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The Glory of Shirdi Sai- issue 09-2009 from Saidarbar.

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Seventh Year of Publication

Published as Bi-Weekly

Issue 09 / 2009











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10. SAI'S








On the occasion of completion of ten years of Saidarbar, our

website www.saidarbar.org

is adorned with a new facelift and presented to our esteemed

Saibandhus. Our special thanks are to Shri.Raghav. N of SAI INC, Bangalore, who

has put in his best efforts and ideas in translating the thoughts

of Saibanisa (Gopala Rao Ravada) effectively into action in a record

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Raghu Raman Satulury - Editor-The Glory of Shirdi Sai











51. You should know that the Goddess of

death is not having any partiality towards rich or poor, healthy or unhealthy,

educated or uneducated. She treats everybody on par.


52. You should know that a day after your

death, the body turns into ashes and mixes up with the earth. Still you are

taking every care of the body by giving medicines to prolong the life.

Similarly after the death, the soul needs peace for which one should chant the

name of Lord while alive.


53. Some of the beautiful flowers that give

fragrance contain harmful bacteria. In a similar way some persons in the

aristocratic families will have bad qualities. So you should beware of such



54. In the name of penance you can conquer

hunger and thirst. But the day you conquer the desires and attachments towards

your kith and kin, you will be a real yogi (saint).


55. You will water the coconut tree for first

two or three years, but afterwards it will give sweet water for it’s lifelong.

In the similar way, when you receive help from the society, it is your bounden

duty to reciprocate the same.


56. The greatest quality in the life is to

serve others without anticipating any returns.


57. You look to the road side tree which

receives the hot sun light and gives shade to the travellers. In the similar

way, you should live for others.


58. A fool will dig for water after his hut is

under fire, you should not be such a person. You should think about the God

while you are in good health.


59. You should know that the society will

recognize the good persons and in the same way as it shuns persons with bad quality.


60. You know very well that if you do not give

charities in this life, you will be a beggar in your next life. After knowing

this also if you are not performing charities in this life, you should prepared

to hold the begging bowl in the coming life.


Compiled by:

Sai Sevak Smt. Rajeswari



To be continued…..





April 1954: Abdul Baba

passed away at the age of 83 years.


April 1973: The combined issue of

Saileela in English and Hindi started.


Sri Rama Navami 1911:

Shri.Bhishma and Shri.Kaka Mahajani started celebrating Sri Rama Navami

festival in Shirdi. Construction of Dixitwada was completed. Dixit wada was

declared open for public.


Sri Rama navami 1913: Balbuva

sattar performed Rama Navami samkirthan and Baba rewarded him with Rs.150/-


Sri Rama navami 1914: Dasguna

Maharaj was ordered to perform Rama Navami Kirtan at Shirdi every year.


Sri Rama navami 1951: A spacious

Assembly hall was constructed in Butywada (in front of Baba’s Samadhi).




(By Late Sri Bharam UmamaheswaraRao)

"Shashi": shashi_31


32. Significance of Meditation


Preliminaries to Meditation


If you want to be near God, you meditate

always. Meditation means combining the mind with Atman and making them one. If

you want to get rid of the sins, you have to do ‘Adhyatmika Dhyana’ and then

you will get salvation. Meditation is superior to taking bath in Saptha



Bodily ailments, doubts, dissatisfactions,

misconception and unsteady mind etc are all hindrances to meditation. Before

starting meditation, you do prayer to God that you are surrendering your body,

Prana and Dhyana and do prostration.


I am indestructible and ever present. So if you

meditate on Me, you can reach the permanent abode in Me. If you take this as

your unshaken aim in your life, you can reach the goal safe. Never aspire at

impermanent affairs. To attain My mercy and to reach Me, devotion with pure

heart is very essential. Whatever ideas you have during your lifetime, they

only project in your mind at the end of your life. You must meditate on Me,

thinking of My divine attributes thru out your life and then you are sure to

attain Me.


To be





Kalemama's meeting

with Sadguru Sai Baba

By Niket Kale:


Kalemama or Ramchandra Bapuji Kale was born in

Kolhapur, a city of Maratha Rulers. His father Bapuji Kale was a Minister in

the personal court of Maharaja of Kolhapur. Kalemama, born in such an

influential family, of links with the Royal families of Kolhapur, was ought to

receive the best during his childhood and youth and he was sent to Bombay to

graduate in the faculty of Civil Engineering. It was during the British rule in

India, holding a graduation degree in Engineering was a promising career, and

alike the expectations Kalemama later served as Chief Executive Officer of the

Kolhapur Municipal Corporation, also as Secretary of Dhule Municipal

Corporation, State Engineer at Akkalkot Sansthan and many a few other places

until he met Meher Baba and came to Meherabad for a final stay, which lasted

until the 16th of September 1954, when he rested in peace.


Kalemama met Shri Sadguru Sai Baba of Shirdi,

which changed the course of his life. After Sai Baba dropped His physical body

in 1918, Kalemama met Meher Baba at Ahmednagar in 1926 and his solitary life

ended at Meher Baba's feet as his wife Mrs. Janki, or more often referred as

Mrs. Kalemama had already passed away in 1932, at Meherabad. Meher Baba had

included her name in the list of 120 dear departed souls whom He paid homage,

as a token of love and gratitude. It was a gesture of love for their

surrenderance and unquestionably holding faith in Meher Baba, during the hilly

walks of life. It was on the 16ht of September 1954 that Kalemama passed away

at Meherabad, Kalemama's son Murli was staying at Jabalpur, to practice Homeopathy,

as permitted by Meher Baba.


To be continued…..





Saidarbar-TV channel-Internet

World TV



On completion of one decade of Saidarbar movement, Saidarbar channel in

Internet World Television is in operation from 12-02-2009.


Sai devotees may click on the website: http://saibanisa.blogspot.com

Valuable feedback and suggestions are welcome

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Friday, 20 February, 2009, 3:03 PM


New radio station for Shirdi Sai devotees http://www.saibhaktiradio.com/website/Links






Tuesday, 4 November, 2008, 11:45 AM


Enjoy Radio Shirdi Sai

on http://www.sairadio.blogspot.com/









Dear Sai Bandhus,


I was suffering a lot in my work

due to some politics slowly this took toll on my health one day I had to quit

because of my health. Slowly I started getting depression and anxiety I even

started thinking very negatively always feared of something and I was even

tense of going out or talking to anyone, my life had become unhappy by then.

One night I prayed Sai Baba to help me and promised to post it on the web as my

health gets better.


One day while I was coming home from a class in

the evening I felt that I missed Sai Baba a lot and I had an urge to see him, I

did not know nothing else rather than seeing him I felt so much pain without

Sai Baba I cannot explain how I felt my eyes were just looking for him around

me even though I knew that he was omnipotent. Then I prayed that if I see an

old man today with white beard, I will consider him as Sai Baba. Then I got

down at my stop and started walking home as it was very cold and snowing, I

just turned back and I saw an old man with white beard. He looked just like Sai

Baba (there is a Sai Baba picture in Dwarakamayi in Shirdi and his face exactly

resembled it), he looked quite unconcerned about the weather as he did not even

wear proper clothing to suit the winter needs and his clothes where torn at

places and looked at me in such a way as if he said “why are you going away

after you called meâ€, his face was shining in the lights, and I was in bit of a

dilemma. I told my father about what I was thinking, by then we had crossed the

road and where going home, he said that even he felt something towards the old

man sitting there, he asked me to go and offer him dakshina. I prayed in my

heart that I will offer him $5(and not tell my father whom I thought would mind

as we had no income) and by then I started getting heart palpitations, I

somehow managed to cross the road, the old man meanwhile walked into the bus

shelter, when I approached him he looked at me with concern I just took $5 out

and gave him he said “oh thank youâ€, I walked out and turned back and looked at

his face again, which was so attractive. By then my heart palpitations stopped

and I felt so relived.


I went home and my window faces the “Jane

n finch intersection†where I live and I looked for the man by then he wasn’t

there. When I went home my father asked me how much I gave him. When I said, I

offered him less, he said he had the same $5 amount in mind, and when I told

him that I did give him $5 he was so happy, and then I realized how Sai Baba

took from us the dakshina which we both wanted to give, my mother is a staunch

devotee of Sai Baba, she cried out of happiness after hearing that and I

realized my mistake which was “I was keen in seeking his darshan but finally

when he did come I just gave him some dakshina but I wonder why I did not fall

at his feet and not leave him until he gave me his true form, why was I covered

by that Mayaâ€. My parents asked me to always believe in him, he who came for me

when I needed.


From then onwards whenever I feared or

was anxious about something I opened the Sai Gurucharitra book and it said “why

fear I am hereâ€, “don’t be anxious and sit quietly â€and “I will never allow my

devotes to get lost â€, these words I read before many times but at the time of

hopelessness these gave me so much strength to my mind, I can say that my only

food those days where those powerful quoted said by Sai Baba, I used to study

11 times his astotharam for a week, slowly my mind started thinking positively

and I started realizing that there was nothing wrong with me and it was just my

thinking I came out of my illusions, I am even preparing for interviews, now I

depend on him for matters big or small and I am very happy for this as I know

whatever he does is good for me. My dear Sai bandhus, if I had not trusted and

did not have faith in him I would have certainly gone astray by now. I have

also realized that he doesn’t care for any other offerings more than the

“faith†and “patienceâ€. Now I feel so thankful for him for what all has

happened without which I wouldn’t have realized his power.

A Sai devotee

Om Sri Sai Nathaya Namaha




I and my entire family are greatly devoted to

Baba. Some of us heard His stories and were moulded thereby. But some, like my

father, who initially disbelieved Baba, was forced to Believe Him!!! Many

incidents were responsible for this. I narrate one of those numerous

ones! My eldest sister (Anchi) did not have any issue even till 4 years

after marriage. She was shown to a doctor and got all the tests done. But to

our disappointment, some complicacies were found, for which they said, she

could never have a child. My papa and my brother-in-law, both being doctors

witnessed the ultra-sound tests and were disheartened.


Soon after this, my aunty (who herself is

solely devoted to Baba) asked my papa to resort to Baba's feet, and assured us

that everything would be all right. My papa made up in his mind, saying that he

would know the presence and power of Baba, only if He did anything for his

daughter and prayed to Him sincerely. Within a day or two after this, a

pregnancy test was performed on her, and to all's surprise, she was found

pregnant!!!" Oh Baba!" This was what came out of my Papa's mouth upon

hearing this! She gave birth to a very cute little baby girl, after so many



Who would now deny His presence!!


Itti Mohanty.


From the files of Saidarbar






Smt. Madhu Gopal Ravada,

Saidarbar, Hyderabad.

Hello Children! I am Madhu aunty.

Do you know Baba use to play with children and used to tell stories to them? I

felt children visiting Saidarbar should be entertained with good stories. Now I

want to tell the stories what I heard in my child hood.





Once, a proud peacock lived in a

forest by the side of a lake. Every day he would go to the lake. There he would

open his beautiful, colourful feathers and preen them with his beak and

beautified himself. Then he would see his reflection in the lake water and

admire his own beauty. One day, a white crane came to live by the lake. The

peacock thought, “Oh! A new visitor is here to stay. I must go and introduce

myself to him. After all, he must know that a beautiful peacock is his

neighbour.†So, the peacock walked with a pompous gait to the lake side. The

crane was busy catching fish for lunch. The peacock began his daily ritual. He

went near the water and spread out his gorgeous feathers for display. Then he

preened them with his beak, beautified himself and looked into the water. He

felt very proud at his colourful reflection. Then, with pride, he turned his

head towards the crane and addressed him, “Hello, Mr. Crane! So you are my new

neighbour. Welcome to the forest.†“Thank you so much, Mr. Peacock,†the

crane said.


Then the peacock continued, “Mr.

Crane, I was wondering how you feel with the plain with white feathers. They

are so simple to look at and do not add to your appearance at all.†The Crane

smiled at the peacock. He flew in the air and landed by the peacock’s side.

Then the crane said, “Feathers and wings are given to us so that we can fly. No

doubt, your feathers are very beautiful but, they are of no use because you

cannot fly with them for long. I would rather have simple and useful wings than

showy and useless ones like yours.†At this moment, the peacock got speechless.

He went away ashamed without a word. After that day, he never preened his

feathers to show off to others.







Fri, Dec 26, 2008 at 12:11 AM

Shri Sai Satcharitra


Chapter XXXII


In Quest of Guru and God - Fasting Disapproved.


In this Chapter Hemadpant describes

two things: - (1) How Baba met His Guru in the woods, and through him God; and

(2) How Baba made one Mrs. Ghokhale, who had made up her mind to fast for three

days, eat Puran-Polis.


Fasting and Mrs. Gokhale



Baba never fasted Himself, nor did He allow

others to do so. The mind of the faster is never at ease, then how could he

attain his Paramartha (goal of life)? God is not attained on an empty stomach;

first the soul has to be appeased. If there is no moisture of food in the

stomach and nutrition, with what eyes should we see God, with what tongue

should we describe His greatness and with what ears should we hear the same? In

short, when all our organs get their proper nutrition and are sound, we can

practise devotion and other sadhanas to attain God. Therefore, neither fasting

nor overeating is good. Moderation in diet is really wholesome both to the body

and mind.


Sai Ram. Fasting has its place and can be

resorted in early stages of spiritual sadhana. But any dogmatic approach is not

good. One should not get puffed up with pride that one is able to fast and look

down at others as sinners. One should not fast if one is always thinking of the

food. The Sanskrit word for fast is upavas, meaning staying near. Near to whom?

To God. If one is truly near to God in consciousness, one will forget thirst

and hunger, without the Bala and Atibala mantras (Sage Viswamitra gave these

mantras to Ram and Lakshman when He was taking them to the forest for

protecting his yagna against the demons). If we read the story of Sai and His

Guru above, we see that when the mind is merged into the Para Brahman, all

thoughts, including thoughts of food subside. That is how; the sages of ancient

times were able to stay in Samadhi for years at a time. Fasting the body may be

needed in illness, but is not a right thing to progress spiritually. Sai Ram.


One Mrs. Gokhale came to Shirdi with an

introductory letter from Mrs. Kashibai Kanitkar (a devotee of Baba) to Dada

Kelkar. She came to Baba with a determination to sit at Baba's Feet observing a

three days fast. The day previous, Baba said to Dada Kelkar, that He would not

allow his children to starve during the Shimga, i.e., Holi holidays, and that

if they had to starve, why was He there? Next day when the woman went with Dada

Kelkar and sat at Baba's Feet, Baba at once said to her, "Where is the

necessity of fasting? Go to Dadabhat's house, prepare the dish of Puran Polis

(wheat rotis with gram-flour and jaggery), feed his children and yourself

too." Shimga holidays were on. Mrs. Kelkar was then in her menses and

there was nobody to cook in Dadabhat's house. So Baba's advice was very timely.

Then Mrs. Gokhale had to go to Dadabhat's house and prepare the dish as

directed. She cooked that day, fed others and herself. What a good story and

how beautiful its import!


Sai Ram. Baba knew the past, present and

future. No surprise then about this Leela. Sai Ram.



Author, Editor and Book Reviewer




To be







Sankaraiah Dubagunta" sainama


The Dakshina Bhiksha Samstha was established

during the year 1915 to serve the needs of pilgrims visiting Shirdi. The

Samstha published a journal called "SAINATH PRABHU"(vide Sri Sai

Satcharita, chap 2). The information furnished here-under is taken from the

journal as every Sai devotee would like to know more about Shirdi alias

Sheeladhi alias Saiabad of 1915 and also what Baba spoke/taught to the visiting

devotees of yesterday. The then population of Shirdi was 1500 only. They

considered Sheeladhi as Mukthi-Kshetra of the Yuga with Shree SaiBaba as

Mukthi-Data. Many of His Bhaktas heard Him saying that Shirdi with three other

villages had been given to Him by His Malik. Shirdi was His ancestral place.

Baba declared more than once that He had come to stay there permanently after

an interval of about two hundred years.


Maharaj did not say the name of the original

place from where He came. But He often mentioned that, that place was inhabited

by typical men well versed in all arts and professions besides being kind

hearted and God-loving. Even Shirdi, which was barren and forsaken village

during the early period, it was an excellent citadel encircled with pleasant

groves of fruit trees. Its Bazaars were large enough to have kept His favourite

Marwari-vysyas in great affluence. Again with the advent Sainath the spiritual

importance had steadily grown. Baba's unique pure and divine love, His simple

way, His scanty and ordinary food enhanced observer's regard for Him. Baba

saved many sufferers from bodily ailments. Though He did not leave Shirdi, His

body was seen in distant lands attending to His beloved Bhaktas. In his own words,

"Me kutra, manjar, Dukkar, hovun hi jatha" (I am moving in the form

of dog, cat and pig.) The sick and the wounded expect miraculous cure from

Amritaic Vibhudhi.


Many an atheist had changed and become his

sincere bhakta. With the increasing fame of Shri Sainath the importance of

Shirdi also had grown and it is reckoned as an important pilgrim centre in the

world. The good and deserving attempted to reach His paramarthic goal under His

safe and sure guidance. Sainath Maharaj had practically shown to the world that

the platform of Dwarakamayi was a sight to see where devotees of all religious

faith gather for common prayer irrespective of their caste, creed, sex, and



Not a single disturbance had ever been

witnessed during so many years of such congregated worship, consequent on any

religious difference. No doubt Baba Sai Accepted Dakshina or Arpans from

visiting Bhaktas. "Jyonchekadoon paise hote tyancha kamala te paise

lavathe. Te mala katha karatche" (If I borrow money from somebody I will utilize

for his work why I require his money). Of course Baba did not ask Dakshina from

every one or did He accept everything offered. He was often heard saying that

He had to keep an account for the owner and Government. "Mala he shob te

vayla lagto malik ka karitam (sarkara karitam)" Perhaps associations or

individuals who receive money should bear in mind that every paisa has to be

accounted to the giver as well as to Government as the collection is in his

name. Sainath Prabhu used to disburse dakshina amounts among sevakaris bhaktas,

gosevis, fakirs, bairagis and children.


Seasonal fruits were purchased and

distributed. His care for the poor, the needy and crippled worth moulding. Baba

used to say, who else would see the poor except myself. He used to impress on

the devotees such charities would confer extraordinary benefits on the giver.

We may conclude this article with Sadguru Sainath`s invaluable assurance.

"Pannas hazar aale, aani chappan hazaar gele, tyanchasi aplavala kay

karanche! Jyanchi nista ghad aaye ani iman sabath aahe tyamla saath samud

myahala kareen! Maza manasana 72 nid yaniryanth meech ambhalathao, Fifty

thousand people may come and fifty-Six thousand may go. Why we should bother? A

person whose faith is firm and integrity is established can cross seven seas. I

look after my people for 72 generations.









in chapters 10 and 15 of Sri Sai Satcharita had said that He is servant of His

devotees .HE also said that He could be found in everybody’s hearts. Before

proceeding to the actual topic, I request you to accept my pranams.



would like to place before you the message that has attracted me the most, when

I was reading Satcharita for the first time.



is like a white paper. If you write good words, people will hold it in high

esteem and give respect. On the other hand, if bad words are written, they will

tear it off and drop it in the nearest dustbinâ€.



best living example is Sri Sai Satcharita itself. Let us go through chapter 2

of Sri Sai Satcharita. Anna Sahib Dhabolkar wanted to write Sri Sai Satcharita.

Baba said to Shyama-



should shed his inner ego and place it at my feetâ€.



this way Baba nipped ego from Anna Saheb in the budding stage itself. Anna

Saheb followed the instruction in spirit of the words and thereafter commenced

writing Sri Sai Satcharita which today is reaching millions and millions of

Baba’s devotees. During the writing stage, Anna saheb was nicknamed as

Hemadripanth by Baba. All those engrossed in regular ‘parayana’ of the Sri Sai

Satcharita in their daily life are getting immensely benefited.



climbing few steps on the spiritual ladder, one should learn to remain

there and should neither fall down nor descendâ€.



we can see in


chapter 21 of Sri Sai Satcharita, Baba said to V.H.Takur- “The road is not that

easy as told by Appa. It is not as simple as a buffalo ride in the valleys of

Naneghat. The terrain is difficult one. So also the spiritual path is a difficult

one to follow; Efforts and concentration are therefore required to be made in

the right directionâ€.




case your life partner pre-deceases, do not repent, switch over to spiritual

life. Spend the remaining portion of the life in chanting God’s nameâ€.



can come across this message as we read about Bapu saheb jog and Khaparde

couple. Bapu saheb jog switched over to saffron clothes whereas Khaparde spent

rest of life in Baba’s service, after demise of their wives.



will be worthwhile to live down in the cool valleys and stay by the side of

calm riverbeds rather than remaining at peaks of life surrounded by all




can come across this piece of advice by Baba to one of His devotees, Tatya

Saheb Noolkar; a sub-judge from Pandaripur. Noolkar delivered land mark

judgment that temple ownership has no rights on the dakshina to the priests

from Aaratis. He invited lot of opposition from the temple management, which in

those days was a powerful lobby. Ultimately He had resigned from his position,

unable to withstand the pressures and mental torture and finally decided to

stay in Shirdi. When Noolkar passed away Baba said-“Tatya has left before us,

there is no rebirth for himâ€.



need not be a big river, it could as well be a small stream, but even that has

to ultimately merge in the seaâ€.



co-relate this message with the life of Meghashyam an ardent devotee of Baba.

He was poor and uneducated, but dedicated his entire life in service of Baba.

He died at a very young age. When Megha passed away, Baba said-“He is my true

devotee.†Baba stood by and participated in the last rites of Megha.



should grow like a tall coconut tree and be useful to society instead of

remaining like a wild useless growth.



can co-relate this message with the life of Bapu Saheb Booti, a millionaire in

service of Baba. Booti put Baba’s order into practice by constructing Samadhi

mandir with his wealth and grew tall in stature like a coconut tree. He

continues to be useful to millions and millions of Baba’s devotees and

remembered for ever for the great services rendered.




is like a train travel, your wife and children are like your co-passengers.

They may not like to travel further, the moment you have changed over to




we can infer from the life of Tatya saheb Noolkar, Sub-Judge of Pandaripur. His

wife and children preferred not to go with him to Shirdi after he has chosen to

dedicate his remaining part of his life in service of Baba. Once Noolkar was

going through bad health. Baba assigned his childhood friend to take care of

him in Satewada. Just a day before Noolkar’s death, his eldest son came from

Bombay and offered ‘Baba’s padha theertha’ to Tatya Saheb Noolkar. He then

breathed his last and Baba blessed Noolkar. Baba said, Noolkar has no rebirth.



is essential to explore God, but it need not necessarily begin early in life.

It could as well start at the middle ageâ€.



sahib Dikshit was a Bar-at-Law in England. He came to Bombay and practiced

there. Later he visited Shirdi during the year 1909 and finally became a

true devotee of Baba. Anna saheb Dhabolkar came to Shirdi in the year 1910 and

made a beginning to write Sri Sai Satcharita. With blessings of Baba He became

popular as Hemadripanth. Khaparde, a Lawyer from Amaravathi came to Shirdi in

his middle age and became a true devotee of Baba.



is like a seven storied building. Stay in the seventh storey having seven doors

and be nearer to Godâ€.



us refer to chapter 14 of Sri Sai Satcharita. Here the first six storeys are

symbolic with the Six Arishadvarghas-Kama, Krodha, Lobha, Moha, Madha, and

Mascharyas. Here devotee is advised to be above them and live in the seventh

storey from where the gap with God would be least. The seventh storey is the

head in the human body which is at the highest level and has seven openings.

The seven openings are the two eyes, two nostrils, two ears and one mouth,

which all happens to be the sensory organs of the human body.




not get addicted to alcohol as an excuse to overcome difficulties. Do not

fast to please Godâ€.



can relate this message to an incident in chapter18 of Sri Sai Satcharita. Baba

appeared to one of His devotees addicted to alcohol in his dream and did not

leave him till he promised that he would not to drink again. In chapter 32 of

Sri Sai Satcharita, Baba said to one of His female devotee Radhabai, not to

fast in the name of God.


Only Sadhguru can remove the unwanted growth of weeds

of ignorance, from the crop called wisdom. Efforts have to be put in, by the

devote himself to sustain healthy growth from there onwards.



can relate this to the conversation Baba had with Nana saheb chandorkar in the

chapter 39 of Sri Sai Satcharita.†Guru shall teach to recognize ignoranceâ€. It

was difficult to understand the meaning of the words. Baba explained in detail.

Removal of Ajnana is to educate about Jnana and removal of ignorance itself is

acquiring wisdomâ€.



looking for children, do not grieve on the birth of a female child. Baba

advised to bring her up like any other child, educate her and perform




can relate this to an incident in the chapter-47 of Sri Sai Satcharita. The

rich man was born as Veera bhadrappa in a poor Brahmin’s family. The rich man’s

wife was born as priest’s only daughter, named Gouri. On the advice of

Baba, the priest had performed Kanyadhan of his only daughter with Veera




the last moments, do not grieve over the absence of your children by your side.

Keep extending love to the kid in your neighbourhood, maybe he would offer the

holy water in your last momentsâ€.



can know this fact from Kaka saheb Dixie’s demise. Hemadripanth offered water

to Dixt in his last moments.. Bade Baba offered to Vijayanad, a sanyasi from

Madras. Megha was a bachelor and devotees from Shirdi offered him a sip

of water before his death. Nimonkar an ardent devotee of Baba, offered

holy water to Baba in His last moments before attaining Mahasamadhi.



believe that Hum Sab Ka Khoon Ek Hai Aur Sai Us Khoon Ki Taaqat Hai. Jai Sairam

Get more

information from Saibanisa's discourses on “Sai’s advice on conduct in lifeâ€.

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contact: saibanisa


In the Service of Lord Sainath and His


Sai Sevak SrinivasaRao Kasturi







Thu, Apr 9, 2009 at 4:52 AM


Om Sai Ram, Its Good way to spread Sai leelas, I really appreciate, I also want

to become member of this great community so that I can also make contribution

in spreading Sai Leelas

Sai Das

Gaurav Nigam



Thursday, 9 April, 2009, 11:38 AM


Dear Saibandhu,

Thank you very much. I am indeed

blessed what a wonderful treatise there is so much to read and know in depth

and to devotees it is a very great help.

Sai Ram Thank you

Ravi Ramamurthi



Thu, Apr 16, 2009 at 12:32 PM


Dear Shri Sai Devotees,


This is really a worth knowing Advice for all

the Spiritual endeavours in the life.

Regards to all the concerned.


L.V.Subba Rao

Shirdi Sai Baba Devotee.



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Things impressed me from this



The greatest quality in the life is to serve

others without anticipating any returns.


I have also realized that he (Baba)

doesn’t care for any other offerings more than the “faith†and “patienceâ€.


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