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[SBOI-post - members reply) Is sai baba guru or god? Please

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Dear All,




Swami is All, Swami in All, Swami is the Essence. This you have to

realize. Once you know this truth then accepting Swami has God, Guru,

Friend, etc...is left to what you feel is best and intimate. Work on

that relation and you will attain the life objective. Instead of

wasting time in debating let us try or best to practically implement

his messages in some walks of our life.


Gundappa Srinivas



Sairam Prasannambi,


Sai is a phenomemon and is not a charector for discussion yet it will

happen when we assume the role of a spokes person for HIM. We are hurt

as our EGO is hurt when someone says against our belief system and we

are hell bent on prooving we are right. This is what happens to all of

us. What do we know about GURU or GOD ? with our limited intellectual

capability or knowledge we try to make a frame and analyse things

within that frame work.


Stop worrying about what others say as wise people say if you discuss

about your devotion to people who does not have devotion whatever

devotion you have also will be in trouble. You keep experiencing SAI

and it is HIS grace and compassion that will make HIMSELF reveal a

glimpse of HIS reality.


Titles (GURU / GOD) are not important. Anyone can have any

relationship with SAI as they want according to their capacity. HE is

only a mirror and reflects back what one want to see in there.


Has SAI made a difference in your life and if so simply go ahead and



Guru is the one who removes the veil of ignorance and show us the

truth and it is only a position anyone can assume that role. In this

case Bhagwan has assumed that role. When you surrender 200 % then you

seize to exist and HE takes over and at one stage you are no different

from HIM.


Dive deeper and deeper in the Ocean of SAI and pray that let SAI make

you seize to exist.


WIth Love n Regards



Eswar ss



sairam prasanna


well for your question Is sai baba guru or god

i would say that baba has declared that he is God and

we are also god only thing is that he knows he is god

and we have not realized that we are god


ask yor friend how does he define a god

i.e. wether god is emboidment of love so is our sai,

wether god is karunakara so is our sai


for each term he(u r friend) says that this is the

way god should be we find the very same thing in our




hope your query of sai is god or guru is answered






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