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A Wonderful Incident

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This is a wonderful Incident that happened to one of my Dear Friends, It is a really wonderful Incident :



In 1986 in Prasanthi Nilayam when the First sports meet was held everyone was practising very hard and during one of the sessions Myself and another Boy got hurt very badly and we were in our rooms with Fractures to our legs, Swami was not told as the sports meet was the Next day and everyone was busy.


That evening before the sports meet, Swami came for a full rehearsal and Swami sat for around 2 Hours, Swami gave Namaskar to everyone and When Swami was leaving the Hill View Stadium, Swami car suddenly Took a right Turn towards the hostel rather than the left towards the Mandir, everyone thought Swami was going to see Sai Geetha as she was to come to the Hill View Stadium fully decorated for the opening function, Surprisingly Swami drove into the Hostel, No one was there as everyone was in the Stadium, Swami walked three Floors right upto the top floor of the Hostel Building and came right into our room and asked us what had happened, Before we could say anything, Swami called the warden and told him that " What should Swami answer to both their parents if they saw them like this ?", Swami said That "I knew everything since they fell down", Swami gave us Prasadam and some Sweets for us. We were all in a Daze.That is Swami's Love

and Grace. We might think that Swami is so far away Physically and does not remember us, It never happens like that, Swami always remembers each and everyone of us in Differnt ways. Remembered you by taking your letter, A Divine Mesage that Swami is everyone at all times.


Om Sai Ram

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