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The Long Silence......The silence is the communion... Between the Master and slave.

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The Long Silence......


Oh my Master, please break the silence.Before it breaks my heart.

I waited for days.Yet you never came,I waited for loving graceYet you never sent a word.

I kept waiting for the shower of your loveAnd yet it eluded me.What is life without your graceHow do I live without your smile?

Oh I beg my Master, please break the silence.Before it breaks my heart.

Oh heavens, have I displeased Him?Oh wind have I disobeyed Him?Oh rain have I shown disrespect to Him.?Oh, earth have I ignored His word?

Oh time, you are the witness to my life,My life is His grace,My work is His orderMy actions are His commands

Oh please My master, break the silence.Before it breaks my heart.

Yet why do I feel restless,Knowing you are with me,Knowing you are my lifeKnowing you are my work.

This silence is deafening,I can’t bear this rejection.Where do I go, where do I look When He turns away from me.

Oh my Guru, please break the silence.Before it breaks my heart.

Oh my mind is not my own,The thoughts are devestating.Alas how do I control thisVagarant wandering mind?

Yea cruel mind,Stay fixed at the holy feet.For they are the sole respiteFor the mind to be free from gruesome thoughts.

Oh I plead with thee, my Master break the silence.Before it breaks my heart.

Oh my Master I beg theeTake hold of my mindKeep it at your holy feetIt is only you who can harness it

You are my mother, You are my father You are my life You are the wish of my many births

Oh yes, the Master has spokenBreaking the walls of silence

The winds delivered the sweet messageThat He loves me.The loving thoughts of the folkThe sweet gestures and kind words are His words alone.

Yea ignorant mind,Yea could not hear the hum of heart?My Master has spoken and He sent a word,My mind failed to recognise but my heart heard His song.

He loved me then He loves me now,He loves me everHe never lets me go.

The silence is the communion Between the Master and slave.


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