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Puttaparthilive.com Newsletter


December 4th


December 4th this Mornings Last Bhajan was

"Amba Manda Hasa Badani Manohari Sai"



Sathya Sai Baba's 82nd Birthday celebrations Around the World















We have put pictures from Nepal, Punjab,

Australia, Indonesia. We will be adding more cities in the coming days.



If your Samithi or Group celebrated Swami birthday this year. Please

send us pictures with description of the events that took place that

day and details about the place where the events happened. You can

email them at puttaparthilive.com



See the pictures from 82nd Birthday Celebrations Around The World.


Thought for the Day























Truth is one.

It is beyond mind and speech. It transcends the limitations of time and

space. Innumerable seekers have pursued different paths to recognise

this Truth. There are notable differences among the seekers of Truth.

These differences do not affect the nature of Reality. On the contrary,

it is the existence of these differences that has spurred the

continuous search for a unifying principle.














into Indonesian by Udayo Untarya Wijaya)







Kebenaran bersifat Tunggal. Ia berada di luar jangkauan pikiran dan

kosa-kota, dan ia juga tidak terpengaruhi oleh ruang dan waktu. Sudah

tak terhitung banyaknya para kaum aspiran yang menempuh berbagai macam

cara untuk mengenali kebenaran hakiki ini. Antara satu aspiran dengan

aspiran lainnya terlihat perbedaan yang cukup signifikan. Namun di atas

segalanya, perbedaan-perbedaan itu sama sekali tidak mempengaruhi

realitas yang sebenarnya. Malahan, eksistensi dari keaneka-ragaman

interpretasi itu justru semakin mendorong pencarian satu prinsip

pemersatu (unifying principle).






(translated into


by Margitta Bonds)


Es gibt nur eine Wahrheit und sie liegt

jenseits des Geistes und der Sprache. Diese Wahrheit überschreitet die

Grenzen von Zeit und Raum. Unzählige Suchende haben verschiedene Wege

verfolgt, um diese Wahrheit zu erkennen. Es gibt sichtbare Unterschiede

zwischen den Suchenden der Wahrheit. Diese Unterschiede beeinflussen

nicht das Wesen der Realität. Im Gegenteil, weil diese Unterschiede

vorhanden sind, haben sie die fortlaufende Suche nach einem

vereinigenden Prinzip angespornt.



(translated into

Spanish by Equipo Namo)



La verdad es una. Está más allá de la mente y

de la palabra. Trasciende las limitaciones del tiempo y el espacio.

Innumerables buscadores han seguido diferentes caminos para reconocer

esta Verdad. Hay notables diferencias entre los buscadores de la

Verdad. Estas diferencias no afectan la naturaleza de la Realidad. Al

contrario, es la existencia de esas diferencias la que estimula la

continua búsqueda de un principio unificador.




translated into Italian by Mabatini )















La Verità è UNA. E’ al di

là della mente e della parola. E trascende ogni limite di tempo e

spazio. Innumerevoli ricercatori hanno percorso infinite strade per

riconoscere questa Verità. CI sono notevoli differenze tra i diversi

ricercatori della Verità. Queste differenze non influenzano la natura

della Realtà. Al contrario è l’esistenz di queste differenze che ha

spronato la continua ricerca di un Principio Unico.






































































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