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To Srinivasan / Advice regarding 14 mukhi

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Dear Srinivasan Ji,


Please throw more light on facing best direction during sleep & during study

as per purana & Vastu


Warm Regds



2009/6/29 <>




> HI GN, Cheers!


> if head placing towards west sleep will have terrifying dreams / nightmare.

> try with east, south help placing is the best to sleep as per purna shastra


> North is not recomended in purana and scientifically


> Om Nama Shivaya !


> A.Srinivasan

> Eshwari Computers

> #15, Pattalamma Temple Street

> Basavangudi, Bangalore - 560 004

> Cal: 41312207, 93412-11246



> -

> gnepdoc

> To:



> Saturday, June 27, 2009 4:15 PM

> [sPAM] RBSC : Advice regarding 14 mukhi


> Namaste to all members of the group.

> I wasted your advice regarding 14 mukhi java bead I purchased. I brought a

> single bead and use. It below my pillow at night.


> Now I am aware it is a powerful bead and I am supposed to feel something.


> I always wake up in REM phase which means I always remember my dreams when

> I wake up. Only thing I did notice is I don't get any terrifying dreams /

> nightmare.


> I worship the bead every morning and leave it my prayer place. Am I doing

> something wrong ??


> Kind regards

> GN

> ------------------








Thanks & Warm Regards,

Life is Great, Cherishing it with Enthusiasm


Prabhjot Singh Sood

Mobile: +91 93 1851 0055


You cannot teach anything, you can only help discover it within oneself.....


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