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The Key to God's Heart (8b)

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(Chapter 8)- continuation -God is always considerate and loving. You will see the result of the hours,

days, weeks, months and years of yearning and tears of your aspirations to be with Him. He will shower you with His grace. It is beautiful and unique. Your own communication with Him, your very own divine connection and link, the inner voice that will guide you throughout your life : more stupendous than anything you can imagine. That time will find a glorious culmination, Him for you. Can you imagine a personal,

private Lord, yours and yours alone? He will instruct, guide, advise, love you, be friend and companion. Your very own magical genii who gives you

the answer to all your problems. Who watches over you and guards you.

Your personal guardian angel!!! What more could anyone want? And this accumulated grace is as a cascade of nectar. How to ensure that it never ends? How to ensure that this wonderful grace, showers of bliss, of gold and diamonds of His presence never leaves you? Simply b cultivating more and more love for Him. Devotion, service and faith, hand in hand.Never

doubt the Lord : never doubt the inner communication and visions.

Cultivate perfect one hundred percent faith in Him. Believe what He has

said will be and it will be. Once the seeds of doubt are sown, they rapidly flourish and strangle the tender

plant of faith and you may be deluded that all this, His love, advice

and comfort are perhaps the result of an over active imagination. This can destroy all that has been built. It can destroy the bridges of communication forged so daringly between you and Him. Fortunately for us, the Lord is always aware of this and He always provides His attention through someone or directly Himself. You will realize and be given positive proof that His

words are genuine and His communication with you is a reality. His love

for you is authentic. What could be greater; to sit by the side of God,

to have God as your nearest and dearest, to know that God loves you. We

all love God but to know, to be aware and to share and experience His love - nothing could compare with it. This is the only purpose of human existence, the sole purpose of life.When the voice, the divine connection manifests, one must learn to trust

His judgment and follow His instructions. Just as we expect our

children to follow our directions, we must follow His instructions.

Then and only then, can everything be yours. Everything you want, you

wish for and all you need. There are so

few persons who love Him totally, completely, intimately and

personally. It is that love He seeks, is in quest of and forever

searches for. If ever you feel sad and depressed, think of the affect

of your absence on Him. How lonely He is without you. He will give grace and He will come to you according to your thoughts and beliefs, according to what you can expect and what you desire. Some things are beyond even His power, for He will not violate His own laws. One of these laws is not to go against the trend of thoughts and beliefs we hold. Yearn, have faith and wait, and He will surely come. While the tongue wags, the still small voice of God cannot be heard. While you speak,

how can you hear the inner voice? If your mouth is constantly engaged

and your mind runs on wheels, how can you hear the voice speaking to

you? Learn to enjoy the silence and peace, the stillness, the miracle

of no sound with sound in God. In fact, that very stillness has its own unique sound. Learn to value silence. Silence is golden. Be at peace with yourself and find the peace of God. Dare to dwell and live in the secret place in

the heart. All God's gems of rare price can only be brought with

silence and action, silence within and the action of service. On this

path, you will find messages and answers coming to you from every

source. God uses every method to teach. He will use any, absolutely any

method, to communicate with you, to show you His love, to manifest

His love. He can formulate any missive for your consolation through

your trials and tribulations of worldly affairs. You must never allow

the communication to fall into abeyance or disuse. You will find that regardless of the knowledge that you should be linked to Him at all times, the connection will suffer an instant disconnection as soon as outer events take precedence.As you come to accept and trust in His words and presence, life will be lived

more in the heart with Him than in the outer world but your hands will

be occupied and engaged in service to Him in every form around you.

With His work will you be busy. To acquire the link, to acquire the key to His heart, time is needed. Time with Him to fathom the skills of this secret communication, to forge the link secure and unshakable and to help you cope in your life with Him and the world. Much time will be necessary that you will have to spend alone

in solitary. Hours and days with Him in silence, contacting the Lord until He

responds. But once He responds, the shower of grace, the rain of

heavenly sweetness never ends. That is a promise from Him. Once you live in His home, His heart, once the golden key is in your possession, once you are privileged to have access to the Lord's will, to His abode, to the Lord's storehouse, then He is your one and only insurance against the vagaries

of this reality we live in. You will not require any other bolster when

He is there to guide, guard and protect. He will live with you, love and take care of you.One of the most important points to remember is that your concentration must be one pointed on the feeling, visualizing Him in the heart. Decide on a path, choose a route whereby after being guided by Him, you adhere to one

strict regime for many years. One should not make constant

changes in one's approach to God by observing what others are engaged

in or what may appear right in accordance with one's whims and fancies.

Such instability and haphazard practice cannot give the desired

results. In the case of the average person like you and I, it is

detrimental to change devotion, austerities or paths or even the form of God. Never alter the regime you have chosen, unless advised by the divine Himself, for it will harm your progress. We, ordinary people, are of unsteady minds and character. We are blown hither and thither by our predilections and therefore any alteration

in practice almost certainly means a new start. It is like

digging ten different wells rather than digging ten feet in one place.

Dig one well one hundred feet in one place and reach the underground

reservoir of water. This is why only one

form of God is recommended. Though so many forms exist, they are all

essentially one. Hence, apply yourself to your chosen regime and reach

the waters of God's grace and love. No matter what the practice and for how long or short a time, the fruit of it is never lost for it carries over to the next life. Many saints and sages in all cultures and all lands have testified to this. This love is like a current, a connection,

telephone, telegram system,

computer connection, modem, or fax directly linked to God's heart.

Whenever you wish, you may access that key, open the door to His heart,

enter in and rest and stay there for as long as you may wish. Soon you will become a part of Him. The more often you do this, the more often you utilize the connection, the more time you spend in His heart and He in yours - unity begins. Slowly, the merging of souls begins. Eventually, you will never be able to leave His heart

nor He yours.One

of the errors on this path, the greatest obstacle is the amount of time

you spend with Him, or more to the point, the lack of time spent with

Him. Only the time you while away in His presence will ensure that you

make no mistakes because all other faults, mistakes, errors, problems

and obstacles arise from this lack of communication, from this lack of connection with God. One must remember that once one is in company, one

still must not forget the Lord within. If you practice, if you take to

this path of practicing the presence of Him and pursue your regime,

then you

must never forget that He is always with you. Therefore, in spite of

other considerations, you must be prepared to go within and seek His

advice on any situation. In a relationship with the divine, actually in any relationship that is deep and abiding, there is no need to always use the spoken word. At times, it is just as well to be silent in each other's company. To rest in His love. You must remember that you have to take the step, take the initiative and it is for you to take the Lord back to

your world with you. To live in His world, to live in the heart are

stages. The aim is to take and integrate Him with you in your world so

that you are not separated from Him. There should not be two worlds but

only one world, that is our world. Not His world, not your world but OUR world. One must be careful, conscious and aware of that familiarity with the Lord does not breed contempt.There is always a tendency to immerse ourselves in our daily lives and forget the divine connection most of the time. If we could rectify this matter, if we could rectify these minor aberrations, how the Lord would love to come

and be with us, live with us and abide with us in reality. What a

heavenly world this earth would become. To traverse this path, to

acquire this love, to realize this divine connection, this telephone

line to the Lord, concentration is absolutely essential. Complete and

total concentration at any time whether one is engaged in work or not, whether one is free or not, the heart must always be tuned towards the Lord. The mind must be surrendered at His feet. The hands must be occupied within the world in the daily tasks. To have your hands work, you do not require your heart or your mind. To all those who surrender at the feet of the Lord, for all those who yield their will and relinquish their ego, for them, the Lord takes care of everything, right down to the minutest detail. He is there, second by second, minute after minute, behind, in front, above, and below, the Lord encircles the devotee in a protective aura so that he never comes to any harm. He corrects all matters in the person's life giving him complete freedom to be immersed in this aspect of pure love. And the love is as

if poured from one container to

another. From the devotee's heart to the Lord's heart and back again.

Thereby increasing in measure as it fulfills and delights both. He will

lead, guard and guide you, utterly and completely, like the eyelids

guard the eye. He will never allow any harm to come to you. Your life becomes a ceaseless stream of miracles, showers of love from above. Grace will rain blessedly on the chosen ones. The chosen ones are not special. They are not unique or unapproachable. On the

contrary, they are people like you who have taken up the gauntlet, have

desired God. You can become a chosen one, it is your choice. We decide

whether to turn to God or away

from God. We determine how much time we will allocate to the Lord. All

these choices we make ourselves. He does not make them for us.- to continue -(From : THE KEY TO GOD'S HEART by R SAI)


Visit : Sai Messages : http://saimessages.blogspot.com/ Sai Divine Inspirations : http://saidivineinspirations.blogspot.com/ Love Is My Form : http://loveismyform.blogspot.com/ (for non-Sai members)

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