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wisdom of the divine !/Buddha's Gospel of the ..

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sairam What are tears ? Why does the eye shed tears ? Understanding it the Budha- way : Tear comes when the body or the mind is in trouble . Tears come only when such a pain exceeds a limit . But in vain does it solve problem at all !!! But , When this pain is removed out of emotions through surrenderto the Guru ( or God ) , a silence is born . The Guru transmutes the pain energy to bliss energy . Tears of joy pour ... This state is beyond the body -mind - emotions! What joy it is to really understand that TEARS ARE NOT MEANT

FOR THE DISPLEASURES OF THE BODY ! TEARS ARE MEANT FOR THE DIVINE ECSTACY ! THE DIVINE BLISS ! iT IS INDEED A DIVINE OUT-POUR AT WORK ! sairam sairam sairam sai rukmani Jitender Verma <saisewak02 wrote: Buddha's Gospel of the Good Life In Bhagavan Sri Sathya Sai Baba's own words Compiled by Rameesh & Ananda Kasturi Offered with lots of love and happiness at the Lotus feet of our beloved Swami, on the occassion of Buddhapoornima on 30.05.1999 Contents I. CHILDHOOD II. BUDDHA'S TEACHINGS III. UNDER THE BODHI TREE IV. THE NOBLE TRUTH TAUGHT BY BUDDHA V. LAST MOMENTS OF THE ENLIGHTENED ONE VI. THE DHAMMAPADA, THE VEDAS AND SATHYA SAI BABA VII. THE BRAHMIN - A POEM VIII. THE FIVE HUMAN VALUES IX. SATHYA SAI ABOUT SATHYA SAI AND 'SANATHANA DHARMA' X. USEFUL INFORMATIONS XI. BIBLIOGRAPHY XII. INDEX OF QUOTATIONS V. LAST MOMENTS OF THE ENLIGHTENED ONE Contents "Buddha summoned his step-brother Ananda to impart to him his final message. Ananda was the son of Gautami (Buddha's step-mother). Placing his palm on the head of the younger brother, Buddha said: "My dear child! I came to the world to teach the Truth. If anyone asks, 'Where is God?' the answer is: 'He is everywhere'. Truth is God. Speak the Truth. Do not harm anyone. Recognise that the highest Dharma is non-violence (Ahimsa). The supreme duty is refraining from causing harm to anyone. This truth is proclaimed in the scriptures in the exhortation: "Speak the Truth. Speak what is pleasing (Sathyam bruyaath; priyam bruyaath;) Thus, pleasing speech is declared as a supreme duty."18 S.S.B. "The time of leaving his body was approaching and Buddha noticed that his step-brother Ananda was shedding tears. He beckoned Ananda and told him: "Even till today, the world is not recognising the Reality. There

are thousands who experience sorrow at the sight of dying persons. But they make no effort to find out what experience is in store for the dead. I know the Truth about it. I am merging in that Truth. To shed tears at this prospect is not justified. It seems to me that you are grieving over the exhalted state that is impending for me. No human being should shed tears over the moment of death of any person."19 S.S.B. "Buddha declared: I'm not dying. Nor are you living. All have to give up this body. Therefore you must not shed tears." 20 S.S.B. "Tears are associated with the Divine and should be shed only for the sake of the Divine and not for trivial matters. Shed tears of joy. Grief is not a proper state for man. Hence no tears of sorrow should be shed." 21 S.S.B. The Enlightened One gave this last loving instruction to his disciples: "Brethren, I exhort you; all component things are transient. With diligence, work out your own salvation." 22 BUDDHA "Before his passing, Buddha taught his step-brother the transience of worldly pleasures and the meaningless-ness of a purely mundane existence. Buddha told him that he should not worry about what happens to the body which is perishable and full of infirmities. He exhorted Ananda not to bother about the body or the mind, but to lead a life based on the dictates of the conscience. Giving this advice, Buddha breathed his last." 23 S.S.B. SaiSewak, Bear all and do nothing;Hear all and say nothing;Give all and take nothing;Serve all and be nothing. Bollywood, fun, friendship, sports and more. You name it, we have it.

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