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Let us pray at the holy feet of Sri Sai Nath

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……“The different incarnations of God and the Perfect Masters came on this

earth to reveal this Ultimate Truth to the human beings through their conduct

and precepts. The instances of their exemplary actions, at times bordering on

miracles created a conviction about their superior powers in the minds of the

devotees. Initially, it is these wonderful and unexplainable miracles that

started drawing devotees towards these most powerful entities of nature. Would

one like to logically understand the causes of such acts of miracles, at the end

of his search, one will find that one’s limited intelligence and intellect are

a poor instrument to properly appreciate such phenomena. Even if the human race

has gone beyond the earth and landed on the moon, yet the question that

naturally comes to mind is : What exactly has been achieved by the homosapiens

in the context of the yet unconquered universes having millions and billions of

solar systems? It seems

like an ant moving from one pebble to another pebble on a sea shore. As the

spiritual Masters have revealed from time to time, beyond the boundaries of the

perceptible and imperceptible universes there lies the vastness of an infinite

void or ‘Mahashunya’. Only after crossing the chains of universes, can one

enter that void. In the path of spiritual journey, the first step is to cross

this void and have an experience of the eternal being or primordial being or the

‘Adipurusha’ or ‘Ananta Purusha’.


Given this unimagined and unimaginable vastness of the creation of god, is it

possible to comprehend or cross this vastness with the help of our very limited

intellect and by the endeavors of a lifetime? A positive answer to this question

will indicate that the person has not entered the path leading to the spiritual

world as yet. A negative answer will indicate that he is yet to understand the

potentiality of a human soul which is part of the over-soul. If one reacts to

this question neither in affirmation or negation, then he is in a neutral state

of mind which can simply be called a state of ‘be as it may’. This is a

better state of mind than otherwise, in order to evolve in the path. If a man is

in such a state of mind then who will give him a correct answer and who possibly

can lead him in the path? In the ‘Satyayug’ the answers to such questions

were revealed through ‘Meditation’ (Samadhi). In Tretayug through

‘Yoga’, in Dwarparayug

though ‘Yagna’ and today in the Kaliyug it is being revealed through

‘Science’. However, the answer given by Science is due to a natural process

of expansion of the cerebral capacities of human beings as ordained by nature.

But would one like to shorten the process of his evolution and grow at a faster

pace, he has to go through a certain special experimentation on himself. He has

to bring into focus, one’s entire physical and mental potentialities and to

combine it with his will power by increasing the will power enormously. In

short, he has to put his entire energy, time, will and aspirations into a single

focus of attraction. Experience with the ‘laws of human motivation’ has

shown that love and not fear can create the highest motivation in a human being.

If the approach to this path emanates out of devotion and love, rather than fear

then the path becomes easier and takes less time.


The laws of nature are well defined, exact and operate universally. To

understand these natural laws, one should have similar thought vibration and

insight. All the saints on this earth had a simple, innocent and guileless

personality. It is difficult, rather impossible, to evolve in the path of

spiritualism purely with an intellectual and logical approach. Kabir, Nanak,

Tukaram, Meera, Ravidas, Budha, Christ, Sri Sai Nath all went through this path

and made people under¬stand only this path. Sri Sai Nath, inspite of being in

the state of total divinity, lived with illiterate and semiliterate rural folks

of Shirdi for more than sixty years. He established a tradition with these

people which is today attracting millions of others from within the country and

abroad. Millions of intellectuals have surrendered at his feet after getting

attracted by this simplicity and truthfulness. This is so, because the soul is

always in search of simplicity, peace and

love. Wherever these qualities appear, they become centres of attraction. This

is not the attraction of intellect but the attraction of the soul. This is not

based on fear but on devotion and love.


Let us pray at the holy feet of Sri Sai Nath who is always there to help His

devotees in their spiritual evolution through the easiest path he has


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