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Inspiring article: Low self-esteem Illusion…, a simple cure

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i read this beautiful article posted to me and thought

of sharing with all of you....


The Low Self-Esteem Illusion… A Simple Cure


Failure Equals Success:


Imagine if Thomas Edison had given up his experiment

for creating the light bulb after 50 tries. What if he

started calling himself a loser and started feeling

horribly about himself. He had to fail 10,000 times

before he discovered the secret of the incandescent

light bulb.


One of the marks of a truly successful person is one

who knows that to get better you have to fail. How

could you ever learn a language for instance without

making thousands of mistakes. You have to be willing

to make all sorts of mistakes to learn a new language.


This Realization Changed Everything For Me:


I remember many years ago a realization I had. For

years I was always trying to justify my happiness and

self-esteem. There always seemed to be something I had

to do in order to be happy or to be a worthwhile



But then it hit me, the idea just came to me. I

completely worthy in every moment. It doesn't matter

what I do or don't do, for I'm a Divine being and that

is enough.


What a relief that discovery was. And it wasn't just a

mental realization, there was something more than that

to it. I could see the reality of it on a spiritual



So many of us have loads of negative conditioning from

our parents, society and even religion. There's always

someone outside of ourselves trying to set the

standards of what is right and wrong.


Why not set our own standards? Why not follow your

heart instead?


Don't judge yourself, love yourself.

You are not your past, you are a Divine Soul, a

perfect atom in the body of God.


If you want high self-esteem all you have to do is to

love yourself. And when you can love yourself at all

times, only then will you be able to love others.


This ability to see the Divine in yourself and others

will open up the mighty floodgates of unlimited

potential and happiness energy to flow through you.

Once you have this energy others will feel it and be

attracted to it.


At this point you'll have switched from self-esteem to

God-Esteem. God esteem is living in the presence or

consciousness of God. You live in the presence of

inspiration, incredible power and love.


No longer do you judge yourself as lower or higher

than anyone else. For you see reality and you see that

you are actually living in the kingdom of heaven



God is not vengeful. God is not full of anger.


God is full of love and compassion.

Do you think God could have created something that was

imperfect? You are perfect already, all you have to do

is realize it, realize who and what you really are and

then you can't be cut off from this high sense of

self-esteem I call God-Esteem.


Now let's quickly examine the concept of self-esteem

and how you actually create it.


Keep this principle in mind. There is no past and no

future, in reality all that exists is the present



The reason why most people have low self-esteem is

because they base their self-worth around past events

and beliefs created about themselves revolving around

those past events.


For instance: Maybe all you do is look at yourself as

having always been the last person picked for a team

in gym class and you tell yourself you hate exercise

and sports. You tell yourself you are no good at it

because of some past event.


For me it was just the opposite, I was really good in

sports and was usually picked near the top for

anything sports related. Maybe because of this I

believed myself to be good in sports and that also

might have driven me to enjoy sports.


There were however plenty of areas in which I had very

low self-esteem. And as long as I had that belief that

I wasn't worthy of something, then I was never able to

succeed in that area of my life.


You go as far in life as your beliefs allow you. And

self-esteem is nothing more than a belief which can be

changed at any moment.


What is happening when you feel bad about yourself?

What you are doing is viewing a memory and recreating

the reality of the memory in the present moment.

You're taking the past in recreating it needlessly in

the present.


There's a much better way. No matter how many mistakes

you've made, no matter how low you've gone in life, no

matter how " evil " you've been, you are a perfect being

with infinite potential and love.


Why? Because God only cares about the present moment.

That means all sins (if there are any) are forgiven

and forgotten instantly from the spiritual realms. God

didn't create any imperfections.


Do you really believe that God doesn't love you

completely and fully? Is God really the angry and

vengeful God or is God full of unconditional love?


You see it's your beliefs about what is right and

wrong and about God that gave you low self-esteem in

the first place. These false beliefs or belief traps

have created your artificially low sense of self. And

you can only achieve in life what you believe is



Your potential is 100% controlled by your beliefs. But

if the whole foundation or structure of your beliefs

are false, then maybe there is a much greater you

waiting to be uncovered. Someone you never thought was

there. Someone who wasn't afraid to go after big goals

and dream big dreams.


Please stop feeling guilty. Stop recreating the past

by looking at memories and then feeling bad about



Instead: Focus on what you want


Start looking at what you want in life. Focus on what

you want and then ask God, how you can get it. Ask and

you shall receive. It's not just a biblical saying, it

really works and is the basis of what I call Magic



Therefore, the quick solution to low self-esteem is to

live in the presence of Unconditional Love or God.

Live in God and then you don't even have to worry

about self-esteem. Because you'll automatically be

filled with love and potential.


This love will allow you to achieve new highs and a

wonderful life. You are a creation of pure love.


The Incredible Power of Giving:


One way to experience this love when you are feeling

down is to simply find a way to give of yourself. Find

people to give presents to. It doesn't matter if it

isn't Christmas or a birthday.


Give a present or do something nice for someone. Your

sense of spiritual worth will expand and increase

infinitely the more you are able to give of yourself.


You can even just say a nice thing or pick a flower

and give it to someone. You can send someone love or

smile at everyone you see. Or you can give money.

There's nothing like giving unconditionally to make

you feel good about yourself.


The point is to ramp up your energy to a higher level

a God level. And you do so by acting out of love. This

increases the flow of energy through you and you'll

open up to brand new possibilities.


You have infinite potential. You are great. Don't

listen to what anyone else has said about you that was

negative. You are powerful, you are an unlimited and

Divine creation.


Focus on what you want, not on the past. Unless

something in the past is what you want and you want to

recreate it in some fashion.


I hope this gives you some ideas and some hope. We all

feel down sometimes, the key is to remember who and

what we really are and to live within our Divine sense

of self. Once you do that you have no fears because

love overpowers everything.




-- " Life is a game, Play it! "

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