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Song - Language of the Soul - The Song Meeting Part 02

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Song - Language of the Soul - The Song Meeting Part 02


To get at the sweet juice of a coconut, we must first peel off the

fibrous husk and crack the hard nut. In the same manner, to enjoy

devotional songs, some preparatory tasks must be accomplished. For the

song meeting to be harmonious and benefical, proper guidelines have to

be adopted. Clear organization and policies help to eliminate



When one member is placed in charge of the activity, there is less

chance for confusion. This allows for the orderly development of the

session. As the number of members grows, changes have to be made.

Suggestions need to be monitored and implemented by a knowledgeable

individual or committee.


The decoration of the hall and arrangement of the session should not

suggest pomp and undue expense. It is best kept simple and devotional.

Ideally the session is convened in a clean and accessible location. All

participants should feel welcome to attend. Song meetings should spread

good will and tolerance in the community.


" Bhajan must spread good will, love, ecstasy. It must invite all to

share in the joy and peace " Baba


To foster an atmosphere of peace and love, it is beneficial to start

the meeting with 'Omkar' (the repetition of OM) and to conclude with a

short meditation. This establishes a feeling of brotherhood and co-

operation among all.


The group must also decide what its objectives will be. For example, a

song center may decide to encourage young members to participate in

singing and leading songs. Members may decide that the participation of

young members is more important than maintaining high muscial

standards. This is particularly true when young members are

inexperienced at leading songs or playing instruments. The price must be

evaluated by the participants in light of the benefits.


Another policy which should be discussed at the outset is song

selection, particularly language preferences. It is desirable for the

group to sing in the language of their country of residence. Of course,

some variety should be encouraged, but it is important that our

meetings appeal to newcomers from the community around us. We must help

more and more people to know the great love of Sai. It is usually

easier for participants to experience the devotion of a song when they

understand and can pronounce the words.


Continue..Song - Language of the Soul - Standards Muscial Or Devotional

Part 03

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