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The Five Kosas or Inner Coverings of Man

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All things in the cosmos are limbs of the body of SAIMA (God). Hence, no one should have any aversion to anything in the universe. You should not hate anyone, because the same Divine is present in you and in everything in the universe.


The cosmos has three forms: the gross, the subtle and the causal. The physical universe represents the gross form. The subtle form is the mind, and subtler than the mind is the Atma.


The Five Kosas or Inner Coverings of Man










A human being has five sheaths (koshas)

A human being has five sheaths. These five sheaths have been grouped into three. The gross sheath is the Annamaya Kosa (the food sheath). The three Kosas, Praanamaya (vital breath), Manomaya (the mental sheath) and the Vijnanamaya (the intellectual sheath) together constitute the subtle sheath.


The causal sheath is the Anandamaya Kosa (the Bliss sheath). Even the last sheath does not represent total bliss, because there is a higher entity above the Anandamaya Kosa. This is known as Mahakaarana or supracausal entity. This is the atmic principle.


Every human being has these Tripuras (three cities). The three puras (cities) are the body, the mind and the heart. Because every individual has these three, he/she is called Tripurasundari (endowed with the beauty of the three worlds). Since the Prakruthi (Nature) element, which is feminine in nature, is present in greater measure in the body, it is termed as Sundari (a beautiful lady).


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