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Sai Baba Dussera Navaratri Vijaya Dashami Greeting cards


Monday, October 6, 2008 As the Yagnam went on in the Poornachandra auditorium, Swami arrived in Sai Kulwant Hall at 10.15 this morning. After around half an hour in the interview room, He moved towards the Poornachandra, distributing sarees to selected ladies on the way. At the Poornachandra stage, Swami moved to the Western end to receive Arati from the priests at 11.15 am. There, He distributed some more sarees before returning to His residence at 11.30.






Veda Purusha Sapthaha Jnana Yajna & Prasanthi Vidwan Mahasabha


Proceedings of the first four days of the Yajna and Speeches in the evenings

October 03-06, 200



In the evening, Swami came to the Bhajan hall just before 5.30 on completing His darshan round. As the Vedam went on, He made two rounds down the aisle, distributing more sarees. At 5.50, He asked for the Bhajans to begin and sat there for half an hour before accepting Arati. But instead of getting into the car, He moved to the stage and asked Sri. Narasimhamurthy, Warden of the Brindavan Hostel, to speak. After his half hour exposition on the Divine Mother's Love, Bhagawan returned to Yajur Mandir in the car.




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Sunday, October 5, 2008 In contrast to yesterday, when He did not come out in the morning at all, this morning, Bhagawan came directly to the Poornachandra auditorium a few minutes before 9 o'clock. Within five minutes, He went over to the Western end of the stage and all the priests gathered there to perform the ceremonial Arati with Vedic mantras. Swami then sat onstage for a few minutes before moving to Sai Kulwant Hall, where He called in the Union Home Minister Sri. Shivraj Patil to the interview room. Twenty minutes later, He came onstage and sat there as the entire Rudram was chanted by the students. He interacted with several of them, calling them up to Him one by one. After prasadam distribution, past 10.30 am, He accepted Arati there. As 'Jaikars' rent the air, He interacted with the students

some more, asked one of the students to demonstrate the Jaikar, and returned to His residence at 10.45 after some more Jaikars from the assembled devotees. In the evening, Swami arrived for darshan before 5 pm. After a brief visit to the interview room, He came onstage. The Vedam chanting went on for a while till He asked Mr. Ajit Popat to speak. After his half-hour talk, Bhajans began in the Bhajan Hall. Swami arrived there soon after, and half an hour later, accepted Arati before returning to Yajur Mandir.




















Saturday, October 4, 2008 The morning of the second day of the Vedapurusha Saptaha Jnana Yajnam went on as per schedule and Swami chose to remain indoors. The evening turned out to be quite eventful however. At about 4:30pm everyone became alert and signs that Swami was coming out was very evident. And the master of uncertainty that He is, Swami came in the car! As He neared the central marble blocks, He took a turn and drove out of the main Gopuram gate. At the same time many of the devotees too headed towards the nearest exits. The enthusiasm of the devotees to catch a glimpse of Him is so infectious. Even those who are not able to or not inclined to run also, find their legs moving faster and faster as they see the others doing so! And so, via the main

road Swami visited the Vidyagiri stadium where the construction of a grand stage for the upcoming Sahasra Chandra Darshanam Homam was on. As always a huge following formed the tail of the car and athletic sevadal formed a security cordon of ropes alongside the car. Swami arrived at the stage and then the car halted. The glass was lowered and the chief engineers at the site went to Swami. The Lord in all His love and magnanimity gives opportunities to all of us to enjoy the joy of interaction with Him. And so armed with the different charts and sketches, the engineers explained to Swami the proposed plan of action and the progress achieved till then. All the workers stood with folded hands on either side of the car and were so happy at this wonderful darshan being conferred on them. Swami seemed to survey the Shanti Vedika and express satisfaction at the way things were going on. Swami was there for about 5-10 minutes. Then blessing the workers

and devotees gathered on either sides, Swami slowly moved across the Shanti Vedika. He was on the seat opposite to the Shanti Vedika and it was "suggested" to Him that if the car came the other way He could see the work better. As Swami moved down the slope of the road, the workers from the senior boys hostel too offered their salutations. The warden was also there and He invited Swami to bless the new "Dhyanamandir" that had been constructed at the hostel. Swami assured that He would do so later and then drove on. It was a pleasant surprise when Swami took an about turn and returned back to the Vedika. One may be tempted to think that He did so to to get a better view of the work in progress. But as one waited and watched, it would dawn that it was for the workers' "progress" that He did so! The car slowly drove across and Swami blessed all the

workers who had gathered in a straight line and drank at His beautiful form. The scene reminded one of the Brindavan days of the Dwapara Yuga where everyone would abandon whatever they were doing to have a look at the sweet Krishna. The Karma yoga, like the mind, came to a stand still and the Bhakti-yoga, like the heart, continued at a frenetic pace. Swami thus left the stadium leaving behind the happy workers and devotees with cherished memories. Swami arrived at Kulwant hall and took a darshan round in the car itself. Then He moved to the centre of the stage via the lower veranda. He sat out listening to the Vedic chants. He also began to participate in some of the chants and this encouraged everyone to exercise their vocal chords to a greater extent. Almost everyone in the first line held letters for Him. It is a wonderful type of game that goes on. Seeing that Swami was intent only on the Veda, the hands holding the letters began to drop

down slowly. Finally only two or three boys seemed to have letters. After a few minutes, Swami suddenly called one boy and took his letter, opened it and read through. The next moment, the "letter count" had risen dramatically as now even boys in second and third lines held up their letters praying for acceptance! Smilingly, Swami called the boys one by one and took their letters. He read many of them there itself. One boy was reprimanded for writing huge letters." Write only what is necessary"- seemed to be the message! As most of the letters were taken, Swami emptied His hands and began to sway them gently to the rhythmic chanting. He instructed that bhajans should begin in the bhajan hall. All the singers were seated out and so they rose and silently moved to the bhajan hall. Swami looked at each of them as they passed by Him. The bhajans began soon afterwards and needless to say His presence outside made a world of difference to the singing

volume and enthusiasm outside. Swami sat outside for about five bhajans and it was a wonderful darshan-bhajan session. Then HE moved into the bhajan hall and two bhajans later, received Aarthi and retired for the day.






Friday, October 3, 2008 At Puttaparthi, the Dasara festival marks the beginning of the Vedapurusha Saptaha Jnana Yajna with the Vedapurusha, our beloved Swami, presiding over the Yajna in the morning and imparting Jnana in the evening, either through His discourses or through the inspiration He lends to scholars. The 3rd of October was to mark the beginning of this magnificent homam (fire sacrifice) as a homage and prayer for all humanity. The Kulwant hall had been decked to its brilliant best. The strains of the sacred Nadaswaram filled the air and the smell of incense filled hearts with the sense of deepest devotion. A brightly caparisoned Sathya Gita (or Krishna Gita as

she is also known) marched regally, strutting around her tiny trunk, towards the Yajur Mandir. It was about 8:30 am when an announcement was made that on this holy day Swami would grant darshan in the Kulwant hall and then all could move silently into the Poornachandra Auditorium where the Yajnam would commence. At about 8:50 am, Swami arrived and He looked as fresh as a rose! Gita moved forward gently towards Him and with a tiny trumpet, offered Him a salute. Swami took apples from her caretaker and fed her. She greedily took apples from His hand and ate them. Swami was so sweetly observing her and He went on feeding her. Swami permitted the little elephant to move to the Kulwant hall from the back entrance and He made His much awaited entry into the darshan grounds. Moving through the ladies and gents side, He came to the front. Then He moved into the bhajan hall where about a hundred students clad in saffron were chanting the Vedas along with

the purohits (priests) who had arrived for the Yajnam. Swami sat there for a while listening to the chants. Then He got the traditional clothes to be presented to the priests. As per the custom, the head priest and his wife conduct a separate worship. Swami first gifted a green silk saree to the head priest's wife. Then He proceeded to give the dhoties and angavastrams to all the priests as they bowed at His feet and sought His blessings. They immediately changed into the new clothes and were ready for "takeoff"! Swami asked, "What about the turmeric and kumkum?" Those were also kept in readiness and Swami permitted them to leave for the auditorium. Before leaving they chanted loudly in unison, some hymns and mantras and then began to file out. Swami then instructed the students also to follow suit. He sat by the side blessing everyone as they left for the Poornachandra auditorium.After a few minutes, Swami moved into the interview room after

which He too made His way to the Poornachandra auditorium. There is a plethora of activity that goes on the Poornachandra auditorium stage. From the conduct of the Yajnam while chanting Rudram to the silent reading of the Devi Bhagawatam to the strenuous stretching and exercising of the Surya Namaskar. And this is shared between both groups, the priests and the students. As Swami arrived on the stage, the priests sought His permission to churn and begin the sacred fire to light up the Yajnam. He permitted them and then they began to churn the embers in a wooden cradle. As the first wisps of smoke rose into the air, they blew and fanned it lovingly into a flame. At the same time they took great care that no breeze or external force put it out. Showing it to all assembled, they placed it in the pit and fuelled it into a wonderful flame! The same breeze that once threatened to put out the spark now inflamed the holy fire to greater heights! Like Swami says

that there will be many hindrances in the spiritual path in the beginning. But later these obstructions themselves hasten ones spiritual progress!And thus, the Yajnam began and a silent thrill seemed to surge through the being of anyone who could comprehend, in part at least, the great blessing he/she was being subjected to. Swami accepted the garlands and He also lit a candle with a matchstick. This candle was used to light up all the oil lamps on stage. The priest engaged in Surya Namaskar, as is the tradition, came to Swami and offered a flower at the beginning and fell in full prostration, the Sashtangam as it is called, to Him. Swami blessed Him and then rising, the priest circumambulated Swami before continuing His prayers. The students, a large group on stage, kept the chanting alive and in one corner the Devi Mahatyam or reading the glories of

the divine mother was on. After a while, Swami moved across the stage to the other corner where the head priest and his wife were involved in worship. He placed a garland and received their prayers. All the ladies rejoiced at the close darshan that they got as He came to their side. On His way back, Swami stopped at the Homakundam. He sat observing the offerings made to the fire. A magnificent wooden, exquisitely carved statue depicting the Vishwarupa darshana had been placed at the back of the stage. When Swami sat at the fire, the hood of the serpent on the statue seemed to form an arch over His head! Swami sat there for a while and then retired for the day The Yajnam went on till the Aarthi at about 12:00 pm.In the evening, Swami arrived again in the chair. He moved through the ladies side which was packed with children from the Primary school and the students of the Anantapur campus of the University also. The evenings during the Dusshera

are used as a platform for the wisdom of elders (Swami inclusive) to be showered on all. Today as Swami went around showering the joy of His darshan on all assembled, nobody had the slightest idea as to what the proceedings of the evening would be. Swami came on the stage and asked for the chanting to cease. Then He called the priest who performs Aarthi daily in the mandir on to the stage. Sri Narayana Bhatta was the speaker for the evening! As he was introduced, he prostrated and sought blessings from Swami. His topic was "Devi Bhagawatam". Using the 10 years of Vedic learning experience, he dwelt in a masterly manner on the significance of the Mother worship. He exhorted all to make attempts at least to read the Devi Bhagavatham as it was in very simple Sanskrit. As he concluded his half an hour talk, Swami asked him to speak some more on the Gayathri mantra. And thus he dwelt on that too. When the speaker kept addressing the chant as "Gayathri",

Swami corrected, "Gayathri Maata"( meaning Mother Gayathri). The Gayathri mantra is actually addressed to the sun God and is not a goddess as common belief is, he said. "Gayathri" is actually a meter in Sanskrit and it is used to make some of the most powerful chants. He also went into the fascinating details and after he concluded, Swami applauded his effort.For the next 10 minutes or so, Swami and the speaker were involved in a quite animated and deep discussion. After that, Swami smiled and called a student and asked, "Can you chant the Gayathri mantra?" He did so and Swami corrected him at some places. With a loving pat on his cheeks Swami sent him back to his place and called another student- an American boy this time. This boy too was told to chant and he did so. Swami smilingly latched on to his errors and after a loving pat, sent him back. The next student tested was the Iranian boy Sathya from the primary school. He seemed to impress

Swami with his chanting. Swami was in such a comfortable and calm poise. He called boys holding letters and accepted them interacting with all of them for some time. There were smiles everywhere and the silence that filled the hall was occupied with prayers from the devotees and Grace from the Lord. Swami then asked for bhajans to begin. Three bhajans were sung during which the prasadam distribution went on. After that, Swami received Aarthi and retired for the day.

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