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The Key To God's Heart - Chap 15

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EGO(Chapter 15)In

this vast cosmos, our solar system is one of millions; planet earth is

a small dot in this universe which is probably one of thousands. And we

are minute microbes on the earth, so where is the cause for ego and

self importance? The Lord is resident in every entity, every atom and

He controls the activities of them all. Even the humble ant is under

His jurisdiction alone. Each creature, flower, bush, leaf, tree, rock

and grain of sand has a soul and that soul is reflected in Him and He

in it. Therein lies the unity of the universe. The diversity and

creativity of the divine.The

only thing that separates us from one another is our personality, that

is ego. Deep within our souls, we are all essentially one. Whatever

happens, one must always be aware of and undermine the ego. Understand

that you are not the doer, you are merely the instrument; so wherefore

this sense of pride? When ego rises, He cannot work through you. If

there is no ego, only then can He provide you with miracles. Have you

opened the door for miracles to take place in your life around you?

Small things, little events - you ask and it is there! You seek and the

door opens. Even loving Him can only be through His grace.Even

though one may not respond to a trying situation, yet there maybe great

anger, frustration and tension and harboring of emotions within : the

Lord sees them all. Such a heart is not a place where He chooses to

reside. It all happens, all occurs due to ego. Ego demands

acknowledgment and power. One must ignore its voices for it is the most

effective bar to spiritual progress. It cannot be destroyed. It must be

surrendered and offered at the feet of the Lord. It must be given to

Him to dispose off or to be transformed into humility. In reality,

fighting the rising ego and praying for assistance is the most you can

do. The rest is His grace and work until it is finally laid to rest in

Him. In this manner must all negative emotions be dealt with. It is the

only way to abolish these traits.Unfortunately,

our personalities do not express who we really are, nor do our actions

as our egos interfere. The ego is that part which gives us many

problems. It is like a master with a whip that goads us towards this

and that, to have position, wealth and status. It is only when we

undermine the ego and surrender to God 'Your way, not mine, you know

what is best for me' that things will begin to open up. On the other

hand, if we say 'No, I will not do this?' That is the ego taking over.

At this point, God cannot be involved. Only through love can the ego be

conquered. Love, divine love is selfless. Our love is mostly selfish.

All the time, the ego thinks only of the little 'I'. Ego sees

everything as separate, as distinct from itself. It sees only diversity

and duality. Ego is the harbinger of anger, jealousy, envy, greed and

hatred. Love sees everything as itself. In this very surrender and

repentance lie the seeds of spiritual success. Pride = ego. Surrender

of ego = success.Though

love, austerity and discipline are essential to win His love, one must

never commit the error to presume upon His acceptance. That is ego and

the Lord will never tolerate ego. When one presumes upon the Lord's

acceptance, it is called pride and self esteem manifesting which He

will swiftly fell. The process of this destruction of ego and pride is

extremely painful. It is not worth cultivating as it leads only to

suffering. It is only when things are unpleasant that we actually begin

to think and to grow and to seek solutions. When everything is

gloriously happy, we relax and are steeped in it and enjoy ourselves.

We do not then grow. Therefore, problems are really stepping stones to

self realization - to God.(From : THE KEY TO GOD'S HEART by R SAI)Copyright

by the Author. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be

reproduced or transmitted in any form or means without permission of

the Author. Visit : Sai Messages : http://saimessages.blogspot.com/ Sai Divine Inspirations : http://saidivineinspirations.blogspot.com/ Love Is My Form : http://loveismyform.blogspot.com/ (for non-Sai members)

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