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Ram ChuganiKobe, Japan--- On Thu, 12/11/08, Ramchand Chugani <rgcjp wrote:








Hundreds of Thousands of Angels And then there’s the experience I had at Baba’s ashram in 1996. In the middle of His Christmas discourse, Baba waved His hand and materialized a small gold-covered book - bringing a gasp of amazement from the crowd of 50,000, me among them! (I was seated very close to Baba - and was certain it was a genuine miracle.) That night at around 9 o’clock I heard that Baba had announced earlier that angels would be flying above the ashram that evening. I looked into the sky, but didn’t see anything unusual, so guessed I’d missed the show. However, a couple of nights later, two friends came running up to me on the street and said, “Ram Das, the angels are back! Come on, you’ve got

to see them!” So I followed them up to a rooftop, away from the lights of the ashram, lay down and looked up...

And in the sky above us was one of the most astonishing sights I’ve ever seen: hundreds of thousands of self-luminous beings flying through the air, zipping around at great speed in what seemed to be an ecstatic dance of joy! They looked a little like shooting stars - yet they were closer to the Earth, and moving not in straight lines (as asteroids, or any similar phenomena would be) but in curves and curlicues. Considering Baba's earlier announcement, I didn’t see any reason to doubt that these glowing beings were indeed angels, celestial helpers in His world mission: no other phenomena I knew of could explain

the sight. Sometimes two would pair up for a while as they zipped about, and they seemed to be pouring forth from some invisible gate above the ashram, where I guessed they had maybe just received Baba’s darshan and instructions for their work... The event had an unquestionably supernatural exuberance about it that left all three of us gasping in amazement. It was probably the most inspiring sight I’ve ever witnessed, ringing out more clearly than a thousand manifested rings the divine identity of Sathya Sai Baba.

Why would so many angels congregate in such an extraordinary way, other than to have the darshan of God? The Amrit-Oozing Amulets

In an orphanage in South India, there is an ongoing miracle pertaining to two thumb-nail sized slivers of porcelain, one bearing the likeness of Sathya Sai Baba, the second depicting Shirdi Sai Baba. Given to the manager of the orphanage by Sai Baba over twenty years ago, they have been miraculously oozing amrit (a honey-like jasmine nectar) ever since. I decided to visit the place, and see the famous miracle for myself. The manager of the orphanage scooped one of the amulets out of a dish with a spoon, and put it in the palm of my right hand. It was nothing but a thin piece of porcelain with Baba’s face painted on it -

there was no place for any mechanism to hide. I watched like a hawk as a few drops of amrit trickled from the amulet into my palm - but this meant nothing, it had just been sitting in a dish of amrit. Yet amrit continued trickling from it until my palm was full, and with the spoon, the manager scooped the amrit from that hand and poured it into my left palm. As amrit continued to trickle from the amulet over a period of several minutes, he repeated this procedure four times, until finally my left hand was overflowing with amrit - and the amrit was still trickling into my right palm! Even the most adamant skeptic, witnessing what I saw that day, would have to admit it was a miracle. (I tasted the nectar: it’s definitely not of this

world!) Ram ChuganiKobe, Japan

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Hundreds of Thousands of Angels And then there’s the experience I had at Baba’s ashram in 1996. In the middle of His Christmas discourse, Baba waved His hand and materialized a small gold-covered book - bringing a gasp of amazement from the crowd of 50,000, me among them! (I was seated very close to Baba - and was certain it was a genuine miracle.) That night at around 9 o’clock I heard that Baba had announced earlier that angels would be flying above the ashram that evening. I looked into the sky, but didn’t see anything unusual, so guessed I’d missed the show. However, a couple of nights later, two friends came running up to me on the street and said, “Ram Das, the angels are back! Come on, you’ve got

to see them!” So I followed them up to a rooftop, away from the lights of the ashram, lay down and looked up...

And in the sky above us was one of the most astonishing sights I’ve ever seen: hundreds of thousands of self-luminous beings flying through the air, zipping around at great speed in what seemed to be an ecstatic dance of joy! They looked a little like shooting stars - yet they were closer to the Earth, and moving not in straight lines (as asteroids, or any similar phenomena would be) but in curves and curlicues. Considering Baba's earlier announcement, I didn’t see any reason to doubt that these glowing beings were indeed angels, celestial helpers in His world mission: no other phenomena I knew of could explain

the sight. Sometimes two would pair up for a while as they zipped about, and they seemed to be pouring forth from some invisible gate above the ashram, where I guessed they had maybe just received Baba’s darshan and instructions for their work... The event had an unquestionably supernatural exuberance about it that left all three of us gasping in amazement. It was probably the most inspiring sight I’ve ever witnessed, ringing out more clearly than a thousand manifested rings the divine identity of Sathya Sai Baba.

Why would so many angels congregate in such an extraordinary way, other than to have the darshan of God? The Amrit-Oozing Amulets

In an orphanage in South India, there is an ongoing miracle pertaining to two thumb-nail sized slivers of porcelain, one bearing the likeness of Sathya Sai Baba, the second depicting Shirdi Sai Baba. Given to the manager of the orphanage by Sai Baba over twenty years ago, they have been miraculously oozing amrit (a honey-like jasmine nectar) ever since. I decided to visit the place, and see the famous miracle for myself. The manager of the orphanage scooped one of the amulets out of a dish with a spoon, and put it in the palm of my right hand. It was nothing but a thin piece of porcelain with Baba’s face painted on it -

there was no place for any mechanism to hide. I watched like a hawk as a few drops of amrit trickled from the amulet into my palm - but this meant nothing, it had just been sitting in a dish of amrit. Yet amrit continued trickling from it until my palm was full, and with the spoon, the manager scooped the amrit from that hand and poured it into my left palm. As amrit continued to trickle from the amulet over a period of several minutes, he repeated this procedure four times, until finally my left hand was overflowing with amrit - and the amrit was still trickling into my right palm! Even the most adamant skeptic, witnessing what I saw that day, would have to admit it was a miracle. (I tasted the nectar: it’s definitely not of this

world!) Ram ChuganiKobe, Japan

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