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Divine Love

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On Wed, 24 Mar 1999 Vidya123 wrote:


> Vidya123


> Dear Members,


> I would like to start a discussion on divine love, it's nature, it's motives,

> Goal, manifestations, applications, practices and anything concerning it.

> Swami Satprakashananda said " Religion is nothing without Love " . And our

> beloved Sri Ramakrishna stressed love through every step of spiritual life.

> Please consider my request.


> Yours in Sri Ramakrishna,



> Om Lala

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Dear friends,

Love & Science of Values

" We, and all other animals, are machines created by our genes.

....A prominent quality to be expected in a successful gene is ruthless

selfishness. ...Universal love & the welfare of the species as a whole

are the concepts that simply do not make evolutionary sense. ...My own

feeling is that a human society based on the gene's law of universal

ruthlessness would be a very nasty society in which to live. ...Let us

teach ourselves generosity, altruism, & love, because we are born

selfish. " (Richard Dawkins, The Selfish Gene).

The question is, what is the source of these values? From where the

love originates?

Vedanta answers: All these values of selflessness, love, and generosity

have their origin in the depth dimension of our own Self, the Atman.

With conscious and deliberate spiritual practice (sadhana) one can

acquire these values for one's spiritual progress and the welfare of

the world. Love yourself not as a mere body-mind complex, but as Pure

Self--Atman, and then your love towards others will also acquire a

'pure universal dimension'.

Science of values is primarily a check on human sensory impulses with

a view to manifest a higher human dimension--a tendency towards Divine


DR. C. S. SHAH: < drcsshah >

< http://come.to/neovedanta >



Vidya123 wrote:


> Vidya123


> Dear Members,


> I would like to start a discussion on divine love, it's nature, it's motives,

> Goal, manifestations, applications, practices and anything concerning it.

> Swami Satprakashananda said " Religion is nothing without Love " . And our

> beloved Sri Ramakrishna stressed love through every step of spiritual life.

> Please consider my request.


> Yours in Sri Ramakrishna,


> Om Lala


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The nature of Divine Love is Being, and the nature of Being is Divine



Tat Tvam Asi,





" The paradox is that in letting go, we hold on to the one thing that is

permanent; not the song, but the source of the song. Therein lies the Way. "



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  • 10 years later...

Swami wonderfully says :


From the time of birth unto death, you experience different forms of love. I call these your ‘addictions’ and dependencies more than love itself. From birth you feel instantaneous love for the mother that delivered you in this world and the father that protected you from discomfort and stresses. You grew to love your siblings who shared your childhood with you. You grew attached to your surroundings and friends that spent time with you in the course of your studies. Then you gave your heart to the one person you committed to spend your lifetime with. This union brought your children into this world for whom you sacrificed your entire life for.


But in each of these kinds of love, is a ‘selfishness’ hidden. Even after experiencing all this love, you remain restless, unhappy and in search of something new. In each of these stages of love, you will find your eye looks for a love that is sweeter and more complete. A love that completely accepts you with no expectations.


When the love of God walks into your life, His strength of goodness becomes your ideal. His power to change you is your only obsession. His shadow of protection is your motivation to move forward! I urge you to walk your first steps towards this stream of love.


Push yourselves, slowly, from these strings of confinements, and arrive at My doorstep. Give up the name that is attached to this body and call upon Mine. These doors of My love will stay open for you always, anytime, anywhere and whenever you are ready for Me. It is only your readiness to walk Godward, that will one day, make you the divine being you pray to be today.


Om Sai Ram


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