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The meaning of the mantra Namah Sivaayah and Om Namah Sivaayah

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The meaning of the mantra Namah Sivaayah and Om Namah Sivaayah


In order or grant Sayujyam to Sanaka Maharshi and others Nataraja, Parameswara

has blown the Dhakka or drum 14 times and the sounds so emanated have formed

into the Varnamala. Since these varnas are Alphabets have come out from Akshara

i.e. Parameswara only, who has no death, these alphabets or varnas are come to

be known as Aksharamala and spread out as Chaturdasa Vidyasthanams.


Nruttavasaane Nataraja Rajo, Nanaada Dhakkam Nava Panchavaaram


Uddartu Kaamah, Sanakadi Siddha Netadwimarse Siva Sootrajaalam


# Paanini Sootram


This Paanini Sootram says how the Alphabets have come into existence. The

fifty-one letters of the Alphabet beginning from " Aa " to " Ksha " are born in any

language from Omkaram, which is also called as Sthoola Panchakshari, while

Namasivaya is called as Sookshma Panchakshari.


Yajurvedam is considered as " Siras " or head among the four Vedas, which contains

" Satarudriyam " . The Panchakshari Mantra or the five letters Mantra " Namasivayah "

is in the middle of " Satarudriam " , in " Ashtamanuvakam " of Yajurvedam. This

mantra is considered as the greatest mantra or Moola Mantra from which all other

seven crore mantras have come out. In " Namasivayah " mantra, " Namah " speaks of

the Jeeva and " Siva " the Brahman and " Ayah " speaks of " Siva Jeevaikyam " or

" Lingaanga Sambandham " . That is why, in Saiva Siddhanta, besides " Namah Sivayah "

called as Moola Mantra is also referred to as " Panchakshari Paravidya " .

Swetaswatara Upanishad says, " Tacchiva Aeva Kevalah " . So, this Siva sabdam is

stating the " Param Jyoti Swaroopam " . While, " Brahma Naadam " is called as

" Sookshma Pranavam, Panchakshari " , is called as " Sthoola Pranavam " , occupying in

seed form or " Beeja Roopam " , all the five directions of East, South, West, North

and Oordhvam as " Nam, Mam, Sim, Vaam, Yam " . Again " Namah Sivaya " is called as

" Sthoola Panchakshari " and with " Aa, U, Ma, Bindu, Naadam " put together called

as " Oum " is " Sookshma Panchakshari " . This " Siva Panchakshari " mantra from

Yajurvedam is considered as head of all mantras and is also called as " Siro

Mantram " . Those, who have taken this Panchakshari Mantra from the Guru after

undergoing the " Shadadhwa Suddhi " or cleansing ceremony are considered as

observing " Siro Vratam " , " Maha Pasupata Deeksha " or " Saiva Maha Deeksha " and

they are only entitled to know " Brahma Vidya " , says Swetaswataropanishad,

" Teshaame Vaitam Brahma Vidyaam Vadeta, Siro Vratam Vidhi Vaidyastu Cheernam " .

" Siro Vratam " does not mean carrying fire on head as commented upon by

non-saivites. Vedas and Agamas proclaim that Panchakshari, was only existing

before creation started.


" Nama Sivaya " is the " Moola Mantra " , which alone is capable of conferring full

benefit to the person reciting this five letter mantra or " Panchakshari " mantra

at all times and there are no restrictions as to time, place, caste, creed or



Now the greatness of the six-letter mantra " Om Nama Ssivaya " is discussed. Both

the words " OM " and " Nama Sivaya " are stated in the Vedas and hence both are

Vedic mantras unlike other mantras possessing immense power or energy stored in

them and recitation of a combination of these two mantras releases immense

energy. Hence, one should be wary in reciting this Shadakshari mantra.


The author says that the mantra " Siva " as well as the Panchakshari mantra " Namah

Sivaya " can be recited by each and everyone irrespective of caste, creed,

religion, sex, etc., while those who have taken Gayatri Mantra alone, should

recite Shadakshari mantra or " Om Namah Sivaya " . The Sanyasis or the persons, who

have renounced the world, alone have right to recite " OMKARAM " and not by

householders belonging to any caste, creed or religion. The reason is that the

mantras " Om " and " Namah Sivaya " are Vedic mantras with high power like the

high-tension electricity wires a touch of which by uninitiated persons may

result in " Vipareetha Phalams " or shocks. Since, " Namah Sivaya " mantra, which is

the " Moola mantra " , is itself powerful to confer all boons, uninitiated person

should not recite " Shadakshari mantra " , says the author, Mudigonda Nagalinga

Sastry garu in his work Dharma Sangraha, Aahnikanda, because some Agama Sastras

are objecting for their recitation by uninitiated persons.


The simple meaning of the Shadakshari mantra " Om Namah Sivaya " is : " Sivaya "

means to Siva, " Namah " means salutations to Him, " Om " means, by reciting Whose

name only once, He who can take away the Jeevas upwards. The Adharva

Siropanishad is replying to the question Sakrud


Uchaaryamaane, Oortham Praanaa Nunnamaya Teetyom? " as " Adha Kasmaad Uchatey

Omkaraha " . This Adharva Siropanishad mantra is stating, as to why Siva is stated

as " Omkaram " and gives the reply that Siva alone can take the Jeevas upwards by

reciting His name only once and henceSiva is called as " Omkara Vachya " .


Source: Posted on Rudraksha Beads Societies Club




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