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KANSAI LIGHT OCTOBER , 2007 ISSUE News letter of Sri Sathya Sai Organization Japan address: I.S.S, 2nd Fl, 1-3, Kumochi 5-Chome, Chuo Ku Kobe Tel: 078-222-1885, Email: rgcjp (Please print this copy for your reference) ................................................................................................................................ I will always love you, for you are My Children. You must learn to love me too. for that is the only path, that you will lead you back to Me. And enable you to realize your own divinity. Have faith, have love,have compassion, serve,love and help your fellow man that is the path to Divinity...BABA. CHAPTER 16 1. Krishna continues His Divine instruction and tells Arjuna, ‘People come in various shades and at the two extremes are the people who are literally

Divine and those who are absolutely demonic. I shall now describe briefly their characteristics.’ 2. ‘Attitudes vary because of the different ways in which the body, the senses and the mind function in relation to the heart. Incidentally, there are three spaces or worlds related to the body, the mind and the heart. They also are important in this discussion and you must know something about them.’ 3. ‘Let Me start with the body. It is gross in nature and exists in the physical world. In spirituality, this world is referred to as Bhutakasa or the Space of the Gross. Likewise, the mind has its own space called Chittakasa. Just as the individual body can wander in the Bhutakasa, the mind similarly wanders in the Chittakasa.’ 4. ‘Beyond the Chittakasa lies the Chidakasa, the Causal Space from which everything is born. This is the space associated with the heart. You see Arjuna, everything starts with a feeling. Let us say there is an artist. First he feels like painting. This feeling originates in the heart - the heart is the realm

of feelings. Next he develops ideas about what to paint. Action is now in the realm of thought, which takes place in the space of the mind. Finally the artist actually paints, an action that takes place in the Bhutakasa. This example must make clear how the three entities and the three associated spaces are all involved in the transformation of feeling into action.’ 5. ‘Let Me now move on to the topic of how the heart, the mind and the senses influence the personality of an individual.’ 6. ‘With regard to these three entities, God’s hierarchy is: Heart first, Mind next and senses/body last. That is, the heart must dictate the

mind and the mind must control the senses as well as the actions of the body, in accordance with the wishes and feelings of the heart. This is the way God wants things done, and this is the right and proper way of doing things.’ 7. ‘If this order of priorities is followed, then you can be certain that the person concerned would be a good man. You can’t miss such a person because he would have a Divine glow about him. This effulgence is no accident; it springs directly from his sacred and noble qualities. He would exhibit moral courage under the most

difficult of circumstances. Divine attributes like Sathya and Dharma would shine forth from him.’ 8. ‘Always radiating Love, he would be the embodiment of Daya or Compassion, Kshama or Forbearance, and Ahimsa or non-violence. I am sure you know exactly what I am talking about.’ 9. ‘Let Me now consider the alternate scenario where the body and the senses call the shots. Here, the mind is a slave to the body and the senses, and as a result it totally ignores the dictates of the heart. In this case, the heart is just a silent spectator. This precisely is what happens in a demonic person. The person may be human in appearance but in reality he is nothing short of the devil.’ 10. ‘In such a person, the senses run wild, and the mind becomes a co-conspirator. The heart, as I just said, remains a silent witness.’ 11. ‘This demonic person would be as bad as a person can be and would possess every conceivable evil trait. He is proud, arrogant, has a mountainous ego, bows to no one, and imagines he would be ever powerful.’ 12. ‘He cannot simply understand virtues like compassion, etc., and values like Truth and Righteousness are complete strangers to him.’ 13. ‘Harsh, vulgar, rude and easily prone to violent temper, he does not bat an eyelid in hurting others. He hurts in various ways; he hurts the minds of others with his cruel

words and psychological pressure, and he hurts bodies with physical violence.’ 14. ‘About his insatiable desires, what can I say except that even the sky is not the limit for them! Is it any wonder that such a person is utterly selfish and knows nothing other than self-interest?’ 15. ‘Arjuna, it is pretty revolting even to talk of such a person! Not only is he stuffed to the brim with every wicked and foul quality one can think of, but, what is even worse, he denies My very existence.’ 16. ‘Imagine that! He exists because of Me. I am the one

who pumps his heart, it is I who digests his food, it is I who takes care of his blood circulation and so on; and yet, he denies Me! But what else can one expect from egoistic fools?’ 17. ‘While alive, these maniacs imagine they are on top of the world and are having a great time. But they do not know how fleeting all this experience is.’ 18. ‘Arjuna, these demons in human form get flung again and again into inferior births through the Law of Karma. A million times they have to go the misery of life and death. People complain of just one birth. In that case, should one make advance bookings for millions of births?’ 19. ‘Three-fold is the gateway to hell –

lust, anger and greed. All these must be severely shunned.’ 20. ‘Arjuna, I hope you have clearly understood what exactly ought to be the internal priorities. Everything must flow from a pure heart. The feelings of the pure heart must be converted into a sacred plan of action by a pure mind. And the holy commands of the mind must be translated into loving and selfless action by a pure body acting in conjunction with unpolluted senses. Follow this formula, and you will come to Me for sure!’ END OF CHAPTER 16 ................................................................................................................................. SCENE 4 Sathya decides to walk all the way to the Pushpagiri Fair. The distance is about fifteen kilometres but He has no other choice; no money. He trudges all through the night and reaches the destination in the early hours of the morning. He catches up on some sleep, has a bath in the river there, and then heads for the Carnival site. On the way, while crossing a sandy patch, He finds a packet of beedies [native cigarettes] and a one anna coin. At that time, a man comes that way. SATHYA: [to man] Sir, are these beedies and this one Anna coin yours? MAN: Not mine, boy. Sathya buries the beedies in the sand, and keeps the coin. He continues to walk and arrives at the Carnival site. There He finds a petty gambler running a betting game. GAMBLER: Bet, man, bet! Sisters and brothers, come and place your bets! Offer salutations to Goddess Lakshmi and try your luck! Bet, bet, ….. A MAN: What are the odds? GAMBLER: An Anna for an Anna, a paisa for a paisa; it is fifty-fifty! Bet, come on,

bet. Again the dice is thrown. GAMBLER: You are riding high! Great! Take your battery light! No magic, no witch-craft, no cheating, no betrayal. [to a spectator] Brother, are you from Srikakulam or Simhachalam? MAN: Velakulam. GAMBLER: My town. When I was young, I used to live there with an aunt of mine. MAN: Okay, I wager a beda

or two annas. GAMBLER: Be careful; think and then place your bet. No bargaining! Oh great! This time I won; Goddess Lakshmi has favoured me! Ha, ha, ha! Bet, come on, bet! Bet and see

your fortune. Paisa for paisa, one for one. ……. [to Sathya] What brother, will you play or just watch? SATHYA: I’ll see. GAMBLER: No use just seeing. Goddess Lakshmi radiates from Your face! Go ahead and bet! SATHYA: Okay, I’ll bet. GAMBLER: You will bet? How much? SATHYA: I’ll bet one Anna. GAMBLER: That’s it, that’s guts. Bet on any number. On what number do You place the bet? SATHYA: I’ll bet on two. Gambler throws the dice. GAMBLER: Two, two, two, two! This is called luck! Number two has turned up! An Anna with an Anna. I give you double, that is, two Annas. Will you continue playing or quit? SATHYA: I’ll play. GAMBLER: Look, I’m removing all this stuff. It’s only cash now. SATHYA: I’ll bet two Annas. GAMBLER: You are doubling the ante? Well done. Keep it up and Goddess Lakshmi will lead You on to a fortune! Double, double, double …….Good! Gambler throws the dice; Sathya wins again. SATHYA: It’s good for Me but bad for you. GAMBLER: Okay, double and double. I will give You four Annas. How much will You bet now? SATHYA: I’ll bet one Anna. GAMBLER: What do You mean one Anna, brother? ……..Goddess Lakshmi will fall down laughing!…… Bet four Annas and win eight Annas. SATHYA: All right, I’ll bet four Annas. GAMBLER: Aha! Keep betting like this, and

Goddess Lakshimi will favour You with a big fortune. Bet, bet, and bet! SATHYA: Here are four Annas. GAMBLER: Ah………Aha! four Annas; four, four, four,……. [throws the dice but the result is not in his favour] What’s happening today? He’s on a winning streak! I am finished. I thought He was but a kid but He is shaving me bare! Okay, let go. Here are four plus four, Your eight Annas. How much will You bet now? SATHYA: I’ll bet two Annas. GAMBLER: Hey! Again two Annas? What do You mean by this brother? When Goddess Lakshmi is favouring You so much, You should bet eight Annas for eight. Bet, bet, come on, bet. SATHYA: I will bet only for four Annas. GAMBLER: Again You are saying four Annas? PARTNER: Hey you, shut up and do as He says. GAMBLER: Okay, bet something. SATHYA: Four Annas. GAMBLER: Four Annas it is….[the dice is thrown but the gambler again has poor luck]. This time also, Goddess Lakshmi has favoured You! Amazing luck! [aside] Looks as if He is going to shave me clean

today!! PARTNER: Let’s shut shop here and move elsewhere. PARTNER 2: When I see your ugly face, I don’t think we will win. Come on, let me change places with you. GAMBLER: You shut up! What’s wrong with my face? It is the most handsome face in town! Actually, it is by looking at your ugly faces this morning that my luck has been ruined! Get out. [to Sathya] Brother, a deal, four Annas for four Annas. Grab, grab. Goddess Lakshmi has entered Your palm! I tell You what. Brother, this will be our

last game. You have twelve Annas with You, right? Bet twelve Annas and win twenty four! SATHYA: Twelve Annas are enough for Me. I will not play any more. GAMBLER: Hey, what do You mean? I tell You, bet twelve and win twenty four! Continue playing and winning, playing and winning, You can walk away as a millionaire! SATHYA: Twelve Annas are enough for Me. GAMBLER: What my dear smart fellow?! You came with just one Anna and now intend to walk away with twelve Annas? You think only You are clever? You are just a kid, and You obviously do not know much about me! What do You think You are doing? I say, bet twelve Annas. SATHYA: No. GAMBLER: I say bet! SATHYA: I will not. PARTNER: Keep quiet, will you? Keep quiet. GAMBLER: Okay, okay. You play so well my

boy, and it’s just that I feel like playing more and more with You, that’s all! Just for fun, You know! You play so well! SATHYA: What is your game before Mine? GAMBLER: True, true. SATHYA: There must be a limit for desires. One must never have too many desires. Desire is the main reason for sorrow. GAMBLER: He looks small but how sweet are His words! You know, there is sense in what He says. Brothers, from today, let’s close down this gambling and do something else from tomorrow. Aha! SCENE 5 Sathya finally arrives at the Scout Camp in the Pushpagiri Fair. MASTER: Oh, all of you are here! Attention! Stand at ease! My dear Cadets! Carnival is supposed to mean fun and frolic. But you should not think so. We are here to do social service, and it is service that will be fun and frolic for us. Cadets, now split into three groups. You, go near the Temple and the sacred tank. You will

handle water distribution. You will serve the road coolies. I have already told you what to do and how to do. SATHYA: Master, I have come. MASTER: Hey, Raju has come! BOY: Raju has kept His word and come! BOY: Raju will never break His word! MASTER: Raju, You too go along with them and perform service. SATHYA: Sir, I do not have a uniform. Is it okay sir? MASTER: Doesn’t matter if You don’t have a uniform. It is the determination to serve that is more important. All of you! Commence service activities in your respective locations, as per instructions I gave earlier. Go! Raju will be your leader. Go. BOYS/CHORUS: Will do, sir! Sathya leads the Scout Troop in rendering various types of service – crowd control, helping the aged, rescuing lost children, serving water, etc. Days pass quickly. One day, …. MASTER: Cadets, it is six days since the Carnival started. You must serve the remaining four days with the same discipline as before. Remember! All of you must win for our School the National Scout Appreciation Certificate. BOYS/CHORUS: Yes sir! ................................................................................................................................... - (Continued from the last issue) part-36 In the car with Baba, Mr. Srinivas and Mr. Radhakrishna. We had gone to the Sai School at the foot of the Nandi Hills. A beautiful and peaceful setting, with a hundred-acre campus including orchards, dairy, and farm crops. There was a grand reception for Baba by the boys and the faculty. Two students spoke at the meeting after the reception and Baba gave a discourse. One of the speakers broke down in tears. During His discourse, Baba would stop for a moment and question some of the small boys to see if they were paying attention to what He had been saying. SAI: What did you think of the first speaker? H (Hislop): He tried and was doing fine, but then dissolved in tears. SAI: It was his first talk in front of Swami. He won a Lion's Club award for speaking. But that little boy whom Swami asked - how fast he replied - even before Swami finished asking! What attention and concentration on what Swami was saying! H: All the little boys were totally silent and absorbed. I was watching them. They were not even restless. SAI: The parents of these boys, although they need the help of these children, tell the sons, "No, stay in school. It

is good for you." Often there is only the mother living, and even in such cases the mother insists on the son staying in the school. Where the mother has nothing but the son, Swami takes care of the mother. These mothers stay at the girls' school near Mangalore and work in the kitchens and dormitories. There are 300 acres there and the boys' school is on the same land. The boys’ school has 80 instructors and this school here has 60 instructors. Now, it is vacation time with the high school and junior college students away. All the teachers are unmarried, and no teacher takes any salary. H: Swami! 140 teachers and all work without salary? It is unheard of. They sacrifice marriage so they can do seva for Swami without need of salary! This is the most extraordinary situation. Why is it not known? SAI: Swami thinks it best to carry on such activities without fanfare. The True Devotee H: Swami, this is a big puzzle. In discourses, Swami says that he is looking for a true devotee, but does not find that devotee. How could that be? What wonderful devotees are these teachers. How is it that Swami can say he has not found a devotee? SAI: (He laughs and says) That is a different category. The true devotee is the same inside and outside. H: Then it seems that the status of that sought for devotee cannot be reached! SAI: Oh, yes. It can be reached. H: Swami, Rama and Krishna must also have been searching for a true devotee in those times. SAI: Yes, every Avathar is searching for a true devotee. Rama was not regarded as God. Would they have sent Him to the forest as God? He was looked upon as a King. He acted so. Only a very few sages knew his Divinity. Krishna also was a king. As God, would He have been put to work as the driver of a chariot? H: But in the Bhagavad Gita, Arjuna calls Krishna "Divine". SAI: But still there was the body view of comrade, friend and relative. Only after Krishna left the body did Arjuna realize that Krishna was God. Even in their status as kings, only the residents of their respective cities

gave Rama and Krishna homage and worship. The Sai Avathar is the only such where His Divinity is known to all peoples of all religions. Never has there been that before. With Krishna, only the gopis were aware of him as God - but they were rishis. H: They were rishis, Swami? As rishis they took birth as ignorant villagers? SAI: Yes, they were great rishis before taking that birth. When Krishna died, the gopis stopped taking food, and they discarded their bodies in that way. H: Swami, the matter of a true devotee in this Avathar is still a big puzzle. Swami has said that in this very lifetime there are men fully liberated from delusion. Would not even they meet the test for a true devotee? SAI: A life fully liberated would meet the tests of a true devotee as set by Swami. H: Then for those who would seek that status? Srinivas: They should do perfect Sadhana. SAI: Sadhana! No! That is physical. It is a matter of love. Confidence comes first. Where there is love, there is peace. Where there is peace, there is truth. Where there is truth, there is bliss. Where there is bliss, there is God. (Note: Swami's words were translated only when he was talking with me. The rest of the time he was talking in Telugu to Mr. Radhakrishna who was driving and to Mr. Srinivas.) Money in the Sai Organisation H: Swami, in this matter I am not clear. Swami says that money should not be a part of spiritual matters, that money should not be paid. I accept this and have been strict about it to the extreme in the American Sai Organization. But I do not understand the principle. It seems to me, and it does to most Americans, that almost no value is given to that which is free. Whereas, when money has to be paid, care is given, attention is given, and what costs money is valued. SAI: Yes, at first that is the case. But it does not last. The value given is sudden and, like fireworks, it rises fast. But, like

fireworks, the fall is also fast. With the payment of money there is no love or appreciation. You go to the shop and pay for what you want. Why thank the seller, or have any appreciation? You paid in full and that is the end of it. A guru will start a philosophy, a method of sadhana. Money will be charged and paid, interest will rapidly expand, and people will think they must join and take part. Then, in a few years, where is it all? A

recent example is the young person, (name deleted), was that his name? The world over, people gave money to receive instruction. Where is he now? There is no word of him. Swami does not do like that. He builds slowly, but it is firm and sound and it continues. You remember Prashanti Nilayam fourteen years ago, and now you see the slow but solid growth of Swami's work. Spiritual matters must occur only in a context of love. When advice and instruction and help is given in compassion, in love - and not for money paid, there will be some feeling of appreciation; and in the context of appreciation and confidence there will be some spiritual benefit. Moreover when the actions are done in love and not as part of money-raising, money comes anyway. An example: Here is a coconut palm tree. (Baba raised his arm in an upright position). And up here (touching his wrist) are the coconuts. This tree has a shadow which extends for a distance on the ground. Now, a man who wishes to secure the coconuts climbs up the coconut tree. At the very time he is climbing the tree, his shadow may be seen climbing the shadow tree. And, when he plucks the coconuts, his shadow may be seen plucking the shadow coconuts. The man who climbs the real tree secures the real coconuts and, at the same time, his shadow self climbs the shadow tree and plucks the shadow coconuts. But if the man does not relish the task of climbing the real tree, and instead limits his action to the climbing of the shadow tree, he will not get satisfaction from the shadow coconuts. The shadow tree represents the world, and the shadow coconuts represent worldly prosperity. The

real tree represents spiritual life, and the real coconuts represent the fulfilment of life. Thus, the person who devotes his life and energy to spiritual values will automatically get worldly benefits. H and Srinivas: Swami! What a wonderful example! What a wonderful way to convey Swami's teaching that one should do his work in the context of love and not for money! Automatically, the worldly needs are cared for. SAI: It is a good example? H and Srinivas: Swami, it is a perfect example! Becoming Free of Body Attachment H: Swami, a puzzle in daily life is this: Daily life is a continuous sequence of small choices, and we select the option which gives the best pleasure or comfort. In this way, our entire life is directed to comfort and pleasure, and such a life cannot take us to "Liberation". What to do? SAI: The principle which Swami teaches is to like that which we have to do instead of doing that which we like. Every action should be done

for Swami, every action dedicated to Swami. Then, duty, discipline, and devotion are the guides for action. So long as you take the body to be yourself, action will be for comfort and pleasure. Realize that you are not the body, and be free of the need for pleasure and comfort. Doing One’s Duty H: This question will sound silly to Swami, but it is serious to me. SAI: What? H: I write many letters to Swami about activities, problems, and accomplishments in the American Sai Organization. But often I think it is silly to describe problems and events, since I know from my own direct experience that Swami is omnipresent and

knows all about the events. SAI: There is much nonsense about Swami being omnipresent and omnipotent! People start to think they need do nothing, that Swami will do everything! Then they do not bother to do even their daily duty. In spiritual life, the relationship between you and Swami is heart to heart. But in worldly life, Swami has given you work to do. This requires work in the world, activity in the world. You are required to do your duty to the very limit of the task. So far as writing is concerned, the writing of letters to Swami is for your satisfaction. H: For my satisfaction, Swami? SAI: Yes, for your satisfaction. You write to Swami, and your mind is

then free of the matter. It is not that Swami does not know. Suppose you withhold some troublesome point, you then have a guilty feeling. But you tell Swami, and there is no guilty feeling. Do your duty fully and completely in the work which Swami has given to you. . Sadguru Sainath Still active in His Samadhi? by C.Chakradhar ................................................................................................................... Yes He is.!!! The following incident occured to one of the sevaks serving Sainaths Samadhi.This is most Authentic statement that Sadguru Sainath is still Active from His Samadhi even now.I heard many experiences of Sadguru sainaths devotees,where sainath maharaj gave many direct experiences, but this experince of Sevaks at Samadhi mandir is Most Authentic,Pls read below: Incident in Samadhi Mandir,Shirdi: We all know that in Shirdi, Sadguru Sainath is worshipped in a wonderful manner like giving a bath to the Statue and Samadhi also and there'll be 5 to 6 sevaks involved in that service. One day When that Sevak as part of regualar service was giving bath to Sainaths statue, and while giving bath he accidently dropped the Jar on Sainaths foot of the Statue.later he finished that service of giving bath and left. But surprisingly that very same Sevak started getting severe pain in the leg from that day. That sevak took some tablets to get rid of the pain but that pain did not subside.when the pain didnot go, the sevak later visited a doctor for getting treatment and that doctor gave medicines and injections as part of treatment,but the sevak still couldnot recover from that pain. A few days After this incident when the pain still didnt subside the sevak went near the Sadguru Sainath in Samadhi mandir and prayed to him "

why he was made to suffer like this? pls get rid of this pain from me. On that same day night Sadguru sainath came in dream and in a clear voice mentioned to him " You think you are in Pain, how do u think i would've felt when you dropped that Jar on my foot ". Lo.!! Sadguru sainath was referring to that same incident when same sevak dropped water puring Jar and Sadguru sainath's foot of Statue.A few days after this incident that Sevak started feeling well and that pain went away completely.From this Leg Pain experience that Sevak understood that Sadguru sainath taught him to be more careful while he was giving the Bath to statue.Thereafter that sevak was careful while he performed service to sainath maharaj. Shri Sachidananda sadguru sainath Maharaj ki Jai Shri Sachidananda sadguru sainath Maharaj ki Jai Shri Sachidananda sadguru sainath Maharaj ki Jai --

Regards,C.Chakradhar ............................................................................................................................. Krishna with Sai Krishna. Radha is not to be left far behind!! There was a colourful opening sequence after which the drama began. Sudama, Krishna welcomes His Friend

Sudama. ...................................................................................................................................... When Sudama entered the room, Krishna immediately stood up, went forward to meet with great pleasure, embtassed him. The Lotus eyed Supreme Lord, felt intense ecstasy upon touching the body of His dear friend Sudama, upon the bed. Then the Lord who purifies the whole world personally offered him various tokens of respect and washed his feet, after which He sprinkled the water on His own head. He anointed him with divinely fragrant, sandlewood, aguru and kumkum paste and happily worshiped him with aromatic incence and arrays of lamps. After finally offering him betel nuts and the gift of cow. He welcomed him him with pleasing words. ................................................................................................................................... RAMA'S STORY ---------------------------- The Dandaka Forest...... While Bharatha was thus spending his days at Nandigrama in the constant contemplation of Rama, far away in the forest. on the Chitrakuta peak, Sita, Rama and Lakshmana were praising his devotion and sense of dedication. The were very happy in the peaceful, quiet forest home. One a day a fool Jayantha sought to measure the valour of Rama, an adventure as foolish and suicidal as the attempt of an ant to discover the depth of the Ocean ! Rama and Sita A modern depiction of

Sita and Rama Prompted by sheer mischief, he transformed himself into a crow, and approaching Sita, who was seated by the side of Rama, lost the contemplation of the scenery spread out before them, and with his sharp beak, he pecked at the sole of her tender foot, causing blood to trickle from the wound. Seeing the stream of blood, Rama plucked a blade of dry grass from the ground and threw it at the crow. Rama will never

hurt anyone who has not done any injury. But when it is necessary, and when it has to be done, even Rahu will swallow the Moon, isn't it ? So too Rama. He will never hurt the innocent, but that blade of grass become huge flame of fire and flew towards Jayantha. And when he flew, it pursued him relentlessly where ever he went, Helpless and frightened, the crow returned to its original form and Jayantha feel at the feet of Rama praying for succor. Indra came to know that the culprit was his own son and he too repented for his son's audacity and irreverence. Jayaantha prostrated before Rama and pleaded for Mercy. He said "I am a fool". I did not realize the baseness of my deed. Save me from your anger, from this fire Rama pitied the poor fellow, who had so humbled himself. He made one of his eyes ineffective and sent him away alive, as a single-eyed individual. The blade of grass that has become a missile of fire was neutralized by him and it resumed its nature. Jayantha was grateful that he was let off with just a token punishment for the heinous crime he had committed, he lived for a long time on the Chitrakuta peak, where Sita, Rama and Lakshmana had taken residence, One day, the tenth day of the bright half of the month Margasira. Rama ordered Jayantha to prodded southward from his habitat. .................................................................................................................................... Prof Anil Kumar & Swami on Wedding of Balarama and Revath Prof.Anil Kumar I, know how many of you have heard of Balarama, Now Balarama was the brother of Krishna. Sai Baba announced one day that on the very next day he was

going to invite this schoolboys and some guest to a very special lunch. Krishna. I asked Swami why the lunch was a "special" ...to which he replied that he was going to speak on the subject of the

wedding of Balarama and Revathi, because the next day was the anniversary of their wedding. The lunch was to be a banquet with twenty five items on the menu. So on the next day this special banquet the wedding lunch took place and it was attended by foreigners and sundry guest of Honor. That evening Swami gave a talk. He described the wedding of Balarama and Revathi was attended by all the God's and Goddess. Balarama, Vishnu and Shiva all attended this divine celebration with all other Gods and Goddesses and toward the end of the ceremony. Balarama gave a wedding gift. Someone asked Swami, "What was the wedding gift? At this point in time 'Sai Baba's hand described three circles in the air, there was a buzzing sound like that of a honey bee and to the shock and astonishment of those present. he materialized an article of the size of jug. Well let me describe that article. It was an arch studded with diamonds, four rows of four and there must have been 200 diamonds in the arch. The frame of each was made up of gold with again diamonds in rows of four. There was a platform of gold, and in centre an ornamental swan hung by a golden chain with diamonds eye and the centre the

stomach of the swan was like glass it was transparent Everybody started looking at in sheer amazement. Sai Baba said': "Anil, look at it!Oh, it is wonderful,... Swami I replied and he said "No, look at the nose of the swan!" I said, yes Swami." I added "Swami, that is nothing new.... I, know that I am a fool. That is not saying anything that I do not already know. I am not about to become a fool all of a sudden. Let me continue to be fool!" Then Swami said, Look at the stomach, you fool!.... I

looked .at the stomach, and watch did I find there, nothing less than the figure of BHAGAVAN SRI SATHYA SAI BABA in the recling posture!...Now that is manifestation. I didn't think that I, will ever see another manifestation like that in the years to come. Aum Sri Sai Ram.. ................................................................................................................................... SRI INDULAL SHAH & HIS EXPERIENCE.

The True Devotee Bhagavan's said " I am the source and not a force." That means He wants us be force. If we have to become a force, our source had to be with us to be a force. Our source had to be Faith in God. Faith in Baba, that is the

force to develop faith in God. The easiest way is through experiencing miracles, rather than listening and reading. But the word "Miracle" has been misunderstood in earlier times around 1960-65. The miracles were confused with magic and many people protested even to the government that what Bhagavan was doing was not miracles or manifestation but magic. I have two things, which I experienced when I became Bhagavan's devotee. I went to Swami in 1965 through a coincidence. My host asked me, when I was in Bangalore whether I was interested to attend meeting with Sai Baba. As you know, at that time I was connected with the

Ramakrishna Mission as the secretary for the previous twelve years. In the study circle I used to hear of dialogs between Sri Ramakrishna and Paramhansa and Swami Vivekananda about God. But when I went into the Indian political field I forget ever thing about God. It was with this background that I was attending a public meeting in Malleshwaram Bangalore. All of sudden clouds came over and my host said "Let us get into the car otherwise we will all be drenched." In the meanwhile I saw Swami raise His hand, I didn't understand what He said in Telegu. So I asked my host to clarify. He said that Baba had said for us to sit down, nothing would happen. By the time the hand went up and down, The clouds cleared and the sun

started to shine. It was this time that I decided that I must meet this person and find out how He could do this. When I came to Bombay the next week, there were huge crowds and i felt going there was no use. How to convey to Swami That I had come because He had called me ? Now I Know what happens when He says I will come and I will see you. At that time luckily the Minister with whom He was staying saw me and called me and said "Come I will take you to Swami." I went in and Swami said, "Where is your exhibition?" I had not spoken to Him about my exhibition. At that time I was the president of the Maharashtra Students

Association which was showing spiritual exhibition in all schools on a Santadrashan . He said." I want to see." I said, I need a big hall and I need one day to put up the exhibition." But Swami said "This evening you bring it at 5 o clock. The minister said, How can I give you a hall?. How can you bring it all?" But it all happened. From that day on I felt a strong pull to Swami. The next year I made an exhibition on Baba's life and His message from all all His writ ting. I brought it there to Prashanthi Nilayam and He asked me to take it all over the south." Now I thought, "Such a big exhibition, how can I take it all over the south," But He said that I will be able to do. At that time we had some Mobile vans and he made up a program to take the exhibition in these vans. He arranged the exhibition according in the various Bhajans mandalis established at that time. In between the movement of the vans with exhibitions. I came To Prashanthi Nilayam. He said, "Your van at this time today is at this place." Although He did not know what the program was He said say where the van was. This started convincing me that it is better to be with Bhagavan and do some social work, than be in the Congress and do some social work. Br Shah's more incidents and Experiences will follow soon. .............................................................................................................................. Swami views all the back-lit panels Explaining to Swami each picture in detail

After the Water project, Swami sees glimpses of other themes too Swami is happy seeing the joy of the tribals in the Godavari district on completion of the water project The Divine Enigma Story by Student of 3rd year B.Sc.(Phy.Hons) Class. -------------------- ======================================================== Bhagavan Baba is a divine incarnation, manifested on earth to uplift mankind to higher level of consciousness. Every act of His has a divine purpose. But purpose is understood only by those for whom it is intended. For other , it remain a mundane act. This is not an uncommon experience. It is only few who get a glimpse of the deeper significance in Swami’s actions or words. I shall narrate a personal experience in this regard. When I was a student in the twelfth standard at Prashanthi Nilayam, we organized an exhibition on human values. As part of the exhibition, we also undertook a few science project. One of these was “musical lights” We worked late at night into the night until the clock showed’One-thirty. Yet, we had not been able to make the device functional. We were all exhausted to the point of giving up

our efforts. Someone suggested that we chant the ‘Gayatri’. We prayed sincerely and resumed our work. Within few minutes we had detected the faulty component, but we did not have a spare one. We searched around the laboratory and found a component, which, to our dismay, was not right one. Left with with no other alternative, praying, we replaced the faulty one with it. It worked ! As we completed the task, we could hear the college clock chime twice. That afternoon, we were seated in the portico of the mandir for darshan. When Swami came out, we started pleading with Him to bless the exhibition with His presence. He brushed our request aside. After sometime, when we pleaded again, He said, “ I will come at midnight, two o’clock!” Those of us who had worked on “musical

lights” the previous night realized the significance of His words immediately. We were happy that He had confirmed His timely help to us. But for others, it was a mere joke. They laughed and began to plead again. This is but one instance. There are many such instances which we hear and countless others unknown to us. Therefore, every word of His has some meaning for someone or the other. We may not be aware of it. I instinctively feel that He does everything with a divine purpose. Every act of His transform someone’s life Every glance of His touches someone’s heart Every word of His moulds someone’s character Every gesture of His confers joy on someone. I am convinced that He does not act as a human, but as a divine human. It is this divine element in His action which make them so lovable, so mysterious and so memorable. ---- 5 years old girl had hole in the heart -- There are many incidents and let me narrate one which I remember. One day Swami was giving darshan to the devotees in Prashanthi Nilayam. As he walked admidst them, I saw small girl, scarcely five years old, trying to give a letter to Swami. “Did this small girl write the letter ? Perhaps her mother would have written it. I thought. Even as this thought flashed across my mind, I saw Swami taking the letter, crumpling it and throwing it down as if it was waste paper. This strange act of His made me wonder, may be Swami meant that the letter was a waste paper. Did this mean that their prayers were answered? He is compassionate. He might have answered. Even if He did not, there must be some meaning to it. This small girl had seen that day had a heart ailment. The doctors in Madras and Hyderabad confirmed the presence of a hole in her heart. When they came to super speciality hospital at Prashanthi Nilayam, the same result awaited them. The doctors confirmed hole in her heart. The date for the operation was fixed. The girl’s mother wrote a letter to Swami about the operation, and asked the girl to hand it over to Swami. This was the scene people witnessed in darshan line . The mother saw Swami crumpling the letter, and took it as a rejection. Mother’s heart bled for her child as no hope. The day of the operation dawned. The girl was wheeled into the operation theatre. When the final tests were done the same doctors could not believe what they found. They checked again and found no trace of the hole in the heart. The child was perfectly healthy. They went home glad and grateful to

Swami. What a way to indicate his benediction. Only Swami knows the purpose of what He does. However, once in a while He does let us peep behind the curtain of His mystery. He want to confer joy on us. Perhaps He wants us to understand Him. But then He say we should not try to understand Him, only experience Him. Probably, He gives us these glimpses so that we will know the inscrutable nature of his deeds, and the futility of our efforts to comprehend them. Jai Sai Ram ................................................................................................................................ Prof Kasturi’s Birthday story. Kasturi says on my Birthday, I usually spend the day with Swami. On one birthday, He asked me to go to a place to attend a meeting of devotees, and I said “ What Swami? You are pushing me out on my birthday!” Swami said, “What birthday? It is not an important Event. To be born is a calamity not to be celebrated! My name is Kasturi , Kasturi means musk, the fragrant stuff, which we used to put a dot on God’s forehead. Krishna had “Kasturi Tilakam” on His forehead. It is not only black, but also fragrant. There is a temple in south India, where the God is known as Kasturi Ranganatha, director of the divine play, wearing a musk dot. I am named after that. So I

told Swami that I would go to that holy place on my birthday. Swami said, “Go there, you will find me there. It is as good as my presence there” and believe me, when I went there, there was no Kasturi Ranganatha; there was my own SWAMI in the shrine room. So everywhere, it is He who answers every prayer, in whatever language it is made, to whichever God it is made. A mother once complained, “Swami, my son goes to Tirupathi, he does not come to puttaparthi” Swami said, “Yeh! Why do you worry? It is myself there also.” He says, “Attend any church, call on any God by any name, of any form, I am there. “That is Prabhu” The Lord of all. Swami says, “If you look at me, your image will be in

my eyes, and my image will be in your eyes. We are all in Swami’s eyes, because His eyes are everywhere. “Sarvathah pannipadam sarvathokshi shirormukham.” His hands, His feet, His eyes, His head and His face are everywhere to grasp you and save you from a fall.” .................................................................................................................................... Welcomed with the PoornaKumbham at the Book Trust building. Salutations of gratitude as Swami moves towards the entrance. Why fear when I am near Experience Maj.Gen.(Retd) S.P. Mahadevan retired from India’s Armed forces after a long distinguished service and was awarded AVSM for his outstanding services. In 1973, I was lucky to receive a silver ring materialized by Baba while He was traveling with me in a military staff car on the way to Wellington Barracks in Nilgiris district to bless soldiers of the Madras Regimental Center and their families. Later in 1974 during an interview graciously granted to me and my wife in Brindavan, Bhagavan

declared “Why fear When I am near.” I had read about His earlier saying “Why fear When I am here”, but His statement “Why fear when I am near” turned put to be more direct divine assurance for a military man like me. At that time I was General Officer Commending of Mountain Division in the snow covered area of Ladakh facing the Chinese on one side and the Pakistan on other side.

I had my usual quota of anxiety, worries, problems , and fear about the hostile weather, inhospitable terrain and the adverse aggressive actions which either the Chinese or the Pakistanis or both could launch without notice. Armed with Baba’s, assurance I was able to ensure the security, sovereign and territorial integrity of our motherly and during my tenure of 3 years in that in the land of sub-zero temperature in spite of numerous ceasefire violations by Pakistan army and many intrusions by armed Chinese

patrol. In Treta Yoga, Lord Rama kept His word given to Sugriva and Vibhishana. In Dwapara Yuga, Lord Krishna kept His word given to the Pandavas. Similarly in Kali yuga, Lord Sai had been keeping His word given to an ordinary devotee like me. When I suffered a heart attack on 24Th April 1986 during my visit to Hyderabad. Lord Sai as “Apadhbandhava” not only saved me by responding immediately to my wife’s prayer but also mentioned to some devotees in Prashanhi Nilayam on the same day that I had suffered a heart attack and that He had saved me. In addition, in His infinite mercy. He had sent me through theAndhara Trust Convener, who had gone to Prashanthi Nilayam, the Divine Vibhuthi Prasad, a basket of citrus fruits and also a letter full of His love, compassion and blessings saying “Don’t worry, I am with you and around you guiding you and guarding you.” Later, on 18Th July 1986 Bhagavan gave me a pleasant surprise by coming all the way to Madras unannounced just to bless me and my wife. Whenever I prayed to Him sincerely with full faith in Him, He responded promptly and saved me from dangers, difficulties and near death situation. Once in a helicopter crash over Kardungla pass in 1974, in snow –Avalanche in 1975, in head-on car collision in 1982 and also during Bangladesh operation. When I wanted resign in 1983 as Charmian Tamil Nadu Public Service Commission, being very unhappy and agitated due to the political pressure exerted on me by Ministers, MIPS and MLAs for selecting their candidates. Bhagavan counsel led me not to resign and gave me very valuable advice.”You need not oblige all the time, but you can always speak obligingly.”This golden advice stood me well during my full six years tenure as chairman of TNPSC. In December 1977, He saved my youngest son who is an

officer in Indian Navy from a scooter accident, in June 1985 He saved my second son who is pilot in the Air Force from an air crash north of Hyderabad, and in 1980, He saved my eldest son who is an Army Officer from bullets during internal security duties. My wife who is Sai devotee does not take medicines except Vibhuti given by Swami.On many occasions I have received in person during interview or listening to His Divine discourse or during His appearances in dreams or hearing His words

directed towards somebody else sitting nearby. Time again Swami had made me realize by His mysterious ways that He is omnipresent, omnipotent and Omniscient, knowing all about all our past, present and future and also that He is always residing in our hearts. We are lucky or to be contemporaries of the Sai Avatar. Let us pray to this “Living God” who is also the” Loving God”to bless us all. Sai Ram. ............................................................................................................................... PROF KASTURI AND HIS STORY ABOUT SWAMI'S FRUIT JUICE ----------------------- Prof Kasturi mentioned that I myself suffered it once! In early days, I was coming here during holidays and vacation. The hot summer here used to be terrible. You had to suffer it, if you wanted Swami. In summer, Swami used to take fruit juice. I was not permitted to go upstairs in those days. But my mother and wife were allowed to go to the dinning room this side of the mandir. When we were shopping in Bangalore before coming here, my mother said, Yeh! Purchase some fruit juice for Swami. I said, “Mother, if we have to offer fruit juice to Swami, we must take some fruits and prepare juice. This is not real juice.” She was determined to purchase and said, “You keep quit.” I said ‘Alright’ let us buy. But deep down in my mind a thought flashed unknown to anybody. Swami will refuse it, then I can use it. It was spontaneous and there was nothing unnatural in it. I purchased three bottles of juice and came to puttaparthi. Mother and wife climbed the steps and went to Swami’s room and I remained below at the bottom of the steps. Swami was in the room and they took out what all they had brought for Him. In those days we were not getting beetle leaves to which Swami was the used to and coffee powder, so mother had brought beetle leaves and coffee powder. Swami said , “Ah! Beetle leaves, good! Coffee powder, good! And what is that ? He asked. My mother said “fruit juice Swami, for you.” Swami said, “No Kasturi wants it, give it to him!” So mother could not give to him, and I, poor fellow, was standing below listening to what Swami was saying! “Give it to

Kasturi.” Tragic! You can imagine with what face I had taken those bitterest words! It was not a punishment, but a warning, that nothing should be given to Baba which was not dedicated to Him completely, sincerely. That is ‘Archanam’ worship. Now when you go to a shop and ask for a garland, He says “One Rupee” And you bargain

“What ! one Rupee for this stuff ? You say yesterday I purchased it for eight annas and to-day you say one rupee ? You fellow are very greedy!” You argue with him like that. And that fellow says, “Alright sir, take it.” You curse him and He curses you! Then you bring it and offer it to Swami! Imagine what an amount of sorrow and sadness is connected with that garland! How can Swami receive it with joy! It must be brought with joy, given with joy. You should not quarrel with the flower seller, and his feelings” And the flower man said, I could have sold it for one rupee but this man he bargain and I took only for fifty paise!” and to the next customers he says fifty paise more for it, because he has last fifty paise in the last deal. And that customer who bought flower says, “You fellows! Are always greedy. “Another quarrel! Swami does not want that. That is why He has said, that He want us to worship Him only with the flowers, that is our truth, our patience, our sincerity, our non violence, our love, our compassion.These are the

pure flowers He likes. That is the real worship of Swami. ..................................................................................................... His Excellency J.R.Jayewardene Former President – Sri Lanka. ======================================================== As President of Sri Lanka, I had invited Baba on several occasions to visit Sri Lanka as a guest of Government and People. Though He was keen to visit us, He did not find an opportunity of doing so. However, in April this year, 1990, I visited Bangalore and had two audiences with Him on Thursday and 19th April and Saturday the 21st April. He spoke quite freely to me and to many others from Sri Lanka who meets Him with me. His advice was always based on the teachings of the religious teachers, namely the Hindu Avatars, Buddha,

Jesus Christ and Prophet Mohammed. He answered our questions dealing with public matters as well as private ones quite freely and in the contest of the same noble principles He always advocated. We were all deeply impressed by His presence and advice. I remember several extra-ordinary healings narrated to me directly by persons who experienced them, of whose friends had experienced them. I will mention one of them, which I heard directly from a reputed and highly qualified surgeon. A patient who needed surgical treatment to remove a portion of his intestines, which were subject to cancer, had seen him. He did not have the operation performed. He had gone away. Ten years later, the same person whom the Doctor did not recognize, had consulted him again. This time he needed an immediate operation for a prostrate problem. When they were preparing for an immediate operation, the patient asked him, “Dr; do you know who I am? “ When the Doctor replied “No! “He introduced himself as the patient who had seen him about 10 years ago for the operation mentioned above. The Doctor was surprised that he was alive today without having the earlier operation.. The patient said, Dr; soon after I left you I paid my respects personally to Bhagavan Sri Sathya Sai Baba. His miraculous cure helped me to live without an operation. Baba further advised me that 10 years from that date, you would need an operation for a prostrate

problem and then to see the same Doctor and not to delay the operation. That is why I immediately consented to being operated by you. This doctor, who is not a Hindu and not a devotee, narrated this story to me when he heard that I had visited His Holiness in Bangalore. I accept Bhagavan Sri Sathya Sai Baba as a purna Avatar. His presence in this world enables Him to advise with His words of wisdom and love those who live in it. "Swami Says= The nature of divine can be understood only when the divine in human form teaches as man to man, the nature of this love.**BABA** ........................................................................................................ ISSAK TIERETT HARD ROCK CAFE & HIS STORY/ "Be Happy" .................................................................................................................................... There is a picture of Sathya Sai Baba in every Hard Rock Cafe...across the globe.. He was an American philanthropist. For years, He had been coming to Swami, and praying to Him to

accept the resources in his command, for any project that Swami wished to launch. He thought that it was a noble idea, and his generosity would surely make Swami happy. Much to his chagrin, ever time Swami said, " I want your love not your money". SATHYA SAI BABA'S PICTURE IN A HARD ROCK CAFE.... Issac Tigrett started searching his heart to find out where he had gone wrong. He was perplexed; after all, his offer was generous, yet it was turned down. Slowly, his doubts cleared like the morning mists that vanish with the sunrise. In Swami's own unique

way, he was made to realize that he had made this offer with the feeling that he was the giver and that he was going to be the benefactor of countless beings. Tigrett was no one to linger around once he had understood this error. He went back to Swami and said, " Swami! There are thousands who yearn for a little part in Your Avataric Mission, but are unable to do so for various reasons. So please allow me to return unto You, what You have given me, on behalf of those thirsting thousands." This was precisely the change of heart that Swami wanted. Swami's saying "LOVE ALL SERVE ALL" in the cafe at Las Vegas... HARD ROCK CAFE, LOS ANGELES..... The Founders of the Hard Rock Cafe, Peter Morton and Isaac Tigrett opened the first Hard Rock Cafe in London on June 14, 1971. Peter Morton was the restauranteur who created the business and Isaac Tigrett, a disciple of Sathya Sai Baba, provided the founding principles of Hard Rock Cafe; mottos that stand as strong today as they did back then. These mottos are to be found on the walls of every Hard Rock Cafe around the world.

A excerpt of a talk given by Isaac Tigrett... "I started a business when I was nineteen which I called the Hard Rock Cafe . I was a devout devotee of Jimmy Hendrix and ???? and Zed Zeppelin and several other fellows .... . which I still am actually .... I think they are fantastic .... and I started this businesses . The Lord blessed me with phenomenal success .... beyond my wildest dreams .... .... In fact there are

many people who .... later as I became a Sai devotee .. I worried constantly .... I wasn't very popular in groups such as this .... mainly because people felt like that .... you .... know .... a bunch of rock and roll .... and drugs .... and crazy stuff .... and it was .... but you know .... Sai is not going to be in a place like that (? and he's not going to be using someone like that) .... and I worried about it a great deal for many many years . I can only tell you that subsequent to Sai being so wonderful and calling me in and now spending so much time with me .... which I am blessed to be able to do .... .... he's told me that the Hard Rock Cafe was his .... which I knew .... . which I knew. you may know that there is a picture of Sai Baba in every Hard Rock Cafe and it's very interesting , he said that it was an "oasis of light in a sea of darkness" .... and I feel that that is really what all of us are .... and should be .... in this Kali Yuga .... . a beacon for

him ." There were .... it was a Sunday .... there were probably the usual thousand or so people there and I sat back on the wall ..... if I didn't sit , I stood .... dressed in black of course and Sai Baba came out and he parted the crowd and walked right up to the wall where I was standing .... and I had seen him move his hand for a few people ..and they put their hands out .... so I thought that that was what I was supposed to do . He made vibhuthi for me and that began my association with Sathya Sai Baba .... that was 1973 ..in fact, he said to me ,"eat it ... very good " so I did .... .... . And I didn't speak to him again from 1973, although I went there every year . I would spend a couple of weeks ....

sometimes a month .... sometimes longer .... between 1973 and 1989 .... in fact , it's sort of interesting. I became sort of the ashram joke .... to a degree .... it's so funny, you go there .... and those of you who've been there know ..that everyone is totally preoccupied with getting an interview .... their egos .... I mean .... as they say it's like doing your dirty laundry being at Puttaparthi .... and it certainly is .... people are certainly regurgitating all ceilings of desires .... if there's such a thing there .... and it was quite phenomenal whenever someone was going through a traumatic state ..which seems to be a regular thing there .... they would wheel me out because I was the guy who that hadn't had an interview .... or a glance .... or a look ..or a word … for 5 years .... 8 years .... 12 years .... and eventually 15 years that I spent going there without a glance from Shri Sathya Sai Baba .... but I knew who he was and that was all that was necessary . I

still , to this day, am mystified .... why it's even necessary to talk to him .... or why he really wants me to be there for him to talk to .... it's totally unnecessary because he is not what he appears to be at all . He is much more dynamic than a little man with furry hair running around building hospitals and universities .... and I mean that quite seriously .... it's a .... I'll never forget those years .... it was so fantastic .... I guess .... it was in fact my dear friend Michael Hollander , who kept saying ," Hang in there Isaac! hang in there! hang in there !" .... and it was always a great comfort to see him there , as I did , many many times over the years .... I was really sort of in a state of shock when he did call me ....

I think .... the reason being is that I had a number of fabulous experiences over that fifteen year period where he would .... I guess he was forced to reassure me who he was .... I have to tell you , that fifteen years later, while we are working on the hospital .... he's so wonderful .... timing of course is everything with him .... it was quite wonderful that while we were .... I guess I've been blessed to be with him for a number of hours with a number of distinguished surgeons who had been gathered together at Whitefield in his home there to discuss the hospital .... and he got everyone's attention several hours into this meeting .... and I was sitting next to him ..and he said , " I saved this mans life two times .... didn't I?" This is fifteen years later. I must also

add that I said ,"Yes of course. " He leaned over and whispered in my ear, " And many other times too ." As you all know, Sai Baba is hilarious .... absolutely .... he is quite a miracle to us all .... but his humour is really something else. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Tigrett's master is Sri Sathya Sai Baba,who counsels followers to "love all, serve all," a credo Tigrett reprinted on countless T-shirts and caps sold at Hard Rock Cafes around the globe. He lowers the volume of a blues song playing on the stereo. "I had an epileptic fit and swallowed my tongue and died on the floor of this hotel room and missed my flight connections. Suddenly this guru, who I had been following for two years, named Sri Sathya Sai Baba, appeared in the room. My spirit came out of the top of my head and I was in some sort of form of giddy electricity, conscious of myself and of my separateness from my dead body, which was lying 10 feet below me. Sai Baba picked me up, put me on a bed, pulled my tongue out, pressed on my chest-and my spirit went back inside my body. I looked up-there he was smiling at me. Prof Kasturi account.And Brindavan Boys experiences The examinations were approaching, Swami said that if He was with us at Brindavan, we do not study. Finnally He decided to leave for Puttaparthi, just to make us study for exams. The boys fell at His feet, pleaded with Him, but Swami insisted on going. He said that He felt that He was the cause of the boys neglecting their studies and that feeling gave Him much pain.It was Monday. Swami was preparing to leave by 8.30 A.M. The boys crowded round Him with sadness pain on their faces. Pleadings and prayers had proved fruitless. Swami was down on the ground floor. He got into the car, and the white vehicle glided away. With heavy hearts, boys walked slowly

back into the Hostel. We tried in vain to concentrate on what the books had to tell us, so full was our hearts with the thought of our Lord. Barely 15 minutes had passed, when some one shouted "Swami has come!" and started running behind the car. I thought that the poor fellow was still dreaming and that his fantasy probably had given shape to that car. But many more boys followed and I came out to ascertain for myself. What I saw, I could not believe. I saw the white car driving right up to portico. I rubbed my eyes once or twice to make sure for myself, and then I also ran . Swami walked up the stairs. Many of us could not believe what was happening.Swami said, "You boys were creating so much noice that I forgot to take the keys," ... Swami forgetting to take the keys! Our hearts were full,... no one spoke. The tears that rolled down were probably more eloquent in expressing what was in our hearts.Somebody had probably still some doubts

that Swami may leave again with the keys. So he asked very wisely. "Swami! shall we start unloading the things back from the car? "... No I am leaving again in the evening." Swami said, in pretended anger...Then He broke into a beautiful smile, At this, a chorus of pleading voices followed, "Swami! Swami! And Swami decided to stay on. He told us latter, "You pulled me back here, just by your pure yearning. Now you must study well, if you want me to stay here. Trivial, insignificant instances these, do you say? And What have they got to do with spirituality, do you ask? But what else is spirituality than yearning for Him, pining for Him, suffering anguish for Him?What is spirituality but deserving to live in Him. This is made possible only by the form-ful God, the God without whom one cannot live. His benign smile, the loveliness of His Graceful Form His tender affection that flow when He enquires about your welfare, and above all, the nectarine sweetness of

His childlike sport--these help us to fuse our heart with the Lord,s and thus raise ourselves to the heights of Blessedness. Boys have made an unsuccessful attempt to put these in words, for, it is impossible to contain them in human language. They belong totally to the realm of experience which the heart alone can experience "Raso "vai Saha" He is Sweetnes itself. His sweetness is infinitely enhanced when He comes, Humanness enveloping His Divinity.Jai Sai Ram ......................................................................................THE LORD’S TRICK Situated on the banks of the Ganges near holy Rishikesh in the Himalayas, there was once an ashram that had attracted a fair number of seekers due to the holiness of its presiding monk. The guru would take in all seekers who wanted to learn a life of dedication to God; but such was his love that he often did not discriminate who he allowed to stay. After some time,

he noticed that the ashramites were often quarrelling and he could hear rude words that left him pained. ‘Why are they angry with one another?’ the guru asked himself. But he could not bring himself to throw anyone out - such was his compassion. One day he saw two inmates fighting over food in the ashram canteen. The incident left him shocked and he returned to his hut in a despondent mood. ‘What can be wrong with them?’ he asked himself. He was racked with the problem of remedying the situation and elevating their souls. So, he increased his discourses to them and gave more personal advice on their sadhana. The inmates’ reverence for their guru increased, but unfortunately this did not translate in better behaviour towards each other. The guru, then resolved to practise penance and ask the Lord for divine help before

matters could get any worse. So, he shut himself away in his hut for a week, maintained silence and took a reduced diet. After some days of intense prayers and meditation, he was rewarded with a vision of celestial light. The guru was transfixed in bliss as the Lord’s nectarine voice came through the light: “My child, my dear child.” The guru could not believe his ears. He was thrilled to hear the sweet voice. “Is it really you, my Lord?” he asked filled with ecstasy and disbelief. “Yes, my child,” God said lovingly. “Tell me, what can I do for you?” The Guru prostrated to the Divine voice and said, “Dear Lord, be pleased to come to my ashram.” “What for?” the Voice asked. “You know everything, Lord,” the guru humbly submitted. “Yet, I shall say it. The members of the ashram hate one another; they are jealous of each other. Lord, if you come and stay with us for a week, they will be filled with pure and noble thoughts.” The kind lord replied, “Certainly, I will come, but not for one week, but for ever.” The guru’s joy knew no bounds. But the Voice continued, “But only on one condition.” “What is it, my Lord,” the guru asked eagerly. “I will come, but not in this form,” the Lord clarified. “I will always be at the ashram in the guise of

one of the inmates. I shall always be moving in the hearts of one of them; it could be anyone of them.” With these words, the Light disappeared.The Guru, after recovering from that ethereal experience, opened the door of his hut and called all the ashramites to assemble. When he informed them of God’s wish to abide in their hearts they rejoiced, but they were confused too. “Is this inmate sitting near me God in disguise?” one disciple thought. “Who could be ‘God in disguise’ person?” Nobody knew and everybody was left

guessing and as a result careful too. For, each one thought, “How can I fight against anyone here? What if he is one in whom God is there now?” And thus, a subtle change slowly came over in each one of them. They began to see God in everyone and took every opportunity to help the other and be kind and courteous. The whole atmosphere in the ashram was now totally transformed – only love and harmony prevailed. The guru was the happiest man now. The Lord’s trick had done wonders. If we reflect, we can make our family, our society and our earth just like this ashram – full of peace and harmony – if only we believe and practise the feeling that each one is just God in a different form. Our life would become a sweet experience, every moment. Adapted from Nava Sarathi .............................................................................................................................. Report of Kobe center on August...Seva Report by Br Sumitomosan Kobe President. We had a handicap day on 19th at Aiseien. We dedicated the program of bhajan, chorus,dance ,and screen

play. After the program was over , we served chai and cookies for handicapped persons. Bhajan and music Dance .....Br.yosakoi We celebrated the 32nd anniversary of Kobe sai center foundation. The program was started at 2:30 in the temple of ISS. We gave many thanks for Swami

and many seniors who supported Kobe center. The speech was dedicated Swami by Bro. RAMCHAND CHUGANI. And we had some experience program and Bhajans. The Bhajans that was dedicated on this day were all loved for a long time. Speech by Bro,Ramchand Chugani AND Report oF youth meeting. ..................................................................................................................... KOBE CENTER PROGRAMS Kobe Center Place : l.S.S. 2nd Fl. 1-3, Kumochi 5-chome, Chuo-ku, Kobe (Tel: 078-222-1885) Home Page MAP Bhajans Bhajan Practice Study

Circle every Sun 4:00-5:00pmevery Thur 7:30-830pm 1st,5th Sun 2:00-3:40pm 2nd Sun 2:00-3:20pm3rd,4th Sun 2:30-3:40pm every Thur 7:00-7:20pm 2nd Sun 5:30-6:30pm (English)4th Sun 5:30-6:30 (Japanese) 2nd Sun 3:40-3:55 (Gayatri Chanting) Ladies Programme 3rd,5th Sun 5:30-6:30pm Youth Programme 3rd Sun 0:30-2:20pm 2nd Sun in odd months 5:30-6:15pm(Study Circle)1st Sun in even months 0:30-1:50 Seva Aisei-en (Orphanage home): 3rd Sun 9:30-11:30amNarayana Seva: 2nd,4th Sun 10:00-11:30am, 1st, 3rd Thur 9:00-10:00pm Veda Club Veda clup is held on every 4th Sunday after Bhajans. Study Circle in (Japanese) is held on every 2nd Sunday on 1st fl. Subscribe/Un information: (Free copy) To , please send your request to rgcjp To , please type “REMOVE” on the subject line and send to rgcjp ----------------------- SAI CENTERS: KOBE, YOKOHAMA, OSAKA, SAPPORE,HAMAMATSU OKINAWA, CHIBA, NAGOYA, TOKYO & KYOTO.' SAI BHAJAN GROUPS.: OBIHIRO, SAITAMA, SHIZUOKA, KITAKYUSHU, MORIOKA TAMA, NARA,

FUKUOKA, TOHOKU, NAGANO, IWAKUNI, HIROSHIMA, KAGOSHIMA, GUNMA, KANAZAWA, KAGAWA. Note: Sometimes schedules is subject to change. Please contact respective centers and groups for information. CONTENTS : 1.Swami's message...2.Chapter on Geeta...3.Swami's Story...4.Dr Hislop & Swami...5.Shirdi Baba...6.Krisha &

Sudhama...7.Rama's Story...8...Prof A.K on Balrama & Ravathi wedding.. 9. Sri Indula Shah...10.Student's talk...11.Kasturi's Birthday... 12.Maj Gen Mahadevan...13.Prof Kasturi's Fruit Juice... 14.His.Excellency.J.R.Jaywarden...15. Issak Tirett Hard Rock.. 16.Boys examination approaching...17.Lord's Trick...18.Report from Kobe center...19.Kobe Center's prog... Search Mail: Ram ChuganiKobe, Japanrgcjp

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