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SAI UPDATES: VIDEO -PHOTOS - REPORT - Video Streaming of the Grand Birthday Yagna - November 15-17 2008

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Video: Sahasra Chandra Darshanam Yagnam Mahotsavam: watch a 2

-minute trailer streaming video by Radio Sai offering glimpses of the preparations currently underway for this glorious event.






Prasanthi Nilayam is gearing up to have a date with destiny, as the epoch making event, Sahasra Poorna Chandra Darshana Shanti Mahotsavam is scheduled to get underway on the 15th November on a grand scale. The festivity is scheduled to have a formal beginning with the commencement on the 14th evening with a group of 170-200 learned priests entering the specially erected Yajna Vedhi in the Sri Sathya Sai Hill View Stadium. The festivity would continue for three days to have a grand finale on the 17th in the Divine Presence and will be attended by devotees from all around the world. The preparations are in full swing in the Hill View stadium with a 56 ft Yajna Vedhi being completed at the Shanti Vedhika. This extended portion is a temporary build that has a permanent base built with granite walls and laden with sands, protruding to the front as an extension to the existing Shanti Vedhika structure. There are 12 homa

kundas evenly marked on this extended platform. This extension is being done in such a way that the existing structure is left in tact underneath, well covered by this newly erected platform… Apart from the venue, Yajna Vedhi, all the statues adorning the huge Hill View Stadium have been repainted to resplendence; all the roads leading to the venue have been resurfaced, a huge arch is being done on the road leading to the stadium and bamboo barricades are being done in the stadium for proper crowd control. Prasanthi Digital studio teaming up with the students of Sri Sathya Sai University is gearing up to provide deferred telecast and video streaming of highlights everyday for the benefit of viewers across the world. Two huge LCD screens are projected in the stadium to facilitate a better view of the proceedings to the massive crowd expected to attend the function. Closed Circuit TV transmission will

be provided in Sai Kulwant Hall adding on to their effort to reach out devotees with better coverage. Hundreds of extra hands, ranging from masons to welders & carpenters, painters to sculptors, technicians to engineers are being pressed into service, and hundreds and thousands of extra sevadals from different states have been already deployed to meet the emerging festive demand, Prasanthi Nilayam, the global spiritual town housing the supreme divinity is doubly ensuring not to leave any stones unturned and thus making the event a momentous one! Above report courtesy: sssbpt.org




Video: Sahasra Chandra Darshanam Yagnam Mahotsavam: watch a 2 -minute

trailer streaming video by Radio Sai offering glimpses of the preparations currently underway for this glorious event.


Click on the picture below

source: www.radiosai.org


Video: Sahasra Chandra Darshanam Yagnam Mahotsavam: watch a 2 -minute


trailer streaming video by Radio Sai offering glimpses of the preparations currently underway for this glorious event.








Message courtesy Radio Sai website: " Radio Sai intend to present everyday a 60 - 90 minute video summary of the day's formal ceremonies and prayers that would take place in the special enclosure set up in the Vidya Giri Stadium starting from November 15. This video service would be available for viewing from 5 p.m. (Indian Standard Time) or 11.30 a.m. GMT.

Each day's programme would be available for viewing for 23 hours. For example, the proceedings of November 15th can be seen from 5 p.m. (India time) that day till 4 p.m. of November 16th. After this, it will be replaced by the highlights of November 16th and so on till November 17th. In this way, you will be able to witness the sacred ceremonies and highlights of this grand and sacred sacrifice in the comfort of your homes. Please note that you will need a broadband connection to view this video stream seamlessly. In this connection, we are pleased to inform you that by the grace of Bhagavan Baba, the Prashanti Digital Studio has made special arrangements for devotees all over the world to virtually witness this mammoth effort towards world peace via video summaries of the proceedings on

our website www.radiosai.org.

When you log on to Radio Sai website home page, you will find a special message and a video-window. Currently, you can watch a 2-minute trailer offering you glimpses of the preparations currently underway for this glorious event.

In this space, we intend to present everyday a 60 - 90 minute video summary of the day?s formal ceremonies and prayers that would take place in the special enclosure set up in the Vidya Giri Stadium starting from November 15. This video service would be available for viewing from 5 p.m. (Indian Standard Time) or 11.30 a.m. GMT.

Each day's programme would be available for viewing for 23 hours. For example, the proceedings of November 15th can be seen from 5 p.m. (India time) that day till 4 p.m. of November 16th. After this, it will be replaced by the highlights of November 16th and so on till November 17th. In this way, you will be able to witness the sacred ceremonies and highlights of this grand and sacred sacrifice in the comfort of your homes. Please note that you will need a broadband connection to view this video stream seamlessly.


source: www.radiosai.org


























Photos: Saturday, November 8, 2008 & Sunday, November 9, 2008 "Akhanda Bhajans"











Saturday, November 8, 2009






















Sunday, November 9, 2008 "Akhanda Bhajans"

































































Saturday, November 8, 2008 & Sunday, November 9, 2008 "Akhanda Bhajans"If at all we get a chance to rise and travel with the sun along its perennially westward journey, we will find that the second weekend in the winter month of November is something very special. As the sunset time gets due, the primeval sound - the Omkara - resounds marking the beginning of the 24 hour long Akhanda Bhajans. As we move along westward into the later time zones of the world, more and more nations join this

activity of devotion, peace and love till a point when the whole world is reverberating with the divine name. This practice which began as a small stream of singing at a senior devotee's house in Bangalore has today gathered momentum into a massive river of devotion worldwide surging towards the tranquil ocean that the Lord is.It was about 5pm IST when Swami entered the Kulwant hall for the darshan rounds. He took the detour after the Primary School blaock to enter the Bhajan Hall where a lovely large lamp had been prepared. This is the lamp that Swami would light to mark the beginning of the global Akhanda Bhajan. Swami inspected it and He was shown the various fittings that would be added on soon to the lamp to make it taller and grander. He also examined the wicks and satisfied that all was fine, moved out to the stage.What happened there was something so special that maybe we could also term today as the "Kalpavriksha Day"! Swami sat

out listening to the Veda chanting that was on. The Rudram was soon completed and the Purushasuktam was beginning. Swami called the Vedam tutorial teacher and in a spurt told him that Swami's wish was that all learn the Purushasuktam as well. He, on his part, assured Swami that all the students and staff would begin efforts in earnest towards that direction. Swami then called the boy in front who was holding up a tray. He spoke to him and blessed him by sprinkling the holy Akshatha grains on his head. As is the practice, when Swami calls one of the boys with the tray, it is assumed that He has called the other "tray boys" too. So, one by one, the boys started to move to Swami and Swami blessed them all. He spoke a few words to some, listened to a lot of words from many(!) and granted the twin joys of an Akshatha shower and a padanamaskar to all. The grace-hungry are a huge number and even Swami seemed a bit startled as about 25-30 boys came upto Him

with trays! Though He jocularly asked once, "How many boys!!?", He ensured that every boy returned with a heart full of satisfaction and joy.Then began the part two of the "Kalpavriksha Day" celebrations as we have chosen to term it! Swami called one of the boys in the front who was holding a letter. He took the letter and went through it and spoke a few words of advice to him. Another boy meanwhile decide to play his chances and moved to Swami along with the first boy and he too gave a letter. Swami simply smiled at him and took his letter and spoke to him too. Emboldened by this response another boy and then yet another moved to Swami. And again from His side, it was the same response. With smiles on their faces, the boys slowly made sort of a line that was headed to the Lord and Swami too noticed that from the corner of His eye and merely smiled. And so from 5:20pm till almost 6:00 pm, boys kept moving to Swami handing over their letters of

gratitude, love, prayers and petitions and Swami satisfied each and everyone. The whole block now resembled a river that was flowing on to become a waterfall as all the boys converged to join the stream that was headed towards Swami and bliss! As the time became 5:55pm, the boy sitting next to Swami "reminded" Him that He was due to light the lamp at 6:00pm. At that time, Swami sweetly said, "Only 5 minutes left now." That acted as a prod for all to go quickly to Him and offer letters. It was seconds before 6:00pm that Swami moved into the bhajan hall and gently lit the beautiful lamp as the Aumkaram began.Swami sat for about an hour listening and keeping beat for the bhajans. The boys and girls, as usual, alternated in singing the bhajans. It was about 7pm when Swami left for Yajur mandir. The 9th morning saw Swami coming out for darshan at about 9:20 am after a plethora of "Aao" bhajans as they are called had been sung. These are

bhajans which request and plead with the Lord to come and bless all with His darshan. Swami cut through after the Primary school block. However, He moved to the stage and sat outside and everyone assembled in the hall had beautiful darshan. Singing the name as we see the form is a sublimely uplifting experience. And that experience was conferred on the thousands gathered in Kulwant hall. Soon after that, Swami moved into the bhajan hall where there were quite a few people who had spent the whole night singing the divine glories of God. He sat through 6-7 bhajans after which He very sweetly excused Himself! He then left for the Institute Auditorium where the students were rehearsing for the Convocation drama.Swami takes keen interest especially in the Convocation drama and though it is performed in His presence on the 22nd of November, He sees through every aspect of the drama right from the script writing to the acting and costumes. As always,

the devotees from Kulwant hall and other places in Puttaparthi made a beeline towards the car to glimpse their beloved Lord as He drove by. Swami was welcomed into the auditorium by the Vice Chancellor, the principal and the controller of examinations. All the boys lined up the path through which Swami entered. Swami signaled to them to go on stage and begin the drama. It is on an apologetic note that the updating on the sequence of the drama and Swami's specific reactions have to be reserved to preserve the suspense of the drama! However some points can be divulged. Swami watched the drama with rapt attention. Speaking to the warden who sat beside Him, Swami enquired into the various roles and characters on stage. There was a scene from the Ramayana which was very apt to the situation and it evoked very positive response from Swami. He was absolutely touched. All the various songs that were part of the drama were sung live by the students.

Swami gave feedback on the drama to the warden and asked for it to be trimmed at certain points to make it crisp. After watching for 50 minutes, Swami blessed all and said that it was time to leave. As Swami moved towards the car, all the students crowded around Him and sought blessings. Chocolates were blessed to be distributed to all. As He came out of the auditorium, the Institute brass band struck up the National Anthem. It was played beautifully and listening to that, Swami left for the mandir and moved into Yajur mandir. Meanwhile the bhajans continued in the mandir and as the evening drew close, more and more people thronged the mandir premises. The prasadam to be distributed at the end of the bhajan session was also carried in or wheeled into the Kulwant hall. The rows of vessels holding tamarind rice and the laddoos were placed neatly at the Northern end of the hall. It was about 4:45pm, when Swami came out once again. He moved through

the ladies and then took a detour towards the Northern gate where all the prasadam had been kept. He blessed them and then surveyed all the preparations done for the distribution. Turning back, He moved towards the mandir again and near the gents side took another detour. Now this detour was something that pleased all the gents as it meant that Swami was coming towards them. After a gap of many days, Swami was going through this path and naturally there was a rejoicing. Swami took a complete round as if rewarding all for whatever efforts they had put in for the Akhanda bhajan.The evening was characterized by Swami moving in and out of the bhajan hall. He moved through the central aisle in the bhajan hall and also through the upper and lower porticos in the mandir. He sat out for a while collecting a few letters and granting darshan. Nobody could have complained of not having darshan. The tempo and enthusiasm levels of the bhajans went up as the

conclusion time arrived. At about 5:55pm, Swami asked a pair of boys in the front to sing the Sree Raghavam aalaap bhajan. Everyone expected that with that bhajan the 24 hour session would culminate. But sensing another minute and an opportunity remaining, the girls began in full speed, "Namah Parvati Pataye Hara Hara". Swami saw that and smiled. After a while, He told the boys with puckered lips that the girls took the opportunity and they are concluding. A total of more than 400 bhajans had been sung and according to one student, the exact number stands at 424! With that bhajan, Aarthi began.The last stanza where the tempo picks up was marked by resounding clapping and vociferous singing. Swami also asked all to sing the "Samastha Loka Sukhino Bhavanthu" is a very loud voice and all were only too happy to oblige. Swami then sprinkled water over the vessels holding the prasadam and blessed them to be distributed. When a boy started serving the

boys immediately, Swami told him that ladies must be first and so the prasadam must be kept on the other side for serving to the ladies! The prayer, "Bhrahmaarpanam" was then done after which everyone began to eat in the divine presence on the divine command.Swami then moved out of the bhajan hall and surveyed the food being served to the Primary school children. They too began to chant the prayer and so sweetly at that too! It was a high pitched one and Swami sat sweetly swaying to the chants. As they completed, Swami told them all to begin eating. Then He slowly moved through the ladies side and blessed the Anantapur students who were seated there. Finally, leaving all with full hearts and quickly filling bellies(!) Swami retired into Yajur mandir.


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