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Puttaparthi - November 19th 2007 - Ladies Day

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Puttaparthilive.com Newsletter


November 19th





Ladies Day was celebrated today in




Students started chanting Vedas, Soon after that Swami entered the Sai

Kulwant Hall at 9:15 am. Women carrying lamps and the Ladies marching

band from Anantapur campus accompanied Swami. Swami came in the mobile

chair giving all the devotees a very nice darshan. Swami proceeded to

the gent's side but stopped and went towards the Gopuram Gate, where

Swami blessed and gave away cows to many women from nearby villages.

These cows will help them immensely in their livelihood. After that

Swami proceed towards the veranda from where Swami gave all the

devotees in Sai Kulwant Hall a very nice darshan at 9:40 am the bhajans

began which were sung by ladies. Swami was talking and blessing

devotees while the bhajans were going on. Swami also blessed the

prasadam, which was distributed to all the devotees in Sai Kulwant

Hall. At 10:15 am after aarathi Swami left the Sai Kulwant Hall in the

mobile chair accompanied by the Ladies marching band from Anantapur



Books were also distributed in Sai Kulwant Hall to some devotees. The

name of the book was "The Lotus Path - Walking with Sai". It's a book

about experiences of different women from around world about how they

reached the Lotus Feet of Sathya Sai Baba. I haven't yet read the book

but it has some really beautiful photos of Swami, which we will be

bring to you in the coming days.


The weather turned cloudy and started raining in the evening. It wasn't

heavy rain just drizzling. Its been getting very cold in Puttaparthi

for the past few days.


Evening there was a musical program in Sai Kulwant Hall. Classically

music program in which a lady (sorry didn't catch her name) sang

classical songs. After talking to Swami she sung a very beautiful song,

which went like "Sai Ram, Sai Ram" after which the performance ended,

and Swami blessed her with Padanamskar.


Then there was a dance program by children it was about Swami's birth

and about Swami mother Eshwaramma. It really was nice dance program

with a very meaningful and beautiful song. There were two children

acting as Sathya Sai Baba in the musical. After the program one of the

boys went to Swami, accompanied Swami by holding Swami hand down the

dais to take pictures. Swami took pictures with both the boys and rest

of the performers. The event ended with aarathi at 6:30 pm. Swami

returned to Yajur Mandiram (swami's home) accompanied by the Ladies

marching band from Puttaparthi campus ending the Ladies day




Thought for the Day
























This visible universe is made up of three

Gunas (Sathva, Rajas and Thamas). This is the reason for describing the

cosmos as 'Sthree'. The term 'Sthree' has three components: Sa", "Tha"

and "Ra". "Sa" signifies the Sathva Guna. This comprises qualities like

forbearance, compassion, and love. "Tha" signifies the Thamo Guna which

includes qualities like modesty, bashfulness, fear and patience. "Ra"

signifies the Rajo Guna represented by qualities such as courage,

sacrifice and the adventurous spirit. Every being born in the world has

feminine qualities. Merely on the basis of the physical form, a

distinction is made between men and women. The three qualities in the

term 'Sthree' are to be found both in men and women.















into Indonesian by Udayo Untarya Wijaya)







Alam-semesta ini terbentuk dari tiga jenis Gunas (Sathva, Rajas dan

Thamas). Itulah sebabnya kosmos ini juga disebut dengan istilah

Sthree . Terminologi Sthree ini mempunyai tiga komponen (suku-kata),

yaitu: Sa , Tha dan Ra . Sa diartikan sebagai Sathva Guna, yaitu

meliputi kualitas diri seperti: tenggang-rasa, welas-asih dan

cinta-kasih. Tha berarti Thamo Guna, yang meliputi kualitas seperti:

kerendahan hati, sopan-santun, sikap malu, ketakutan dan kesabaran.

Ra adalah Rajo Guna yang direpresentasikan oleh kualitas seperti

keberanian, pengorbanan dan semangat berpetualang. Setiap mahluk yang

terlahir di dunia ini memiliki kualitas-kualitas feminim. Perbedaan

antara pria dan wanita hanyalah berdasarkan faktor penampilan fisik

semata. Ketiga kualitas yang terdapat di dalam Sthree terkandung baik

di dalam diri seorang pria maupun wanita.






(translated into


by Margitta Bonds)


Dieses sichtbare Universum besteht aus drei

Grundeigenschaften (gunas) namentlich Sathva (Qualität der

Ausgewogenheit), Rajas (die Kraft, die Trägheit überwinden kann) und

Thamas (umfasst die dumpfen, inaktiven Kräfte der Natur lt. Prof.

Mittwede Spirituelles Sanskrit Wörterbuch) und deshalb wird der Kosmos

als ‚Sthree’ beschrieben. Der Ausdruck 'Sthree' beinhaltet drei

Bestandteile: 'Sa', 'Tha' und 'Ra', die auf die drei Sathva Gunas

hinweisen. Sie beinhalten Eigenschaften wie Enthaltung, Mitgefühl und

Liebe. 'Tha' weist auf die Thamo Gunas hin, die Eigenschaften wie

Bescheidenheit, Schüchernheit, Angst und Geduld beinhalten. 'Ra' weist

auf die Rajo Gunas hin, die durch Eigenschaften wie Mut,

Opferbereitschaft und einen abenteuerlichen Geist symbolisiert werden.

Jedes Lebewesen, das in diese Welt geboren wurde, hat weibliche

Eigenschaften. Lediglich auf der Basis der physischen Form werden

Unterschiede zwischen Mann und Frau gemacht. Die drei

Grundeigenschaften in dem Ausdruck 'Sthree' sind in beiden, Mann und

Frau, zu finden.


(translated into

Spanish by Equipo Namo)



Este universo visible está hecho de tres Gunas

(Sathva, Rajas y Thamas). Por esta razón se describe al cosmos como

'Sthree'. El término 'Sthree' tiene tres componentes: "Sa", "Tha" y

"Ra". "Sa" significa Sathva Guna. Este contiene cualidades como la

clemencia, la compasión, y el amor. "Tha" significa Thamo Guna que

incluye cualidades como la modestia, la vergüenza, el miedo y la

paciencia. "Ra" significa Rajo Guna representado por cualidades tales

como el valor, el sacrificio y el espíritu aventurero. Cada ser nacido

en el mundo tiene cualidades femeninas. Meramente sobre la base de la

forma física, se hace una distinción entre hombres y mujeres. Las tres

cualidades en el término 'Sthree' serán encontradas en ambos hombre y





translated into Italian by Mabatini )














L’Universo visibile è composto di tre Guna

(Sathva, Rajas e Thamas). Per questo motivo l’Universo viene chiamato

‘Shthree”. Il termine “Sthree” è composto di tre parti : “SA” “THA” e

“RA” . “Sa” sta per Sathva Guna . Questo comprende qualità come la

pazienza, la compassione e l’Amore. . “THA” sta Thamo Guna ed include

qualità come la modestia, la timidezza, la paura e la pazienza. . “RA”

sta per Rajo Guna ed rappresenta qualità come il coraggio, il

sacrificio e lo spirito d’avventura. Ogni individuo nato in questo

mondo possiede qualità femminili . Soltanto sulla base della forma

fisica si può fare una distinzione tra uomini e donne. Le tre qualità

comprese nel termine “STHREE” si possono trovare sia nell’uomo che

nella donna



































































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