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scientific principles and the spiritual principles?

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……“Some people view and see scientific knowledge as a

method of understanding the different laws of nature

with a view to control and apply these for the benefit

of the human race. They view the scientific

discoveries, inventions, newer technologies from

intellectual, empirical and utilitarian points of view

which can be cognized directly through the cognitive

faculties like the eyes and ears or indirectly through

artifacts created by them (for example: radio,

transistor transmitting electronic waves). Whereas

this is not contradicted, there are very few people

who interconnect their rational approach with the

spiritual approach pursued by some others. These two

separate approaches if not looked at in a holistic

manner, lead to certain contradictions. The purely

spiritual group says that there is a God who cannot be

seen and proved in the manner in which scientific

evidence is established. He can only be experienced.

On the other hand, the purely scientific groups argue

that but for such evidence, the so called God, his

mythological concepts and miracles cannot be accepted.

These two approaches at the extreme end would have

rendered the human civilization apart had not the

majority of humanity believed in the existence of a

supernatural power called God or called by whatever

name. Although human societies have changed, their

economic and political factors have changed, yet the

God concept has never changed. For the Hindus, Ram

remains Ram, for the Christians, Christ remains Christ

and for the Muslims, Prophet Mohamed remains Prophet

Mohamed, notwithstanding, the fact that societies

propounding such faiths have undergone vast changes in

their economic, social and political lives over time.

All such thoughts bring to mind a fundamental question

- can there be a God who has created two unrelated and

independent principles- scientific principles and the

spiritual principles? Is it that scientific

principles, like the discoveries and technology

created by the human brain, are a mere chance

occurrence in the gradual process of evolution or can

they be viewed from a spiritualistic angle or vision?

Yesterday, when Einstein expounded his theory on

inter-connectivity between matter and energy in his

famous formula, E=MC2 he tried to explain the entire

universe through this single equation. He could not

succeed because he could not comprehend the

interconnectivity between consciousness, energy and

matter. Nevertheless, Einstein was a genius and he did

acknowledge that he experienced an infinite subtle

world much beyond the perceptible matter and energy

world, which he was unable to explain. In other words,

Einstein, the great scientist experienced and had the

intellectual honesty to express his limitations about

the subtle energy field existing in the world beyond.

Had a genius like Einstein gone a little ahead and

approached the issue from a different angle as has

been explained in many spiritual books like the Gita

and the Bible, he could, perhaps, have been able to

connect the apparently diversified theorems into a

single formulation. Had he developed the sixth sense

of the spiritual practitioners and saints, he could

have unearthed more about the subtle forms of the

universe and nature. If Einstein is taken as a model,

it means that it is possible for the

scientific-oriented minds to have a different approach

towards the unearthing of the mysteries of nature in

the manner followed by the great seers of various

religions. But rarely have human beings come across

such great personalities like Pythagoras of ancient

Greece. When the spiritual masters in different forms

gave a spiritual thrust to the nascent human

civilization, they obviously did not jump steps and

straightaway start teaching theology and philosophy.

At that stage what they did was to generate certain

types of logic in the human mind without which it

would not have been possible for them to pick up the

finer aspects of nature. Hence, the simple logic

generated in the minds of human beings was used to

grow greater logic at later stages. What they taught

was simple arithmetic (relating to numbers) and

geometry (relating to shapes) and out of this

mathematics, other branches of science developed.

Through these symbols they could explain the different

phenomena of the vast world of nature more easily. At

the second stage they gave the concepts of

architectural designs, alchemy, etc. Like a newborn

child looking at the world around with a surprised

look, the human race started picking up these concepts

rather anxiously. Once they were ready, their brain

cells were geared to make higher scientific

discoveries, etc. through the use of this logic. A few

individuals who were ready for it were then

systematically given the thought process and it is

these individuals who propounded the theories of

science like Marconi’s Law of Radio waves, Newton’s

Law of Gravity or Einstein's Law of Relativity. Today,

such discoveries and the related technology have gone

to great extents like conquering the space, cloning,

genetic engineering, etc. which yesterday if done by

any human being would have been construed as a divine

act. Logically, therefore the secrets of nature are

being revealed to the human beings with a purpose of

expanding the horizons of their knowledge through the

expansion of the brain capacity. Given this

background, it is evident that the very basis of

scientific thought has emanated out of the thrust

given by these spiritual beings who had incarnated on

this globe with a superior intelligence. Obviously,

when the earth had not experienced the subtle thought

processes some souls stirred them and those souls must

have carried such superior intelligence from their

evolution in past lives. Commonly defined as

transcendental intelligence, they could not have

achieved such levels of excellence in a single life

time. The inspirational revelations of many spiritual

personalities holding such transcendental intelligence

on this solar system (of which earth forms a part) is

a near probability. Today in scientific literature, we

can well see the imaginative depiction of such

characters/events as inter stellar warfare, UFOs, etc

as in the concepts. The present fourth human

civilization is on the threshold of transcending to

the fifth human race. More and more scientific

discoveries and experimentation will be undertaken by

a few generations of human beings and this will create

a group, which will have the potentiality of

controlling the subtle forces of nature without the

help of artifacts. That is, as the time progresses,

they will depend more and more on their inner

faculties to capture and use the subtler forces of

nature than to depend on the machines created by them.

For example, they will communicate with each other

through the subtle faculties of their brain, rather

than using a telephone. The sixth sense of the

intellectual faculty is bound to expand much more than

it is today. Therefore, we have to look at the world

of religion and the world of science from a totally

different perspective. That perspective is to find the

roots from which both scientific approach and

religious approach evolved and establish their

interconnectivity. Thus, if the contradictions between

the two approaches can be reconciled, then the benefit

of science and technology shall not be used for

destructive purposes. It would be coloured by the

spiritual approach of kindness and tolerance.”…….








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