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krishna/Ahimsa means.........

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sairam I have often been criticised at my addictive tendenciestowards Lord Krishna , That when they ask me , ' what truth you see in Krishna ? He followed wrong means in every phase of his llife. and he did his worst in the ' Guruk shethra' What is the meaning of '

he saved dharma ' ? when all his methods were trivial and opposite to dharma? " My critics educate me , through my answers to them . Swami answers their mockings .. indeed they are just making fun of my ways of devotion to Lord Krishna . But , there is immense beauty in their question . Now one could see the beautiful verses given below ! Truth is not that which we see merely on the surface ! Truth is that which transends TIME ! THAT WHICH TRANSENDS TIME MEANS , THAT WHICH CANPOSITIVISE THE NEGATIVES AND BRING THE CONDITION TO ZERO OR SILENCE . ( JUS LIKE +2-2 = 0 ) ! This is the purpose of the Krishna Avathar . Preserving TRUTH , transending TIME , through bringing about events! sairam sairam sairam sai rukmani "azhagi.com" <ongroup wrote:  Ahimsa (Non-violence) does not mean, as is commonly understood, not causing harm to others. It really means that one should not

cause harm to anyone in thought, word or deed. This is the most important human quality. Only when this has been developed, will one be qualified to practice and experience Truth. Truth does not mean merely telling the facts as one sees or knows them. Truth is that which does not change with time. It must be spoken with complete purity of mind, speech and body. - Divine Discourse, September 26, 1987. Love ALL Serve ALL.

God is Great.B. Viswanathan - from azhagi.com You are neither body nor mind. You are the birthless, deathless, limitless SELF - Ramana MaharishiYou have no parents. You were never born and You shall never die - Nisargadatta Maharaj

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