Dasa,





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