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December 5th, 2007 (source:http://saistudents.org/alumni/home/news.php)

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Login Welcome to our new website..! Any suggestions/comments are always welcome. Please forward them to: mail Register for2008 Meet Article Submission Home About Us Mission Institutions News Archives Newsletters Patrons Feedback Links FAQ December 5th, 2007 The youth from the northern states of Punjab and Haryana had arrived to Puttaparthi as part of their pilgrimage. Swami had agreed for both the states to put up their respective

programmes in His presence today. At about 4:20 pm Swami went around for darshan rounds in the car and alighted near the interview room. He spoke to a few of the doctors and also some others as He made His way to the interview room. After a few minutes, Swami came and sat out and asked for the programme to begin. The Haryana programme entitled, "God is the only creator" had a very unique beginning. All the actors involved came in a nagar sankirtan style Veda chanting. The chantings were very high pitched and all sat up straight to see what was happening! One by one, the members came up to Swami offering roses, cards and the details of the programme. One of them offered cloves to Swami which He accepted. Then the drama began. The story was about a sculptor whose fame spreads far and wide as a person with the ability to make life like statues. The top aristocrats and bureaucrats of the region visit and lavish praises on him. One night, on seeing the beauty

of the statues representing Sathya, Dharma, Shanti, Prema and Ahimsa, he prays to the Lord for the strength to put real life into the idols! Sure enough, God appears before him and fulfills his desire. But like it happens in the case of every man, ego takes over and the sculptor is on the road to his doom till finally God takes back the boons He granted. Soon the sculptor is reduced top a pauper and has a tough time fending for himself. Swami often says that Talent is God. It has the capacity to transform lives if utilised properly. It should be considered by everyone as Swami's gift to us. With a single talent, we can bring smiles on a hundred faces and wipe away sorrow and pain from a hundred hearts. Whether its the skill of painting, music, athletics - whatever it is, God has gifted that special power to us because He felt that we would be able to wield it best for the betterment of everyone around. Talent is His gift to us and what we do with the talent should

be our gift to Him. As the drama portrayed, we ruin our talents if we offer it to the world, to our ego in particular, instead of using it for God. The sculptor gets diseased and is struggling until some members of the Sai Youth find him and tell him about Swami. He learns his lessons and finds solace at Swami's feet. The drama ended with a song of gratitude. After this was another skit by the youth of the state of Punjab. The skit was about an NRI who comes and lands in Chandigarh airport. There he meets up with some of the Sai Youth of Punjab. He is reeking with negativity about the country in general and the Punjab villages in particular. What begins next is a virtual tour of Punjab - with its great Sikh history and patriotic fervour forming the basis. Coming to know of the great patriots and the glory of the Sikh Masters who shaped the collective consciousness of the people of Punjab, the NRI is bowled over. No member of the youth brigade can resist from

talking about Swami. The NRI is told about Swami and all that He has done. Wanting to make his life meaningful too, the lad joins the youth in their final prayer song to Swami. Swami seems to be in mode to thrill the youth and set their hearts afire. He literally gave Himself to the youth. He waded into them and using the group photo as an excuse, He spoke and interacted with each and every one of them. He then gifted each and everyone with white cloth pieces. The joy and enthusiasm was evident on the faces of every youth member. Seeing them one felt that they are ready to do anything for Swami. It thrills the heart to see so many youth coming to Him from everywhere. Definitely a silent - read that as SAILENT - revolution is on. And this is a revolution of Love. Swami then told them to sing bhajans. After a few bhajans, He received Aarthi, blessed the youth with both hands and then retired. December 3rd, 2007

Here is a narrative about Bhagawan Blessing the programme for the January Alumni Meet:The meet proposals are listed here...This morning He came out around 9 40 am and took a short round (no gents' side) and went in for Bhajan Mandir. He came on the chair itself so it was a nice darshan. After couple of bhajans He took Aarthi and came out. Some guests were waiting for him near the door. He started talking to them there itself, for more than five minutes. We were just waiting to catch another glimpse of Him. He choose to go back to Yajur Mandir on the chair itself. He took a round of the ladies' side, stopping at a couple of places to speak to devotees and collect

letters. Then He turned towards the Yajur Mandir. There again He called a lady from overseas, spoke to her and took her letter. The crowd was on their feet -- ladies and gents. Something happened and gents side devotees started clapping. There was no apparent reason for the clap. But it might have been the prayer which translated into the clap and drew the attention of the Lord. And we saw His chair doing a 180 degree turn. There was loud applause as the Lord came gliding towards the gents' side. He stopped at a few places to take letters and also to speak to the groups. It was a full round of darshan. As we were very few in number at that time, we went and sat towards the students side at the corner in front of the pillar, carrying the tentative program schedule with us. As Bhagawan approached our side we showed Him the programme sheet. He gave a very nice smile of acknowledgment. It was enough for us to get up and go over to Him. Placing the folder in His hand

we said "Swami, we need your permission and guidance for our Annual programme on January 1st." He nodded and started looking at the programme sheet. We took the chance and started going over each and every point of the programme. "Swami on 31st we are meeting for the village activities. We have identified cluster of 5 villages where we would be doing the camp". He smiled and nodded in approval. Moving to the next line: "Swami we need Your permission to do flower decoration of the Mandir". He again smiled and nodded "Yes, Ok." Moving to next line: "Swami on 1st morning after darshan we would be doing tree plantation work on the mountains here. Our brothers in Parthi have been planting trees in order to make the whole area green." Swami nodded: "I know". And next was "Yes" to this too. He was also moving His fingers with the lines as we were moving along. "Swami, we would like to again receive You at Yajur Mandir and bring You

in the procession". There was a beautiful smile acknowledging our prayers. "Swami we have a few offerings which we would like to make to you – Vidyullekha, Bridge across time and a magazine of articles (gratitude.... I mumbled softly) .. "Then we have a short presentation by our Band boys".. He nodded. "Swami, we would be presenting our service reports... all the activities from all around the world." Bhagawan's expression became very happy. "Swami, we need to put a big screen for projection." Swami: "Where do you want to put the screen?" "Swami here in front of you". We pointed the place. Bhagawan nodded in approval. On to the next line: "Swami we will have songs in between." After getting another smile we moved to the next line.. interestingly His handkerchief fell on the paper and Swami removed it to read further. "Swami, this is a group presentation (pointing to "Our Swami...

Our GOD") we need your permission for this. Few boys would be speaking Swami. Moderating…." Bhagawan approved it with eyes, nod and smile. "Swami, boys have also prepared kind of play/burrakatha in Telugu." Swami: "Ok" "Swami we need permission to do that... When can we do ... on 31st?" Swami: "1 & 2" (indicating that have it on 1st or 2nd) "Ok, Swami". Swami: "What is on 2nd?" "Swami, with you." We turned to the next page to show Him that the time was all for Him. He looked at the sheet with all smiles. "Swami on 2nd we pray to be with You, Your interaction with us." He expressed His happiness but did not say anything. His approval came through His eyes and awesome smile. 2005 - . Sri Sathya Sai Students.

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