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Puttaparthi - November 18th 2007 - Rathosavam

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Puttaparthilive.com Newsletter


November 18th



Rathosavam was celebrated in Puttaparthi this morning









This morning ratham (chariot) which is kept in

a shed near the hanuman temple all year long was beautifully decorated

with flowers and colorful papers was brought to Gopuram Gate for

Swami's blessings and to give Lord Krishna a grand chariot ride.


The ratham was brought to gopuram gate by sevadals who were pulling the

ropes. Devotees beating drums and doing bhajans accompanied the ratham

to the gopuram gate.


At 9:00 am sai gheeta and students chanting Vedas came from inside

mandir they were accompanied by a drum group. Behind them were the

silver idols of Lord Rama, Laxman, Sita and Hanuman. And an idol of

Lord Krishna was also brought to the ratham. Lord Krishna's idol sat on

the ratham with beautiful garlands around it. Then at 9:25 am Sathya

Sai Baba came thorough the gopuram gate and blessed the ratham and the

devotees who were waiting to see the event. After blessing Swami went

back to Sai Kulwant Hall and the ratham was taken to its resting place.

Swami left Sai Kulwant Hall at 10:05 am after the aarathi ending the

morning programs.


This event starts Swami's Birthday celebrations in Puttaparthi.



Thought for the Day
























Every object has a Swaroopam (its own form)

and Swabhavam (its own nature). Man is completely unaware of his real

nature, which is love and compassion. He is so much immersed in

selfishness that every activity he undertakes is only for furthering

his own interests and accumulating possessions for himself. Even the

love that man displays towards other persons is with a selfish motive

of gaining something out of them and not for the other person's sake.
















into Indonesian by Udayo Untarya Wijaya)







Setiap obyek mempunyai Swaroopam (wujudnya yang khas) dan Swabhavam

(sifat/karakternya yang spesifik). Manusia sama sekali tidak menyadari

karakteristiknya yang sebenarnya, yaitu tiada lain adalah mahluk yang

mempunyai karakter cinta-kasih dan welas-asih. Manusia telah menjadikan

dirinya sedemikian congkak sehingga setiap bentuk tindakan yang

dilakukannya semata-mata hanya untuk kepentingan pribadinya serta untuk

memperkaya diri sendiri. Bahkan cinta-kasih yang seolah-olah

diperlihatkannya terhadap orang lain tak lain hanyalah untuk memuaskan

motifnya yang terselubung bagi keuntungannya sendiri dan bukanlah demi

untuk manfaat orang lain.






(translated into


by Margitta Bonds)


Jeder Gegenstand hat seine eigene Form

(Swaroopam) und sein eigenes Wesen (Swabhavam). Der Mensch ist völlig

unwissend, was sein wirkliches Wesen betrifft, das Liebe und Mitgefühl

ist. Er ist so tief in Selbstsucht versunken, dass jede seiner

Handlungen nur seinen eigenen Interessen gilt und sie seinen Besitz

vergrößern. Sogar die Liebe, die der Mensch gegenüber anderen Personen

zeigt, basiert auf selbstsüchtige Motive. Er liebt, um Gewinn aus

dieser Liebe zu ziehen und nicht zum Wohle dieser anderen Person.



(translated into

Spanish by Equipo Namo)



Cada objeto tiene un Swaroopam (su propia

forma) y Swabhavam (su propia naturaleza). El hombre es completamente

ignorante de su naturaleza real que es el amor y la compasión. Él está

tan sumergido en el egoísmo, que cada actividad que emprende es tan

sólo para promover sus propios intereses y acumular posesiones para él

mismo. Incluso el amor que el hombre despliega hacia otras personas es

con un motivo egoísta, para ganar algo de ellas y no por el bien de las





translated into Italian by Mabatini )














Ogni oggetto ha una sua forma (Swaroopam) e

la sua propria natura (Swabhavam) . L’uomo è completamente ignaro della

propria natura, che è amore e compassione. Egli è talmente immerso nel

proprio egoismo che ogni attività che intraprende è solo per il suo

progresso personale o per accumulare ricchezze per sé stesso. Perfino

l’amore che l’uomo mostra verso gli altri è per il motivo egoistico di

ottenere qualcosa da loro e non per amore puro e semplice.


































































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