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KANSAI LIGHT DECEMBER , 2007 ISSUE News letter of Sri Sathya Sai Organization Japan address: I.S.S, 2nd Fl, 1-3, Kumochi 5-Chome, Chuo Ku Kobe Tel: 078-222-1885, Email: rgcjp (Please print this copy for your reference) ................................................................................................................... Swami said that those who are today enrolled as Students are realy "RISHIS" OF THE PAST. Receiving their due in Kali Yuga. .................................................................................................................... GITA FOR CHILDRENPART 37(Continued from the previous issue) CHAPTER 17 26. ‘Let Me now get back to the subject of Gunas and fill in with a few details I have not covered earlier. I shall explain, with examples, how Gunas colour what people feel and do.’ 27. ‘Let Me start with food. As you know, some people live to eat while others eat to live. The Sattvic person is basically of the latter type. He is extremely careful about his food habits.’ 28. ‘To start with, a Sattvic person does not eat anything and everything. He eats only that which is healthy for the body. Not for him the popular junk foods!’ 29. ‘Next, he is very careful about cleanliness. Not only does he insist on the food itself being clean, but also his body. Thus, he would not eat without bathing, and would further take care to wash his hands and mouth before starting to eat.’ 30. ‘The Sattivic person would eat only at regular times, and in perfect moderation. No overeating for him. Further, before eating, he

would reverentially offer the food to God, and while eating he would remain silent, thinking about God.’ 31. ‘The Rajasic person is very different in his food habits. Addicted as he is to the pleasures of the world, he lets his tongue dictate his choice of food. He eats like a gourmet but pays for it all in the end! He does sometimes realise his mistake but by then it is too late!’ 32. ‘The Tamasic person is even worse. He is ready to eat anything and everything, and one shudders even to mention the kind of stuff he eats! Fool that he is, he doesn’t even bother to check if the food that he eats is adulterated or not.’ 33. ‘Let Me now turn to the different attitudes that people have to Yajna (sacrifice). The Sattvic person performs Yajna mainly

to invoke the blessings of God on one and all, which is very commendable.’ 34. ‘The Rajasic person performs Yajna both for show and to demand benefits from God. He almost considers the Yajna to be a business deal – “God I perform the Yajna and therefore You give me this and that!”’ 35. ‘The Tamasic person sinks even lower, getting even the procedures all wrong! As if this is not enough, he dares to makes evil demands on God! That is to say, he tries to convert Yajna into witchcraft!’ 36. ‘Next, I shall discuss the attitude of the three types to austerity. Austerity, as you know, is a kind of strict discipline, both mental and physical, aimed at internal purification, that is, purification of the Mind and the senses. Austerity covers all aspects – thought, word, and deed.’ 37. ‘Let me start with fasting, a common type of austerity. In accordance with the command of the scriptures, the Sattvic person not only fasts but also chants the Name of God all the time. This way, his stomach not only gets some rest – by the way, it is a

good idea to give some occasional rest to the stomach! – but by chanting the Name the man also sanctifies the act of fasting.’ 38. ‘Some Rajasic people also fast but all the time their mind is on when the fast would end and what type of goodies they can eat after that! One is at a loss to understand why these people fast at all! By the way, some even fast for pure stunt value!’ 39. ‘The Tamasic fellow too is perverted in his own way. Unable to understand what moderation means, he sometimes literally tortures his body in the name of observing austerities. This fool does not realise that by doing so, he is actually torturing Me!’ 40. ‘Thus Gunas make people do the same thing in many different ways, and with very different attitudes too. Let Me now move

on to the subject of charity.’ 41. ‘Properly performed, an act of charity is an expression of compassion. That is why the scriptures commend charity. While the Sattvic person offers charity the way it should be, with humility and no expectation of reward or benefit, the Rajasic person will make every effort to get all the mileage he can. He is a real stunt man, and goes all out for publicity! As for the Tamasic person, he makes sure he gives the wrong thing to the wrong person at the wrong time! Not only that, he often gives with utter contempt for the receiver!’ 42. ‘Arjuna, this world is a deceptive mix of Sat or Truth and Asat or untruth. Life is a journey where man has to avoid untruth and be guided by Truth. If man thinks he can do it all by himself, he is sure to get into all kinds of trouble

and problems. But if he reposes total faith in Me and worships Me with one-pointedness, then I will drive him through, even as I am now driving your chariot!’ ACT X SCENE 4 A few years pass. Sathya is now a bit older. The scene is Venkama Raju’s house in Puttaparthi. Seshama Raju has finished his work in Kamalpuram and has now moved on to Uravakonda. The members of the family are discussing what to do about Sathya. VENKAMA RAJU [to Easwaramma]: Easwari, our Seshama has been transferred to Uravakonda, and soon he will go there. It is good for Sathyam also to go there and continue His studies. That is the only way open. What do you say? EASWARAMMA: What am I to say? ….. You have already declared that it is good and the only way open. VENKAMA RAJU: Easwari, you don’t seem to like the idea. EASWARAMMA: I don’t know….I just don’t understand anything ……You first sent Him to Kamalapuram for study; and now you are saying Uravakonda. …..I only know that my child will be away from me, and that is causing me pain. Other than that, I’ve nothing to say. Who can understand a

mother’s anguish! Seshama Raju enters SESHAMA RAJU: Have no worry, mother. Sathyam will be with me and study under my care. Will not the elder brother feel responsible and be concerned about the welfare of his younger brother? EASWARAMMA: Did I not send him to Kamalapuram, believing you would be responsible? SESHAMA RAJU: Why then are you having doubts now about Uravakonda? EASWARAMMA: Seshama, it is not a question of doubts or hesitation……. I simply ask: Should a small boy have to go to so many places just to study? SESHAMA RAJU: Mother, one must go where opportunities for study are available. It is my responsibility to see that Sathyam is properly educated. Just leave it to me and stop worrying. VENKAMA RAJU: Seshama, as you say. EASWARAMMA: Seshama, look for a house with good water supply! SESHAMA RAJU: Mother, did I not tell you before that water scarcity was a problem with those other places? Tomorrow when I go to Uravakonda, my first priority to would be to look for a proper

house, OK? ….. Grandfather, why don’t you also come with us to Uravakonda? KONDAMA RAJU: Me? If you wish, you can come and see me here whenever you feel like it! For me, Puttaparthi is the entire Universe. ….. What do You say Sathyam? SATHYA: Not only for you, grandfather! No matter where I go, in the end I shall come back to Puttaparthi. Not only for Me but for one and all, this place is the entire Universe. SCENE 5 Sathya goes to Uravakonda with His elder brother Seshama Raju. He is admitted to the High School

there. The scene is the School Assembly that takes place before the classes commence. All the students are assembled there. The Head Master of the School asks Sathya to lead them all in prayer. HEAD MASTER: Students, we are reassembling after vacation for school commencement. We will start with a prayer song by Sathya Narayana Raju, a smart boy from the Kamalapuram High School who has now joined us. Sathyam, come here and sing the prayer song. Sathya sings, and His singing is greeted with loud applause. TEACHER: What a wonderful song! My boy, who wrote it? Is it Rabindranath Tagore? SATHYA: No Master, I wrote it. TEACHER: You wrote it! Such pure Sanskrit and at such a small age? Amazing! What beautiful lyrics, and how melodiously you sang! Very good, very good. HEAD MASTER: Students, this small song explains beautifully the concept of National Integration, as also Universal Love and Brotherhood. That is Sathyam’s greatness! From now on, Sathyam will lead the prayer sessions every day. Today’s session is over, and you may now go to your respective classes. ACT

XI SCENE 1 The scene is Seshama Raju’s house in Uravakonda. Sathya is at home. The new academic year has just commenced, and Seshama brings new notebooks for Sathya. SESHAMA: Sathyam, …..Sathyam, Here are Your notebooks. This one is for English, this one for Telugu, this for composition, this for mathematics, and this for rough work. When did they say they will give the text books? SATHYA: In another two or three days. SUSEELA [to husband]: You are just too much! This is only the first day, and He has just returned from attending a new School. Why talk books and lessons so soon? SESHAMA RAJU: Suseela, why does one go to School? Is it not for study? So, what’s wrong with my asking these questions? …[to Sathya] Well, have they started the lessons? SATHYA: Today, we had Telugu and geography lessons. SESHAMA:

Very good. Are You paying proper attention to the lessons, or are You thinking about poems and songs? SATHYA: I listen carefully in the class. And brother, I sang the prayer song. The Head Master liked it very much and has asked Me to sing the prayer song everyday. The Telugu Teacher asked Me who wrote the song. SESHAMA: Who wrote the song? SATHYA: I wrote it. SESHAMA: Fits in! …… That’s why I keep on stressing that what You need are not songs, poems and prayer but study. Study is most important; concentrate on that! SATHYA: Hmm. SUSEELA: Sathyam, what’s that prayer song? Sing it once. Sathya sings SESHAMA: Very good! You sang very well. SUSEELA: My dear boy, the song is very nice! SESHAMA: In addition to singing, concentrate also on Your studies. Mother and Father have entrusted You to my care. Therefore, study hard and make sure I get a good name! SATHYA: Have no fear, brother. In days to come You will know more about Me, and then you will recognise Who exactly I am. SESHAMA: I don’t want words but action! SATHYA: You will see for yourself! SCENE 2 Sathya’s class in the Uravakonda High School. TEACHER: Among the Nations of the world, our sacred land of Bharat has a unique place. Our culture and strict adherence to moral values have earned great fame for the country. You must speak in English about the greatness of Bharat. Can you explain the geographical greatness of our country? English only. Who will do it? You Suresh, ….. Gafar Khan, …… Krishna Rao, ……..Ramesh, …..Ramesh,…Subba Reddy, ….Bangaru…..Sit down, you useless

fellows! Is there no one who can say what I want in English? SATHYA: I can explain, sir. TEACHER: Yes? SATHYA: [speaks in English]. TEACHER: Very good! Did you notice how beautifully Sathyam spoke? And you, all of you are absolutely useless! Teaching you is like making an offering to stone. Yesterday, I wore my throat out, teaching you that lesson; and today, when I ask you to repeat it, you are all standing like flag-posts! …. I know how to punish all of you….Sathyam, come here….. Look, squeeze the nose

tight with Your left hand, and slap hard on the cheek with Your right. They will not get any sense till they are punished…….. Why this stony stare? These are Your teacher’s orders; go ahead and do as told. Teacher calls out the serial number of the students, while Sathya pretends to punish. This makes the teacher angry. TEACHER [to Sathya]: What’s the meaning of this? When I tell You to slap, You are patting their cheeks as if You are applying sandal paste! Don’t You know how to slap? … Come, I’ll show You…COME HERE! Teacher repeatedly slaps Sathya very hard. TEACHER: This way, this way, this way, this way! ………It is a student’s duty to obey the Teacher’s command, understand? Now go and sit in Your place. The bell rings, and the teacher leaves. Students then crowd around Sathya. RAMESH: Raju, why were You so silent when the Master was thrashing You so severely? You did not even cry; why? SATHYA: The teacher is Guru, and Guru is equivalent to God. It is therefore not proper to insult or show disrespect to the

teacher. The teacher did not punish Me for lack of knowledge of the subject. I was at fault; I did not exactly do what the teacher commanded Me to. SCENE 3 Seshama Raju’s house in Uravakonda. Seshama comes home from outside. He calls and his wife opens the door. As per Indian custom, he washes his feet before entering. His wife is concerned that Seshama is using too much water. SESHAMA: Suseela, …….Suseela! SUSEELA: Yes, …coming! Seshama washes his feet. SUSEELA: Great! There is only one pot of water left, and if that also is exhausted, we will have no water for tomorrow. SESHAMA: That’s no problem. We can always send Sathya to fetch more water; if He makes two trips, we will have four pots. Where is He? SUSEELA: It’s an hour since He went out. I sent Him to get a bundle of firewood, since our stock is exhausted. SESHAMA: I wonder whether He is fetching firewood or lost in storytelling. Sathya comes SUSEELA: There He comes, even as we are speaking about Him! SESHAMA: Why so much delay in getting the firewood? SATHYA: Brother, near our house there were

only small twigs. So I walked a mile to collect these. They are from the forest and will burn well. SESHAMA: Hmm…. There is no water in the house. Get up early in the morning, and bring four pots. Don’t forget! SATHYA: Brother, I don’t forget anything! SESHAMA: Alright. Deposit the firewood in the kitchen, wash Your hands and feet, and come. Your sister-in-law will give You something to eat. After that, go and study Your English lessons. Go now. (To be continued) ....................................................................................................................................A Sathya Sai Speak.4.p.98 ............................................................................. When we utilize our lives for good works. We win the grace of God. The grace may manifest as

higher awareness or even physical cures of illness. Sathya Baba miraculously saves many deserving devotees of terminal conditions and chronic infirmities. When such devotees plunge into service activities they may become eligible recipient for divine aid. Sathya Sai Baba has taken on himself the illnesses of staunch supporters. One such gentleman was spared from heart attack and massive stroke, when Baba assumed his illness while on a trip to Goa. Sathya Sai Baba has even re spored life to worthy devotees. Such was the case for Walter Cowan, and older American, who expired while visiting Baba in Madras. Sai Baba returned him to life in recognition of his devotion and service. Those who help others may also receive added time to the allotted span so that they may continue with service activities. Dr.John Hislop received a new lease of life when he suffered from a severe bladder blockade while in India in 1978. ..Other instances could be named. We should realize that our health can be influenced b our devotion and sincere efforts to serve others. Sathya Sai Speaks.4.p98 Sai Ram. ................................................................................................................................... Sudama Brahman. A School classmate of Krishna's, who later being impovershed visited Krishna in Dvaraka to ask him for aid, but asked Him nothing, and returned home and found his poor hut transformed into Palace.... The ‘Nectar of Devotion’ offers an illuminating summary of Lord Krishna’s spiritual qualities. By studying this great work in a spirit of devotion, we can enhance our appreciation for the Lord and thus develop the desire

to know His sublime friendship. For example, the ‘Nectar of Devotion’ explains that no one is more appreciative than Lord Krishna, as shown in His dealings with His friends. Once, a poor devotee named Sudama offered Krishna a few grains of rice. Because he was penniless, he was unable to present the Lord with a valuable gift, as was his desire, but because his humble offering was saturated with love, Krishna eagerly accepted it and ate it with great delight. Out of deep gratitude, Krishna reciprocated with Sudama by giving him more opulence than can be imagined even by the wealthiest person in this world, and in the end he was granted entrance into Krishna’s spiritual abode. Hearing of Krishna’s limitless capacity for appreciating and reciprocating the love of His devotees can inspire us to rekindle our friendship with Him. Lord Krishna is also the most faithful and considerate friend. He will never abandon us or allow us to feel neglected.

Although His propensity to love is so great that He desires to interact with countless living beings simultaneously, He can do so without neglecting even one of them. When He appeared on this earth, He expanded Himself, by His supreme mystic power, into many personal forms, giving spiritual bliss to each one of His sixteen thousand queens, each of whom thought that Krishna was residing with her alone. Another reason that God’s friendship is the most desirable relationship is that it is eternal. In the material world we may sometimes form a relationship with another person that seems to be of sterling quality, but even that soon fades like a dream. Since we are all Krishna’s servants, it is important for us to remember that any attempt to approach Him must be attended by a serving attitude. Just as the Lord, out of His kindness, is always busy

making arrangements for His devotees’ happiness, we must also try to act for His pleasure. This is the beginning of real love. And there is no loss for us if we agree to cultivate our devotional sentiments. In fact, serving Krishna is so pleasurable that Krishna Himself appeared in the form of a devotee, as Lord Caitanya Mahaprabhu, to taste this pleasure and to show us, by practical example, that there is no greater aspiration for the living being than to achieve Lord Krishna’ friendship .................................................................................................................................... Lighting Lamps with Water Sai Baba was incarnated with full Divine powers. But he called himself “ Servant of God,” and the supernatural feats that occurred at his hands, he ascribed to God Himself. He never called himself a Guru and had no disciples too. He had only his devotees. Every night, Baba used to light earthen lamps in the Dwarkamai. For this, he asked the grocers to give him oil. In the beginning, people looked upon Baba as a mad fakir and so the grocers gave him oil just for the fun of it. But soon they got fed up with this daily practice and one

day they all refused to give him oil. With the empty oil-tin dangling from his hand, Baba came back to Dwarkamai, with a merry song on his lips :- If no oil, I am not worried, Dwarkamai will supply the need. He put a little water in the oil-tin and poured it in the lamps and kindled them one by one. Lo…!b God said, let there be light And there was light! The ‘water-lamps’ burnt throughout the night. Those who had come to scoff remained to praise. This incident established the supernatural powers of Baba beyond a shred of doubt. .A Tribute to Colonel Joga Rao Kudos From Swami “All of you know him as Colonel Joga Rao, but I know him as Karma Yogi Joga Rao!” These were the words with which Swami decorated Col. Joga Rao after presenting him ceremonial kankanams (gold bracelets) and a silver salver, in front of the vast concourse of devotees assembled in the Hill View stadium to celebrate Bhagavan’s 65th Birthday celebrations. Some people live with such courage, verve and an endearing joy of life that it is an inspiration to all around them. Colonel S.P. Joga Rao was one such person. His high-spirited personality and openhanded nature endeared him to everyone. His brilliance, commitment and integrity at work earned him plaudits from the mighty and the scholarly. An eminent and vastly experienced engineer, Sri Joga Rao, will best be remembered for his yeoman contribution to the development of the Prashanti Nilayam and Brindavan ashram campuses and his close involvement in several of Bhagavan’s service projects. He was instrumental in the establishment of the Sri Sathya Sai Central Trust, a charitable trust under the guidance of Bhagavan, which has executed several mammoth welfare projects. How Col. Joga Rao Came to Swami S P Joga Rao enjoyed a successful tenure as Chief Engineer of Hindustan Aeronautics Ltd. (HAL), where he was responsible for much of its construction and commissioning. He also served in the armed forces where he rose to the rank of Colonel, and had been posted at many places all over India. Later he started a Civil Engineering and Consultancy Company along with a host of experts drawn from various fields of engineering, construction and management which was quite a successful venture. But, all this was just a training ground for the stupendous tasks he was to accomplish under the guidance of the ‘Architect of the Universe’. Destiny was to crown his life with a long and sweet association with the Lord come in human form. The divine call came in 1969. One day, Bhagavan visited the house of Sri Ramaswamy, a neighbour of Col. Joga Rao who was closely associated with service activities in Brindavan, Bhagavan’s ashram at Whitefield, Bangalore. Joga Rao, though a devotee of Lord Krishna from his childhood, had his reservations about men in ochre robes. So, although

his wife and he received an invitation to Sri Ramaswamy’s house to have Darshan of Bhagavan he was reluctant to go. He had already been annoyed when a few days prior to this, he found a photo of Bhagavan Baba in the altar of his house, which his wife had received from Smt. Ramaswamy. But, his wife persisted and so he went there. Bhagavan spoke very lovingly to him and invited him to Brindavan. Baba's gentle and warm demeanour touched Joga Rao's heart and he was drawn to Brindavan soon after that. The devotional ambience of the ashram and the discipline there had a profound impact on him. Bhagavan received him very affectionately. During the conversation, He casually mentioned to Joga Rao to associate himself with the construction work of the college building at Anantapur. The passionate engineering professional in Joga Rao responded positively and that marked the

beginning of a new chapter in his life. An Intimate Relationship… In the Nava Vida Bhakti (Nine stages of devotion) outlined in the ‘Narada Bhakti Sutra’, the stage of Sakhya Bhakti is the penultimate stage before the final merger of the individual self with the Absolute. In this stage, the devotee experiences the relationship of an intimate friend with the Lord, sporting with Him and losing

oneself in the bond of love with the Lord. Sri B N Narasimha Murty in Sathyam Shivam Sundaram V says, Col. Joga Rao was privileged, to enjoy such a relationship with Swami. Recalling this unique relationship Sri Joga Rao had with Swami, Sri V. Srinivasan, President, Sri Sathya Sai Seva Organizations, India, recalls, “Col. Joga Rao would intercede, to the extent that it was possible to do so, on behalf of many devotees with Bhagavan, which sometimes earned him reprimands from the Lord. He took them with a smile and would say to Bhagavan that He should extend his mercy to these people who were pining for His Grace. Bhagavan was also tolerant because He knew that Joga Rao was not asking anything

for himself but only for others.” He was a man with a fondness for eating and more prominently, for feeding others. Dr. Voleti Choudhary, a cardiac surgeon in Swami’s hospital, in an interview with Swami was witness to the Swami-Joga Rao relationship and this is what he narrates, “In our later interview, Swami’s attention slowly shifted to playfully teasing the colonel, especially about his eating habits. Joga Rao mildly protested that he eats so much only because Bhagavan feeds him so much. I was very fascinated by the dynamics between Bhagavan and Joga Rao. Though he was 85 years old, Joga Rao responded to Bhagavan like a child being overwhelmed by the attention he gets from his loving parents

..” “Joga Rao, They Are Not Coming!” Sri Joga Rao was quite often at the receiving end of many of Bhagavan’s “practical jokes”. Sri B N Narasimha Murthy, currently the Warden of the Brindavan hostel, and who has been associated with Swami for more than four decades recalls an amusing incident, “When the document of the Sri Sathya Sai Central Trust was to be registered at Hyderabad in 1972, Bhagavan asked Joga Rao to coordinate all the related work apart from organising His visit to the city. It was obligatory that the members of the Trust be present at the time of registration. Therefore

Joga Rao called up the Rajamata of Nawanagar who was at Bombay, to come to Hyderabad along with Sri Nani Palkhiwala and Sri Indulal Shah. The Rajamata conveyed to Joga Rao the same evening by telephone that she would be coming to Hyderabad with Sri Indulal Shah. She also informed him that Palkhiwala who had gone out of station would not be able to make it to Hyderabad. Since Bhagavan had had already retired by that time, Joga Rao could not convey the message to Him. When Joga Rao went to the post office next morning along with Sri Prasada Rao, then the State President of Sri Sathya Sai Organisations of Andhra Pradesh, he found a telegram sent by the Rajamata to Bhagavan confirming her arrival. When they met Swami and handed over the telegram to Him, He read it and said, “Joga Rao, they are not coming!” Puzzled and bewildered, Joga Rao read the telegram again and again. According

to the telegram, what Baba had said was right! Joga Rao showed the telegram to Prasada Rao; they looked at each other in wonder and stood speechless. But during their lunch with Swami, He laughed and gave them the telegram again. It bore the same words they had read at the post office!” That was Baba's way of playing a joke on them! Yes, of course, the Rajamata arrived at Hyderabad with Indulal Shah on time and the registration of the Trust was completed. Selfless Service – Joga Rao’s Passport to Swami Col. Joga Rao once said to Swami, “I do not know how to do meditation or sing bhajans or do penance, but I can only do selfless service.” Swami promptly told him, “That is why you are so dear to me; whereas everyone chants 'Sai Ram' 'Sai Ram' , I call 'Joga Rao', 'Joga Rao' so often.” It was this selfless service and uncompromising zeal for excellence in

work that earned him the confidence of Bhagavan. With Swami’s guidance, he set about improving the amenities for devotees in Prashanti Nilayam and Brindavan. He plunged with enthusiasm into the task of planning and constructing the campuses of the Sri Sathya Sai Institute of Higher Learning at Prashanti Nilayam, Anantapur and Whitefield. At the age of 85, when most people would rather spend their time in quietude reminiscing about the sunny days they had spent, Joga Rao dedicated himself to fulfilling the declaration Bhagavan made on the eve of His 70th birthday in His discourse on the 22nd November 1990, that in a year’s time a massive hospital would be constructed near Prasanthi Nilayam, that would bring top notch medical care to the poorest of the poor. Courage, Capability, Efficiency and Joga

Rao Dr. Safaya, Director of the Sri Sathya Sai Institute of Higher Medical Sciences since its inception, recalls: “I remember when in April 1991, he showed me the stretch of land, which the Trust had acquired for building the hospital and its campus, I felt utterly frustrated because before me was a completely desolate, uneven and even a bit hilly, semi-arid land of nearly100 acres. To clear this area and to flatten it would take several years! We had very little time and Bhagavan had declared that the Hospital would be built and be functional by 22 nd November, 1991. I had a strong urge to run away and go back to Delhi. It was Col. Joga Rao, who convinced me that all would be done on schedule and he did it. It stands before all of us now as a living testimonial to his courage, capabilities, and

efficiency.” But, there were times when Joga Rao himself was racked with doubts about the completion of the Hospital project. In the summer of 1991, Bhagavan was at ‘Sai Sruti’, the beautiful mandir overlooking the scenic lake at Kodaikanal. In fact, the foundation work for the building was just commencing at the time Bhagavan left Prashanti Nilayam for Kodaikanal. Joga Rao came to Kodaikanal after a three day stay at Chennai for some work in connection with the Hospital project. Sri B.N. Narasimha Murthy, Warden of the boys hostel at the Brindavan campus of Sri Sathya Sai Institute of Higher Learning, who was sharing the room with him at ‘Sai Sruti’ says, “He looked very

tired and went to bed quite early that evening after dinner. When I woke up around two in the morning, one of the lights was on, and I found Joga Rao sitting on his cot with his hands clutching the forehead, and eyes closed. I could make out that he was very uncomfortable. I sat up and asked him, “Sir, can I help you? You seem to have a bad headache.” “Yes, I have a headache; but it is a different kind of headache!” replied Joga Rao. “Can I be of any help, sir?” I persisted. “None except Swami can do anything to cure me of this headache!” Joga Rao sounded very categorical. More out of sympathy for me than anything else, he continued, “How will

the hospital building be completed before November? There are so many problems.” That was his headache! There was nothing I could do about it, but I felt overawed by his concern and anxiety over the work that was very dear to Swami’s heart. He was working very hard to meet the deadline set by Bhagavan’s declaration about the hospital on His previous birthday. With these thoughts hovering in my mind, I lay down and slept. Next morning during the breakfast, Swami asked Joga Rao, “Joga Rao, you didn’t have good sleep last night. Isn’t it so?” “Swami, You know everything,” submitted Joga Rao. “Why are you losing sleep over what I have promised?”

“Swami, sometimes I get worried.” “Joga Rao, you have no reason to worry. Rest assured that the project will be completed on time. The land of Bharath is Yoga Bhoomi, Thyaga Bhoomi and Punya Bhoomi. Anyone undertaking any work in this great land with selfless intention will be successful without any doubt. Men, money and materials which are required for the completion of the work, will

come by themselves. It is not only in the case of Swami, but it is so with anyone who is completely selfless!” declared Bhagavan. Those words of assurance cleared the clouds of worry and doubt from the mind of Joga Rao. Those who were witnesses to the divine scene in the dining hall in Sai Sruti felt truly blessed.’ A Revelation In the End… In the end, as we all know, the Divine Will prevailed over all obstacles, and the magnificent edifice of the Sri Sathya Sai Institute of Higher Medical Sciences that stands at Prasanthi Gram, about five kilometers from Prashanti Nilayam was inaugurated exactly a year after Bhagavan’s declaration, on 22nd November 1991, with four operations being conducted successfully on the very first day. Col. Joga Rao was

to say later, “Baba plans each construction work as a simple project and gradually develops it after careful scrutiny. If He wants a project to be completed by a particular date, it will be completed by that time. That is the power of His sankalpa (Divine Will). There may be any number of problems, but the project will be completed by the date set by Him!” Col. Joga Rao garlanding the president of India, Dr. Shankar Dayal Sharma during the 70th Birthday

celebrations of Bhagawan “I have already received the highest honour….” – Sri Joga Rao It was this unshakeable faith in Swami’s divinity that allowed him to take up the implementation of Bhagavan’s project to supply pure drinking water to the water scarce district of Anantapur in 1994. The depth of his devotion to Swami can be understood from the fact that when he was offered a National Award to be received from the hands of the President of India in recognition of his services, he politely refused saying, “I have already received the highest honour from the Lord Himself. It would not be appropriate for me to even think of accepting any other

award!" That is truly Karma Yogi Joga Rao. It was in these and many other ways that Joga Rao experienced the divine nature of Swami. The greatest fortune conferred on Joga Rao by the Lord was to be His friend and devotee when He is on earth in the human form. The wonderful relation that this engineer enjoyed with the Avatar is unsurpassed for its charming intimacy. He was privileged to be witness to that astounding incident when Swami revealed His true form to a select group of devotees at Ooty, on the day of Mahasivarathri in 1978. On the previous Mahashivaratri in 1977, observing the difficulties of the mammoth crowd of devotees surging forward to have a glimpse of the Lingodbhava at Prashanti Nilayam, Bhagavan had announced that He would be

cancelling further public celebration of the festival and that the devotees could celebrate the holy day in their own places from next year onwards. The next Mahashivaratri was on Thursday, the 7th of March 1978 . Even as devotees were wondering where He would be on that sacred day, He went away to Ooty during the early hours of the morning of 4th March with a very small contingent of students and devotees. He left Ooty on the 7th and proceeded to Mudhumalai forest, which is on the way to Mysore . He broke journey at the guesthouse on the top of a small hill in the forest. After breakfast, Baba walked on to the beautiful meadow in front of the guesthouse and posed for photographs with every member of the party. A Polaroid camera was used by a student to

click the photographs. The photos were given to the members instantly. Finally, Baba asked the student to click His photograph. The lower part of His orange robe had been caught in the twigs of a bush. Before the camera clicked, Smt. Ratanlal rushed forward to set right the folds of the robe. Everyone was astonished when Bhagavan shouted at her loudly, "Don't touch Me!" and she retreated quickly. After the camera clicked, Baba held the photo coming out of the camera and gave it to Joga Rao. As he held it in his palm, the picture developed gradually. But what did he see? In the place where he had expected to see Baba's form in orange robe, there stood a young figure in the black and white photo. The form, which wore a white flowing garment, had three heads and six hands! Each arm was holding an insignia of Divinity. The lower left arm bent at the elbow, was resting on the back of a majestic young cow. There were four dogs in the background. The face in the centre was that of Baba! It was the form of Lord Dattatreya as described in ancient Indian texts, the integrated form of the Trinity - Brahma, Vishnu and Maheshwara! That was His real form! After all eyes had feasted on that incredible creation and all hearts had registered the rare revelation, the photo vanished. Bhagavan confirmed while speaking to the students at Brindavan the next morning that it was indeed His true form. He also clarified that Smt. Ratanlal would not have survived if she had touched Him then! A Pair of Protecting Hands Another instance, when Bhagavan revealed His Omniscience and Omnipotence to Joga Rao was recounted to us by Dr. A. Sudhir Bhaskar, professor in the School of Business Management, Accounting and Finance at Bhagavan’s University. Joga Rao was returning to Prashanti Nilayam after visiting some officials at Anantapur. But, even as they were hurrying back, they were caught in a heavy downpour. But, Joga Rao was eager to apprise Swami of all that had transpired and he prodded the driver on in spite of the reduced visibility. Just as they entered the Sathya Sai Taluk, their car entered a ditch and to their horror they were being swept away in the current onto one side of the

road. It was precisely at this moment they experienced as if there was a big tug and the car was moving in the direction of the road as if being pushed from behind. Joga Rao and another person seated in the back seat could see a pair of hands on the rear windscreen pushing the car to safety. To continue the incident, the car miraculously started and the party reached the Mandir safely and Col. Joga Rao came to know that Swami had enquired about him before retiring for the day. When the colonel went to “update” Bhagavan, Swami straight away said, “Joga Rao you should not have instructed the driver to drive car in the overflowing road. What would have happened if the car were to fall into the ditch?” The astounded colonel could only mumble words of gratitude. Later that day he remarked to the co-passenger “If you do Swami’s work perfectly, Swami will protect

you”. This protecting Hand of Bhagavan was to come to the Colonel’s rescue on many more occasions. Once, Joga Rao developed severe chest pain with all the symptoms of a heart attack. He was rushed to a reputed private hospital in Bangalore, where he was kept in the Intensive Care Unit. Meanwhile, during the afternoon Darshan at Prashanti Nilayam, Bhagavan told the students and a few elders who had gathered in the portico of the mandir, "Joga Rao is not well. I have to go to Bangalore and see him." The driver got ready with the car; His departure to Bangalore was imminent. Baba went into

His room, came out after sometime and announced, "I went and saw Joga Rao; he is alright. I sat by his side on the bed and he was upset that no chair was provided for Me!" When Joga Rao's son-in-law went to see him late in the afternoon, Joga Rao told him, "Swami came here and blessed me. He sat on my bed since no chair was placed for Him." A few days later, after Joga Rao was shifted to a suite from ICU, Bhagavan travelled to Bangalore and visited him in the hospital. Another instance concerns his eldest daughter, who had to undergo a hysterectomy. The doctors were contemplating removing one of her kidneys as they had the apprehension that it may malfunction. Joga Rao went to Prashanti Nilayam and met Bhagavan. Even before he could utter anything to Baba, He said, "Joga Rao, there

is no need for removing the kidney. Be assured that everything will go well." He also materialised Vibhuti for his daughter and gave it to him. When he went to meet his daughter in the nursing home the next morning, she was beaming with smiles; she said, "Father, please give me the Vibhuti. Swami came here last night and said that my kidney would not be removed and that He would send Vibhuti for me!" Needless to say, everything was alright thereafter. The Simplicity and Large Heartedness of Col. Joga Rao Colonel Joga Rao’s

lively and charismatic personality and the close relationships he formed with those around him are the stuff of legend. Dr. Narendranath Reddy, Chairman, International Medical Committee, had these words to say about Col. Joga Rao: “He had child-like simplicity. Even though he was physically close to Swami, he would heartily talk and laugh with a child or old man, a millionaire or a poor servant, a scholar or illiterate with the same gusto and tempo. Even after having sumptuous lunch or dinner with Swami, he would not hesitate to invite himself for a tasty dish with devotees. His favorite was “pesarattu” (pancake made with whole green gram) from my mother. He used to joke ‘I eat and Swami digests for me.’ His favourite hobby was to feed his guests sumptuously with tasty dishes. He retained this zest for life even when he was physically ailing and bed-ridden and had to be

physically away from Swami. Even then he would welcome devotees come to pay him a visit and regale them with his memorable experiences with Bhagavan.” The Singularly Fortunate…Sri Joga RaoOn 31st August 2005, Colonel Joga Rao shed his mortal coil to be one with his beloved Swami. Bhagavan lovingly sent a silk dhoti to drape over his body on its final journey. Many are the tributes that have been paid to this blessed soul. Sri C. Sreenivas

who has for years been on the council of members of the Sri Sathya Sai Central Trust, said of him, “The Grace, kindness and love showered and shown by Bhagavan to Shri Joga Rao in his long association will remain unparalleled. To be a recipient of Grace is a Blessing and good fortune. To have been a recipient like Sri Joga Rao was so rare and privileged that the Divine singularly chose to confer. His life will remain a memorable saga.” In His discourse to the public on the occasion of his 70th birthday, Bhagavan said, “There should be many more karma jivis and karma yogis like Joga Rao in Bharat in the coming years. Everyone should become a karma yogi. That Karma gets transformed into Dharma. That Karma will sanctify human life.” His life will always be a source of inspiration to all of us to dedicate our lives in the service of the Lord sincerely and selflessly. - Hari S and The H2H Team ......................................................................................................... A dacoit is forgiven and a sadhak's prayer is answered Bhagavan was giving his evening darshan when two people, one a Chambal dacoit and another a practicing sadhaka were sitting together for darshan. When Bhagavan came towards them, the dacoit got up and handed over a letter to Baba, who just saw the envelope and threw it back --at the sadhak. Similarly Baba took the sadhak’s letter and threw it at the dacoit. As soon as Baba went into the interview room, the dacoit demanded the sadhaka to give back the letter. Sadhak refused saying “It is Bhagavan Baba’s prasad to me.” Later both started fighting and created chaos. The crowd intervened and convinced the dacoit to stop fighting. One of Baba’s old devotees took both the envelopes and opened them. In the envelope given to the dacoit (which was originally the sadhaka’s letter), there was a Rs.500/-- note. The other letter with the sadhaka (originally belonging to the dacoit) contained the same paper on which he had written his letter but it was empty with all previous matter erased. Both sat the next day in darshan lines and Baba came to them

and said -- BABA to the dacoit: “You had faith in me. You wrote all your sins on that sheet of paper and said if I accepted it, all your sins would be forgiven. The letter you gave me came back to you empty. That shows that I’ve forgiven your sins. Just like the letter is empty to be written a new, start your life afresh.” BABA to the sadhak: “You had my darshan for 7 days. You have exhausted all your money here. In your letter, you asked for money to go back home. What I’ve given you is

enough to reach you home and fill your stomach on the way.” Both fell at Baba’s feet and returned home with Baba firmly affixed in their mind. A letter from Howard Murphet In answer to the many false rumors that are presently circulating Dear Devotees, My good friends - or some of them - in the Sai movement have

expressed the opinion that the present time is really the dividing of the ways, "the sifting of the chaff from the grain", or what the Bible might call the dividing of the sheep from the goats. Whichever the way we see it, this is a difficult time for some people, especially for those followers of Sai Baba who are fairly new. The youth memebers sing enthusiastically The "Teacher" with His class! Many of you will have read some of my books, so you know perhaps that I am probably the first from the Western world to come to Sathya Sai Baba. I came as a Western skeptic and stayed with Him, or near Him, for some six years, trying to solve the problem of His identity and why He is here in the world. I returned to the West, but I have been back many times, pulled by the strong magnet of what an Avatar is. I have studied His relationship to ordinary human beings in the world, and how His purpose is to lead those who are ready to their own inner Guru, or the God within. I did not immediately accept Him as an Avatar, but did so after He taught me, in a humble manner, what an Avatar is, and how we are all Avatars, descendants from God,

without being aware of it. As I stayed on, I became more and more certain that He was indeed an Avatar. This is not based on the fact that He materialises things. I know that there are others in India who have the siddhis (occult powers) for materialisation. Some of them are masters on the right path, others on the left hand path of the black magicians. In most cases they have trained servants in the astral realm who carry things for them, as they desire. I mean material objects such as trinkets, food and so on. So you might say that the fact that Swami materialises things is really no proof that He is an Avatar of God. In His case, though, He goes further than that. He does what only a Being bearing the Christ consciousness, or the Divine consciousness on earth can do, and I

have witnessed many of these phenomena. One instance is the conversion of one type of matter to another, which labels Him as a 'Master of matter'. One such instance that I was witness to, was the conversion of a piece of granite rock into edible candy, while the rock never left my sight. I examined it before, and afterwards ate some of it. Only the Divine One can do such a thing as that. Another He did, when the necessity arose, was to convert a bucket of ordinary water, drawn from a well nearby, into a bucketful of petrol by stirring the water with His forefinger. It was then poured into the petrol-tank of the car, and the car continued on the journey, using the petrol that Swami had converted from water. These incidents, and other juggling of the atoms to change one type of matter to another, are things that convince me of His divine consciousness, which shows that He is

the Master of matter - being able to create it, convert it, and destroy it. When He produces a Sivalingam from inside Himself - which I saw Him do as long ago as 1966 - if there is nobody present worthy of receiving the lingam, then He dematerialises it. This happens when there is no one who will faithfully do the regular pujas (rituals) that are required to keep the lingam auspicious. In other words, He then sends it back to the unmanifest. This might be called the destruction of matter. You must have read about all of this in my books, yet the greatest of His miracles is the Divine Love by which he brings about a deep change in the nature of people, His followers. I have described this inner change which might be called the 'birth of the divine Child within us', or the initiation into Divine Life. Many, many people, throughout the years, have been changed in this way, this

deep-rooted inner change is really your first step on the homeward journey. Then there is the great compassion of Sai Baba, which requires miraculous action for its fulfilment. You have read in one of my books that some years ago - in fact in 1982 - when I was diagnosed as having an incurable disease, I prayed very earnestly to Sai Baba, my Guru. I was in a beautiful room in the Adelaide Hills, while Sai Baba (in the body) was of course at that time in India at His ashram. My prayer was so intense that after a sleep on a couch where the sun was shining through the windows, I woke up to see Swami's head and arm as it circled over me, and I knew that He had come and that this was a healing gesture. I saw it in that brief time between sleep and being fully awake, which, as you

may have heard, is a time when everybody has a short period of clairvoyance. When that short period passed, His hand and body disappeared from my vision, but He was still there in the room. I knew this by the unbelievably soul-moving sense of the luminous in the room. In fact the room was filled by it, and it penetrated the wall to where my wife was sitting in the breakfast room, and then when Swami left, the luminosity went too. This is what ancient Romans called "sense of the Presence of the Divine" (the luminous or lumina). Well, I knew then that I was cured of the disease, and tests afterwards proved that this was so. There are people I know who have had the clairvoyant vision of Swami's subtle form, almost every day, and He has the power to appear in more than one place at a time. When He was younger, He used to go into a trance in order to make the necessary

out-of-body journeys to help people. But, for many years now, He carries on with whatever He is doing, while sending out a subtle form to do whatever is required for accomplishing His work of helping mankind. Of this I have had many proofs, and I have no doubt whatsoever about it. Through these experiences and my contemplation of them, I have come to a firm, unshakable conviction that we have with us, in Sathya Sai Baba, one of the greatest Avatars of all time. All these petty and ridiculous allegations that are circulating about One who is God - One whom we should realise cannot be measured with the measuring tape of the ordinary human mind - I find myself paying no heed to whatsoever. They arise through the activities of some egos, anxious either to bring the Great One down to their own level, so that their own personal egos may grow, as they try to climb the ladder of

Divinity. At the same time, they are serving the dark forces that are battling hard today against the Light that the Avatar is shedding on earth. I know, too, that He is being supported by many workers in the force-field of light, such as the Ascended Masters, two of whom I had much to do with while I was researching the biographies of the outward founders of the Theosophical Movement. They are Master El Moya and Master Kuthumi, who are two of the most powerful masters behind the launching of the Theosophical society in the last century. Their purpose, in their own words, was "to turn the crest wave of intellectual thought, that was being enlarged by the rapid growth of science during the latter half of the last century, to turn this - or at least some of it - towards the spiritual shores instead of letting it all break on the rocks of materialism." These two great Ascended Masters have given the weight of their spiritual perception and knowledge, to confirm what I myself, and many others throughout the world, have experienced. I feel beyond doubt that we are greatly honoured to have an Avatar of the calibre of Sai Baba on earth amongst us today. The two Masters stated in the book, 'The Light will Set You Free' that, "Avatar Sai Baba is carrying the Divine Consciousness in the world today." Another great Indian saint and seer, about whom you have all read in the "Autobiography of a Yogi", by Paramahamsa Yogananada, is Ananda Mayi Ma, whose photo is in the book. She has stated to a Sai devotee that, "Sai Baba is not only a great Avatar, but the Greatest that has ever walked the earth." No doubt many people may waver, and other faithless ones may turn away from the Avatar, but it will not change His mission, which is to raise the consciousness of people in the world. When enough of them have evolved, it will bring about a quantum leap in the consciousness of humanity, and thus start the new Age of Truth (the Sathya Yuga). I can only tell you my own convictions in this matter, and let you make your own decision as to which road to travel. One leads to the Light, and the other to the darkness through which the world has suffered during the long centuries of the Kali Yuga. It is entirely your choice of course, but I pray that you may make the right one, and lead as many others as you can to choose likewise. Those working against the Avatar, unless they go to the unredeemable level of being demonic, will

some day, in some life, come back to the Divine Feet. This I pray for as I send them my love. God bless you, Sai Ram. Howard Murphet, through whose books countless people have been drawn to Sathya Sai Baba, is now 95 years of age. He has been blind now for many years, but still writes, using a Dictaphone from which others then transcribe. ...................................................................................... Ever Effervescent Anil Kumar Narrating the scintillating story of His Glory In narrating the story of the Sri Sathya

Sai Avatar, one can miss mentioning the name of anyone but not that of Anil Kumar (AK). How beautifully, tactfully, colourfully and resourcefully he manages situations, no matter what they be! At times it might seem as if Swami is withdrawn; AK alone would be able to break the ice. At times, Swami might be annoyed with some breach of discipline and even as we would be fearing the worst, AK would skilfully save the day by bringing up some subject that would ‘distract’ Swami’s attention and make Him smile again. On other occasions, with a few strategic moves, AK would brilliantly shift Swami into a story-telling mood, recalling great events of the past. I have had the honour and pleasure of watching AK at close quarters on many occasions, adjusting to the changing moods of Swami with unbelievable speed, injecting life and gaiety whenever required, as only he can. Blessed

are those who are able to share intimacy with the Lord, but among all these, AK is not only special but uniquely so. Others might fail to get mention in many versions of the Sai Bhagavatham that undoubtedly will be treasured in the centuries to come, but of one thing I am absolutely sure. No version dare miss mentioning him; I would go so far as to say that any Sai Bhagavatham without mention of AK would be incomplete! Meanwhile, the boys who had yielded place to eat separately downstairs would hurry to Swami’s presence, crowding into the already crowded room. That’s when Swami would start asking questions about who ate what and how much for breakfast. This was always a lively session since Swami would make humorous comments all the way. He would then turn to the elders, sparing most but never missing AK. The Divine Mother was always concerned about His young fledgelings! Used as he was to this routine from so

many trips, AK would be at his unabashed best, praising many a dish and making a full disclosure of what all he ate. I am tempted to recall here my experience while visiting Delhi and Bombay in 1999 as a member of Swami’s party, with AK as my unforgettable roommate. In Delhi, Swami stayed with the Kulwant Rai family [yes, the same Kulwant Rai after whom the Sai Kulwant Hall is named]. At breakfast time we would all be seated around the same table, with Swami of course at the head of the table. He would finish His Divine nibbling very quickly and then go round the table for a chat - a kind of roving Interview! He would walk towards where AK and myself were seated and standing behind both of us, would make enquiries about what he ate and what he did not. AK, of course, was the veteran of many such trips and he would therefore carefully skip many items in the first round of

serving, to be in readiness when Swami came around. And sure enough Swami, like a concerned mother, would start ordering various items to be served to AK. Fortunately, Swami would be so focussed on AK and that would mercifully spare me! I am a poor eater and simply cannot face up to overeating. AK, on the other hand, would be ready with a sufficiently empty stomach, to deal with this kind of situation, taking great care to make Swami very happy by accepting everything that was served to him on specific Divine command. It was a command performance really, most entertaining in view of the lively dialogue between Swami and AK, and gave all of such wonderful memories and stories to tell for years! God knows whom to choose for what part in His Divine Drama. ....................................................................................................... Becoming One With Him ........................................................ Spiritual Experiences Seeing Sai in the world means being with Him all the time and offering everything to him. By always asking, "Is this what Swami wants?" he becomes a constant companion and closest friend.To accomplish this closeness, our efforts must be intense,sincere, and steady even through adversity. Dr. Hislop once asked Swami, "Why, after many years of sadhna (Spiritual discipline) have I not yet attained self-realization?Swami answered with one word, "Intensity".Sai Baba spoke about an unusual incident that happened about one hundred years ago in India. It illustrates the fact that all consuming closeness with God can actually make us one with Him. This closeness is achieved when we offer everything to God with no other thought and

with renunciation of all attachments. It also cautions us that the path can be trying. Out of thin air, a dung ball mysteriously flew and splattered all over the statue of Krishna Swami then spoke of a poor woman who took to the task of cleaning her humble abode in a

disciplined manner everyday. She would sweep the floor of her house with a dung ball, which had antiseptic properties. When she was finished, she took the remaining ball of dung in her hand and threw it out of the back door with a prayer on her lips,offering it to Lord Krishna with all love.She thanked Him for giving her strength to clean her house, for the cleanliness in her house, and for the means by which she could clean her house.At the same time that the woman offered the dung ball to Krishna in this manner, a strange event occurred in the temple in the middle of the town. In this temple, there was a small statue of Krishna hanging on the wall. The priest was amazed to see that each day at the same time, out of thin air, a dung ball mysteriously flew through the air and splattered all over the statue of Krishna.The priest was incensed by such an occurrence and could not understand from where the dung ball came. Thinking that someone in the

village must be behind this incident, he searched the village night and day for the culprit.He heard of a woman living nearby who threw a dung ball out of the back door of her home at the same moment the dung splattered on the Krishna sThe priest hid behind tree and watched the woman's home for few days. Sure enough, each day he saw her sweep her home with the dung ball and throw it out of her back door into the yard. He concluded that she must be the culprit.Infuriated, he picked up a stick, jumped over the fence of the yard, and fell upon the woman, beating her badly. The woman's arm was broken and bleeding and she wept in pain. The priest satisfied that he had protected Krishna, proudly walked back to the temple.He was sure that the statue would be clean this day. However, to his surprise, the arm of Lord Krishna had been broken and appeared to be bleeding. This was in reciprocation to the brutal treatment of the woman by the priest. Her

selfless and holy offering to Krishna made her one with Him. Not understanding this, the priest has actually attacked his Lord. Aware of the fact and repenting for his brutal behaviour, the priest fell at the statue's feet and prayed for forgiveness. He learned that any offering done with a pure heart reached the Lord and the selfless act ultimately result in merging the two thereby abolishing duality. He also learned that God resides in the hearts of all.LORD KRISHNA...SHORT STORY. ................................................................................................................................... Mamaivamsho Jeeva Loke Jeeva Bhootha Sanatanaha. God is one and everything and everyone are reflections of God. Rama, Krishna, Allah, Jesus - all these are only names of the same God. To know this Truth is more important than doing all sadhana, charity, etc. Follow this Truth and victory is certain. "Ekam Sath Viprah Bahuda Vadanti." The Truth is one alone. All the rest will pass away like clouds. And anything done with the changeless Truth in heart, becomes Dharma. Nowadays, the times are such that we notice a new trend. Boys falling in love with boys and girls falling in love with girls. They live and behave like husband and wives. But how long is this? Maybe one or two years. Later all

change. It is only for temporary satisfaction of the senses. When you love anyone, know that you are loving God. But that love is not permanent. It will change. True Love is changeless. The moment body is gone, who is related to whom? The body has senses and it is bound to fall. It is never permanent. But the Dehi, indweller, is permanent. The indweller has no birth or end; no bondage or liberation. Today is the day to begin a new life... This Dehi is Sathya Swaroopa. While leaving the body at Shirdi, Baba said, "Do not take this body as the basis. It will be gone. And then, none should cry. It is but natural that it will perish. Experience it as long as it lasts and then remember, it was only a dream." After Baba left His mortal coil, the body was kept for three days with the hope that He may come back. It was Abdul Khan who reminded, "Let us all remember what Baba told us." It was then that the body was taken from Chaavadi to the Samadhi. Remember, the body has its

limitations. Each day, we are moving closer to the end of the body. So keep love as the most important and fill your hearts with the Truth. Follow Dharma. These are the coins given by Baba. Sathya and Dharma are the most important. Keep them with you day and night - in all the three worlds and the three periods of time. It is no use to just verbalise all this. It is most important to work. No use speaking with the mouth, speak with your heart. Then alone will all this get imprinted. Lakshmibai's daughter asked her for the coins but she said, “It has to go back to the giver." All the activities that are done are only to sanctify time. But if you want to sanctify your life, you have to follow these two - Sathya and Dharma. Remember that you are all sparks of God. No other sadhana is as important

as following these. Turning beads without transforming the mind is of no use. Whatever you say or do, base it on Truth. Discourses and the study of scriptures are only for Kaala Sarthakam (sanctifying time). For Janma Saarthakam (Life's fulfillment) develop a relationship with God. God's Love will never change. It is permanent. Develop that. Do not have any differences. Do not differentiate based on religion. All the different names and forms belong to the same God. The Matham (religion) is never bad. It is the Mathi (mind) that makes all the confusion and negative. Matham is that which purifies the Mathi. Very soon the whole country is going to be united. All will live as brothers and sisters for that is the Truth. Swami often tells, "Lead your life with Sathya and Dharma" (Swami then sang the song Sathya Dharmamu Santhi Premalatho).

That’s all that needs to be done. The Vijayadashami day is one to begin a new life. Swami concluded His discourse with the song "Bhaja Govindam". He then settled in the chair and asked for bhajans to be sung. Two bhajans were sung after which Swami received Aarthi and left the Kulwant Hall. Part of Swami's discourse. ..................................................................................................................................... Sai Ram, Human Values...very enlighting story on "Gurukuls" ........................................................................................................ This story is on human values and very enlightening story and share with children... In olden times,boys used to go to"Gurukukls" means spiritual school for education and living there with Guru(teachers) for many years for their education.When the people had gathered the knowledge and wisdom they would return to parents...They went back home but with the blessings of their Teachers (Guru,s) blessings and settled down in life. With Swami in the sylvan Ooty Once, two people, who were to leave the school for home, went to Guru (teacher) and said Sir, please tell us

what gift we may give you as our teacher as a present. The teaches was pleased with the pupils "love and gratitude". He too loved them because of their devotion,discipline and sense of duty. However he decided to add a little more test to his pupils wisdom. So he said to them "Dear Children, go into the forest behind our school and bring me some dry leaves for which no one had any use. The students wondered why their teacher asked this strange gift. But being quite obedient, they left for the forest behind the school as their teacher wanted them. As soon as they entered forest, they came near small heap of dry leaves under tree. When they picking some of them, an old farmer came running to them and said. "Please put those leaves back into the heap. I have collected them. I am taking them to my field. When I burn them, their ashes will make

excellent manure which will enable me to have a rich corp of food Student left and went further. They saw three women collecting dry leaves and putting them in a basket. What do you do with these dry leaves? asked the students. Dear brothers one women said We use them as fuel to heat water for bath and for washing our clothes.We also pin the betel leaves together with reed-pin and make them dinner plates for temples serving food.. Another women said I earn money thus to feed my children . Another women said My husband who special in herbal medicines He Cures many ailments with dry leaves.So please don't take them The students went still further, into the forest. They saw some dry leaves under a tall tree. As both were looking at them, a big bird swooped down and picking up one leaf and flew away. The students watched the bird carrying the

leaf to the top of a small tree near-by, where it was building a nest of dry leaves and grass.The did now wish to take away the dry leaves which were useful to the bird. The students decided to go back to the teacher and report. On the way they saw a small pond in which a dry leaf was floating on the water. "There is big dry leaf which is of no use to any one. They went to the pond and picked the leaf. To their surprise they saw two big red ants moving on it As one of them held the leaf in the hand, the ants stopped moving as though to say.please don't take "This dry leaf has been our life-boat.But without it, we would have got drowned in the pond. Student thereafter, gave up their vain pursuit and returned to school. In a sad tone they said sir we found that even dry leaves have so many uses that we could not bring them to

you. All the dry leaves we saw were being used for some purpose. Please forgive us for not brining gift you asked for. Dear Children replied the teacher, I have received your Guru-Dashing (Present) The knowledge you have gathered today is my present to you. Even a dry leaf is of great use and help to man,bird and insect. How much precious should man,s body be, when put to good use. So take care of your body your health, and use is to make your life as well as the lives of others happy. Never miss a chance to use to serve the needy, sick and aged or to help the ignorant and the poor. Never forget this great lesson you have learn today. And daily prayer to your God any God and seek His blessings because all are His forms and we all are His children. and see God will make you happy. Jai Sai Ram. ................................................................................................................................. Prof Kasturi writes in his book; Loving God You might say that those Visions were boons of Grace from Swami... Not... always say, "Sadhana first, Sankalpa later". My Sankalna (Will) confers bliss only after assessing the depth of the Sadhana (Yearning) Sai Baba says.. Sadhna is essential pre-requisite. You were a professor for a long time. So you can easily understand this. You must have evaluated the answer scripts of many students. You assign marks only after careful scrutiny, to discover how diligent they have been in their studies. I also

measure and weight the sincerity and steadiness's of the sadhna in accordance with your progress. Many are not aware that the misery in which they find themselves can be negated by sadhna and the sankapla that can be won through it. ................................................................................................................................ This later I must add, does not reveal the amazing potency of Baba"s compassion Sankaracharya describes the Divine Task master as "Ahethuka" daya sindu."...The embodiment of Inexhaustible. compassion which does not examine credentials." Measuring and weighting Sadhana in order to measure out our Sankalpa is operative only after His Grace has led the straying steps into the fold. Even youth emerging out of teenage. Baba had announced to the world, through a letter to His elder brother, that He had decided to "hold by hand" and save the unfortunate who miss the road to "Freedom" from fear' "Abhaya in defied in the Upanishads with "Moksha" itself. Sai Ram ................................................................................................................................... A. GARLAND OF GRATITUDE OFFERED AT THE LOTUS FEET .............................................................................................................. Swami says: Nothing is wrong with you: "Where there is a will there is a way" is eminently true. At first the will is your own which has has to be strengthened by the thought of God until you convert it into the almighty will of God. You seems to be playing a particular game which you do not really desire to throw up. " You can change the game if you will...You are not weak and helpless, Every strength and power is within you. GOD-VISION is yours that very instant when you will it with concentration. Why you don't ?. Simply because you do not choose to ...Sai is not mocking. He is

perfectly earliest and is giving expression to the truths gathered from the depths of vision of truth his experience...Trust in and submission to the supreme will in all circumstances means the vision of truth, vision of the root principle of all creation. "If GOD wills: means only if you assert your own all -powerful will. The solution is therefore to awaken the inherent power and splendor of your soul. Do it. You are verily the immortal Truth; the great, deathless and changeless Reality. Be victory ever yours. With Blessings Baba. .................................................................................................................................... . DIVINE ASSURANCE BY INDULAL SHAH. "Laks and hundreds of thousands of people from distant countries come here giving up all all comforts and conveniences and they assembled here in the midst OF many limitations. But they have feelings of solidarity and unity. This level of single mindedness and solidarity cannot be found in any other organization except in the Sathya Sai organization.. Men and women from different parts of the world with different cultures and languages are willing to let go these differences and move together as a single unit with love, compassion and

integrity. They are enjoying the bliss which is possible only in the Sai Organization. In the Sathya Sai Seva organization, there should be no differences of high or low. All people should be participating in

service. Human life is given only for service, whatever strength. Power, authority, high position or education You may have acquired these things do not assure you of getting pleasure and joy that you derive from giving service. But whenever you give service, you are serving God. Then there will be joy. Service activities of the Sathya Sai Organization will be sanctified as true service only when they are dedicated as service to God. Service cannot always be taken up effectively by other organization, including the governments. The Sathya Sai organization can obtain success in this and achieve peace in the country. All of you can enjoy peace in the world, very shortly, but you have to convey your hearts with dedication to God. Only then you can achieve what you desire. You should not be satisfied with just undertaking service. You should ask your friends and relative to join in. Nobody should be afraid or ashamed of undertaking service. Have firm faith that your service as sacred and Divine. Do not be attached to thinking: "My friends will laugh at me when they see me sweeping the roads". Do not feel ashamed of whatever service` you have to do for the other under whatever circumstances you have to do. It is only the Sathya Sai Organization that there are lakhs (hundred of thousands) of such good, selfless workers. Because of the worker, we have been able to have these vast meetings. ..................................................................................................................................assembled in the bhajan hall too. Aarthi was offered at 6:05 pm Connie Shaw's recent

trip to see BabaJanuary 2002 Forwarded by: Holly SpragensDear Friends, Family, Brothers and Sisters, Colleagues,There were several unique features to our most recent trip to Sai Baba's Puttaparthi, India ashram. Rather than writing a lengthy report, I'll just hit the highlights to make the following very easy reading for you. Three of us from our center left about Dec. 16th and returned home to Colorado on Jan. 5th. The Indo-Pak struggles hit a new high - or was it a new low - while we were there but we felt utterly safe the entire time. Indiaphiles and Sai devotees willappreciate the details of the following:1. Crowds: Except for Christmas Day and New Year's Day, the crowds in Sai Kulwant Hall were so sparse that the hall was about three-quarters full most days.2. Weather was unseasonably cold for India with lots of

wool head-warmers and heavy shawls in sight.3. War and Expansion of Consciousness for Humanity: An American physician (anesthesiologist from the Midwest) with whom I spoke had two interviews before we were graced with ours on our last day, Jan.3rd. He reported in a group meeting of about sixteen people that Baba had said:a. Bush is frustrated with the war and with his advisors who have special interests as motivations.b. Baba will up the level human consciousness not in one step but by gradual stages.c. In response to the doctor's question, "Swami, how do You manage it when Muslims pray five times a day, Christians pray to You,and all are bombing each other?"Baba: These prayers are rote/automatic, not from the heart. I don't respond to such prayers. The way to deal with terrorism is not to kill people. Do you know who the real terrorists are? Hatred and jealousy in every heart. Deal with that in your own hearts, then we will have

peace."4. Healings: Another Indian-American family, with relatives in Delhi, had an interview the day after Christmas. (Dr. Sunny Ananda's parents and in-laws) Baba gave a Christmas Discourse as He always does (enjoining us to take the love of Jesus as our example).5. Resurrection: On Christmas Eve morning after Baba's darshan and before bhajan singing, one of His attendants expired on the temple veranda. He was about twenty-six and just keeled over. There were still a few doctors and others who had not yet gone to breakfast. They ran for Swami, Who was in the area and said, "Swami! Yourattendant has just expired! Shall we remove the body and call his parents immediately?" Baba replied, "Don't touch the body! Bring me a glass of water." When the water arrived, Baba sprinkled a few drops into the mouth of the deceased and brought him back to life. After the resurrection, Baba told him to rest for ten days, not to come todarshan, and not to give his

name out to protect his privacy and the health of the subtle bodies. Just as newborns have to rest away from the harsh vibrations of worldly people upon entry into our plane of existence, resurrected people also must take strict rest. When our friend Bharosa Adhikari of Nepal was resurrected by Baba after dyingof a heart attack during devotional singing in Sai Kulwant Hall, Baba later made her stay in the hospital for 16 days. She couldn't speak for 26 hours after being re-born.6. Other Resurrections: We now have knowledge of 19 resurrections and have personally met four people who have been brought back to life by Sathya Sai Baba.7. Unconfirmed Resurrection Report: We were told on Jan. 3, 2002 by a friend of 20 years, who is a permanent resident in the ashram, that Mr. Suri was resurrected twice by Baba last year. Surely there have been countless resurrections, the details of which will be shrouded in mystery.8. Our Interview: On Dec. 3, 2002,

four of us Americans (purple scarves) went into the Interview Room with ten Italians (orange ribbons with gold medallions) and six Russians (blue, white and yellow scarves). Baba manifested a three-diamond ring for an Italian man; a large diamond ring for another Italian; a gold and silver watch for a Russian.a. An Italian woman asked if the messages she had been receiving daily, and writing down, were from Him. He said "Yes, they are."b. Connie showed Baba the recent photo making the rounds and asked if the so-called Krishna photo with Baba's face on it were legitimate, as it looked very suspicious to her and she suspected it was a computer rendering with a fraudulent story attached to the photo re its origin. Baba said, "This is artificial. It is (like a) painting." Connie asked, "You mean, as on the computer, Swami?" Baba replied, "Yes, I don't like artificial (things)." He tossed it down.Connie thanked Him for confirming it.c. Baba healed a

boy with high blood pressure in the rear Interview Room. He said He would bless and heal others.d. Connie asked Baba in the rear room, "Swami, NO JOKING NOW, how much longer will the war last? Really, NO JOKING!"Baba: Really, no joking. (He made some invisible writing in the air.)Five years more. In 2007 there will be no more war. Peace on earth. Connie: Five more years?! Then really, truly the war will be over?Baba: Yes, you will see.Connie: Then what about the Golden Age (of Peace and Plenty which will last for a thousand years)? When will that actually be here?Baba: The Golden Age must begin in each person's heart. Then only can we have peace on earth. Each must start now to make the Golden Age in his heart.Connie: But Swami, we're all doing the best we can in that(department) now. I mean when will (all of) humanity agree - This is the Golden Age, here, now?Baba: In five years. 2007. By then. All

must do their part. Heblessed the group, answered personal questions and specifically told Connie to do Sai radio, TV and to write (books, articles) consistently. She has been doing radio and TV off and on for decades.9. Connie's friend, Mrs. Hejmadi, nearly died of cholera, but after 30 bottles of IV fluid and Baba's grace, she recovered and is back at work escorting devotees to the Interview Room. While in India and since, I have received extensive guidance that the year 2002 will stretch all of us in every possible way. We must not waste any time or energy and need to pray constantly and to be watchful for ways to selflessly serve those around us who may be confused, uninformed, depressed, ill, lonely, fearful, overwhelmed or otherwise unproductively engaged. Meet them where they are (in consciousness, belief), rally them to action serving others, and train as many people as possible to lead others to the Truth of Being within, regardless of creed,

culture, religion, caste, degree of ignorance or despair. Baba battery-charges us, we battery-charge each other. Runners: At your mark! (Race-car) Drivers: Start your engines. Light-workers: The count-down to the Golden Age and cessation of war has begun. Let's make our time and our lives (consciously) count!Lovingly, from the deep stillness of the I AM Presence Which suffuses all Being, Connie Shaw Source: http://www.geocities.com/saicenter_us/snl/snl_012802.htmlVisit Connie Shaw website: http://www.connieshaw.com ................................................................................................................................... CHINNA KATHA- A Little Story from Bhagavan The ‘JUDGing other’ jeopardy There is a widely prevalent habit now of judging others and labeling them as devotees or Nasthikas

(Atheists). What do you know? What can you know of the inner working of another’s mind? There was once a queen who was a great devotee of Lord Rama. She felt so sad that her husband, the Raja, never even uttered the name of Rama and had no devotion. She had vowed that the first occasion on which she got evidence of his devotion or at least respect for the name of Lord Rama, she would conduct Puja (worship) in all the temples and feed the poor on a lavish scale. A few days later, one night, while fast asleep, the Raja uttered the name of Rama thrice plaintively and prayerfully. She heard the Namasmarana (chanting of the Divine name) and was happy at the discovery of her husband’s devotion to Rama. She ordered general rejoicing throughout the kingdom and the feeding of the poor. The Raja did not know the reason for the celebration for he was only told that it was an order from the Queen, which the officers carried out. Similarly, a husband may not be aware of the excellence of a wife’s spiritual attainments. There is the case of a couple who were proceeding through a thick jungle on pilgrimage to an inaccessible shrine. The husband saw on the footpath a precious stone, shining brilliantly when the sun’s rays fell upon it from between the leaves. He hastily threw some sand over it with a movement of his foot so that his wife would not be tempted to

pick it up and become a slave to the tinsel. The wife saw the gesture and chided the husband for still retaining in his mind a distinction between sand and diamond. For her, both were the same. - Baba - Illustrations: Ms Vidya, Kuwait KOBE CENTER PROGRAMS Kobe Center Place : l.S.S. 2nd Fl. 1-3, Kumochi 5-chome, Chuo-ku, Kobe (Tel: 078-222-1885) Home Page MAP Bhajans Bhajan Practice Study Circle every Sun 4:00-5:00pmevery Thur 7:30-830pm 1st,5th Sun 2:00-3:40pm 2nd Sun 2:00-3:20pm3rd,4th Sun 2:30-3:40pm every Thur 7:00-7:20pm 2nd Sun 5:30-6:30pm (English)4th Sun 5:30-6:30 (Japanese) 2nd Sun 3:40-3:55 (Gayatri Chanting) Ladies Programme 3rd,5th Sun 5:30-6:30pm Youth Programme 3rd Sun 0:30-2:20pm 2nd Sun in odd months 5:30-6:15pm(Study Circle)1st Sun in even months 0:30-1:50 Seva Aisei-en (Orphanage home): 3rd Sun 9:30-11:30amNarayana Seva: 2nd,4th Sun 10:00-11:30am, 1st, 3rd Thur 9:00-10:00pm Veda Club Veda clup is held on every 4th Sunday after Bhajans. Study Circle in (Japanese) is held on every 2nd Sunday on 1st fl. Subscribe/Un information: (Free copy) To , please send your request to rgcjp To , please type “REMOVE” on the subject line and send to rgcjp ----------------------- SAI CENTERS: KOBE, YOKOHAMA, OSAKA, SAPPORE,HAMAMATSU OKINAWA, CHIBA, NAGOYA, TOKYO & KYOTO.' SAI BHAJAN GROUPS.: OBIHIRO, SAITAMA, SHIZUOKA, KITAKYUSHU, MORIOKA TAMA, NARA, FUKUOKA, TOHOKU, NAGANO, IWAKUNI, HIROSHIMA, KAGOSHIMA, GUNMA, KANAZAWA, KAGAWA. Note: Sometimes schedules is subject to change. Please contact respective centers and groups for information. CONTEN TS: SWAMI'S MESSAGE...GITA...BABA'S STORY...KRISHNA &

SUDAMA...SHIRDIBABA...COLONELJOGARA RAO...DACOIT IS FORGIVEN...LOVING GOD...GARLAND OF GRATITUDE...DIVINE ASSURANCES BY INDULAL SHAH..CONNIE SHAW...CHINNA KATHA...KOBE CENTERS PROGRAMS ........................................................................................................................................Ram ChuganiKobe, Japanrgcjp

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