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DEVOTEE EXPERIENCE Sudha Vijay, Sydney , Australia

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great i have felt his presence a number of times

I wish He should give Shraddha and Shaburi to every one Ashutosh Ojha--- On Thu, 4/2/09, swamy mahadevan <mahadevanvnswamy wrote:

swamy mahadevan <mahadevanvnswamy DEVOTEE EXPERIENCE Sudha Vijay, Sydney , Australia , saibabanews , "sboi" <, "Manisha" , "Priyanka" <Allahamalik, "Hetal Patil" <experienceswithshirdisaibabaCc: "" Thursday, April 2, 2009, 11:22 AM








DEVOTEE EXPERIENCE Sudha Vijay, Sydney , Australia


I wish to share one of the countless blessings Baba has and is showering on my family and me. Since a very young age, my mother has had a chronic condition in both her eyes called glaucoma. She has lost vision in one eye and has reduced vision in the other. A couple of years ago her vision was threatened by a worsening of glaucoma due to a sudden increase in the pressure within her eyes.


The doctors and specialists tried all the latest treatments available and they could not bring the pressure down. Faced with the prospect of uncontrolled increase in pressure within the eyes leading to total blindness, we were in great distress. I was inconsolable and cried a lot. I turned to Baba for help and prayed to him with all my heart. I then opened Sai Satcharita and the page that opened up was from chapter thirteen which happens to be “More Sai leelas - Diseases cured".


The words that my eyes fell upon were “All the stories show that, the real medicine that cured various diseases permanently, was Baba's word and grace, and not any medicines or drugs." These words told me that all my worries were in Baba's hands and that He would look after my mother. I lit a lamp and prayed to Baba daily, crying for help. My prayer to Baba was that my mother should have her vision to the end of her lifetime.

During that period I also happened to see a photo of Baba on my computer, which had one eye partly shaded and the other eye fully bright. I immediately felt that Baba was telling me that my mother's vision was going to be saved. At that time my parents happened to be introduced to an Ayurvedic doctor from a hospital in Kerala through their family doctor. This Ayurvedic physician gave them tremendous hope and asked them to come to Kerala for treatment.


My parents went to Kerala and stayed there for a nearly a month in a room provided by the hospital. The pressure in my mother's eyes came down to the normal level and was stabilized, saving her vision. A patient in the room next to their’s left. My parents went in to have a look at the empty room to see if it was more convenient than the one they were staying in. The room was empty, except for a white statue of Baba, which had been left behind. When my parents told me about this over the phone, my joy knew no bounds.

Baba had shown His presence in our lives in such a beautiful way. My parents took the statue with them and have it in their puja place at home. My mother, who had not prayed to Baba before, now fully believes in Him. She took Baba's statue with her on a trip to USA when she went to spend time with my sister. At a Sai temple in USA, my mother felt Baba was looking at her and talking to her, telling her that she had finally come to see Him.

I have told my mother how I prayed to Baba and now that she has Baba's blessings with her, there is no place for fear in her life. Her vision today is Baba's grace. What more can I say about Baba's love and compassion? He is the one who lights our path when there is darkness all around.


I read an article in Sai Group in which a devotee says that we only look at a small part of our lives, but Baba looks at the whole picture- past, present and future and blesses us with what is best for us. From our side we can only do our best and leave the rest to Baba and He will see us through, not only for this lifetime but through all the lifetimes to come. Everyday before I leave home I say "Sarvam Sai Padarpanam" and that's where my life is - at His feet. Om Sri Sai. Om Sri Sai.


Om Sai RamSudha Vijay, Sydney , Australia



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