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Puttaparthi - 28th December 2007

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Puttaparthilive.com Newsletter


December 28th







Drama by overseas devotees this evening in Prasanthi Nilayam









This evening there was a drama in English by overseas devotees. The

drama was about the birth of Jesus Christ. Which small children

beautifully recreated. The Choir with some wonderful songs accompanied

them. After the drama the choir continued and sang few more songs.


Prasadam was distributed to all the devotees in Sai Kulwant Hall. Swami

also presented the performers and the Choir with clothes. With aarathi

the events ended for the day and Swami left for Yajur Mandir (swami's




Thought for the Day



















It does not suffice if in the name of

spiritual practice, you confine yourself merely to Japa (chanting),

Tapa (penance) and Dhyana (meditation). It is in fact Chittha Shuddhi

(purity of the mind) that leads to Jnana Siddhi (acquisition of

wisdom). Cultivation of purity of the mind is therefore the true

spiritual practice that you should undertake. With purity of the mind

and attainment of wisdom, man achieves equipoise.



(translated into Indonesian by Udayo Untarya




Tidaklah cukup bila engkau hanya berpuas diri

dengan praktek-praktek spiritual seperti Japa (mengulang-ulang

nama-nama Tuhan), Tapa (tapa-brata) dan Dhyana (meditasi). Chittha

Shuddhi (kemurnian batin) menghasilkan Jnana Siddhi (tercapainya

kebijaksanaan). Memupuk batin yang murni adalah jenis praktek spiritual

sejati yang harus engkau laksanakan. Dengan berbekal batin yang murni

dan kebijaksanaan, maka manusia akan memperoleh keseimbangan batin.



(translated into German by Margitta Bonds)



Es ist nicht ausreichend, wenn ihr im Namen

von spiritueller Übung euch selbst lediglich auf Wiederholung (Japa),

Buße (Tapa) und Meditation (Dhyana) beschränkt. Es ist tatsächlich die

Reinheit des Geistes (Chittha Shuddi), die zum Erwerb von Weisheit

(Jnana Siddhi) führt. Die Pflege der Reinheit des Geistes (mind) ist

deshalb die wahre spirituelle Übung, die ihr ausführen sollt. Mit einem

reinem Geist und dem erwerben von Weisheit, kann der Mensch

Gleichgewicht erreichen.



(translated into Spanish by Equipo Namo)



No es suficiente si en nombre de la práctica

espiritual, te limitas sólo a Japa (cantar), Tapa (penitencia) y Dhyana

(meditación). Es de hecho Chittha Shuddhi (pureza de la mente) la que

conduce a Jnana Siddhi (adquisición de sabiduría). Por lo tanto, el

cultivo de la pureza de la mente, es la verdadera práctica espiritual

que debes emprender. Con la pureza de la mente y la obtención de la

sabiduría, el hombre alcanza el equilibrio.


( translated into Italian by Mabatini )



Non è sufficiente se, in nome di qualche

pratica spirituale, vi ritirate a recitare semplicemente per fare Japa

( recitazione), Tapa (penitenza) e Dhyana ( meditazione) . E’ infatti

la purezza della mente (Chitta Shuddi) che porta ad acquisire la

saggezza (Jnana Siddi). Coltivare la Purezza della mente è pertanto la

vera pratica spirituale a cui ci si deve sottoporre. Con la purezza

della mente e l’ottenimento della saggezza l’uomo raggiunge il suo

perfetto equilibrio.






























































































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