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How I See Sri Sai Satcharita -by Raghuraman


E-mail ID : saidarbar


Chapter 36 of Sri Sai satcharita


One day after dinner, Shama

was rubbing Baba's wet hands with a towel when the latter pinched Shama's

cheek. Shama feigning anger said, "Deva, is it proper for you to pinch me

like this? We don't want such a mischievous God who pinches us thus. Are we

Your dependents, is this the fruit of our intimacy?" Baba replied,

"Oh Shama, during the 72 generations that you were with me, I never

pinched you till now and now you resent my touching you". Shama, "We

want a God that will give us ever kisses and sweets to eat; we do not want any

respect from You, or heaven, balloon etc. Let our faith unto Your Feet be ever

wide-awake". Baba, "Yes, I have indeed come for that. I have been

feeding and nursing you and have got love and affection for you".


..From the Satsanghs of Saibanisa ji


We as a matter of fact do not

know as to when, where and how we commenced our journey passing through

repetitive cycles of life, but Our Sadhguru Lord Sainath exceptionally knows

all about our past and present and future.


It all started when the life

curtain was drawn opened. A young girl aged sixteen, returning from fields

after a hard day’s labour was molested and the light of her life extinguished

in the hands of a few ruffians after committing the gruesome act during the



Again, the soul was reborn as

a boy, orphaned at a tender age, and was subjected to bonded child labour in

the house of rich landlords. He had to face death penalty for an uncommitted

mistake during the year 1888.


The same soul was born in a

poor family. For making livelihood he joined the Naval forces and was killed

during the First World War in the year 1914 while in action.


The same soul was again

reborn in a middle class family. He too died in an encounter while freedom

struggle movement was at its peak in the year 1945.(From the Satsanghs of

Saibanisa ji)


The same soul is once again

born on 24th April 1946, in a middle

class family to Shri.Ravada Venkata Rao and Smt.Ravada Venkata Ramanamma. Life

has been the same way as it should have been for any normal living person.

Years rolled on, as time never awaits any one A marked change has how ever

crept in his mental horizon and he at the age of 54 yrs has adopted a new path

of life as directed by Lord Sainath. He has decided to shoulder the

responsibility given by Baba like a humble servant. He is none other than Sai Banisa Gopala Rao Ravada.



He is serving the fellow Sai

devotees in a determined way so that they progressively make spiritual

advancement and also win the grace of Lord Sainath like him. The gradual

transformation of an individual will certainly usher the development of a

healthy society in the long run, which we are all eager to achieve, no matter

in which part of the World we are.


Thus ‘An endless journey of

Saibanisa’ as crusader of Sai Philosophy

Continues . . . . . . . . . . .




Inspired By Sadhguru Lord



Raghu Raman Satulury.


The Glory Of Shirdi Sai Issue

08-2010 is now available in the PDF format. by clicking on the below link





Issue 2010-07 of The Glory Of Shirdi Sai is now available in the 3d Page

turning format.







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