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Creator is the Doer

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Humility comes in when one sees that only the Creator is the Doer

and one is merely a puppet in His divine will. Those who do not rise

above the plane of senses, wholly or partially remain in duality.

And to remain in duality is a sin. In spite of the continuous

efforts to overcome the sins and prove oneself as good and pious in

the eyes of others, one commits more sins and tells lies. In trying

to overcome (the sins) one gathers the dirt of impious deeds and

hides them inside and becomes the prey of lots of worldly diseases

and continuously remains in sins.


Ego is the main hindrance in self-analysis and man-making, and with

ego one ever acts as doer. Humility is not possible unless one

overcomes the mind and its identification through the sense organs.

If one sees the world with open eyes and with closed eyes one's self

within, one can see the underlying disadvantages to some extent.

Thus we can remove the physical ego, but then there is also the

astral and the causal ego. When one rises above the astral body, one

sees the underlying causes of ego in total. Only after removing the

physical, astral and causal ego, does one obtain humility in full.

Then he is a conscious co-worker of the divine plan and takes Him as

the Doer.


Baba said


" The 'Sadguru' looks first to the qualifications of His disciples;

and then gives them suitable instructions, without unsettling their

minds in the least and leads them on towards the goal of self-

realizarion " .


Baba is every where just feel him and keep on saying `Om Sai Ram' to whom so

ever you meet.


OM SAI SRI SAI JAI JAI SAI!!! Let us pray at the lotus feet of Bhagwan Baba who

is the incarnation of all gods and protector of all, to show mercy on us, and

increase our devotion towards him


Let us pray Shri Sai to give us the intellect and wisdom to make tomorrow's

world a happier place to stay always with unity by following his principle of

" Shraddha " and " Saburi "


Let us pray to Sri Sai to grant us steady faith and love on him.


Jai Sai Ram

Swamy Mahadevan

Bow to Shri Sai-Peace be to all

Baba Bless you ever!!!

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