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The Key to God's Heart (8a)

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SEEK HIM WITHIN(Chapter 8)In the entirety of creation, we have but one area in which we have total and complete free will and that is whether we choose to turn to God or not. That is our sole choice in life. The Lord, whose creation we are, can turn dust

into gold, rocks into diamonds, the one who can turn the sky into earth and the earth into sky, will not impose on this freedom which He has bestowed upon mankind. He cannot turn a single heart towards Himself. Only if we take one step

towards Him will He take ten steps towards us. Turn to the world and He will leave you alone to your devices to live life after life, to experience

death after death, until you

finally, weary of the world, and seek Him. Turn to Him and He is yours.Most of us, when we interact with the world outside, unknowingly we close our hearts and shut out the Lord. This door is one that only we can open. He will not open this door. He will not guide you towards the threshold even. It is an inner urge that must emerge from you. It is a response that you must seek, must aspire for and be inclined towards. It is something that you must

initiate. God will not force you to seek Him. He will not enforce you to yearn for Him. He will not prevail upon you to desire or need Him. He will not control this aspect. You are completely free to make your own choice. It is entirely the one and only department in which man has irrevocable free will. But once you take the first step, He will guide, He will be with you, He will take your hand and lead you along. It is like a child taking its first steps. No matter how difficult, the mother cannot take those steps for the child. Similarly, only you can coordinate this, you can acquire the knowledge and only you can experience and act worldly while being immersed internally in Him. It comes with practice, and it will depend on how much effort is made, how sincere you are. We talk about the key to God's heart but what does the key to God's heart mean? It means that when you open that door and you enter in, He also enters into your heart, and therein begins divine communication, a divine telephone line and you are graced with the ability to discuss with Him anything that you may wish or


wishes to with you. Through this wonderful link, He will guide and

guard you in every aspect of your life. This actually happens in

stages. Initially, there has to be longing and the yearning for God and He will then bestow the grace. Once the actual experiences in the heart begin, the rapture of playing with and being companion to God will bring an indescribable joy and bliss. The relationship will then develop by itself to the highest

level. He will guide and nurture it as it goes through various stages.How to distinguish this voice? Where there are many voices, you can call it conscious, but not conscience. Conscious relates to the little self. It deals with the mind. In the mind, there will be many voices and differences

but conscience is always one. It is unchanging. All the various

phenomena, everything pertaining to the world can be called conscious.

The supreme spirit, highest awareness is pure consciousness. Out of

pure consciousness comes conscience that is the voice of truth inside.

And conscience is a spark of the divine. On this path to win God's love, we go from the worldly level to the divine that is in our own hearts and then to the ultimate reality.The conscience, or inner voice, is a very definite and practical device within each of us that will bring us quickly to our divinity : This inner voice is the voice of God Himself. This voice will give us definite directions in dealing with all aspects of our worldly lives, and will transform us, through our lives, that we may at last become God. Even beyond directing

our daily affairs through right action, this inner voice speaks to us

of our innate divinity. It supplies us with a deep flow of peace and

contentment, and a knowing beyond words. It comforts us in our times of

strife, and quickly puts us back on the proper road, whenever we deviate from the path. And when we follow its guidance without hesitation, not only are our lives transformed, but also the lives of those around us. The inner voice is more than something to be turned to when things get rough. It should become our closest

of friends, one whom we listen to always. This inner voice is the voice of God within each of us. To be in constant touch with it, is like having a continual interview with God. However, each of use must find this inner voice within ourselves, for God speaks to each of us directly. This is the inner mystical conversation

between the over soul and the individual soul. Only when we allow God to manifest within us and make use of us as an instrument can this take place.The means for us to reach God varies from person to person based upon the individual. However, the destination is the same for all. Thus, taking advice from another's inner guidance can bring about the dreadful mistake of confusing their means for ours. This is why God only communicates with each of us directly, not through a third party. There is an

important obviousness in why we should each learn to follow our inner voice. Learning to listen to this inner voice gives us the individual

direction that is needed in our own process of becoming God. Plus, the

inner voice is always with us. We can rest, confident and secure,

knowing that God is prompting our every move. Learning to hear the inner voice takes effort, and many wonder if they truly are hearing the inner voice, or just voices based on thoughts or emotions. When the inner voice directs, there is no question or uncertainty about it. The guidance is direct. It is definite. If we are

perfectly honest, each of us knows what we should do. All have

had the experience of following 'another' voice, having disastrous

results, and saying in the end, 'I really knew I was doing the wrong

thing, but I didn't want to believe it'. Herein lies the main problem for hearing the inner voice : our own desires. In truth, the inner voice is always giving us guidance, most of the time, our own desires are what keep us from listening. When we have desires, we take our life

along the path that will fulfill those desires. If the inner voice is

giving us a direction that won't fulfill our desires, then we will not choose to listen to it, and will even go as far as projecting this on God by saying the inner voice never guides me. So, the first step to hearing the inner voice, is removing desires. The second

problem is judgment. Often times, we will prejudge a situation in our

lives, deciding in advance the direction the situation should take. If

the inner voice prompts a different direction, again we will not choose to listen to it. So, the fundamental problem is not that the inner voice isn't guiding us, but that we don't value the inner voice enough to listen to it because we are afraid that it contradicts our own judgments and desires.It is not hearing the inner voice, but learning to value it that is our greatest challenge. For when we value it, we are willing to hear it, thus we have taken another step towards God, and He in turn, can take ten steps towards us by helping us to hear it.

Unfortunately, most of us only learn to value the inner voice after experiencing the pain of following 'other voices'. The only way to save ourselves from this needless process, is to live in the full faith that God is the only One who knows the play well enough to direct it. By knowing this, we

can follow His voice prompting our moves and our lines, leading us into

Him, giving us the glorious experience of becoming God. How do you establish this communication, this inner guidance with Him? How to decide when to lay the foundations of the connection? The best time is first thing in the morning. The early hours of the morning when everything is quiet and calm. When the mind in

yet half asleep and the body is not fully awake to its surroundings and the senses are still dormant. When you are floating in the land between sleep and wakefulness. This is the time to concentrate. This is the time to attempt again and again until you receive an answer from Him. If you make this attempt continuously for

twenty-four hours, do you think He will not respond? Of course, He will respond. It is His nature to respond. How can He resist such a call? If someone were to do

this and call on us in such a manner, would we not feel obliged to

respond? The Lord is no less than us, in fact, much more than us. Your

love, your call would pull Him irresistibly to you, would make Him come

to you. But how many of us are prepared to expend twenty-four hours in this manner? We have far too many concerns and worldly obligations and duties to engage in this activity.

Once the link is established early in the morning, it will remain

throughout the day. Try and you will experience the truth of this

statement for yourself. Remember the Lord is ever present wherever you are, at all times, in all places, in every cell of your form, in every person, in every manifestation of His creation.When you call the Lord with your mind alone, you will not receive

a response. The yearning must emerge from the heart, visualize Him in the heart. When you begin to do this, He will always come. Then there is no

question of His not being present with you. In time, it will become an

automatic process. Even when you are conversing with someone or are

engaged with your daily tasks, visualize the Lord, or your favorite

form in the heart.

Speak to that form, love that form and that form will respond. It

cannot do otherwise but respond. Soon you will find that He will give

you guidance in myriad forms far too numerous to elaborate on, tell or talk about; dreams, visions, letters, feathers, through books, songs, inner guidance, notions, thoughts, ideas and coincidences, which one never expects, are but a few. His direct subtle presence felt and sensed only by you. The Lord has as many ways as there

are drops of rain. Once that guidance is given, you are beholden to follow the instructions. You must follow the instructions or dictates the Lord lays down for you

if you wish the link to continue. For unless you do so, no further

guidance will be forthcoming. The Lord only advises for your benefit,

your progress. He has no selfish motives. There is not an ounce of self

interest in God. He is completely sacrificing though He does not call it sacrifice - He calls it an offering on the altar of love.If there is purity of heart and love for God, then thoughts, the correct thoughts, arise of their own

accord. These thoughts strike a cord in the hearts of children and

adults alike. They instantly enter the hearts of those you are

addressing. This is called the magic of pure love. Only if your have

this purity and love are your thoughts pure. This power is the power of good intention and love coupled with divine will. This is God speaking with God; the mysterious communication of heart to heart, soul to soul. - to continue -(From : THE KEY TO

GOD'S HEART by R SAI) Visit : Sai Messages : http://saimessages.blogspot.com/ Sai Divine Inspirations : http://saidivineinspirations.blogspot.com/ Love Is My Form : http://loveismyform.blogspot.com/ (for non-Sai members)

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