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The Key To God's Heart - Chap 20

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POWER OF THOUGHT(Chapter 20)Thought

is the seed of creation, and the source of all action, from which this

vast universe has sprung. One must think great thoughts. You need to

unfetter the mind from the mundane before you can achieve great things.

You are as big as your thoughts. You are only as good as your thoughts,

however fantastic you appear to the outer world. Nothing manifests in

the world without first having been thought about and then put into

words, which are merely thoughts in another form. Once the desire is

strong enough, it goes forward and is coupled with the will to set the

wheel of life in motion, action follows. God's activity creates a

living image of the first thought. You can readily see how your life is

a manifestation of your thoughts. That is the power of thought. The

power and energy of thought which is so omnipotent that it controls

everything in the universe. It determines and decides action and

reaction. Your pure, noble and loving thoughts can create the same

miracles God's will can but they must be exempt from all the negative

emotions. So it behooves you to think only the best. Be constructive in

your thoughts. Do not create evil in your life. Use your God given mind

to bring beauty and peace, not havoc into the world. Let kindness,

sympathy and love for your brothers and sisters radiate from your being

like a beacon. Do good : let it be your motto.Unfortunately,

in the world today, there are more negative thoughts and negative acts

than positive ones. Since we create our own reality with our thoughts,

this builds up in the atmosphere, in the universe as negative thought

forms. We put our energy into them and then wonder why they return to

us as problems and sufferings. At some point, we have to make an effort

to dissipate all these thought forms. We created them and only we can

unmake them. Everywhere you look, the negative qualities will be there.

In every newspaper you pick up, there is only bad news. To get rid of

them, they must be removed from within your own heart and mind with the

power of love.Whether

negative or positive, thoughts are a real energy form and they carry

the future in them. Thought energy form does not dissolve or disappear

but remains in the atmosphere forever and circulates around the entire

planet. When it comes into contact with similar energy forms, it is

vitalized and reenergized and gains further strength. Negative energy

patterns seeks out other sources of their kind as do positive energy

forms. They are attracted to similar thought patterns be they positive

or negative. Only positive thought forms can negate negative ones. In

our atmosphere, we have accumulated, over thousands of years, violent

and terrible thought energy derived from wars, suffering, famines and

the mental distress of the oppressed. These are freely roaming and are

like dark clouds encircling the earth. Most people are susceptible to

these free roaming thought forms. More so now in this age when stress

and the rat race pose insurmountable problems. Our auras are weak and

unable to withstand the onslaught of these energy forms. These very

thought patterns create the future of collective mankind. They shape

the collective soul as well as the individual soul. They shape the

collective future as well as the individual future. Our personal

individual thoughts generate our individual karma, individual futures.When

there are wars and disasters, we need to understand that they have been

created by all of us. Those horrors exist in our thoughts. They must be

eliminated from each one of us before the world can mirror the beauty

within. Before they can be eradicated from the world, they must be

eradicated from each and every heart and mind. The world is the

manifestation of the thoughts poured into it. Bring peace on earth by

thinking peace. When enough of mankind pulls together on this one

thought, the power will be so great, darkness will be completely

removed from the earth. Each one can do but little, but if each will do

his or her small share, the whole world will be completed. Do your part

by concentrating your thoughts on peace and God and see what a change

it brings in your life. Thought is the source of everything in the

universe. Words are the slaves of the mind. Make their master kind and

loving, worthy of the power entrusted by God.Thoughts

are like a dynamo setting the wheels of destiny in motion, guard them

carefully. Learn to think clearly, putting your thoughts together

concisely before translating them into speech. When this is done, much

of the harm in the world can be nullified. Most of the evil in the

world is carried out in ignorance, through careless thoughts and words.

When you are childlike and not aware of the rules of life, you are

excused, but once the rules have been imparted to you, you must obey

them or suffer the consequences. It is very easy to do harm without

thinking. In fact, we are prone and easily swayed by negative emotions.

Stop, think, analyze and assess each thought and feeling before acting.If

thought is the origin of the world, then one has only to look at our

world today and see what we have created. Before you do anything,

before you speak, before you act, what do you do? Think a thought, an

idea, a visualization. Everything we see now is someone's idea. Nothing

exists that was not some person's thought. We create our own

environment. We create our own disasters. We create our own lives, all

by the thoughts that we entertain in our minds. The mental power to

create that we have and are endowed with is tremendous and there is no

concept, no way of explaining of how intensely powerful it is. You can

create anything you want, anything at all be it good, be it bad. Your

thoughts and what you think today is what you create around you, maybe

not today, tomorrow, next week, maybe in the next year, or in twenty

years or next lifetime. One of the ways that we can see this is

happening is through the media. The media, one of the most powerful

forms of expression today, creates all sorts of disaster stories,

movies, horrific visualizations, every depth of thought. They sow the

seeds in the newspapers of how people are expected to think, how they

should think, how they are guided to think. And what we think is what

we create. All the writers, journalists, directors, media men, movie

moguls, create an array of fictitious stories. And these stories, all

of them, eventually become true in time. Global media, filmmakers,

writers and the media moguls have the power to create the future

destiny of mankind. However, each and every person also carries the

burden of this responsibility for we are all parts of the whole. And,

if the good outweighs the bad, we have a positive balance and vice


belief and faith hold a vital place in this process. They are extremely

powerful. The way you think so things happen, react and respond. If you

hold superstitions, then by your very belief in them, you make them

true for you. That is the strength of the power that thought wields.

The strength of belief that something ominous will take place will

always ensure that it does. However, this does not affect everything in

your life because you are born with certain aspects and certain

processes that you have to go through and experience. Nevertheless,

good thoughts and the unshakeable faith that nothing can harm you can

mitigate the forthcoming events. More importantly, your whole life is

not governed by the past, much of it is shaped by your behavior and

actions now. It is those parts that are affected by thought power,

negative or positive.When

you see prophecies coming true, one thinks 'Ah well, this person had

foresight'. It is not so much foresight as it is thought energy. He

generated thoughts, thoughts created the time field; the time field

generated the reality. This is how we work and live in this world. The

media, in respect of films, create disaster films with a spectrum of

horror. They are not just creating them on film, they are creating in

actual reality. This then takes form in some dimension and has validity

and that, in turn, eventually manifests in other dimensions, and from

there, it is but a step for it to manifest in the physical material

world. Then, it is real and we have to face it. This truth has to be

understood so that this type thinking changes. If the thinking changes

on a global level, only then can society and the world change. Focused,

channeled good thoughts change the space vibrations around us and

emanate peace and harmony into our environment and world.On

the individual level, it concerns you, your environment and your life.

But then, there are great thinkers, influential people who have

unqualified control over the world, over the people, their thinking and

thoughts. They comprise of newspaper men, filmmakers and writers plus a

host of allied industries and organizations. They create these

realities, which we eventually have to suffer. Therefore, they have a

responsibility, we all have a responsibility to think the correct kind

of thoughts, think before you even think. Is it going to create

something that is bad for me? Is it going to create something that is

good for me? Is it going to be good for the world? We must understand

the concept of how the dimensions in the universe work and the world

operates. We are continuously creating our own problems, our own

terrors, our own fears. When they come to life, we are amazed, how did

this happen? Somebody created them, maybe not five years ago or ten

years ago, perhaps fifty years ago in the past. Somebody thought those

thoughts, and those thoughts took on a reality.The

mind can be likened to a mad monkey, a wild animal that must be curbed

and controlled. It is like a train without brakes that is free of all

restraint. It is like an avalanche that blazes a trail of devastation.

It runs by itself on the proverbial wheels. It often sets to planning,

creating and reviewing situations what is, has been or will be. This

tendency has to be overcome. One has to establish restraints and

structure in the mind to forestall this eventuality, a safety mechanism

: this can be developed by programming the conscious mind, that will in

turn, reflect and resound in the subconscious mind. After all, the mind

is programmed in its habits from birth by one's environment and society

and that programming can, by conscious effort, be altered.It

is only in the silence of the mind that the voice of God can be heard.

It is only in the silence, the thoughtless state, the thinklessness

that God can manifest Himself in you. As you live more in His company,

more in the void, the mind will become amenable and docile and lost the

tendency to wander hither and thither on its own. It can be reigned in

and trained to enjoy and revel in the golden silence and in the

process, thoughts are balanced and positive. This is how to exercise

control on the mind.We

all fail to understand the significance of every act that we do, every

thought that we entertain. Each one is vital in forming the future. In

fact, a murder committed unwittingly does not carry the same

punishement, penalty or karmic backlash or is treated as heinous a sin

as a harmful thought or action intentionally carried out. Such is the

extent of the difference in unintentional harm and positive intentional

harmful thought. A minor error can and does cause a major harm; that is

why it is so important to be aware of God, to be conscious, to be

prepared to help others, to be willing to serve. Through service, you

can avoid the negative emotions and acquire a pure heart. Only at that

level can you fail to entertain wrong thoughts or bad feelings.He

will come to you but you must be careful that you do not form a barrier

of negative thoughts between you and Him. These barriers, once they

have been raised, cannot be removed so quickly. One's thoughts and

beliefs are generated by one's environment, family and society. That is

why it is vital that our children be educated in the correct manner, in

the manner of loving the Lord and respecting all others as His forms.

Not fearing the Lord, not fearing Him out of sin or out of guilt. Fear

must be eradicated for love to develop. Once you harbor prejudices and

irremovable ideas, it will become impossible for you to gain a nearness

to Him. These barriers, these ideas, these emotions, these prejudices

will take time to be taken apart, one brick at a time; to be conquered

and destroyed before He can enter into your heart.Do

not allow fear and apprehension for the future to ruin the present. How

do you know that events may not work out better than you could ever

dream of. The trick is not to be negative and to remember the power of

thought. If you think positive, you can even alter future events. Much

of what we suffer is caused solely by negative thinking. You may insist

that when the pressure piles up, then everything appears to be bleak,

problems, problems and more problems. How can we NOT be worried? This

can be solved in one fell stroke. If all these problems were to be

removed, would you be truly happy? Will the absence of worry make you

happy? No, because man is such that he will create worries. As soon as

some are removed, he will have desires through which further obstacles

will be raised. So be content and happy always.Once

one has started the upward climb on the path to God, all thoughts are

intensified so they return more quickly to the sender. Practicing

disciplines and attempting to purify your mind and heart results in the

intensification of the power in the thoughts you think and the words

you utter. It is a concentrated power. It is like a refining process -

when the dross is removed from sugar can, the resultant sugar is purer

and sweeter in taste. So it is with all things. Once the refining

process, the disciplines and purity have commenced, then your thoughts

are concentrated and therefore, they have tremendous potential for good

or harm, a hundred fold or even a thousand fold. Therefore, beware of

bad thoughts and keep only good thoughts in your mind. Make your mind a

place of light and truth.We

have become so used to negative speech that we are not even aware of

using it. From now on, try to watch yourself. Observe what you think

and what you say for it is vitally important. Examine your every

thought and speak only what is right which will, in turn, become right

action. To be a part of God, one must think correctly. To earn His

love, you must at least try and do right even though you may, at times,

fail. Start thinking correctly this moment and your next moment will be

a manifestation of that thought. Start the ball rolling. Speak only

words that are true, kind and helpful. Observe your words and you will

see how most of our speech is, in fact, useless, harmful and, at times,

aimless babbling. What is said in kindness is sometimes not helpful,

and what is true is sometimes better left unsaid.Think

the highest thoughts about yourself and others. Imagine the person you

would be if you lived that thought each and every day. What would you

think, do and say, and what would other people's responses be to you?

Is there a difference between what you think now and what you would

then think? Think of one wonderful event you would like to happen in

your life. Think of it every night for one minute and then let go of it

completely and see what happens. You have invented your world and you

can change it.You

must profit by these words of wisdom, mark them well. The value of good

words can never be over estimated. In the tongue lies the power to

create, preserve or destroy. The tongue is the instrument of the mind.

As you think, so you will speak. Remember there are no idle words.

Every word uttered takes a form and becomes manifest. Thoughts take

shape according to the intensity with which they are spoken or thought.

They collect the power of similar energy in the atmosphere and then

return to you. Actions come from words. Words are spoken by the tongue.

The tongue is controlled by the mind. Mind is a bundle of thoughts.

Everything originates from thoughts.(From : THE KEY TO GOD'S HEART by R SAI)Copyright

by the Author. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be

reproduced or transmitted in any form or means without permission of

the Author. Visit : Sai Messages : http://saimessages.blogspot.com/ Sai Divine Inspirations : http://saidivineinspirations.blogspot.com/ Love Is My Form : http://loveismyform.blogspot.com/ (for non-Sai members)

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