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WAYS TO SPIRITUALISATION - 7 Vicara means enquiry. It is an enquiry into the nature of Brahman or atman. Enquiry of, "Who am I" is also vicara. What is bondage? What is freedom? What is the relation

between the jiva and Brahman? How was this Universe born? Who is the Creator? These constitute vicara. Vicara leads to Brahma jnana (realisation of the Infinite). You are imprisoned in this cage of flesh for a long time on account of your identification with the body. Cut this illusion with the sword of knowledge. "I am the all pervading sat chit ananda Brahman" and be ever blissful. Give up Iâziness, mineness , agency or doership. Become a silent witness. This is wisdom. Brahman or the absolute is the only reality. Mind and the universe are unreal. Mind alone is the universe. Action of the mind alone is karma. Renunciation of egoism and desires constitutes real renunciation. This leads to atma jnana (selfknowledge). Practise Brahma vicara and you will soon attain selfrealisation. Identification with the body is bondage. Identification with the atman or soul is liberation.

"I am body", "This is mine", "He is my son", "She is my wife" “She is my Sai Compassion” this is bondage "I am all pervading immortal soul", "Nothing belongs to me", "All is Brahman" this is liberation. If the mind is attached to objects, this is bondage. If it is unattached, this is liberation. Where there is no duality, there is immortality. When the three knots are cut one attains immortality. If your object in life is immortality shun sense-objects as poison. Where there is nothing to be

seen, or heard, or thought of, there is immortality. Immortality is the very nature of atman. The road to immortality is steep and thorny. The help of a realised sage is necessary, at every step. Walk the Brahman way. Brahmacarya is walking with God or Brahman. Brahmacarya is the Brahman way. Regard a

woman as mother or Devi (Goddess). This is brahmacarya of the eye. Hear not lustful talks. This is brahmacarya of the ear. Speak not of woman. This is brahmacarya of the tongue. Entertain not lustful thoughts. This is brahmacarya of the mind. Brahman is supreme goodness. Rajas and tamas are the causes for evil, Evil is a mere appearance. It exists to glorify good. Evil is a kind of knowledge which shows the superiority of goodness, by way of comparison. An evil man is a saint of the future. See good in everything. Destroy the evil finding quality. Develop the good finding quality. Rise above good and evil. Your real nature is essentially satchidananda Brahman. Thou art the infinite, all pervading, self luminous, eternal atman, the supreme soul. Tat Twam Asi. Thou art That. Roar OM OM OM Sivoham. Soham. Satchidananda Sivaroopoham. Come out of this cage of flesh. Know thy essential divine nature. Thou art the whole, the infinite, the absolute, the eternal, the immortal. Thou art above pleasure and pain, joy and sorrow, all pairs of opposites. Knock within. Search within. Gaze within. Within you is the immortal soul. Aim at perfection. Fight life's battle bravely. Live wisely. Strengthen your resolution. Become one with the eternal. Have tenacity of purpose. Climb the peak of perfection. Self realisation is here and now. Attain life's goal. If you observe perfect physical brahmacarya (celibacy), you will have control over your temper. You will not become irritable. Gradually you can attempt to attain mental brahmacarya, through japa (repetition of God's name), meditation, discrimination and enquiry. Brahmacarya is the first requisite for God realisation. Brahmacarya is the pathway to the kingdom of God. May you be established in perfect brahmacarya.

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