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Puttaparthi - 21st October 2007

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October 21st

Happy Dasara To All






This morning

the Yagnam continued in Puttaparthi. Swami first came to Sai Kulwant Hall and

after blessing the devotees there Swami came to Poorna Chandra Auditorium where

the yagnam was going on. It was around 10:00 am. The Poorna Chandra auditorium

was filled with devotee who wanted to get Swami's blessing on this auspicious

day and to see the conclusion of the yagnam. The yagnam ended with Swami's

blessings around 11:15 am. After the yagnam purohits went to Chitravathi River

to bring holy water. The programs ended soon after that with aarathi and

devotees were given prasadam after that.






the Dasara Festival devotees in Kolkata celebrate Durga Pooja. So the each are

in the city create Pandals (Stall that are transformed into temples) and choose

a theme to decorate their pandals. And one of the pandals from the College Square in

the city choose to replicate Swami's mandir in Puttaparthi. As you can see from

the pictures they have done a very good job. Wishing all the devotees a Happy

Durga Pooja and Dasara







Report for October 19th


Morning Darshan


The chanting from the Veda Purusha Sapta Jyana Yagna could be clearly heard

from the Poornachandra hall, as the devotees sat in the Sai Kulwant hall. The

Nadaswaram was being played which added the festive mood of the Navaratri



As the Yagna was being performed throughout the day, to generate uplifting

vibrations for world peace, at the same time Swami’s students and faculty

members were spreading His message of love in the Kotacharu Mandal. One of the

villages that received Swami’s prasadam was Talamarya and Avulkutla

(which consisted of 15 houses in a very remote farmland).


The group reached all the villages and houses in and around the area,

regardless of the remoteness and inaccessibility of the houses. This was only

made possible by Swami’s love and grace on the villagers.


Afternoon Darshan


At 4.40 the Vedam singing started, signalling the arrival of our dear Lord Sai.

Swami arrived in the silver car for darshan and headed towards the portico,

where he spoke to UK Gama Seva group Leader Puppet for a very brief moment.


Sanjay Sahani, got up to introduce

the speakers for the day, which included 1) Sir Narashimamurthi, The Warden for

the Brindawan campus. 2) Krishna Kumar,



Warden Sir, spoke for almost for an hour on various topics including the life

and mission of Sri Sathya Sai Baba and the super speciality hospital. He

mentioned that there are 36 slokas describing the life and mission of the

Avatar. He mentioned and described the various stages of the Avatar, 1st comes

the Leela, the pastime of Sai Baba. 2nd Mahimaha, 3rd Updesa, 4th Vidha,

establishing the educational institutes, 5th Vaidy, the establishments of the

hospitals and 6th Establishment of Sanatana Drama.


Sir Narashimamurthi also explained how to win Swami’s grace so that Swami

would come to you. All you have to do is call him to your heart with tears in

your eye “Lord I belong to you”. The only condition required to win

His grace is Faith.


The second speaker Krishna Kumar, spoke from his heart about the Glory of Sai

Mother. Krishna Kumar spoke with examples of all the attributes of Swami that

make him a Mother.


Whilst the talk was going on Swami was in a very delightful mood as He would be

playing with handkerchief, like a little boy and when He looked up and found

that everyone was looking and smiling at Him, he gave the amazing smile (like

Krishna did when He was caught doing something)


Our dear Lord Sai is so kind that He materialised a gold chain for Krishna

Kumar and just like a mother Swami put the chain around the boy’s neck

Himself. It was a very beautiful sight to observe.


Swami listened to few bhajans before taking the Aarti and headed towards the

divine residence at 6.30.


Report sent to us by Arvind Tank







for the Day









In ancient times, the

sages and seers maintained purity in thought, truth in words and righteousness

in deeds. But in this Kali Age, people have forgotten human values and exhibit

animal qualities such as lust, anger, greed and hatred. Purity of heart and

selflessness are the hallmarks of the human life which one gets after passing

through several births. Foolishness, pride, covetousness and other such

qualities are a hang-over from their previous lives as sheep, buffalo or cat.

One who is in the habit of attacking and harming others out of hatred reveals

the tendencies of his previous birth as a dog. One who lacks steadiness of mind

and constantly jumps from one thing to another, reflects the quality of the

monkey from which he has evolved. It is to get rid of such bad qualities that

Yajnas (sacrifices) are undertaken.










into Indonesian by Udayo Untarya


Di zaman dahulu, para

rishi dan sadhu menjaga kemurnian pikiran, kebenaran dalam tutur-kata serta

kebajikan dalam tindakannya. Namun sebaliknya, di zaman Kali ini, orang-orang

justru melupakan nilai-nilai kemanusiaannya dan malahan mempertontonkan

kualitas-kualitas hewaniah seperti halnya nafsu, amarah, serakah dan saling

membenci. Hati yang murni dan sikap tidak mementingkan diri sendiri merupakan

barometer kehidupan manusiawi, yang secara susah-payah telah dipupuk melalui

serangkaian kelahiran & kematian. Kebodohan, kesombongan, keiri-hatian dan

kualitas-kualitas sejenis lainnya merupakan sisa-sisa dari kehidupan lampau

sebagai kambing, lembu atau kucing. (Sebagai contoh), seseorang yang mempunyai

kebiasaan untuk suka menyerang ataupun melukai (perasaan) orang lain sebagai

akibat dorongan kebenciannya, maka kecenderungannya tersebut mengindikasikan

bahwa kemungkinan di kehidupannya yang lampau ia adalah seekor anjing. Kemudian

seseorang yang batinnya tidak mantap dan pikirannya selalu bergejolak dan

berpindah-pindah dari satu hal ke hal lainnya, maka itu mencerminkan kualitas

seekor kera/monyet. Tujuan dari diadakannya upacara Yajnas (homa) adalah untuk

menyingkirkan kecenderungan dan kualitas-kualitas negatif seperti




into Spanish by Equipo Namo)

En los tiempos antiguos, los sabios y los

videntes mantuvieron la pureza en el pensamiento, la verdad en las palabras y

la rectitud en las acciones. Pero en esta Era de Kali la gente ha olvidado

los valores humanos y exhibe cualidades animales tales como la lujuria, la ira, la avaricia y el

odio. La pureza de corazón y el desinterés son las señales de la vida humana

que uno alcanza tras haber pasado por diversos nacimientos. La necedad, el orgullo,

la codicia y otras cualidades similares son las inclinaciones de vuestras vidas

anteriores como

oveja, búfalo o gato. Quien tiene el hábito de atacar y dañar a otros por odio

revela las tendencias de su nacimiento anterior como un perro. Quien carece de firmeza en la

mente y constantemente salta de una cosa a otra

refleja la cualidad del mono del que ha evolucionado. Los Yajnas

(sacrificios), se emprenden para deshacerse de tales cualidades malas.












( translated into Italian by Mabatini )


Nei tempi antichi, I saggi ed I ricercatori

mantennero purezza nei pensieri, verità nelle parole e giustizia nelle azioni.

Ma in questa epoca di Kali , la gente ha scordato i valori umani e mostra

qualità animali come la lussuria, la rabbia, l’avarizia e l’odio. La

Purezza del cuore e l’altruismo sono il marchio di

riconoscimento della vita umana che si ottiene passando attraverso

moltissime nascite. La sciocchezza, l’orgoglio, la bramosia

ed altre simili qualità ci provengono da precedenti vite in cui siamo stati

pecora, buffalo o gatto. Chi ha l’abitudine di molestare e

attaccare gli altri con odio rivela le sue tendenze che gli provengono

dalla precedente vite come cane; chi scarseggia di fermezza della

mente e costantemente salta da un argomento all’altro ,

riflette la qualità della scimmia , dalla quale proviene. E’ per

liberarsi di simili pessime qualità che vengono realizzati gli Yajinas


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