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Shake It Off

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Humble Pranams At the Divine Lotus Feet Of our Ever Present Beloved Bhagawan Sri Sathya Sai Baba !

Swami at all times says that Past is a Guest,Tomorrow is a Stranger,Now its the "PRESENT" The Omnipresent and We should live in the present.Most of us dwell in our past ruining the present worrying about the future.

Every body goes through disappointments and setbacks from time to time,but if we hold on to hurt and pain,we end up living negative and bitter lives.May be you've made some mistakes or some poor choices,and now you're tempted to sit around and feeling guilt and condemned thinking something such as :

"I wish I had chosen another Career"

"I wish I had married that other person"

"I wish I had been a better Parent"

It's so easy to live life focused on that rareview mirror.WE can't do anything about the past,and we have no guarantees regarding the future;We can do something about right now.

Friend don't be a prisoner of the past.Some people are always dwelling on their disappointments.They just can't understand why their prayers aren't been answered,why their loved one wasn't healed,why they were mistreated.They don't realize it,but they are allowing their past to poison their future.God has a new begenning in store for them.He wants to restore whats been stolen,but they won't let go of the past.

If you've had some unfair things happen to you,make a decision that you're going to quit reliving those things in your memory.Instead,think on good things that will build you up and not tear you down,things that will encourage you and give you the hope that there's brighter tomorrow.Forgive the people who have hurt you,release any bitterness you have been harboring,and forgive yourself.


source : "Your Best Life Now" By JOEL OSTEEN


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