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The Prophet Muhammad Speaks

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The Prophet Muhammad Speaks

Cosmic Lighthouse is pleased to begin a new series of messages from

the Prophet Muhammad, channeled by Rosanne Dourado. In a personal channeling

facilitated by Lee Carroll, Kryon told Rosanne that many will be interested

to hear what she has to " say " !


ir-Rahman ir-Rahim.

With the blessings of Divine grace and compassion.

Salaam alaikum. Peace be upon you my brothers & sisters. It is I the

Prophet Muhammad. Let me for a moment simply be with you, connect to you, feel

your energies – all who are reading this, and savour the joy, the love,

the honour, the respect that I have for you. It is such a beautiful moment,

indescribable beyond words for me to connect to you through the veil that you

wonderful angels have put on to come into physical form.

This struggle later became known as a

jihad and

was distorted in its meaning as a word for military campaigns to further the

expansion of Islam, contrary to what I taught – that there should be no

compulsion regarding matters of faith.

In your time it has been long since I was on the earth, and yet it feels

to me like a moment ago. For on my side there is no past, present and future,

no separation and no differences. We are all connected as aspects and parts of

the cosmos. And this is what I taught. I taught tawheed – unity.

The struggle for tawheed, unity was what I taught. This

struggle later became known as a jihad and was distorted

in its meaning as a word for military campaigns to further the expansion of

Islam, contrary to what I taught – that there should be no compulsion

regarding matters of faith.

In this moment I ask you all to

choose love, peace and joy for yourselves, for as you do so these qualities

will radiate outwards from you and assist in the raising of vibrations for the

human family on earth.

Tawheed is the most misunderstood part of my teachings for it has

only been interpreted as there being one God, who is Allah. However it has a

more profound meaning and refers to the Oneness and Unity of all energy in the

cosmos. What you have defined within duality as good and bad are all connected

– they are all aspects of Allah – the eternal energy including

physical and non-physical forms. I ask you my brothers and sisters to remember

that there is connectivity to all. What is expressed in human language as the

East and the West, as different words for those who connect to the Source in

different ways, is all connected. In this moment I ask you all to choose love, peace

and joy for yourselves, for as you do so these qualities will radiate outwards

from you and assist in the raising of vibrations for the human family on earth.


the first day of The Holy month Ramadan, the month of

fasting. This is a reminder that many in your world are still without the basic

resources of food and running water. There will be times when you will find it

appropriate to help and assist your human family in a variety of ways wherever

they are in the world.


is also a time for developing a closer and greater connection to the Source.

For when the human body fasts and the mind and heart are focused upon the

Source, there is a feeling of lightness and a feeling of joy. A period without

food causes the denseness of the physical body to lighten, as food in basic

terms is simply energy. This brings about a greater feeling of connection to

all of Source present in non-physical form.

In my incarnation as the Prophet Muhammad it was my spiritual mission to

unify my people – the tribes of Arabia

through peace, love, mediation, the elevation of women and the connection

through the heart.

It is now time for people to start

going within and seeking their answers based on intuition and heart feelings.

I reach out again to you now in love, in support and in joy for I see the

human family and the planet at a pivotal point in their growth and development.

There is a great desire to have peace, joy and love on the earth, hearts are

opening up, people are questioning their spiritual teachings for answers, many

new children are multi-dimensional, and the current structures that have been

in place for so long are starting to disintegrate as people realise they are

not being respected. Much is also being revealed about what has been hidden and

about the agendas that are playing out on your planet. It is now time for

people to start going within and seeking their answers based on intuition and

heart feelings. This is a process which grows and develops with time and


Anybody who needs my support can ask me through words or thoughts, for I

am here for all, not only for a particular group. As each one of you starts to

find your own balance, you begin to allow yourself to be a sovereign creator of

your own reality. Do not be discouraged my brothers and sisters for as I say,

this is a process. How long it takes is unique for each of you!

One of the things I really like to do is to visit other dimensions, other

galaxies and see how other worlds are. There are many on these worlds who are

also very interested in observing what is happening on earth at this present


My brothers and sisters it is a delight to communicate with you. I ask

that during this time you seek comfort, support and love from the Source

present within each and every one of you. You may call this by any name familiar

and comfortable to you, and I am also here to guide and assist you. I am truly

grateful for this opportunity to speak and I have much love for all.


Salaam alaikum. Peace be upon you my brothers and sisters.


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