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The Key to God's Heart (8c)

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(Chapter 8)


- continuation -

Happiness is within; do not seek it outside, that is delusion. You will have to acquire the knowledge and ability to be with Him whilst engaged in the phenomenal world. If you do not do so, how will you spend all the hours

of the day with Him? It is not possible. You must make progress on this path in the early stages. God cannot be separated from your life and set aside. He cannot be given half an hour of your time a day or a few hours and the rest of the day you do your work. He must be integrated into your life. Integrated in every action you are engaged in. Integrated in all you do, whether you eat,

sleep or walk. Remember to wake Him up when you arise in the mornings.

Remember to offer Him breakfast before you eat. Remember to take Him

with you when you go out and bring Him back home with you. Prepare an

evening meal for Him. Remember to put Him to sleep after a long day. Remember to call on Him when you have problems. This is your imaginary friend who is your one and only real friend. He is more real than the world outside, the

reality. What is reality? Is a dream a reality? Is the phenomenal world

a reality? Neither is real and both are real. Each is as equally real

as the other. The ultimate reality is this 'imaginary' friend and

companion, God. True communion with the divine is when He is made a part of your life

and as such involved in it by you. Only then is it true communion with

the divine. If you merely call on Him for an hour or so, that is like

two neighbors living next to each other and meeting sometimes. You

visit within for a short while and you leave. This should not be. He

must become wholly a part of your life, and in becoming part of your life, He will give that life a bliss and joy which has never been imagined before, never expected could be possible. This happiness is joy you will never find anywhere else.We must develop this inner voice, inner relationship. He will be guiding

and directing you. The inner Lord will guide you moment by moment in

every one of your daily activities so long as you turn to Him. He will

be there for you. At times, you may not even ask and yet, He

will provide you His attention. This demands that you must give equal

attention to Him. In general, we are not prepared to give one hundred

percent to the Lord. We are quite prepared to accept one hundred and twenty percent from Him though. You may not converse with the Lord on a daily basis. You may say you do not have time, but within your heart, each beat of the heart, each breath you take, must always be only with His name, immersed in Him. Each morsel you consume is for you and Him, for His

delight. Each thought you think is about Him. This does not mean that you cannot go about your daily tasks. Of course, you can. You will be surprised to see the

incredibility of how the human brain works. An actual task in hand

probably only consumes a minute but the brain itself will ramble on

along the same by lanes for ten minutes or so. Or should I say, the

mind forces the brain to continue! Those extra nine minutes you can go

back to being immersed in the Lord. Once emerged from Him to attend to the task in hand, then dissolve, merge back into the ocean of His love, time and time again. In our lives, a great deal of time is lost in aimless meanderings, in spite of

the knowledge that He is waiting for us. He is always there for us but

do we have time for Him? When you make time for Him, you will find that His terms and expressions are saturated with

such exquisite sweetness that they will leave you speechless. If you

cannot do that, then merely to sit in silence with the thought of God

is enough; that in itself, will accomplish the miracle of change in you. The soul will gain awareness through purification. Your daily contact with

Him will be responsible for this. During this period when you think of

Him alone, think of all the pleasant things in your life. Think of the

happiness. Dwell

on the joys, on the beauty of creation and love; everything that means

joy and delight for you. These beautiful thoughts will clear the path

from you to Him.The more you live with Him, not only can no one harm you but your

tongue, your word becomes the abode of truth. Every word you utter must

be, must take form, must become; this is the secret of God. If you are

pure in thought, word and deed, then it is automatic that the spoken

word must be. It gains divine energy and the divine will is manifest in

you. You may think that only saints have access to this power. It is

not a power, it is merely the result of purity of heart. Try this

exercise; ensure that you tell no untruths for at least a few months

and witness the 'miracle' that takes place. He

states that there are no fasts, rituals, vows, prayers and strength

greater; there is no greater mountain you can climb than earning and

winning His love and practicing living in His divine presence. That

alone will gain access to His heart. It means practicing the presence

twenty four hours a day and not here and there for five or ten minutes

in the prayer room. It is a constant, continuous and ceaseless longing.

Only then can

you win His love. When you live in that constant presence, it will be

beyond your understanding, but you will be unable, you will be

incapable of making any errors. His presence precludes human errors.

This is the ultimate

gift of surrender. If ever you do, the mistakes will be His will and

not of your doing. With Him, there are no errors and you will always

act in perfect accordance with the divine will. The

ideal is to live a spiritual life within and of a worldly life

outwardly. To complete one's duties, one's occupations and undertake

one's tasks in life while remaining totally calm and centered on the

Lord within. Seeking guidance from within, seeking Him within. On this

path, once the love develops, it is impossible to ask

the Lord for anything. Do not ask; there will be no need to ask for He

Himself will provide without asking. He will guide without your having

to voice the request. He will guard without your having to seek

protection. Your life will be entwined with the divine beloved. He will

resolve all problems without a single prayer being uttered from your

lips. There is no need to ask or pray for all will be taken care of by

Him. If only your heart would merge as one with His, then all power is

yours. Your will then becomes the divine will and divine will is all

powerful, all consuming, of great magnitude. It is yours the minute you

unite with the Lord. He will take all your burdens and cares upon

Himself. Leave all problems to Him. Believe that all your trials are

coming to an end and you will be more joyous and happy than anyone

could ever be in life. One must have implicit faith in His words,


unconditionally in His utterances and trust in Him. He will take care

of your welfare, relatives and family. Whatever concerns you concerns

Him also.When you are confident and aware the He is always with you, always

waiting for you, do not feel free that you can leave Him. It must be

understood that this is merely a stage in spiritual development and not

the culmination of it. There is much more to be covered and over come.

If you fail in keeping this connection alive, then how can you succeed

in the goal of attaining the highest love for God and gaining the key

to His heart. Keep this in mind and see it as a discipline you must

practice. Just as you expect your children to follow your advice and

disciplines for you know that is best for the children, so also you

must follow the regime that the Lord lays down for you.For

God to respond, some effort is necessary, you will require the

information, in the early stages, which you will gain from books until

you have established your own personal link and relationship with Him.

This relationship will go through a free fall where He Himself will

guide you and lead you in the dance of this wild romance with Him. Then

you will need no books, for no one could ever guide or assist you then.

At this stage, there is no other refuge than Him, no other love than

Him and no other desire than Him and for Him. It is only up to the

stage of establishing the link that other people's views, comments and

experiences can be of some assistance.


Visit : Sai Messages : http://saimessages.blogspot.com/ Sai Divine Inspirations : http://saidivineinspirations.blogspot.com/ Love Is My Form : http://loveismyform.blogspot.com/ (for non-Sai members)

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